

Letting Eric lock hands with her once again after Dylan was gone the smile remains on Stacy's face. It really was starting to be nicer here than she had thought it would be. She felt like part of the family, and so quickly everyone had accepted Ashlee so quickly. It was really there own personal haven.

   "Well, I..."

Stacy lets out a long sigh. Its not that she didn't want to be more than friends with Eric she liked him a lot. It just had been such a long time since she dated anyone she wasn't sure if she was in the loop anymore. Was she really ready to open her heart to someone again?

   "I haven't dated anyone in a long time Eric. I like you a lot, your great to be around, and Ashlee loves you to death."

Stacy continues to walk as she talks. Remembering yesterday and this moment now she can't help that her heart skips a beat. A smile spreading across her face as she continues to think about it. That alone told her there were feelings there.

   "I'm scared to open my heart again to someone, if you promise to be gentile, bear with me, and we take it slow I will be willing to be more than friends with you...if...if thats what you want too."

Hearing Scott mention a cubicle Dalton cocks his head and than shakes it before going into his desk drawer and pulls two items out. Standing and walking to the door Dalton slips the one peace of plastic into the door with Scott's name on it. Taking the other peace he places the name plate onto the desk with Scott's name on it.

   "I wouldn't want anyone else in this office with me but you. I've been waiting for you to come back."

Dalton can't help the large smile that spreads across his lips. He really did enjoy sharing his space with Scott. They had always challenged each other, entertained and just worked well together. Dalton was happy he had his friend back.

   "I really did miss you around here. It was to quiet."

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