

Dani knew Dalton was trying to take care of her too, even though he was the one in the hospital bed. Wincing as he coughs, she opts to just do what he asks, even though she wanted to stay. She didn't want him worrying about her and feeling worse. "Alright... I'm going." 

Giving his hand a final squeeze she finally leaves. A shower would feel nice... and maybe just a short nap would be alright.

...It wasn't too much later when there's a new tap on the hospital door. Carson had been sitting, waiting and watching until Dani had left. He'd had a hunch she'd wind up going home at some point, and he'd just as soon avoid another confrontation. Or maybe he just didn't want to see her angry with him again.

"Dalton?" He eases into the room, not wanting to aggravate the big man. As far as he knew, Dalton could be just as offish as everybody else. He could despise Carson just like the others at the Elite did. Regardless, Carson felt the need to at least stop by once. Dalton had been one of his friends... and even though he'd messed up, he had a little bit of hope left that somebody would forgive him. 

"I, um... just wanted to see how you were." He wanders a little closer to the bed. "Heard about what happened and all. Stopped by a few days ago, but... well, Dani didn't want me around." 

It wasn't often that Tal let his passion run whatever direction it wanted, but today he wasn't paying too much attention to what his norm was. He and Ryan had come too close to losing each other, and he let his affections speak for themselves - he didn't want anybody but her. 

Murmuring with pleasure, he loved feeling Ryan's own passion returned to him. It was warm. A confirmation that she really did want him. Shifting his weight a little, he sends kisses down her neck then up again, returning to her lips. He really didn't care what time it was or how long they spent in each other's arms. He'd simply never tire of Ryan's affection, no matter how many minutes ticked by. Her fingers running through his hair send tingles down his spine and he responds with a deeper kiss, letting her know he liked it. 

"What the... aw man!" Eli cringes and turns around to walk into the kitchen instead. "I did not need to see that!" Apparently his entrance had gone unheard by the two lovebirds on the couch, and seeing them making out wasn't exactly on his list of things to do.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, Tal recoils, his eyes wide. But looking down at Ryan, he grins before starting to laugh. He'd love to stay here all afternoon and just cuddle for as long as they wanted, but it would seem as though today was not the day and... Eli's reaction was pretty funny. "I say we just keep going," he whispers, still grinning. Returning for another short but rather passionate kiss, his eyes twinkle. "Maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away."

"I heard that!" 

Tal laughs again, before pushing himself up by his arms to release Ryan. Yes, he'd like to stay here the rest of the day... but better sense told him that maybe Eli's entrance was a good thing. Shifting to prepare to get up, Tal's hand slips off the edge of the couch. Before he knew what was happening, he was lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Blinking, he turns to give Ryan a cautious look. "Um..." He chokes on a laugh. "Was that as graceful as it felt?" 

Hearing the loud bang, Eli pokes his head out of  the kitchen, muttering under his breath. "What in tarnation are they..." From his angle, Tal had disappeared completely. "Ryan, you scared him away!" 


About to say something in return Ryan is silenced by Tal's kiss. Being pushed back onto the couch Ryan wraps her arms around Tal and lets a small giggle out before returning her lips to his. Bringing her on hand to the back of his head she runs her fingers through his hair as his other is on his back. Wrapping her legs around him Ryan lets her feels flow back to him as a soft murmer is formed in her throat. Just letting how to felt speak through her actions. 

Moving her lips from Tal's for a second Ryan kiss his cheek before moving down to his jawline and than his neck placing a few more kissed there and than making her way back up to his lips one more letting that kiss linger longer.

Smiling at Dani Dalton gives her the best smile he can. Giving a laugh at her comment it send him into a coughing attack but once it is calmed he looks at her and smiles shaking his head.

   "I don't think I will be running off anywhere anytime soon. Now on now, and hurry back."

Giving a reasure smile he wanted Dani to know he would be ok. He would be ok and if she wanted to go for a little bit everything would be alright. Even thought he was hurt her health was still important too.

Catch uP

Tal just holds Ryan close, keeping her on his lap. He was relieved she forgave him... he wouldn't have known what to do otherwise. He felt terrible for having lost his temper. It wasn't something he often did, and it didn't feel good. 

Realizing Ryan was crying, he tilts her head back to catch her tears with his thumb. "Hey... quit that or I'll start crying too," he teases softly. "I've missed you too... and I think we've got at least an evening's worth to catch up on..." 

Grinning, he gently pushes Ryan to her back on the couch, moving to rest over her, holding his weight on his elbows. His foot gives her leg a teasing nudge before he lowers his lips to hers. Kissing her long and deep, he lets it speak for his heart... for words wouldn't do justice anyway. 

Dani giggles and shakes her head. "I would imagine you don't feel so great. But you always look great... just so you know." 

Sighing, she finally straightens, lifting her head. "I guess I won't argue with you... but I'm coming back." 

Standing up, she gives Dalton's hand a squeeze before bending down to give his lips a little kiss. "Don't go anywhere, okay?" 


Standing there and listening to Tal Ryan finally moves to the side to let him in. Continuing to listen to him hear heart beat so fast in her chest. Not sure at first what he was saying to trying to understand him it was hard. Hearing him say sorry though Ryan couldn't help the look of being surprise that crossed her face. She'd never had someone say sorry and mean it so soon before. It was something new...and...it made her feel warm.

   "Oh Tal...of course I forgive you. I love you to much not too and...I...I am very sorry too."

Not being able to help it Ryan steps forward and wraps her arms around Tal. Just holding him for a long moment new tears rolls down her cheek and this time they were tears of joy. She was happy Tal had changed his mind and was willing to work on things. She wanted to work, and wanted to try and mend this. Tal meant everything to her and for that she was sure.

   "Yes...Yes I still want to go to dinner with you tonight. I've missed you the last few days."

Feeling Dani's skin on his own it was warm, soft, it was reassuring that there was someone in his life who cared. It was in a way a nice thing to be reassured but still seeing how worried and tired she looking she was it made him sad at the same time. She shouldn't be here day and night waiting on him. 

   "Thank you Dani for being here with me. It means the world that you care so much. But you need to....to take care of yourself too so I don't worry."

Moving his thumb a little bit he lets it run against her cheek  feeling her skin under his finger it was so soft and it warmed him more to know this gift, this wonderful gift was his and only his. It almost made him want to cry to know she could of lost him before she ever new how much she meant to him.

   "Go home my love and get some sleep, grab something to eat and than come back hummm? It would make me feel a whole lot better if you did. Not to mention I am going to see about getting cleaned up myself...I feel...not go great."

Until I'm Positive

Tal knew he'd never seen Ryan like this before. It looked like she'd been crying since he'd parted ways with her a while ago, and it sent an ache straight to his heart. Sighing, he nods. "Yeah... well, I guess maybe after driving around nowhere for over an hour, I realized I owe you an apology." 

Entering the apartment, he just stands and studies her for several long moments in silence. Finally he moves, taking her hand in his and bringing her to the couch with him. Easing down, he pulls her sideways into his lap and wraps his arms around her to hold her close. Starting with the top of her head, he gives her several tender kisses down to her cheek and finally a soft kiss on her lips. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. "I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you or lost my temper with Alec." 

He leans his head against hers while one hand slowly rubs her back lovingly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just let my fears from past experiences get the best of me... along with jealousy. When I drove away though... all I could think of was how much I'd miss you if I didn't turn right around and go back. And when I did, Leo said you'd left and gone home."

Another kiss is placed softly on her cheek. "I believe you, Ryan. I know you've still got some feelings for Alec, even if you're mad at him. And I hope that if we stay together, that those feelings will eventually fade completely. 'Cause I care about you so much, I want your whole heart." He gives her an extra squeeze. "But I'll never find out if I'll ever have your whole heart if I walk away. So... an hour was long enough to think. If you'll forgive me, I'd still like to take you out to dinner tonight." 

Lifting her head, Dani turns to look at Dalton, giving him a weary smile. She hoped she didn't look as tired as she felt. "Hi..." She cups his hand with hers to lean her cheek into it and just feel his touch that she'd been missing. 

"What do you mean what am I still doing here? I'm still here because of you, ya silly hulk." She kisses his palm before returning her cheek to it. "I can't leave until I'm positive you're okay."

High School

Sitting in her room with a box of tissues Ryan felt like she was a little kid again crying over something so silly as another person. She never cried over a guy but this time it was different and she really did care for Tal. The feeling of being helpless was over whelming.

Hearing a knock at the room Ryan's ears perk up a little bit before hearing Tal's voice. Ryan couldn't help but be surprised that he was here but she was anyways. Whipping her head away  Ryan heads to the door opening it slowly and looking at Tal. Giving a sniff she new her eyes were blood shot but there was nothing about that she could do.

   "Hey! I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Slowly opening his eyes Dalton trys to shift but winces in a little bit of pain. Moving his hands and feeling hair he looks down for a second running his fingers through Dani's hair once more. She was still here with him? 

   "Dani? What....are you doing here still?"

He was happy to see her but this couldn't be good for her or her job to be spending day and night with him. Not to mention the lack of sleep she was getting and the worry that was all over her face. He hated knowing he made her worry like that.