
Getting Lost

Rayne couldn't be more excited than she was now. Making a new friend like Phil, having Tom trust her, and not getting another car so quickly it was great. Tonight she would have to say an extra thank you for the only one she new had the power to do this.

"Phil do you have a little more time to stick around so Tom and I can work things out?"

She new Phil didn't have to stay now if he didn't want to stay but she would like it if he did. Following him back into town would save her trouble of getting lost.


Phil grins at Rayne's backward idiom but doesn't say anything - he found it rather cute and would never make fun. He was glad that he could help her out with the car. It really had happened quickly and he was actually very surprised it had worked out as well as it had. But if he'd been able to be a part of that, then he was satisfied. Rayne seemed very nice and after her accident, he wouldn't want things to be too frustrating.

Tom was on his porch as the two drive up again, and hearing Rayne, a wide smile comes to his lips. Walking over, his eyes are twinkling. "Liked her, did ya?" He nods. "She'll do right by ya. Tell you what, if you want to come inside for just a few minutes, we can get a signed agreement taken care of, then you can at least take her home today. We can work out the logistics this week and get everything signed over to you."

Falling into place

Giving a nod to Axel again and getting into the car Rayne fires it up again. Purring once again Rayne gives the engin a little rev as a grin slips across her lips. Looking over to Phil she gives a nod.

"The first time I got a car here it was a nightmare, they could hardly understand me and got so frustrated. Thanks to you thought this has been a walk of cake."

Not even reliseing she got the saying a little backwards Rayne pulls out of the parking lot the directions Phil had given her to get there still fresh in her mind it doesn't take long before they are back at Tom's.

Parking the car Rayne sits for a long moment before looking over at Phil. She was so lucky to have met Phil. Everything just seemed to fall into place perfectly.

"I think I'm going to take it. I like everything about the car, its perfect. and I can't be picky with a price as good as this."

Getting out her eyes skim the yard as she see Tom. Giving a wave of her arms she gives a yell the excitement running through her voice.

"I'll take it."

Out of town

"You're welcome." Axel smiles and offers Rayne a handshake. "You shouldn't have any problems with it if you buy it, but if you do, just come on back and we'll take care of you."

Phil nods with satisfaction. "Thanks, Axel."

"No problem." He pats Phil's arm before turning to head back into the shop.

Phil cocks his head at Rayne and grins. "Never thought buying a car could be so easy, huh?" He chuckles. "I certainly didn't. Come on, we better get this back to Tom," he teases, "or he'll thing we ran out of town on him."

Take it

Paying attachen to Axel Rayne continues to watch him finding out different things about her car. If something happened to her car she'd probably bring it to the shop but knowing this stuff would at least help her determen what was wrong before going.

Once Axel was finish Rayne stands up and gives a nod very thankful for the information. Rayne gives a smile and a nod to Axel before turning to Phil and than back to Axel.

"Yeah it is a really good deal. I have the two thousand to give him now and he's going to take payments for the rest. I couldn't pass up and opportunity like this."

Giving the car a gentil pat Rayne just smiles. The car had been easy to handle and she was pleased with the price, really how could she pass it up?

"Thank you so much Axel for your time, its been very helpful. I think I am going to take the card."

Well worth it

Though generally quiet, Axel didn't have a problem talking when it came to customers or anyone interested in music or cars. Today it was cars.

Leaning over the engine with Rayne, he chuckles softly. "Then you know more than the average woman out there, lemme tell ya." Pointing out parts of the engine, he explains a few things, and also confirms the work that had been done, just like Tom had said. "Put the brakes on myself and they're good ones," he adds near the end.

Backing off a little, he closes the hood of the car and wipes his hands. Cocking his head, he looks between Phil and Ryane for a moment, silent questions running through his gaze. But it was none of his business how they knew each other.

Phil gives a nod of satisfaction, knowing that Tom had indeed been a hundred percent honest. "Tom's asking three thousand for it," he comments.

Axel quirks an eyebrow, surprised. "That low?" He look to Rayne and nods. "It's a great deal if you got the cash. Well worth it."


Following Phil into the shop Rayne continues to smile, and gives a nod to Axel as she was introduced. It was always nice meeting new people, and since he was a macanice that was always a double good thing.

Listening to Phil and Axel talk Rayne looks between the boys just letting them chat but still listing closely so she could catch anything important if needing too. Following them outside again Rayne goes over to her side of the car and pops the hood before joining Axel and Phil at the front once again.

Leaning over the car and looking into the engine Rayne was ready to learn, and more than happy to have someone show her.

"I know how to change oil, add fluid, and thats about it. Anything else with a car and I am kind of clueless."


"Naw... that's just the way Tom is," Phil assures. "He's got one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen. Yeah, he could probably get more money elsewhere and he probably knows it. But... he likes to be a blessing to other people though and I think you just happened along at the right time."

He gives Rayne a wink and motions to the shop. "Let's see if we can find Axel."

Getting inside, Phil greets a couple people that he knew just slightly from association with Axel. Asking to see his friend, they're in luck - Axel was working today. It only takes a few minutes for him to emerge from the garage, wiping his hands on a rag. "Hey, Phil!"

"Axel." Phil smiles and gives him a nod. "This is my friend Rayne... she's looking at buying a car from Tom-"

"Gutherson," Axel finishes for him. "I recognized the car when you guys drove up."

Phil laughs. "Guess we don't have to confirm you were the one that worked on it then."

"Nope." Axel looks to Rayne, studying her for a moment, before offering a small smile. His eyes seem to smile more than his lips though.

"You mind showing Rayne around under the hood and making sure everything's in good shape?"

"Sure - not a problem." Axel tosses his rag on the counter and holds the door open for both of them before wandering over to the car. "Wanna pop the hood, Rayne?"

Waiting for that, Phil nods to Axel's hand. "How's the hand?"

Axel grins and wriggles his fingers. "Good as new." He pauses. "Well... I still got some bad days but for the most part, it's great. Good enough I can keep working anyway."


Having the hood popped, Axel lifts and props it open, waiting for Rayne to explain the work that had been done on it, and anything else that he felt she would need to know.