
Love to

For a few moments, Eric senses Stacy is going to say no, and he could feel his heart sinking just a little bit. Had he come on too strong? Or too sudden? 

But as she continues, his hopes surface again. Hearing her words, his heart gains a strange feeling. He wasn't really sure what it was. It was heartache, knowing her past and how she'd been hurt. It was empathy, being able to relate to that hurt and the hesitance to try anything again. It was compassion, knowing full well the desire to be gentle and take things slow. 

Coming to a halt and forcing Stacy to stop too, he takes her shoulders and turns her to face him. Looking down into her eyes, his smile is warm. "Whether things between us ever go any further or not... I will go slowly... as long as you go slowly with me. I will be gentle... as long as you're gentle with me. And I will bear with you... as long as you bear with me too."

Leaning down, he gives her lips a soft, tender kiss before retreating again. "I ain't really sure what I'm doing, or if I'm doing it right, so you're gonna have to tell me if I do something wrong... but... I'd love to date you, Stacy Cullen."

Seeing Dalton bring out the nameplates, a lump rises in Scott's throat. He'd had no idea they'd even been kept, let alone that Dalton had really been waiting for him to return. He hadn't been so sure he'd ever be back here again... but his friend had had more faith than he. 

Reaching down, he runs his finger over the nameplate on the desk before he looks back up at Dalton. His eyes glisten and it takes him a moment to control his emotions. "Thank you... Dalton. This, um... this really means a lot to me." 

Coming around the desk, he sits in his old chair and is quiet for several moments, his eyes just studying the computers. "I'm... I'm trying really hard to get my life back. Some days it's easier than I thought, and other days it's a whole lot harder than I thought. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and think I ought to be back at Brookshire. Sometimes I sleep a whole night through and know I really am recovering." 

He pauses again before sighing deeply. "I think though that... what I need to remember is... I'm not the same person anymore. What I've been through has changed me, whether I like it or not. And I can regain some of my old self and my inner core is always the same... but my reactions, thought processes, how I think, my decisions... they're all different now. And I've been fighting it for so long that... maybe I failed to see that it's okay to be different than I was." 

His eyes move to look at Dalton, hoping his friend understood. "I guess my biggest fear is other people not understanding and hoping that I'm just the same old Scott when... I'm not... and I'm not going to be. I just don't want to disappoint anybody." 


Letting Eric lock hands with her once again after Dylan was gone the smile remains on Stacy's face. It really was starting to be nicer here than she had thought it would be. She felt like part of the family, and so quickly everyone had accepted Ashlee so quickly. It was really there own personal haven.

   "Well, I..."

Stacy lets out a long sigh. Its not that she didn't want to be more than friends with Eric she liked him a lot. It just had been such a long time since she dated anyone she wasn't sure if she was in the loop anymore. Was she really ready to open her heart to someone again?

   "I haven't dated anyone in a long time Eric. I like you a lot, your great to be around, and Ashlee loves you to death."

Stacy continues to walk as she talks. Remembering yesterday and this moment now she can't help that her heart skips a beat. A smile spreading across her face as she continues to think about it. That alone told her there were feelings there.

   "I'm scared to open my heart again to someone, if you promise to be gentile, bear with me, and we take it slow I will be willing to be more than friends with you...if...if thats what you want too."

Hearing Scott mention a cubicle Dalton cocks his head and than shakes it before going into his desk drawer and pulls two items out. Standing and walking to the door Dalton slips the one peace of plastic into the door with Scott's name on it. Taking the other peace he places the name plate onto the desk with Scott's name on it.

   "I wouldn't want anyone else in this office with me but you. I've been waiting for you to come back."

Dalton can't help the large smile that spreads across his lips. He really did enjoy sharing his space with Scott. They had always challenged each other, entertained and just worked well together. Dalton was happy he had his friend back.

   "I really did miss you around here. It was to quiet."


Dylan smirks a little and nods. "Yeah... yeah I had a nice time." Getting caught like this only caused to remind him why Stacy was here in the first place though, and it was not how he wanted to end his day. However, there was more surprise in his eyes than he realized. She really wasn't even going to chide him? He knew coming this way hadn't been the smartest thing in the world, but she wasn't even going to say it? He wasn't quite sure how to take that.

"I'll um... get back to my bunk now. You two..." He looks back and forth between Stacy and Eric, guessing that they hadn't just happened to wind up here at the same time. "Have a good time." 

Watching Dylan walk away, Eric quirks an eyebrow at that last comment. That boy was too smart for his own good. Looking over at Stacy, he shakes his head. "I don't know what's worse - finding an actual intruder, or discovering it's him making his own trouble." He more amused than upset though.

Moving closer again, he returns his hand to hers. "So... where were we?" He starts forward at a slow pace once more. "Oh yes..." Now that he was there though, he wasn't quite sure how to proceed. His hand swings Stacy's a little and his eyes move to the ground as they walk. "Are we... I mean... do you..."

As his cheeks grow warm, he stops and turns to face her, giving her a sheepish grin. "I ain't got a clue what I'm trying to ask," he admits. "Well maybe I do... Was last night how you want it? I mean... you and me... us?" His fingers remain interlocked with hers and he looks down into her eyes with question and hope. "I don't wanna do nothin' you don't, but..." He shrugs, not knowing if he was making sense or not. They'd said a lot last night while at the miniature golf course, but nothing was conclusive in his mind. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment and Stacy didn't really want anything more than that. If that were true, then he needed to know so he didn't make any more a fool of himself. Although he thought she'd been hinting this evening that dating him wouldn't be so bad.

"I guess I'd like to be more than friends with you... if you'd like it too." He swallows hard. "Least ways then I could... treat ya special like I want to."

Getting pulled into the giant hug and being lifted off the floor, Scott can't help but laugh. Dalton was like a big brother and always made Scott feel wanted. If he ever needed anything, he knew he could count on Hulk to come through. 

With his feet back on the ground, he grins and shakes his head. "I'm alright. One day at a time, ya know?" 

Letting Dalton go back to the desk, Scott wanders in the office further and tucks his hands in his pockets. "I, um... just got done talking to Reese and he said there was still a job for me here. Not sure what I can handle yet - I'm just now starting to be by myself at home again, but... I'd like to give something around here a try. So..." 

He looks at the computers then back to Dalton. "I was thinking maybe starting out like a couple days a week or something? I know there's a couple cubicles open on the main floor if you've gotten used to having your own office, and I'm okay with that."  

Little Buddy

Seeing it was Dylan Stacy lets out a small sigh of releaf and holsters her gun. She was thankful it was only him, and that he was ok. She new he new better than to be about this late but they couldn't baby him all the time. He had to have a life too and since he was at Sparky and Faith's, she new at least it was safe there.

   "I think today...he dosn't need either. As long as he had a nice time with them that is?!"

Stacy crosses her arms over her chest and just looks at Dylan with a grin on her lips. She could be upset about this but what was the point? There was no harm done, and everyone was ok. This could of turned out far worse and Stacy new it.

   "I will, thanks again Rick."

Misty gives a smile and a nod to Rick. She new he was there for her and he would help in anyway he could. For than she was thankful. Not the next step was figuring out when to tell Carson. Misty hoped he would be excited but at the same time she new he would be upset too. She hadn't planned for this to happen its just...did.

Typing away at the computer Dalton was totally into what he was doing. Hearing the knock he doesn't even look up but waves the person in. Hearing Scott's voice though his head snaps up and what he had been working on had been forgotten.

   "Scott...of course you can."

Standing up Dalton can't help it he goes over to Scott and puts his arms around him in a hug lifting him off the ground a little bit. He missed Scott around here so much, and he missed talking to him as well. He was his friend, the brother he never had...oh how he had missed him.

   "How are you little buddy?"


The rustling in the underbrush comes to a sudden halt at Stacy's command. 

Dylan freezes in his tracks, having not even realized someone else was out here. Taken by surprise, his pulse races as he feels a surge of adrenaline. Just his luck, it was Stacy, and he could get in a lot of trouble for being out here by himself at this hour with no one watching him. Not to mention, he knew she had a gun, so he was pretty close to getting shot if he made a wrong move here. 

"Fire, and you'll be shooting the same guy that you're here to protect," he responds dryly, covering up the fact that he'd just been startled out of his wits. Hoping he was in the clear, he dares to complete his route, emerging onto the path, his hands out to his side... just in case. 

Seeing Dylan, Eric lets out the breath he'd been holding. "Dylan, why... what in the blazes are you doing out here at this hour?" 

Dylan slowly lowers his hands and rolls his eyes. "Going for a stroll." 

"Come on now - you know it ain't safe out here." 

"I know, I know!" Dylan had already gotten the same speech from Sparky. "I was at Sparky and Faith's and we got to playing a game and lost track of time. I was just taking a shortcut back from their place is all." 

Eric smirks, setting his hands on his hips. He gives Stacy a sidelong glance. "Does this mean he gets away with a warning, or do you still shoot him for being stupid?" 

Dylan's eyes narrow, more embarrassed than upset.

Rick holds his smile and gives Misty's shoulder a squeeze. "You're welcome. I'm honored to be the first to know, and I won't tell a soul 'til you're ready." He could tell by the look in her eye that she was pleased and excited, which made him so happy for her. But he also knew that Carson didn't want kids - he'd talked about it enough that it was common knowledge. With his background, and both of their connections to the Agency and the danger of the Elite, Carson had no trouble telling people that he didn't want to risk having a family. Because of that, Rick knew now that no matter how thrilled Misty was, it had to be hard for her thinking about telling Carson. 

"You need anything, just let me know."

Jason returns to his office from taking out the trash, and sinks down in his chair with a sigh. His buzzing cell phone on his desk makes him jump and he realizes he'd missed a call and there was a voice mail waiting for him. Seeing the number, he hesitates. But it had been several days and... he needed to listen to it. 

Jase, it's Sandy. I know you've gotten my texts. 

He had. She'd apologized and asked to talk to him and he'd put off responding. He probably should have at least acknowledged her texts, but he hadn't yet known what to even say to her.

I just really want you to know that I'm so sorry for kissing you at the concert. I don't know what I was thinking. I... I do like you but I know you don't feel that way about me, and it was just pure impulse and I'm just... I'm sorry. I never wanted to cause trouble with your girlfriend and I really didn't want to ruin our friendship. I've really enjoyed your company lately and... I guess I just hope I didn't mess up too bad. Call me? Or text me? Please? Can we talk? 

Jason leans back in his chair, replaying her words in his mind. He was sure her feelings for him didn't run very deeply, and he was pretty sure that if he were to talk to her, she'd tell him she would never kiss him again and still want to be just friends. Which is what he wanted - he didn't have any feelings for her at all - not like that anyway. He was flattered that she'd kissed him, but that was as far as it went. And now... he knew that it was only right that he at least talk to her. She might have done something stupid, but that didn't give him the right to give her a cold shoulder. The pain from Katie was slowly turning numb... numb enough that he could probably talk to Sandy about it now. He wouldn't blame her for the breakup - she might have pushed everything over the edge, but it was Katie who walked away without giving him a chance. He wouldn't let Sandy feel guilty about that. 

Looking back down at his phone, he sighs again. Opting to text instead of call, he sends her a message.
Got your voicemail. Sorry Ive ignored u. Long story.
Yeah lets talk. 
He pauses, thinking for a moment, and realizing that he no longer had a reason not to see Sandy alone. He had no one to be jealous or upset with him for seeing her anymore. 
How about lunch tomorrow? 
Sandwich Basket?
That would have to do. He was pretty confident he'd work things out with Sandy and he'd still be able to hang out with her and the guys. That much was good, and he was glad. But that didn't mean he still didn't have a gaping hole in his heart right now.

"...I've been living on my own again for this past week and so far it's been okay." Scott sits in Reese's office, fidgeting a little as he speaks. "Still have some troubles but... but overall it's going well and Justin's still keeping track of me." He nods, feeling the hope that he truly was overcoming obstacles. "That said, I um... well I was wondering if... I mean I'm not sure you need a second tech guy anymore but..."

Reese smiles and leans back in his chair, shaking his head. "Scott..."

Scott glances up expectantly. "Yes?"

"You may not realize it, but you never really lost your place here."

"I... I didn't?"

"No. And even if I would have tried, Dalton would have killed me." Reese chuckles. "But I never did try because I didn't want to. I always hoped you would be back."

"Wow... really?"

"Well sure." Reese's smile remains. "You have no idea how much we like having you around here, let alone need you. Dalton's a great guy, but even he only has two hands. He's got work coming out his ears."

Scott grins a little. "Why didn't you ever hire anybody else?"

"Because... the chair in that office only belongs to one person."

Scott glances down, feeling very good and very humble. "I... I'm not sure what to say."

"Say whatever you like. Do you want your job back?"

"Maybe..." Scott swallows hard. "I have to be honest... I don't know yet how much I can handle. Maybe I could just come in a couple days a week? I hope I can do well and handle it, but I can't make any promises."

Reese nods. "I understand and that's perfectly acceptable. How about you think about it a little more and decide exactly what you want and how you'd like to try this out. Let me know and we'll go from there."

...A few minutes later, Scott finds himself knocking on Dalton's door and sticking his head in the office. "Hey, Hulk..." He manages a smile. "Can I interrupt?"