

Watching as Dani expends her hand and admires the ring Dalton was happy she liked it. He's spend so much time and taken in consideration Dani's personality and hope he's picked one she liked. Know he had just made him feel that much better.

   "I'm happy you like it, I love you more than anything Dani."

Dalton was happy and he was excited. Thinking about Dani being his wife made him so excited it was hard to contain his own self. He was looking forward to what was to come, they would be facing it together!

Stepping in a little more to the shed Misty leans against the table where Alec was working listing to him talk. The look in his eye really cut her deep. She new how much he loved Ryan and how much it must really hurt.

   "I'm sorry Alec that it didn't work out how you wanted it too. You gotta keep going thought you know? Life might seem like its over but really its just starting."

Misty new that what she was saying might not mean much and was a little trite, but she wanted Alec to know it would be ok. This was not the end, and not even close. She new for him it hurt, but to move on and continue was that mattered.

   "I was worried when I saw you left your phone home. I care about you, and thats why I worry. But you dont need to check in with me every time you are leaving. I'd probley worry anyways if you did."

That's that

Having been paying little attention to anything else, Misty's entrance into the shed brings Alec's gaze snapping up. Pausing his work on the window for just a moment, his dark eyes meet hers. Turning his concentration back to his task, he shrugs. "Figure if I'm gonna sleep in here I better make it halfway decent."

Continuing to sand, he knew that Misty was worried about him. He knew she probably wondered where he had been and what was wrong. He just didn't know how to explain it all. "Sorry I didn't leave you a note." Was it the first time he'd apologized for something like that? He couldn't remember. At one time, he would have figured that wherever he went, whenever he wanted was his own business and who cared what anybody else thought. But being here with Misty... he'd grown accustomed to the habit of them both showing each other respect by making sure one was aware of the other's plans, if just for the sake of avoiding worry. And now that he'd broken that habit... he did feel badly. 

Keeping his hands busy, he shrugs again. "And... you were right, by the way... I shoulda moved on past the whole Ryan thing before I made things worse." 

He leans down and squints at a rough spot in the wood, picking at some rotten wood with his fingernail. That would have to be replaced before the whole frame rotted. "Got told to my face today to leave her alone. I just wanted to talk to her, ya know? Try to figure out what was really true - if she actually loved me or really did never wanted to see me again. Guess it was the latter."

Had he really been that stupid? Yeah... he had. He starts sanding again, not even knowing why he was telling Misty all that. Talking about it changed nothing. "So that's that. I was just out riding around tonight, trying to clear my head. I hope I didn't worry you too much." 

His words were quite matter-of-fact... but the truth was that his heart had never hurt more, and his ride had done nothing to clear his head at all.

Dani didn't mind another kiss. Truth be known, she was really looking forward to when Dalton could get out of here and they could spend some quality cuddle time together. It had only been a few days, but she already missed it.

Pulled into a hug she giggles and shakes her head. "I wondered if you were ever gonna ask... but there's nothing to be sorry for, Silly." 

Drawing back a little, she sits in the chair again, but leaves her elbows resting on the bed as she holds her hand out to admire the ring. "It's simply beautiful... I love it so much... and I love you so much too...." Her eyes sparkled as she looked back to her... fiance. And that thought makes her smile even more. "Thank you."


Hearing Alec's bike but nothing else that followed Misty turns and looks at Jason as he looks out the back door. Worry was on her face and it was just something she couldn't help even if told not to worry. Alec was important to her no matter what he was part of her family and always would be. 

Standing and going to the door Misty looks out with Jason. Looking back out to the shed again and letting out a sigh. Maybe Alec wanted to be left alone but Misty couldn't help the pull that wanted her to go out there and check on him anyways. Laying a hand on Jason's arm she gives a wary smile.

   "I'll be right back."

Opening the door and heading out back Misty stops at the shed and gives a knock on the door before pushing it open slightly. Seeing Alec at work she gives a little smile before stepping inside a little bit and looking around. It was really starting to clean up nicely in here, much better than what Misty really thought it would.

   "Wow, it looks so different in here. You're doing a great job Alec."

Hearing Dani's answer to his question Dalton can't help the large smile that spread across his face. He didn't care if the movement was painful it was well worth it and he wasn't going to let it pass him up. Moving his hand from Dani's Dalton takes the run from the box and gently takes her hand placing the ring on her fingers. It fit perfect and it warmed him on the inside as a tear of happiness ran down his cheek. He's never be able to explain how he felt, but it was amazing.

   "Dani, you have made me so happy from the start...thank you so much!"

Reaching up he pulls her down placing a kiss on her lips just letting how he felt flow through that and that alone. Letting time stand still he wasn't going to let her go so easy as his heart continued to race. Finally breaking away though He smiles before pulling her into a hug.

   "You're an amazing woman. Sorry it took so long for me to ask."


Having Dalton suddenly be so romantic, Dani gives him a shy sort of smile, not sure where all his words were coming from. It did make her feel good though... to be loved... accepted... needed. What she didn't understand was why Dalton seemed rather nervous. Was something wrong? Did he know something from the doctors that she didn't? 

As the little box is revealed, her heart skips a beat. No... surely not... he... it....

Her eyes are wide and she blinks, her mouth opening slightly in shock. So completely taken aback, she hardly hears Dalton's actual proposal, so it takes several moments for her to process that he had just asked her to marry him. 

Prying her gaze from the ring to Dalton's eyes, Dani's own start to glisten with tears. She'd thought about marriage... a few times... she'd envisioned what it might be like to spend the rest of her life with Dalton... and she had wondered if maybe someday he would ask. But she had not expected it now, let alone this moment while he was in the hospital.

"Oh, Dalton..." Her voice quivers and a giggle escapes as her emotions bubble over. Unable to find her voice again, she nods vigorously. Standing to lean carefully over the bed, she places a long, passionate kiss on Dalton's lips before burying her face into his neck. "Yes... yes, I will marry you." 

Pulling back, she doesn't notice the tear that trickled down her face as she turned again to look at the ring. "It's just beautiful... oh, Dalton...." Another laugh comes out and her cheeks flush red. "You sure do know how to surprise a girl, you know that?" 

Leaning back against the kitchen counter, Jason thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "Where would we look? If Alec wants to disappear... unfortunately, he's good enough he can. And since his bike's gone, I doubt foul play."

Jason didn't like seeing Misty worried... though deep down he was a bit concerned himself. Last he knew, Ryan had told Alec to back off a couple days ago and since then, Alec had seemed unsettled and depressed. Misty seemed to think he wouldn't do anything too stupid... but was it the truth? Jason honestly didn't know. 

"Come on... lets just hold down the couch for a while, okay?" He moves to sling an arm over Misty's shoulders to guide her to the living room. "I'm sure he's fine and will be back any minute."

Minutes turned into hours and by the time the movie on television was over, it was quite late and there had still been no sign of Alec. Jason was going to spend a couple more nights before giving up the security watch, so he was still there, cuddled with Misty on the couch as the movie credits rolled. 

Then his ears pick up the sound of an engine, and a light shines in the widow from the street. "Sounds like Alec's bike."

It was. Alec pulls into the driveway and cuts the engine, sitting for a moment before removing his helmet. Looking at the front window, he saw a few lights on and the shine from the television. Jason's truck was here too. And Alec really didn't want to deal with anybody right now. 

Parking his bike an dismounting, instead of going inside, Alec walks around the side of the house and out back to the shed. It was almost done... he'd be able to move out here soon... Getting inside he stands and looks around, wondering if he'd ever be in a better place than this. Or was fighting just his lot in life? Always chasing but never achieving. Always running but never reaching his destination. 

Tossing his jacket aside, he moves to the small window and grabs a piece of sandpaper to continue work around the frame where he'd left off yesterday. 

Inside the house, by now, Jason was looking out the back door. A light had gone on in the shed, but Alec had not made his presence known. Glancing down at Misty, he searches her eyes. He'd go see what was going on himself, but he had a feeling Alec wouldn't welcome him. If there was anybody Alec would talk to, it would be Misty.


Once Dani was back in the room Dalton couldn't help but smile at her. She always looked good to him but now she looked even better. Having her sit down next to him again and hearing about the cookie Dalton sits up a little straighter and gives a smile. Peanut butter were his favorite and she new that for sure.

   "Mmm...see thats one of the many reasons I love you. You're willing to break the rules a little bit."

Just looking over Dani's face Dalton's couldn't help but let his smile show. Reaching out and taking her hand in his own. Dalton rubs his finger over her knuckles his heart starts beating in his chest even faster and he could feel his nerves starting to work themselves up.

   "You are an amazing woman Dani and I love you so very much. Since I met you, you gave me so much and made me feel so whole again."

Looking down at Dani's finger Dalton moves his other hand around to her. In his hand was a small red velvet box. Slowly using his thumb to pop the box open he held it out to Dani a smile was spread across his face as his hands shook a little bit. Inside was a silver ring with a diamond set into it. and on the band on each side were two more diamonds. Simple for Dani's hand but it would still simmer and look so pretty on her.

   "Dani I was waiting for the perfect moment to do this, but the perfect moment never came. Than I almost died without you even knowing how much I loved you and wanted to spend my life with you. So now...the perfect time is now. Dani...will you marry me?"

   "Yeah I am worried about him. Not worried he has turned again or anything but just worried he might follow in Carson's food steps when I wouldn't take him back."

Misty lets out a long sigh talking to Jason and twirling Alec's phone in her hand. Since she had gotten home and saw his phone laying on the table Misty couldn't help but worry and now a few hours had gone by and still no word from him. It was strange and unusual. With how depressed Alec was it really did worry her.

   "I mean, I dont think he is that dumb to hurt himself but I guess just the look in his eye he had last night it just makes me worry. Maybe if he doesn't come back soon we should look for him?"