

Going to where Rick had told him to Trey sits up on the little bed and holds out his arm. Needles had never been his strong suit but as long as he didn't look at them he would be ok. Turning his head a little and looking across the room to where Misty was sitting Trey just let his eyes rest there.

Once Rick was done he looks down at his arm as the bandage is put over the small pin hole. Sliding off the counter he looks back at Rick for a long moment before rolling his eyes at the comment of thank.

"Yeah yeah whatever...its what I had to do to get a little freedom. When you find out I'm clean let me know, I'll be in the dungain."

Giving a nod to Rick Trey turns and heads back to the door. Stopping at Misty's desk before he left. Giving it a little tap with his fingers.

"Hey Doll...You're looking good today."

Looking up from her paper work Misty gives a smile though was a bit surprised Trey talked to her at all. Her cheeks getting a little red from his comment.

"Thanks, your looking...pretty good too."

Looking past him for a moment at Rick and than down again at her paper work Misty goes back to work.

Continuing along his way and out the door Trey takes a short deture to see if Pete was in today. It had been a few days since he saw him last and wondered what he was up too.

Giving another nod Jackie turns to leave the band once more after letting them when to come back tomorrow. Getting back to the sound booth she sits down next to Wayne again.

"They invited us both for pizza tonight. I figured it would be good for us to see them on a more personal level, and I told them you never turn food down so we would be there."

Jackie secretly hoped Wayne would come anyways so she didn't feel to odd. She didn't really hand out with many people not that she new many to start with. So if Wayne went to at least she would have someone to chat with when awkward moments came up.

Being able to pick up on the conversation shift from Axel Jess felt bad for him knowing this all was so much. She only wished sometimes he'd talk a little more about how he felt.

Putting her plate down on the table Jess turns back to him and reaches out to wrap her arms around him in a big hug. No words spoken because non had to be but it was an extra hug for the long day he had, had.

Pulling away she gives a smile before taking both there plates and standing turning twords the kitchen.

"I think dessert sounds great. I could never turn down peanut butter pie."


Axel pauses his chewing and a corner of his mouth smiles. It was good to hear Jess talk about God like that, whether he agreed with the reasoning or not. "Maybe." He shrugs. He'd thought of that, but didn't particularly want to admit it... if this was a God thing, then he'd have an awfully hard time turning his back.

Looking down at his food, he tries to hold in a sigh. He knew he had needed to tell Jess about today, but now that he had, the emotions were back in full force. Swallowing hard, he tries not to let it show in his eyes, but when they begin to burn, he quickly takes another bite of food, trying to hide it.

"I don't know about you, but I'm getting full - I want room for dessert though."

"Great." Kyle still smiles and nods. "It'll be fun."

Erik glances over to them, one eyebrow quirked just a little but he says nothing.

Wayne looks out from the other room, wondering what the chatter was about, but he chooses to stay behind the sound booth and work. He usually did... the social crowd wasn't one that often accepted him and that's the way he liked it - or at least he said so. He let Jackie do most of the talking and mingling.

"Hmm?" Rick is busy looking at his computer as he studies Jason's blood, trying to find anything that caught his attention from this time around. So far he'd found nothing.

Turning to see Trey, he nods, but with little interest. "Oh... yeah."

Standing up, he grabs the instruments needed to draw blood. "Come over here, please. Quick and easy." Performing the task as quickly as promised, he sets everything aside. "There you go. Results won't take too long." Looking up, he studies Trey for a moment, sensing something a little odd, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Thank you for your cooperation."


Ready to turn and leave Trey stops at Reese comment about Misty. It was his niece, well that was a little surprising. As for her husband that wouldn't have bothered him but hearing he was an retired assassin and torture expert that made him have second thoughts.

"I'll...just stick with Rick than. Thanks."

Turning and heading out of Reese office Trey makes his way over to Ricks. Knocking on the door and entering Trey looks around the office before heading over to Ricks desk.

"Hey Rick, Reese said you need a blood sample from me. I am sure he's called you to let you know why."

Giving another smile and crossing her one arm across her middle Jackie gives a nod. She hadn't been in the area for all that long but she had found her way around pretty well. Having bands and needing to set up meetings sometimes she new it would come in handy.

"Oh yeah I've been there once or twice. I am sure I can get there again."

Sitting eating with Axel Jess lover just hanging out with him. It was never an odd moment, and she always had fun. Taking bit of her food Jess turns her head to look at him while he talks. Taking a sip of her water Jess just listens as her eyes search his face.

"I'm sorry it didn't go that well Axel."

She really was sorry that things didn't go well and it pained her to know so. She wanted so bad for it to go well for him. Though he never said anything sometimes it was easy to see he did miss his brother.

Taking another bit of her food and thinking for a moment and letting the silence continue. Thinking for a long moment on what to say. Swallowing the food she finally looks to Axel again.

"Maybe...God has a reason Quinn's car break down and it was because he doesn't want you both to walk away again. It's just a thought but a good one."


Axel chuckles a little at Jess' enthusiasm and willingness, no matter what he suggested they do. "Dessert sounds great. You know what I like." And he knew what she liked, which made it easy to order their Chinese food after he'd hung up with her.

Even though he felt like moping, he does manage to clean up his apartment a little bit and shower before Jess comes. He made an effort anyway, despite the feelings he was battling with on the inside.

The hour goes by quickly and soon Axel is joined by Jess and he opts to eat in the living room while they find some kind of movie to watch. It's not until they've already started eating that he finally admits what kind of day he's had.

"It didn't go well with Quinn this morning," he mentions just loud enough to be heard over the television. He tries to be casual about the whole thing though. "Not much has changed." He decides not to mention Ryan coming over. "Now, against all odds, his car is in the shop and I had to see him again. Supposedly he's gonna leave down as soon as he can, and I'll work my tail off to fix his car just to make it possible." Well, it was an awfully small nutshell, but that was the gist of everything.

Kyle smiles as Jackie accepts the invitation to join them all for pizza. He hadn't missed the surprise on her face, and it made him feel good to know that they were different than others... that's how they wanted it.

"Good - you can go convince Wayne to come. We figure we'll meet about seven?" He still didn't know where she or Wayne lived - if they resided in this town, or nearer to home. "Are you familiar with Mom and Pop's?"

Reese smirks a little at Trey's humor. He would have smiled had it not been annoying, but he had to admit that he hadn't expected any humor at all.

Just ready to dismiss him, Reese's comes to full attention again when Misty is mentioned. His eyes narrow in a warning glance. "You go right ahead and see her instead," he offers. "Don't mind me when I take advantage of an uncle's privileges and decide to not let you loose. Oh, and when her husband shows up, don't worry - he's just a retired assassin and torture expert. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you hitting on his wife."

Not batting an eye, he shrugs. "Or you can settle for Rick. Up to you though."


"Oh that's good with me. I don't mind spending time at your place at all."

Getting into her car Jess taps the steering wheel for a moment thinking about what she might like for dinner. As her stomach gives a rumble it was apparent it didn't matter what it was as long as it was food.

"I don't mind what we have to eat so I will let you pick that, and I should be over in about a hour. That way I can run home and take a shower. On my way back I'll pick up some juice from the store."

There were days when Jess talked to Axel it felt like they were so much more than just dating. Sometimes it felt like they were married though she would never tell Axel that. She liked it though and didn't mind one bit.

"Want me to grab anything for dessert too?"

As Kip links hands with her Karla smiles even more. It was such an honor to be here, to be able to see this, to travel eventually and see the world with Kip. When she was around him it seemed however shy she was just seemed to dissolve because how could she stay quiet with his energy. Her smile said it all when words could not!

Hearing Kyle's invitation Jackie was taken back for a moment just standing there almost dumb founded. That had just spend several grueling hours with her and Wayne as they corrected and fixed flaws with a few things, and still they wanted to spend more time with them? Never have they had a band invite them some where before.

Recovering quickly Jackie's eyes scan the rest of the band the smile on her face growing. Letting her eyes stop on Erik for a moment before she looked back to Kyle she gave a little nod.

"You found my weakness, how can a person turn down pizza? And if I know Wayne at all he wont turn down food. Not to mention it would be nice to see you guys in your own zone. Might help us a little bit to get to know you personaltys outside of the studio."

This would be interesting to see how it turned out. Maybe getting to know there personalty would be good. It might help them in the long run doing different things for the band.

Continuing to stand in front of Reese desk Trey lists to him quietly. Taking a few mental notes of his own. He hated the idea of having only certain times he could come in and out but at least is was a start and better than nothing. But could he let Reese get away that easy on it?

"Awww...but dad can't I stay out till one? All my other friends get too."

Crossing his arms over his chest a spark breaks through Trey's cold steel eyes giving them a soft look for a moment before it was gone. Humor without being degrading about it...it felt...different to Trey.

"I think I can handle the whole going to see Rick thing. Least I'll get to see that hot brunette again. If you just wanna have me see her instead of Rick I might like that better. Might not mind needles as much if she's the one touching me."


"Um..." Axel stops and thinks about what he really wanted to do tonight. He really didn't want to go out. Being around people was just... not what he wanted. But at the same time, he didn't want to keep Jess from having fun either. Though he knew that she was being honest when she said she didn't care either way.

"I had fun last night... you can come over here if you want," he suggests. "I just, um..." His mind drifts to that morning with Quinn, then his emotional conversation with Ryan, then this afternoon's adventure. "...It's been a long day," he concludes rather lamely. "We can order out... Chinese or something? Just let me know when you'll be here and I can call in the food... or whatever." He felt like his brain was mush and his words were coming out just as jumbled.

"Because it's my nature!" Wayne calls after Jackie as she leaves. Grinning, he shakes his head and goes back to work, though he keeps an eye out the window at what was going on in the other room. This was a very unique band, no doubt. But even if he brought out the negative, he did think they could make it.

Seeing Karla's thumbs up, Kip's smile seems to stretch from ear to ear. To have someone proud of him... it was a good feeling.

Coming out to her, he takes her hands in his and swings them around a little. "Fresh air and exercise is good," he concludes. "Add you in the mix, and apparently it's even better."

Noticing that Jackie was coming out to join them, Erik quirks an eyebrow. They were getting to know her and Wayne for sure, but so far it was still mostly on a professional level. They kidded around and chatted, but most talk was business and music. Any interaction on top of that was different, but nice.

"Hey, Jackie..." Kyle grabbed her attention before Erik could. "We're all gonna get together for pizza tonight." Still seated on the couch with Alice, he shrugs. "It's an hour away from here and I don't know where you or Wayne live but... if either or both of you want to join us, you're more than welcome."

Leaning back in his chair, Reese sighs deeply. He had to admit that Trey hadn't caused as much trouble as he thought he might. He'd been relatively quiet, and Hal's only complaint was frequent smoke breaks. Would giving Trey more freedom be a bad decision? There was only one way to find out. And besides, the young man was being more respectful today than when he'd first arrived.

Studying Trey for several quiet moments, Reese finally speaks. "Tell you what... I'll give you free time between eight o'clock in the morning and noon, then between five o'clock in the evening and ten. Curfew is mandatory so don't even think about trying to get me to sway on that one."

He searches Trey's eyes as he offers the deal he hadn't to anyone else before. But then, this situation was unique, and Reese always wanted to keep an open mind about dealing with individuals - no one was the same.

"There is a lot do do within walking distance. Or, there may be people around here willing to give you rides. I've noticed you and Pete getting along - you might ask him. Before this goes into effect however, you'll be required to go to the infirmary for Rick to do a drug test on you. I don't think you're on anything right now, but if we can't prove it and we let you go, then this place could be in a lot of trouble. So after that, you're free to start in on your new blocks of free time. What do you think?"

Free Space

Jackie smiles big and nods her thank you to Erik, before looking back to where Kip was again. Giving him a thumbs up she was happy it all worked out well this time around. Not only for there sake, but for his as well.

Looking back to Wayne and giving a shake of her head Jakie rolls her eyes a little. Now if only Wayne have her a little credit once and a while on the things she said.

"I told you he just needed time. How come you never trust what I say?"

Jackie gives a laugh before standing and giving a stretch and than leaving the room to join the other band members for a moment.

Just getting out of work Jess pulls her phone from her pocket giving a smile when she see Axel's number pop up. He couldn't have better timing, she was going to call him, but now he saved her the trouble.

"Hey there, how you get your timing just right amazes me. I just got out of work. Whats up?"

Hearing Axel needed the detraction Jess heart sank a little. That must man his meeting with his brother had not gone well. Jess hoped that since he hadn't called while she was at work that was good new. but now...she could tell it was not.

"We can go out tonight or stay in. I don't mind either as long as its spent with you."

Every moment Jess spent with Axel was so nice. Her heart beat in her chest for him, and the love they shared was so special. Over the last year things had changed so much thanks to Axel. She had found her place, with God, and fitting in and Axel had given her the courage for both.

Watching Kip start to sing again the smile forms on her lips. Seeing he took her advise made her feel even better. And he sounded great. Moving her head to the music a little bit Karla was so proud of him.

Once his eyes were open again Karla gave him a big thumbs up showing she thought he did great too.

"So, I was wonder when you'd let me go out on my own? You see I am here, and I haven't tried to escape. A little free space would be nice."

Standing in Reese's office Trey keeps his arms at his side. Looking across the desk at Reese he cleans his throat. His eyes still held there strong willed look but his tone was a little different maybe he was taking Alec's advice and trying his hand at the honey!

Anything to get a little free space would be nice thats for sure. Trey had been bother Hal more lately about going out. He felt like a caged in animal and like he was going crazy.


"Nope. The rest of my day belongs to you." Alec searches Ryan's eyes before Leaning in for one last long kiss as he grips her tightly. Then drawing back, he gets to his feet, pulling her up with him.

"I'm thinking the lake." Grinning, he hands Ryan her helmet. "And then we can ride off into the sunset to some far off place where no one will ever find us."

Kip's grin turns into a full smile and he gives Karla's hand a squeeze. Opening his mouth to respond, the door suddenly flies open and Russ skids to a halt, almost running into them.

"Oops, sorry. Kip, Erik thought you mighta died or something."

Kip smirks and rolls his eyes. "No, I'm coming. When he says five minutes, he means just five, doesn't he?"

Russ grins. "Of course."

Kip watches him disappear back inside and sighs before looking to Karla again. "I guess that's my cue. Let's see if I can actually get this right." He'd wanted to stay out here a little longer and say something to conclude their short conversation, but Russ had shattered the moment, so Kip gives up. Opening the door for Karla, he ushers her in first.

Getting inside, Kip wanders back through the band, catching Erik's eye and nodding. He was read. He felt better now.

Erik nods back then looks over to the control room and gives Jackie and Wayne a little wave to let them know they can get rolling again. He just hoped Kip would pull it off this time.

Kip dons his headphones and waits for his cue. This time though, he took Karla's advice and his eyes close, forgetting what was around him. It was just him and the music he loved so much.

"Ow!" Wayne complains as he's whacked. "I am focusing on work... Trust me, getting along with you takes a lot of work."

Anticipating another slap, he scoots his chair away and glances out to the others. "Oh hey look, Kip's back. Sorry we can't continue this conversation."

Tossing Jackie a sidelong glance, he can't help his grin as he presses the intercom. "Alright, Kip, let's give 'er another shot."

The next few minutes go beautifully. Kip not only nails the lyrics, but his voice is even stronger than his last attempt, singing with passion. Erik can hear him in the other room and a smile creases his lips. Looking up to the other window, he quirks an eyebrow at Jackie and Wayne as if to say, "See?"

Wayne sits back and shakes his head, smiling as they complete their current task. "Give yourself a pat on the back, Kip. It's a keeper." Looking over to Jackie again, his eyebrows are lifted slightly. "That went better than I thought it would."

Axel leans back against his apartment door and sighs deeply. He'd worked for another hour and still could not find the problem with Quinn's car. He just wanted to be done with this whole thing. If they could get the car fixed, Quinn would be gone and he could forget about all of this. Yet still, a part of him, somewhere deep down, wished for resolve.

Wandering to the kitchen, he picks up his phone and glances at the clock. Dialing, he waits, going to wash his hands as he cradles the phone between his chin and shoulder. "Jess... it's me. Wondered if we were doing something for supper. I could... use the distraction."


Letting Alec rest with her Ryan moves her arms around him. Keeping him close Ryan didn't mind. She loves when Alec was so closer she really did feel safe. To think they had gotten this close with each other Ryan herself was amazed.

"Mmmm...All my work is done at the shop so...playing hooky sounds good to me."

Giving a content sigh Ryan cocks her head a little bit to look at Alec in the eyes. With Alec everything seemed so much more exciting. A little thrill just seemed to be a bigger jump.

"You don't have anything else to do today? Or can we ride into the sunset on the bike?"

Still holding his other hand and feeling his other on her face Karla looks up at Kip and gives a little bit of her lip. Before coming here Karla and Kip had it rough but now they seemed to grow again and become close. Where they both really changing?

"Kip I...."

Karla stops for a moment just thinking. Was she willing to try again and maybe be hurt in the process? Would the risk be good?

"I...I'd like that Kip. To be your girl."

Hearing Wayne's comment Jackie gives him a loud whack to the leg and rolls her eyes. He was a thorn in her side but she wouldn't want it any other way.

"Lets just focus on work ok?"

Looking back out into the other room Jackie's eyes fall on Erik thinking for a long moment. A smile forms on her lips. Quickly looking away she looks at Wayne and than back down at her paper.


Alec chuckles and returns to kissing Ryan a little rougher until he withdraws again, heaving a deep, contented sigh. With his arms on either side of her, he cocks his head and lets it rest near her shoulder. He could hear her heartbeat and it makes him smile. Lately he'd been staying at his own place, getting settled in and trying to get used to it. But he missed the nights spent with Ryan on the couch at her and Eli's place.

A soft breeze blew through the warm air, making the moment almost too perfect. Maybe there was something to this kind of life after all.

"I need to get you back to work," he mumbles before moving his head just a little so his lips could reach her neck again. "Unless you wanna play hooky."

Quinn paces the hotel room, agitated and unsettled. One of the mechanics from J&J had given him a ride here and he'd decided that if when they found the problem with his car, if it would take more than a few days, he would go ahead and leave town and work it all out later. He should be on the road right now and it irked him that he wasn't.

Still pacing, he winds up near the window and his thoughts drift to Anastasia. She thought he was gone. He wanted to go see her. He wanted to find her number and call her to tell her he was still here. But he didn't.

Moving back to the bed, he flops down and stares up at the ceiling. No, there was no point in drawing out the agony. If he went to see her, they'd just have to say goodbye all over again, and he couldn't take seeing her cry again. It wouldn't be fair to her for him to show up just to leave in another day. No...he just needed to wait this one out.

As for Axel... Quinn still wasn't sure how all of that was going to come out. Today might have been their last meeting, though something told him it wouldn't be. Axel had seemed so... defeated this afternoon. Not so much angry as he had looked sad. Quinn couldn't help it that it created just a little pang in his heart, and again the question arose... was his brother really innocent?

He sighs and rolls over, closing his eyes. Maybe a nap would help clear his mind.

Feeling Karla move closer, then receiving her kiss, Kip's eyebrows lift in surprise. It takes him a moment to respond, but he does, returning the ever-so-soft gesture as his hand still cradles her face.

Pulling back, an almost-sheepish grin surfaces, his cheeks a little flushed. It wasn't like kissing was new to him, but it still was with her, and having unique feelings for her... well, it made it different.

His grin widens and he looks down for a moment, then back up again. Did this mean they were finally back to where they'd been before he'd messed things up? "You wouldn't want to, like, um..." He stumbles over his words, then shrugs. "You know..." His hand swings with hers as he feels just a bit stupid. "Be my girl... like... officially?"

"Jealous? Me?" Wayne laughs. "Why would I be jealous? I know I'm nothing more than a thorn in your side." He cocks his head and looks her over. "A very nice side, I might add, but I'm still just a thorn, nonetheless."

He grins, knowing Jackie could take his teasing. "Yeah, Erik's pretty observant. I'm just not convinced our operations are the only thing he's interested in." His grin remains as he turns back to the sound board to fiddle until Kip returned.