

"Um..." Axel stops and thinks about what he really wanted to do tonight. He really didn't want to go out. Being around people was just... not what he wanted. But at the same time, he didn't want to keep Jess from having fun either. Though he knew that she was being honest when she said she didn't care either way.

"I had fun last night... you can come over here if you want," he suggests. "I just, um..." His mind drifts to that morning with Quinn, then his emotional conversation with Ryan, then this afternoon's adventure. "...It's been a long day," he concludes rather lamely. "We can order out... Chinese or something? Just let me know when you'll be here and I can call in the food... or whatever." He felt like his brain was mush and his words were coming out just as jumbled.

"Because it's my nature!" Wayne calls after Jackie as she leaves. Grinning, he shakes his head and goes back to work, though he keeps an eye out the window at what was going on in the other room. This was a very unique band, no doubt. But even if he brought out the negative, he did think they could make it.

Seeing Karla's thumbs up, Kip's smile seems to stretch from ear to ear. To have someone proud of him... it was a good feeling.

Coming out to her, he takes her hands in his and swings them around a little. "Fresh air and exercise is good," he concludes. "Add you in the mix, and apparently it's even better."

Noticing that Jackie was coming out to join them, Erik quirks an eyebrow. They were getting to know her and Wayne for sure, but so far it was still mostly on a professional level. They kidded around and chatted, but most talk was business and music. Any interaction on top of that was different, but nice.

"Hey, Jackie..." Kyle grabbed her attention before Erik could. "We're all gonna get together for pizza tonight." Still seated on the couch with Alice, he shrugs. "It's an hour away from here and I don't know where you or Wayne live but... if either or both of you want to join us, you're more than welcome."

Leaning back in his chair, Reese sighs deeply. He had to admit that Trey hadn't caused as much trouble as he thought he might. He'd been relatively quiet, and Hal's only complaint was frequent smoke breaks. Would giving Trey more freedom be a bad decision? There was only one way to find out. And besides, the young man was being more respectful today than when he'd first arrived.

Studying Trey for several quiet moments, Reese finally speaks. "Tell you what... I'll give you free time between eight o'clock in the morning and noon, then between five o'clock in the evening and ten. Curfew is mandatory so don't even think about trying to get me to sway on that one."

He searches Trey's eyes as he offers the deal he hadn't to anyone else before. But then, this situation was unique, and Reese always wanted to keep an open mind about dealing with individuals - no one was the same.

"There is a lot do do within walking distance. Or, there may be people around here willing to give you rides. I've noticed you and Pete getting along - you might ask him. Before this goes into effect however, you'll be required to go to the infirmary for Rick to do a drug test on you. I don't think you're on anything right now, but if we can't prove it and we let you go, then this place could be in a lot of trouble. So after that, you're free to start in on your new blocks of free time. What do you think?"

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