

Eric was glad Stacy still thought it was okay if he gave Ashlee riding lessons. He really was looking forward to it, and was hoping he hadn't messed things up too badly. 

Realizing he was still looking down at his work, he feels a might stupid. For this whole thing. For the things he'd just said. For pulling away from her. He didn't even know why he felt any kind of nervous at all. He trusted Stacy, for sure. What was it she did to him every time she was near? It was almost... scary. And yet... it felt good. He was too afraid to acknowledge what he thought it might be. It couldn't be that. He wasn't ready for that. He might never be again. Surely it was just some fleeting feelings that would fade quickly... right? His heart reminds him what he'd felt the evenings in the hayloft. And yesterday when she'd gone missing. And when he'd had his arms around her on the ride home. Curse his heart for deceiving him. That's all this was. Some silly deception of emotions. 

Forcing himself to look up at Stacy, he catches her eye. Deception? As an involuntary smile spreads on his lips, he wonders. "I enjoy it, you know that. And I'll do my best to live up to your trust." 

Pausing, he knew she needed to go. And for a moment, he's almost disappointed that he would be alone again. But... he'd come here to be alone in the first place, right? There he went again in circles. If she hadn't been standing there, he would have rolled his eyes. Instead, though, he bites his lip. He usually either skipped lunch or ate alone in his usual corner. But today.... 

"See you at lunch?"

Hit with the piece of ice, Hunter gains a silly grin and shakes his head. He'd continue the little war, but he gives her a chance to speak instead.

No emotions? What was she talking about? He tries to remember all the things Kyle had told him. He knew she dated some guy named Jason and they were both Elite agents. Kyle had mentioned they had some telepathic connection and while Hunter had found it hard to swallow, he'd believed his friend. 

Still listening, Hunter's eyebrows rise slightly. The connection was gone? How? Why? Did it just go poof, or had they done something? Kyle had said that it had caused some problems... had they been able to, like, not be connected on purpose? It was too strange of a question to ask.

And then... to have Katie tell him that making her laugh had been an accomplishment... it was... strangely sobering. Hunter didn't feel proud of it in the least - not when he saw the dim look in Katie's eye. It was like all of a sudden she was hallow... dark, almost. And so sad. 

His smile had faded. Sitting up straight, he leans his elbows on the table and looks across at Katie, his expression softer than it had been all evening. "I'm sorry I was so flippant. I didn't realize." Still studying her eyes, he tries to figure her out without asking all the questions on his mind. "You okay? I mean... is there something I can do?"


As Eric removes his hands Stacy shifts a little on the bale. The strange tention now coming over them it was a bit strange and confused Stacy just a little bit. Picking at a peace of straw Stacy takes a few and starts to brad them herself before looking up at Eric again giving a chuckle.

   "It was ok the first time you asked me, and now that all the miss understandings are cleared up its still ok that you do."

Standing up Stacy sticks her hands into her pockets knowing she would have to go soon and finish her rounds. Maybe it was the best thing too since she might of embarrassed Eric a little bit or so it seemed.

   "She really will enjoy that and I know you'll keep her safe. So I have no problem with it at all Eric, and thank you for doing everything you have for her."

Katie rolls her eyes again at Hunter and his comment. She couldn't just get a straight answer from him could she? Maybe he just did had a bunch of different masks he liked to put on at different times. Sounds liked a pretty crappy way to live if you asked her.

Having Hunter toss the paper at her Katie swats it away before taking a peace of ice and throwing it at him grinning a little. Hearing his next question her smile faded just a little. Was she really being that cold?

   "Don't get a big head its just hard to warm up when you can't feel any emotions."

Katie looks down at the table for a moment  and plays with a ring of water her glass had left. She new Hunter probley wouldn't understand and he might as more questions than she was really willing to answer right now. Than again Kyle could of told him more about her and Jason than she thought too.

   "It's a long story but it involves my boyfriend Jason and a special connection we once had that's gone. However you got me to laugh tonight, you got me to feel something good so thats an accomplishment you can feel good about."

Different Sides

Eric could feel even more heat rise to his face and his eyes remain downward. It wasn't easy for him to take a compliment - it was even harder coming from Stacy. 

Grinning a little, he curls his fingers in to give her hand a squeeze. "I'm not real sure what's so amazing."

Feeling strangely like a schoolboy, Eric lets go of her hand and turns back to his whip and twine. He knew for certain she could see his red face, and he really wishes he knew why his stomach was suddenly doing crazy things. 

Beginning to braid the twine again, he keeps himself busy. "I... I never asked... is it still okay if I teach Ashlee how to ride? I wasn't sure after.... well, you know... after everything."

Hunter chuckles and shakes his head, his eyes falling to the table for a moment before bouncing back up to Katie's face. "Eh... you know us guys... we got a reputation to keep up with." 

He grins then shrugs. "I dunno... I suppose there's some weird glamor in it all. I desert race. Lots happening... lots expected of a person. It all just... sorta happens."

For a brief moment, a look of almost-sadness crosses his face. Deep down there was a part of him who really didn't like this life at all. Getting drunk and arrested the other night... he might have laughed it off and acted like he was having a great time, but in reality... it really had been pretty lousy. And he did like racing... but all the attention and alcohol and partying... it was starting to leave a bad taste in his mouth whether he wanted to admit it or not. People thought he was a lot more than he really was. Even the girls. He never took one home, although he gave everyone the impression he did. Maybe he found it harder to play this role than he originally thought.

A new grin quickly forms. "Or, I'm just a guy with lots of different sides and I can pick and choose which side to show when I want. It keeps other people guessing and on their toes." 

Picking up a straw wrapper and balling it up between his fingers, he tosses it teasingly at Katie. "You, however, are hiding behind a weird wall of coolness that I can't quite figure out. Do you ever warm up, or is it just guys like me that turn you off?"


Stacy gives a chuckle at Eric's comment and a little nod. They sure didn't but maybe hanging around here a little bit longer she would quickly learn how to fend them off if she needed too. Her smile grows at the thought and she shakes her head.

Looking up as Eric said he was happy she was ok Stacy smiled. Hearing he had been worried, really worried she cocked her head a little bit. After everything had happened and he had not yet known why she was so angry he was still worried about her? He's been able to look past all that for the moment to be worried. Stacy had to admit it did make her feel good inside. To know someone cared about her...it had been along time.

As Eric reaches out and takes her hand Stacy looks down there hands together. They seemed to almost fit together no matter what way he had them. A chill running up her arm and down her spine. She could feel coming to her cheeks at his words but she could feel a warmth in her heart. He really did notice her...that much?

   "Thank you Eric...for...just being you and making me feel good."

As his hand still lingered  on her's Stacy closed her fingers just a little bit around his. They might be working hands but they were still soft, and still nice. They were hands of someone who had much to offer even if he didn't think so. She though he did...there was just something soft behind his eyes.

   "I think...Your pretty amazing yourself."

Rolling her eyes Katie heads for the door and waits for Hunter. Following after him Katie just drives wondering where they were going but waiting to see. Pulling up to the bar Katie quirts an eyebrow wondering if this was such a good idea but she was here now she might as well try and enjoy it.

...Settling into the booth and figuring out what she wanted to eat Katie finally leaned back and looked across the table at Hunter. Hearing his question Katie shifts a little bit. Why did she deiced to come out after all?

   "Well...I was bored, you were bored and...we both wanted to kill time so why not right?"

Continuing to search his face again Katie wondered what his angel was and why it always seemed like he was contrasting himself. One minute he was one way and the next he was completely different.

   "So, now a question for you...How come you contradict you act so all that if you not think you are?"

Gotta Ask

As Stacy reaches over to his hand, Eric ceases his work, confused as to what she was doing. Her touch was warm... soft... just like he remembered on their ride home last night. A little tingle runs down his spine as she speaks. Was she trying to read his story? Was she, out of all people, taking the time?

He's about to close his fingers around hers when she withdraws, leaving him staring awkwardly down at the twine again. As she shows him her head, he glances up and chuckles. "Yeah... the police academy don't teach anybody how to fight trees."

His gaze returns to his task as a rather awkward silence takes over the barn until a low rumble of thunder echos through. Eric finishes separating the twine and is ready to braid it again when he pauses. Looking to the side, he studies Stacy for a moment. Her eyes. Her cheeks. Her lips. Her hair. She was very beautiful. "I'm... I'm glad you're okay," he comments quietly. "I was um..." He clears his throat. "Kinda worried about ya yesterday." No, that wasn't true. His gaze drops. "Well... really worried, actually."

He shrugs, wondering why all of a sudden he felt a slight chill. What he did know, however, was what he wanted to say. Setting aside the twine and whip, he turns just a little towards Stacy, reaching over and taking her hand. Turning it over, he runs a finger through her palm, his eyes following. "I was worried 'cause..." His finger finds a callous. "You're a hard worker..." His touch lightly runs over a faint scar. "...a dedicated mother..." He finds a small cut from yesterday. "...very brave..." His finger settles into the softness of her palm to linger there. "...and a fine woman." 

Swallowing hard, he could feel the heat in his face. But he wasn't sorry. He was telling the truth - the truth that he was taking the time to see her story too. He didn't know why she bothered to try and get to know him. His story wasn't a very grand one and was full of his own pitfalls. He had very little to offer. But for some reason, she was trying to get to know him more... and respected that... and it made him feel good. And he wanted her to know that she hadn't slipped his gaze either. 

Staring down at her hand, Eric suddenly finds himself unable to lift his eyes. Maybe this made her uncomfortable. Maybe he shouldn't have taken her hand. Maybe this would only embarrass her.

"Right. Nothing even remotely close to a date. Got it." Hunter raises his hands again in surrender. "Guess that scratches the goodnight kiss, but..." He sighs deeply. "I'll try to live without it." Realizing he'd yet again said too much, he shakes his head, a little color coming to his face. "Sorry. Forgive my impulsiveness. It happens in the presence of beautiful young ladies." 

Seeing the clerk walk by, Hunter stifles a laugh. They better get out of here before they really got into trouble. "Okay, I can pick the place," he agrees. "Lemme finish my shopping and meet you out front."

Within ten minutes, Hunter had his grocery sacks and met Katie out in front of the store. Grinning, he nods to the parking lot. "I'm in the blue car." He casually points to his racing car. "Follow me and I'll lead the way to our da... dinner." Tossing her a wink, he heads to his car and watches to see where Katie goes so he'd know which car to look for in his rearview mirror...

...Fifteen minutes later, Hunter has chosen After Hours Bar & Grill, knowing they served dinner late into the evening. It wasn't too late yet, but enough that it might be hard to find something decent and Hunter's tastebuds had shifted from chips and salsa to steak. 

Leading the way inside, he asks for a table in the side room, a good long ways from the bar and smoke. The lighting was a little dim, but not too bad, and they get a booth back in the corner by a window so it didn't feel too claustrophobic.

After ordering, Hunter situates himself sideways in the booth to lean against the window with his feet stretched across the booth. Grinning a little, he looks over at Katie. "I'm sorry, but I just gotta ask... what possessed you to come with me tonight? I know good and well I'm not 'all that,' even though I act like it."


Still eyeing Hunter Katie shakes her head and rolls her eyes at the same time. Why on earth was she doing this? Hunter was rediculace, a flirt, and....and...he made her laugh. It made Katie feel kind of good. Maybe thats why she wanted to have dinner with him.

   "No way, you can't pay. If you pay its a date and it can't be a date I have a boyfriend. I'll pay for me, you pay for you."

Katie waves her finger at him before turning back to her cart and pulling the bag of chips out and setting them in a random spot on the shelf. At the moment once again she see the same clerk go by. Letting her eyes get slightly big Kaite gives a wave to him before looking back to Hunter.

   "Guess I wont need those. I can go shopping tomorrow. And...since I wont let you pay, you pick where we eat that can be your make up. Make it someplace good too would ya."

Katie raises an eye brow at him before sticking out her toung. For a second she felt...a slight bit silly. Why she wan't sure maybe it was just the whole event of the night with the chips leading up to here and now. It was odd, but...it felt...good.

Sitting down with Eric Stacy continues to watch him. It was interesting what he was doing and though she had no idea what he was talking about it was still kind of cool to watch him work. He new what he was doing for sure and he was good at it.

   "Mmmm...You're really good at that. It's easy to tell you have been doing it for a while."

Stacy reaches out to Eric's hand that was holding the rope Stacy runs her fingers over Eric's for a moment and than on his palm between the rope. Feeling the caleses she new he had working hands that though he drove truck he did a lot around the ranch that had caused these and that meant he cared what happened.

   "It's funny how the texture of our hands can tell a whole story without us even knowing it, as long as someone takes the time to read."

Moving her hand away Stacy can feel her cheeks getting a little red. She couldn't believe she'd just done that. What had come over her to cause her to do that...Maybe it was the pain killers Angel had her on?

Shifting a little on the bale Stacy turns a little to point to the side of her head where is was black and blue with a few stitches. Nothing to bad, but it didn't look wonderful either. She gives a little laugh.

   "Just think I've taken down some bad people in my time and nothing to major happened. I get a fight with the ground and a tree and I get banged up. Sounds backwards huh?"