

"Nope. The rest of my day belongs to you." Alec searches Ryan's eyes before Leaning in for one last long kiss as he grips her tightly. Then drawing back, he gets to his feet, pulling her up with him.

"I'm thinking the lake." Grinning, he hands Ryan her helmet. "And then we can ride off into the sunset to some far off place where no one will ever find us."

Kip's grin turns into a full smile and he gives Karla's hand a squeeze. Opening his mouth to respond, the door suddenly flies open and Russ skids to a halt, almost running into them.

"Oops, sorry. Kip, Erik thought you mighta died or something."

Kip smirks and rolls his eyes. "No, I'm coming. When he says five minutes, he means just five, doesn't he?"

Russ grins. "Of course."

Kip watches him disappear back inside and sighs before looking to Karla again. "I guess that's my cue. Let's see if I can actually get this right." He'd wanted to stay out here a little longer and say something to conclude their short conversation, but Russ had shattered the moment, so Kip gives up. Opening the door for Karla, he ushers her in first.

Getting inside, Kip wanders back through the band, catching Erik's eye and nodding. He was read. He felt better now.

Erik nods back then looks over to the control room and gives Jackie and Wayne a little wave to let them know they can get rolling again. He just hoped Kip would pull it off this time.

Kip dons his headphones and waits for his cue. This time though, he took Karla's advice and his eyes close, forgetting what was around him. It was just him and the music he loved so much.

"Ow!" Wayne complains as he's whacked. "I am focusing on work... Trust me, getting along with you takes a lot of work."

Anticipating another slap, he scoots his chair away and glances out to the others. "Oh hey look, Kip's back. Sorry we can't continue this conversation."

Tossing Jackie a sidelong glance, he can't help his grin as he presses the intercom. "Alright, Kip, let's give 'er another shot."

The next few minutes go beautifully. Kip not only nails the lyrics, but his voice is even stronger than his last attempt, singing with passion. Erik can hear him in the other room and a smile creases his lips. Looking up to the other window, he quirks an eyebrow at Jackie and Wayne as if to say, "See?"

Wayne sits back and shakes his head, smiling as they complete their current task. "Give yourself a pat on the back, Kip. It's a keeper." Looking over to Jackie again, his eyebrows are lifted slightly. "That went better than I thought it would."

Axel leans back against his apartment door and sighs deeply. He'd worked for another hour and still could not find the problem with Quinn's car. He just wanted to be done with this whole thing. If they could get the car fixed, Quinn would be gone and he could forget about all of this. Yet still, a part of him, somewhere deep down, wished for resolve.

Wandering to the kitchen, he picks up his phone and glances at the clock. Dialing, he waits, going to wash his hands as he cradles the phone between his chin and shoulder. "Jess... it's me. Wondered if we were doing something for supper. I could... use the distraction."

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