

Misty gives a smile and a soft pat to Alec's hand. Seeing Jason had left the room she new he hadn't gone far but Alec would be a little more open with her. Not that he didn't like Jason but he just didn't care to spread all of the stuff going on around. 

   "Mmmm...I know that well. Happens to lots of people there who get out. Sometimes even if our past is gone and forgiven it can still come back to bite us."

Cocking her head a little bit she trys to catch Alec's eye with her own. Giving a little nod and she remembered when Carson had his nightmares. Some times it was hard for her to sleep next to him because he thrashed in bed so much. But slowly over time they had become better and better.

   "You right it is just a dream and as long as you know that, than you can beat them and stop stressing out your to young for that."

Misty gives Alec's leg a little tap and a small laugh before standing. Now with all the excitement Misty wasn't any closer to being tired than she was before. Maybe a little tea would do her some good. And it would give her a chance to chat with Jason in the kitchen a little more and that was always a plus side.

   "Want me to make you some tea to help get ya back to sleep?"


Only when Jason is mentioned does Alec take a look around to find that it was not just him and Misty. His cheeks flush slightly and he moves onto the couch quietly. This wasn't exactly something he liked other people to see, even if it was just Jason. 

Wincing a little as Misty checks him over, he just sits quietly until she returns with an ice pack. Setting it on his head, he bites his lip. It was cold and it hurt, but he knew it would help. 

Her question lowers his gaze and he shrugs lamely. Glancing back up again, he sees Jason has left the room, leaving him a little more free to talk. "It's just Agency crap," he finally admits. He knew it had happened to Carson... it happened to Gage... and probably most anybody else who had gotten out of the Agency. It was like an unavoidable side affect. 

"I guess it happens more when I'm under stress." He eyes Misty for a moment. "I'm okay though... it's just a dream, right?" 

In the kitchen Jason sits at the table, leaving Alec and Misty be. He didn't want to but in, and he knew good and well that Alec would talk more if he wasn't there. He was content just to wait in here for as long as it took until Misty was free again. 


Moving out of the way of the flying fist quickly it miss Misty and she ready's herself encase there was more. She could tell Alec was sleeping and more than likely had a bad dream. Just kneeling there she lets Alec bring her into focus before doing anything else. Seeing he was awake most of the way now she smiles and helps him up to the couch to check his head.

   "Nah you didn't wake me up. Jason and I were just sitting outside chatting. Here let me take a look at your head."

Sitting down next to him Misty gives a little nod to Jason that everything would be ok. It was in fact just a bad dream and nothing more. Taking a look at Alec's head Misty doesn't see a cut but there was a nice welt forming and for sure there would be a wicked headache to follow.

   "No cuts or anything but a nice bump. Let me get you some ice ok? I'll be right back."

Leaving and heading to the kitchen Misty goes to the fridge and pulls out one of the ice packs wrapping it in a towel. Coming back into the living room She hands it to Alec for his head before sitting next to him again. She figured it was something to do with the Agency that got Alec all worked up, but it really could be anything too. She just wanted to make sure he was ok.

   "Are you gonna be ok Alec? Do you want to talk about the dream?"

Did I?

Following Misty inside, Jason is a little on edge, not sure what was going on, if Alec had been fast asleep earlier. Entering the living room and seeing him on the floor, then catching Misty's eye, he comes a little nearer, now concerned as well, but giving them both space. 

Alec continued to rock slightly, his eyes clenched tightly shut, his whole body rigid. Mumbling incoherently, it was obvious that his nightmare was hanging on. As Misty talks to him and lays a hand on his shoulder though, he's yanked into reality. His eyes fly open and his fist shoots in Misty's direction, missing her face by mere inches. Jerking away from her, he sits bolt upright, his heart racing. Wedged between the couch and the coffee table, he blinks, trying to catch his breath as his head throbs. 

Jason takes a step forward, knowing Alec had been asleep, but still not quite trusting him not to hurt Misty. 

Alec's eyes slowly focus in the dim light and he squints at Misty, for a moment completely lost and needing to figure out where he was. Finally realizing it's her, his whole body visibly relaxes. A quiet curse slips out before he leans his head on the table, feeling nauseous and dizzy. Closing his eyes again, he swallows hard. "I'm sorry," he mumbles. "I was just... it um... bad dream."

Jason relaxes a little, and hearing Alec, he feels somewhat badly for him. He knew Carson had had nightmares every once in a while - remnants of the Agency. Did Alec suffer the same things? He wondered. 

Remaining on the floor, only now does Alec realize how much his head hurt and he rubs it gingerly. With eyes only half open again, he doesn't even see Jason yet. "I didn't wake you, did I?" 


Sitting and just continuing to listen to Jason talk Misty was a bit surprised to hear a small hint of bitterness. She couldn't blame him though no matter how long it had been. She was pretty bitter twords Carson herself and the woman he was with. To see them walk through a door she might give them a cold shoulder herself if not walk up to them and punch them in the face. It did make her wonder a little, did he still miss Katie? She'd guess yes from his comment though they had never talked about it. Really...it was only normal.

   "I'm happy too, no matter what thats what is important. Happiness, and acceptance. I do think its going to be one of those things that we need to wait and see what happens."

Leaning into Jason again for a second Misty gives a small smile. She new everyone was a little on edge and she was sure Katie was as well. She'd never had a problem with Katie in the past, and she really did hope everything would still be ok.

   "Well...if I plan on being as nice to Katie as I always have been so if she has an issue with me, I'll just ignore it."

Hearing the bang that breaks through the silence of the night Misty gives a jump before looking at Jason and than back at the door to the house. She wasn't normally jumpy but this had come out of nowhere and she wasn't sure what was going on.

   "Alec's inside but when I came out I checked on him and he was fast asleep."

Shifting on the steps a little bit Misty goes to the door and slowly opens it waiting for Jason before setting inside. Looking around everything looked normal not like anyone was inside, and the same lights where on that she'd left.

Walking into the living room Misty can see Alec's feet sticking out from the end of the couch on the floor. Feeling her heart race a little bit she was quick to go over to him. Seeing him there on the ground she could tell he was in pain but he was asleep too. Looking to Jason she was a bit worried before bending down next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.

   "Alec, wake up Hun...Alec."

That's That

Jason sighs, pursing his lips in thought. "I don't know... I hope so. I'd rather Reese not throw Katie and me back together as a team right away. I mean, I hope she's worked some things out while she's been away, but... the way she was before she left... to be quite honest, I hope she can do her job at all." 

Leaning his head to the side, it rests against Misty's. "It hasn't been easy for me, with the whole emotional thing and there are still days that it's hard. But Katie was... I don't know... out of control. I just don't wanna get stuck working with her and have there be problems, and I know Reese won't tolerate our personal lives interfering." 

Deep down  though, there was still pain. Pain of rejection. Pain of his very closest friend - his partner in more ways than one - not even believing his words. It had been a while now... but there was still pain there. 

"As far as anything else goes, she'll just have to accept the changes. If she's mad at me for moving on, she shouldn't be since last I heard, that boyfriend of hers was still in Texas with her - talk about moving on. And if she's mad at you for dating me, then that's just stupid. So logically..." 

He rolls his eyes and straightens up, turning his face to kiss the top of Misty's head. "I guess I don't care about logic anymore. I'm happy and that's that."

"No... no.... stop..." Alec's mumblings break the quiet atmosphere of the living room. He writhes on the couch, having long since tossed off his blanket and lost his pillow.

"Stop it... leave me alone... no... no, I won't." Sweat pours down his face as he fights the invisible nightmare. He twists and turns, moaning and mumbling more incoherent words.

"I wont! No!"

Swinging a fist in the air, the movement displaces his balance and he tumbles off the couch. Landing with a thud, his head bangs into the coffee table. Crying out in pain, he curls into a ball on the floor, one arm around his leg, while his free hand holds the side of his head. Rocking slightly, he's caught somewhere between asleep and awake, but too fearful of his nightmare to open his eyes. 

Hearing a bang from inside the house, Jason tenses before looking at Misty. "What was that? Is Alec asleep?"