

Seeing Tal off Ryan goes back to work on her car finishing up what needed to be done before pulling it out of the bay and driving the next car in. She wondered if Eli would call her once Tal talked to him or not.

Right one que like Eli was almost reading her mind Ryan's cell phone goes off. Looking and seeing it was her brother a little sly smile forms on her lips as she walks over to Axel's work bench for a moment.

"It's my brother I gotta take this call. I'll only be a moment."

Going outside and around the corner Ryan compose herself slipping into a role like she was angry and disgusted. Over the phone it would be pretty easy to do but she made her body language match it just to make sure it was convincing.

"Hello...Eli. Yeah I wondered if you would call or not. Yeah Tal was here. Of all the dirty...I mean the nerve of that guy. Coming here to my work and begging to be forgiven. I looked like a complete idiot, and I though I could trust him but I guess I was wrong. I don't want him at our place anymore. I am totally disgusted."

Ryan tried her best to hold her laughter in though now she was happy Eli wasn't face to face with her. She just couldn't help the smile on her face. This was just to priceless.

Sitting at her desk Katie can feel Jason's emotions rise and fall even if he was trying to hide them. Little bits and peaces were coming through and she new he was upset. Looking up as Jason and Rick came inside Katie could feel her own insides twist. She hated having Jason upset with her and she new he was. But what else could she have done? He was sick and didn't want anyone to know. This was for his own good...right?

Just staying quiet in at her desk Katie takes the waves of emotions that come at her from Jason. She wanted so bad to go into the infirmary to see what was going on and to try and calm him but she new Rick had said not to so all she could do was sit and wait.

Finally though as Rick's voice cracks over the intercom Katie was to her feet and heading there. Stopping at the infermary door though she hesatates for a moment. Would Jason be mad at her? Did he even want to see her? Katie new she had to go in no matter what the outcome was.

Pushing the door open and entering Katie looks to Rick and than Jason trying to give a little smile before coming in more and going over to Jason before looking back to Rick once again.

"Hey Rick. Whats up?"

Sitting at the table with her mom and the other Ashlee can't help but let her eyes drift to Dylan every now and than just watching him for the longest of moments. Today she wanted to talk to him more but time just didn't allow it. Now at dinner she was stuck sitting with everyone else but Dylan was alone. Why did he sit by himself? Did he not like being with the others? Ashlee had so many questions about Dylan and she wasn't even sure why. He just seemed to interest her. Maybe later or tomorrow she could talk with him more.

Trying to take in everything being told to her and leaning about the two different family's Stacy enjoyed knowing this was going to be a challenge. Learning and trying to remember everything. There was so much to learn here that would help her grow it was in a way refreshing.

Hearing about Rosetta's one brother Eric Stacy stops for a moment. The names like one she had heard somewhere else but that was almost imposable. She'd never been here before. Giving a shrug she thinks nothing of it. Maybe it was just something close to that she had heard.

"Wow that was alot to take in at once. But...I think I like it. Its quite the little community you guys have built here and I think its really great. To see you all pull together is just comforting that there are places like this still in the world. It is very obvious that God has his hand in this all."

Taking another sip of her soup Stacy savers the taste as she though a little. It was funny how God worked things out. Sometimes not how we wanted at all but in the end he always did work it out that was for cretin.

"I am very happy to be here to help you guys out. So far from what I can tell we are going to have no problem fitting in."

Uh oh?

Tal laughs and shakes his head. "I'd say we were terrible, if it weren't for the fact that Eli started this. I just want to see the look on his face when he thinks he's really messed something up."

Rolling his eyes, he turns, one arm slung around Ryan's shoulder to head back around the corner of the shop. "In the meantime, I need to let you get back to work and I need to get back too." He stops her right before one of the open bay doors. "I'll um... be in touch about that date."

Smiling, he runs a thumb down the side of her face before backing away and heading to his car. Getting in and going back to work, his mind bounced from one thing to another. First, Ryan wanted to go on a date? A real date? He'd honestly had no intentions to date her - he'd just wanted to be her friend. That didn't mean he wouldn't go along with it though. He certainly liked her, and if this would help her, then by all means. If going out with her would bring back her smile, then it was worth it.

And second, his mind was on Eli and how to get him back for the stunt he'd pulled...

...Parking at the body shop, Tal sits for a moment, the smile fading from his face. He glances at himself in the mirror, seeing misery in his own eyes. Embarrassment.... disappointment... a tinge of pain. More disappointment than anything though - he wouldn't want to be over dramatic.

Finally getting out and going inside, he heads for the back garage. Entering, he sees Eli working on a pickup with a scratched door. He approaches with a downcast expression, his shoulders slouching slightly. "Working on this truck already? Thought it was fifth on the lineup."

Eli looks up and quirks an eyebrow. "Got bumped up..." He studies Tal's face, even though his friend wouldn't look at him. Something didn't feel right. "You okay?"

Tal studies the pickup door for a moment, then finally turns to Eli, his brow furrowed. "Sure, if you wanna keep our hanging out to my place or the local bar."

Eli blinks. "What?"

"Look, you were right, okay? Your sister doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I didn't mean to upset her, but I'm the jerk of the year and I'm not welcome at hers and your place anymore." Tal frowns and turns back to the truck. "Can we just finish this job so I can quit feeling like an idiot?"

"I... um... sure?" Eli was totally confused. Tal had gone to Ryan to apologize? And she really had been upset with him? But... why? How? Had somehow Tal going there confused things? Had he apologized and Ryan took it the wrong way? "I'll... be right back. You can start sanding."

Exiting the room, Eli grabs his cell phone and dials quickly. What on earth had happened? Was it because of what he'd let Tal believe this morning? Hearing Ryan answer her phone, he stops walking, right near an exit. "Ryan? It's me. Was Tal just to see you? Did you say you didn't want to see him again?"

Rick sees the look on Katie's face, and he knows that probably there was a part of her who disliked coming to him about Jason. But it wasn't her fault. He reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder. "I'll go get him. I was... going home early anyway, right?" He gives her a wink then takes his lab coat off and dons his own jacket, grabbing his keys. "If you want to go back to your desk, I'll give you a holler when and if you should come back in here."

Heading out, he exits the building and aims for his car, throwing a few sidelong glances around the parking lot to find Jason's pickup. Thankfully, it was close by, so he takes his route past the pickup on his way. As he nears, he sees Jason leaned back in the driver's seat with his eyes closed. Even from here, Rick could see he looked pale and his heartbeat quickens. Stopping at the door, he taps his knuckles on the window. The only response is Trooper eying him suspiciously and growling. Even with that, Jason doesn't move.

Rick decides to risk Trooper's interference, and opens the door. Thankfully, all the big dog does is growl some more. "Jase?" Rick shakes Jason's shoulder. "Jason..."

Jason's eyes fly open, though it takes him a moment to focus on anything. Glancing to the side and seeing Rick, he's too lethargic to wonder what he was doing there. "Hmm?"

"You alright?"

"Mm-hmm. Just... heading home." Jason puts his hands back on the steering wheel drowsily.

"How about you come back inside instead?"

Jason is waking up now, and he wishes to be alone again. "What for? I'm fine."

"I noticed you limping earlier. If the pain killers aren't enough, I've got something else to give you. Come on back inside and I'll get you set up, okay?"

Jason throws him an annoyed look. "Nice try. I'm fine, Rick. Leave me be."

Rick sighs. He'd tried to do it the nice way, but it was obviously not going to work. "You're not fine," he states flatly. "Now please... just come inside and let me have a look at you."


Rick reaches around and takes Jason's keys out of the ignition, moving quickly enough to not be stopped. There was no way he'd let Jason drive in his condition. "Now you have a choice. You can stay out here for no good reason, or come with me."

Jason glares at him. "Why can't you just let it go, huh? You're as bad as Katie."

"I doubt it. But you know why? She cares the most about you than anyone, save your mother, probably. So she's the last one you should be upset with." Rick was stern, tired of the silly games. "Now I'll only say this one more time before I go and get Con to drag you - come back inside."

Jason would like to refuse. But even as irritated as he was, he simply didn't have the energy to fight, and he knew Rick wasn't kidding about Con. So minutes later, he was limping back into the building, using Rick for support. Making their way to the infirmary, Jason doesn't look over to Katie's cubicle - not this time. He had a feeling she had something to do with this - it seemed like too big of a coincidence that Rick had been leaving when he had. But he couldn't prove it, so he'd keep his mouth shut.

Getting to the infirmary, Rick points Jason to the table and he grudgingly obeys. He glances over to Misty, almost as if asking for help out of this, but he knew it was no use. So he sits lamely as Rick starts to look him over, checking this, checking that, drawing blood and taking his temperature.

"What are your symptoms?" Rick questions as he shines a light in Jason's eyes.

"I told you, I'm fine."

"You have a fever. Your eyes don't look good. And you say you're fine." Rick shuts off the light and looks at Jason sternly. "You better start leveling with me, Jase. You promised."

"I don't care!" Jason raises his voice but then regrets it, putting a hand to his head as the pain worsens. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

"Because I care! We all care!" Rick was beginning to grow more angry than anything - angry at Jason's insistence on not wanting help. "You're being pigheaded and stupid!"

"I'm doing the best I can!" The light above Jason starts to flicker and he immediately clenches his fist and puts a tighter lid on his emotions. He knew Katie had probably felt a nice jolt with that one. "Don't make this harder than it is," he hisses. "For once, let someone die in peace instead of trying to fix it until their last breath is gone."

Whether Rick wanted it to or not, that statement hurt... and hurt a lot. His tone lowers again, though his eyes burn. "I'm sorry that I care that much about my friends that I want to save them." Taking a deep breath, he turns around for a moment to try and regain his composure.

Jason keeps talking to him anyway. "I did this for Katie and you know it. You told me not to keep things from her, but how can I knowingly put her in pain? How can I knowingly allow her to feel the way I feel, putting her through this... this sickness? It may not be real for her, but she'd feel it and that's just as bad. She might not die from it because it's not in her body, but she'd feel like she was dying just like I do and I cannot - will not allow her to go through that." Without warning, the tears are back, stinging his eyes as he tries to hold them back. His voice wavers though, and his emotions start spurting out against his will, sending the feeling of him crying in Katie's direction. He wraps his arm around his stomach as another wave of nausea hits him.

Rick turns around, and though he's pained to suddenly see the fear and anguish in Jason, his anger for stupidity remains. "You should have come to me," he emphasizes. "How long have you been feeling like this?"

Jason looks at the floor. "It started a day or so after we stopped the antidote. But it wasn't bad, just... minor, so I ignored it. When it got worse, I -"

"Why didn't you tell me so you could go back on the antidote?!"

"Because I-"

"Do you have a death wish?!" Rick's voice is raised again. "You're killing yourself, Jason! I told you for a reason to not hold back your emotions! Did you think I was joking?! Did you think I just thought it would be a fun experiment to see what would happen if you let Katie feel everything?!"

"Of course not!" Jason clenches his fist shut tighter as his palm feels as though it were on fire. At this point, his emotions were so heightened that they were bubbling and boiling through the cracks and crevices, surely taking Katie for a ride at this point. "If it were you, you'd do the same thing! If it were Janet who felt every ache and pain and hurt and emotional trauma you did, do you think you'd let it go on like that on purpose?!" Wincing, he doubles over as his pain spreads, feeding off of his emotional fireworks.

Though Rick was still upset, he sees that this is not only not helping, but hurting Jason, and it needed to stop. No matter how much he wanted to argue and make Jason understand how stupid he was being, the fact of the matter was that riling up Jason only made things worse. Heaving a sigh, he reaches out to put a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Why didn't you just opt to get back on the antidote?" he questions more calmly.

Jason's eyes were scrunched tightly against his pain and he shakes his head. "Because... a part of Katie gets lost and... and I can't stand seeing that."

"But if you're going to refuse to share your emotions, you have to take the antidote... otherwise, we're going to lose you." Rick grits his teeth. "And whether you like it or not, I can't just stand back and watch you die without trying to help." Spinning on his heel, he goes for the phone and punches the intercom to Katie's direct phone. "Katie... please come to the infirmary."

Dylan sits in the same old corner of the dining hall, a perfect vantage point to see everyone else in the room, but back far enough that he could go unnoticed. Jade had invited him to sit with her and Dan, but he just hadn't felt like it tonight. He usually didn't... but once in a while he accepted, so that was good enough, right? Maybe tonight, his mind was just too preoccupied with everything else. He was still feeling leery about the newcomers and just wasn't quite sure yet how to handle that whole thing. He'd seen them come in earlier but hadn't made eye contact with either one of them.

Dipping a piece of soft garlic bread into his vegetable soup, he takes a bite then looks down at the side to his history book. As predicted, he hadn't gotten all of his schoolwork finished today because of his stupid hangups during math earlier in the day. History wasn't exactly interesting... he hated all the reading he had to do - it was hard for him to retain the information, but at least he didn't have to figure out any equations or enormously long division. If he could just skim through his history book and pick out the answers he'd need for his quizzes, then he should be okay.

A round of laughter at one of the tables brings his head up and he wonders what the joke had been. Part of him wishes that sometimes... just once in a while... that he could be in on some of that laughter. But choosing to sit back in his own little corner had a price.

Mick sits with his family at one of the tables in the big dining room. It might have been an evening to eat at home, but tonight was a night he'd asked everyone to be there so they could all meet Stacy and Ashlee and he could make sure she could put faces to names and they could recognize her as well. He'd made formal introductions to just about everyone, but now wanted to fill in some of the gaps.

"... So, most of the two families are almost always here." He eats slowly, speaking mainly to Stacy across the table, but including Ashlee as much as she wanted so she would be familiar with the people as well. "Myself, Rosetta and BJ here..." He reaches over to catch some runaway soup with his napkin before it dribbles off the table into BJ's lap. "Angel runs the doctor's office every day and Luke - they're the ones you first met tonight - he doesn't get around very well on his own on account of a back injury, so they're always here..." He goes on to explain more about some of the people there and what their jobs were - details that weren't included in the reports Reese had given Stacy.

"...Jeff is here most of the time - he's the one sitting over there with Trent." Mick pauses to point. "Though he does take off to visit his daughter, Katie, in Nevada - she's an Elite agent herself..." A few more explanations of the family was due and Mick doesn't mind sharing while they continue to eat. "...so I expect Trent will come and go more often too, on trips to Nevada to see his daughter as well."

There was a lot of information but Mick presents it in such a way that it wouldn't feel too overwhelming, and he makes sure Rosetta can add anything she wants as well. He had everything written up in his own report he would give Stacy later anyway, so she could go back over it and get to know people and routines quickly.

"Then there's Eric Pent - one of Rosetta's brothers. He, um..." Mick pauses, not wanting to sound too negative, but knowing he should fill Stacy in. He glances at Rosetta, then back to Stacy and looks at her for a moment, his eyes revealing that it was a fairly touchy subject. He would be careful in front of BJ and Ashlee too. "He's a truck driver, so he's on the road a lot. He keeps this as his home base though and helps support the ranch. He... recently got married though, so... his routine might change." He gives Stacy a wry grin. "We're not sure that his new wife would... well... fit in very well into ranch life." His eyes give away that there was more to the story, but perhaps it would be best to keep some of it just in the family for now.

"And I guess that's really just about everybody. The only other one not here is Cindy's husband Wes - my brother. He's the one that's overseas right now."


Smiling up at Tal Ryan couldn't help the joy in her eyes. Would this feeling last? Or was it just the need to feel cared for she wasn't sure, but something told her it was more than that. It was a peace she was lacking, a comfort, something that even with Leo she didn't feel. If it lasted that would be cool, if not at least they had this moment, and the moments that were to follow.

"I do really want to get together again. Maybe we can have a real date or something away from the eyes of over protective brothers."

Giving another giggle Ryan couldn't help it. Though she was upset with Eli at the same time she though it was kind of funny too. Getting back at Eli sounded even better and hearing Tal wanted to do the same thing it was even better.

"Oh that would be so great and if he ends up calling me I am just going to play right along. I'm a pretty good actor he'll never know."

Scrunching her nose at him Ryan's eyes still sparkled with excitement for trying to pull one over on her brother. She'd always been good at playing she was angry, and if it would teach her brother a lesson that would be even better.

Good fun

Hearing Ryan laugh, Tal begins to feel a little less embarrassed and a grin starts to form. This really was silly and come to think of it, it really was pretty funny once he got past feeling mortified.

Letting her take his hand from his face, he scrunches up his nose and gives her a funny look. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I don't want to get hit by you. I have a feeling it would hurt."

At least she was glad he'd have the guts to apologize should he ever really make a mistake, right? That was good. Maybe at the very least, if he took away how silly he was being, it did prove he had self-respect, along with respect for Ryan.

He's about to reply when he's tugged a little closer and feels Ryan come in for a kiss. It felt just like last night, and he knew now without a doubt that his assumptions had indeed been wrong. His arms slip around her as he returns her kiss. He couldn't help it. She was so warm and passionate and she felt so good in his arms... to deny kissing her back would be to deny everything in this moment. He knew she was on the rebound. He knew she missed Alec. He knew that this might never mean anything more than a brief physical attraction. But he wouldn't deny her the pleasure either. If she needed to be held, he would hold her. If she needed to be shown affection, he would show it. She deserved so much more than she'd been dealt.

When she pulls away he looks down at her, finally smiling and the redness fading from his cheeks. "Thanks... for not thinking me too much of a fool. And if... you really do want to get together again... I think I'd like that too."

Still smiling, he shakes his head. "But first, I think I'm gonna go back to work and tell Eli that you said you never want to see me again. Let him chew on that guilty thought all day." He winks at her. "All in good fun, of course."


Not expecting that Tal was going to pull her Ryan goes a little off balance before regaining her footing. Looking back into the auto shop before disappearing around the corner she could see everyone standing there looking at them. She could only imagine what was going to be said once she got back.

Once getting around the side of the building Ryan stands there just listing to Tal. Hearing Eli had something to do with this her eyes squint just a little bit. How could he do that and make it sound like she was upset with Tal? Maybe he did assume a little bit but Eli could of told him she wasn't upset. She'd deal with that tonight once he got home. She was less than happy and he would know about it.

"Tal calm down..its ok really. Eli will get a good earful from me."

Seeing him put his hand over his face and mumble just a little bit Ryan did what she could to hold back a snicker that want to come out. Seeing him remove his hand a little though and his comment Ryan can't hold it anymore and a laugh comes forth. This hole thing had been pretty silly. Reaching out and taking Tal's hand in her own Ryan smiles through her laughs.

"I'm glad you were wrong too because if not...I would of punched you last night not continue to kiss you."

Ryan shakes her head her eyes twinkling just a little bit. She couldn't believe what a big mess this was and she felt so bad for poor Tal. He was mortified that she really was upset with him only to find out he'd been fooled.

"I do have to say though...if nice to know you would say sorry if you did do something wrong."

Pulling on his arm a little bit Ryan makes him closer as she leans up and puts yet another kiss on his lips. Soft, but deep for a long few moments before finally pulling away and looking up at him.

So stupid

As Ryan explains she has no idea what Tal is talking about, his eyes go a little wide and he just stares at her with what he knew had to be the dumbest look on his face. He blinks once and his mouth hangs open slightly as he knows he should say something, but now he didn't know what.

"I... it..." He blinks again. "You're... not upset? I mean... you do want to get together again? Even though it...." He keeps searching her eyes. Surely there was some kind of an explanation here, but unless he was blind, he saw pure confusion in her eyes - no irritation or fear or sign of being upset at all. Nothing. Just confusion.

Then it dawns on him. His eyebrows shift back a little and he can feel his face growing so hot, he was sure it was bright red. "I... think I just made a fool out of myself." Movement catches his eye and he sees Miles awfully close, seeming to be trying to listen. Not wanting any more gossip than there probably was already, he grabs Ryan's hand and pulls her away from the car. Leading her outside and around the corner he stops and turns to face her again.

"Your brother came to me this morning and said not to hurt you. Apparently he saw us kissing." A little more heat piles on top, making his cheeks burn. "I thought he was just giving me a blanket statement 'cause he didn't want to see you hurt but he was so serious I thought for sure I'd done something wrong."

Tal pauses, chewing on his lower lip. "I told him if I'd upset you that I'd come apologize and he said I should, so... I... I assumed..." He lets his statement trail off. It wasn't worth trying to explain everything that had gone through his mind. It was entirely his fault based on assumption. Eli never had said Ryan was upset... Tal had come to that conclusion on his own.

"I feel so stupid." He puts a hand to his head and cringes. Scrunching his eyes shut, he shakes his head. "And knowing Eli, he's probably laughing his butt off right about now. He had to have done this on purpose just to see what I'd do."

Opening one eye, he looks down at Ryan, utterly embarrassed and sheepish. "I'm glad I was wrong though... does that make it better?"

What on earth...

Working on her car Ryan seemed in a little better mood today. Her night had been good and while she slept tears hadn't found her eyes but the thoughts of Tal and the comfort he gave her did. A long needed rest did wonders and waking up feeling rested seemed to help too.

Looking up from the car she was working on and seeing Tal come twords her Ryan gives a smile as she stands up. This was a surprise for sure. She wasn't expecting him to come see her. Taking a closer look at his face though Ryan can see something off in his eyes. The calmness was gone and it was replaced with nerves, fear..and it made Ryan worry.

"Hey Tal, whats up?"

As Tal starts talking about being sorry and how he didn't mean to upset her about last night Ryan raises and eyebrow. Whipping her hands off on a rag she wanted to say something anything not really understanding where Tal was coming from or what he was talking about but she couldn't get a word in for her life as she just continued. Finally as he stopped though Ryan cocked her head a little her own look being totally confused.

"Tal...what on earth are you talking about? I don't want you to leave me alone, nor am I made at you or upset or anything. Where on earth did you get that idea from? I had a great time with you late night and I'd like to get together again."

Ryan couldn't help the look on her face. She wasn't angry just really confused on what changed from last night to now. She though for sure after all the kiss she given him and her own way she acted he wouldn't have thought she was upset. She was totally confused and just wanted to clear the air now.


Joined at the door by Ryan, Tal looks down into her eyes, wondering what she might be thinking. As she leans up closer to kiss his lips, he doesn't resist. Cocking his head slightly, he returns the brief exchange, his hand finding its way to her arm.

When she draws back, he's left with a racing heart. A soft little smile comes to his face. "I will... thanks for the nice evening." Though part of him wanted to ask her now if she'd like to get together with him again sometime, he holds off. He didn't want to push her, not to mention he should probably sit back and think about this whole thing first.

After a slightly awkward pause, he finally opens the door. "Have a good night..." One last look over his shoulder at Ryan and he turns to leave, heading back out to his car.

It felt like a long drive home for some reason tonight. Thoughts of Ryan continued to swirl in Tal's mind, and a few times, he wondered if everything had just been his imagination. He certainly hadn't set out to get involved with Ryan on that kind of level... he'd wanted to be a friend, sure but... he never would have guessed that would be her response. Had she meant it though? Maybe only time would tell. For now, a smile remained on his lips....

The next day came all too soon - hours to sleep just never seemed long enough. It was quiet in the shop except for a few clanking tools and random comment from one or two of the guys. Tal kneels by the car and tapes around the edges in preparation for a paint job, lost in his work. Eli hadn't come in yet, but he was already started on today's lineup. A few minutes later though, Eli's voice jerks him to attention.


Tal looks up at him and smiles. "Morning."

"How ya doing?"

"Good. You?"

"Fine... You, um... have a good time last night?"

A queer little feeling settles into the atmosphere. "Of course I did." Tal holds his smile. "Thanks for having me over."

Eli squats down next to him and runs a hand over the unfinished fender, his eyes on the job. "Don't hurt her."

Tal gives him a sidelong glance, finding Eli's tone just a little harsher than normal. Not mad. Not mean. Just... not quite as easy going as usual. He feels a shiver run down his spine. "The car?" he teases with a grin. "You know I'm always nice."

Eli finally looks back at him without a smile. "I mean it, Tal. Hurt her and you'll pay."

Tal's grin slowly fades and he swallows hard. His eyes lock with Eli's and he knew that last night he and Ryan had been seen kissing. Guilt creeps up his neck in the form of heat and he looks back at the car, unable to hold Eli's gaze. He didn't know if this was just Eli talking or if Ryan had complained. If she had, he felt terrible. "Last night was my fault, and I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I didn't mean to be inappropriate and if Ryan or you were uncomfortable because of it, then I take full responsibility." He knew she could have refused to kiss him... right? He'd given her the offer, but he hadn't forced her... right? And he hadn't been the one to instigate a goodbye kiss either... had he? All of a sudden, he was unsure. He'd enjoyed himself... thought maybe this had been a start of a good thing but... not with that look on Eli's face this morning.

Sitting in awkward silence, Tal finally gives Eli a sidelong glance then looks back at the car again. The expression on Eli's face was not a happy one. What had Tal done? He stares at the spot on the car that needed another strip of tape, but he couldn't focus enough to put it on straight. Apparently he really had done something wrong. Had he been so caught up in the moment that he hadn't realized what he was doing? Had he been more forward than he'd thought? His stomach gives a little churn. He'd never misread someone that badly, but apparently last night he had, and now he needed to make it right before it got blown out of proportion. He liked Ryan, and he'd never intended on displeasing her. "If I upset Ryan, I'll go apologize to her as soon as I'm off for lunch."

Eli is quiet for another moment before he rises and heads over to the work bench to get together their tools. "Yeah. Why don't you do that?"

Tal is left to his work, his face feeling hot and his emotions feeling embarrassed and guilty. So he had upset her. He never should have even remotely suggested Ryan kiss him. He shouldn't have tickled her in the first place. He probably shouldn't have even been sprawled out on the couch, as comfortably as he had. Come to think of it, the whole thing had started when he'd changed shirts - that had been highly inappropriate, and he should have gone around the corner to change. He hadn't even thought of it at the time, and now he felt stupid. And that last kiss before he'd left... somehow, he must have read her all wrong and should have just left. What had he been thinking?

"Are you gonna finish putting that tape on, or do you have some magic power that will get it to stick itself to the car?"

Tal jumps at Eli's joke, now completely unsure how to take him. "Um... I'm almost done." Forcing himself to concentrate, he finishes his task and sets about painting with Eli, though it was awfully hard to shake the mixed feelings he was experiencing. Eli seemed fine now but... he was afraid he'd really done something wrong...

...Arriving at J&J's, Tal parks and just sits for several long moments. He saw Ryan's car so he knew she wasn't away at lunch. That was a good thing right? Maybe he just should have called. No, this was better.

Taking a deep breath, he finally gets out. Instead of going through the customer area, he goes straight for the open bay doors, finding where Ryan was. There were a couple other guys around... Leo... Miles... that redhead - Axel? It was fairly quiet, but Tal still wishes no one else were around. But he didn't have time to go somewhere else - he only had a while on his break and then he'd have to get back to work. He couldn't waste the minutes that he had.

Coming up around the car Ryan was working on, he waits until she sees him, and he tries to smile while attempting to read her face. She... didn't seem upset to see him... did she? Now he was second guessing himself. "I... I only have a couple minutes. I just..." He glances over his shoulder to see Leo quickly look away. Turning his eyes back to Ryan, the heat is back in his face. "I wanted to say I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly so the others couldn't hear him. He was still confused, but he'd take all the blame if that's what it took to fix things. "I had no idea I upset you and... and... it wasn't my intention at all."

He stops short and swallows hard, feeling utterly ridiculous. "I'll just... keep things between me and Eli and leave you alone... if that's what you want... whatever you want... I'll do..." His voice trails off as he stumbles to find the right words. "Just don't be mad at me, please?" His eyes plead with her. "I couldn't stand it, knowing it was something I did without meaning to. If I misread you I am so sorry."

"What's up with you and Tal?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Eli sits on the stool in the break room, eating his sandwich for lunch.

Paul sits a few seats away eating his own lunch. "I mean there seemed like there was some weird tension between you two this morning. I thought you were buds."

"Oh, that." Eli's mouth shapes a wry grin. "I was just giving him a bad time about last night."

"Last night? What happened last night?" Paul leans in, anticipating juicy information.

"Walked in on him and Ryan making out on the couch."

Paul's eyes widen. "Whoa."

"Oh it was nothing bad," Eli clarifies. "Just some good old fashioned smooching."

"Nice. Bet you surprised them."

Eli snickers. "They didn't know I saw. So this morning I gave Tal the old 'don't hurt my sister' speech. I think he was mortified I knew, and he apparently thought my reason for giving him the speech was that he upset Ryan so he went to apologize to her just now on his lunch break."

"She was making out and then was upset about it afterward?"

Eli shakes his head, holding in a laugh. "Not that I know of."

"Eli!" Paul's eyes were wide. "You're terrible! Why did you tell him she was upset?"

"I didn't!" Eli holds up his hands. "It's not my fault he assumed. I meant it about him not hurting Ryan - she's been through too much crap already. But then I was actually gonna tease him about the whole thing. He took me so seriously though, I just couldn't resist letting him squirm a while."

"You turkey. You should have told him. You realize now he's gonna make a big fool out of himself."

Eli shrugs. "Oh, he'll get over it. Besides... if he actually follows through with apologizing to her, then she's got a winner."

Safe Trip

Sitting back and starting to watch a movie Ryan pulls her legs up in the chair to get comfortable. Dinner had been good, company had been good, and now a cheese movie would be even better. Tonight had turned out to be pretty good filled with the much needed laughter. It was funny to watch Tal and Eli go at it wondering who would win a round of the jokes or bantering.

Hearing Tal was leaving Ryan glances at the clock. It was later than she thought that was for sure. Giving a chuckle to herself she realizing maybe the old saying "Time fly's when you having fun." Her father use to quote all the time had some truth to it after all.

Snapping out of her though though and looking to Eli and Tal at the monition to the pregnant roommate Ryan couldn't help her eyes getting big. She wouldnt have guess Tal was like that all. Maybe there was a good explanation thought there had to be right? A sudden wave of releaf passed over her as Tal quickly explain that it was his dog who was the room mate. Giving a laugh and a chuckle she stands.

"Puppies are cute. I think thats pretty cool you breed them."

Giving a stretch and watching as her brother went into the kitchen Ryan heads to the door with Tal. She might as well be a good guest and let him out since Eli wasn't going too. Stopping at the door with Tal Ryan just looks up into his eyes for a long moment. Taking in there depth and the same feeling she got before. The calm, the peace...it was nice and she liked it.

Coming in a little closer to Tal Ryan places her hand on his arm. Leaning up for him she left her eyes fall shut for a long moment. Letting her lips brush his and than come back to press against them again before pulling away after a few moments.

"Good Night Tal...have a safe trip home."