
What on earth...

Working on her car Ryan seemed in a little better mood today. Her night had been good and while she slept tears hadn't found her eyes but the thoughts of Tal and the comfort he gave her did. A long needed rest did wonders and waking up feeling rested seemed to help too.

Looking up from the car she was working on and seeing Tal come twords her Ryan gives a smile as she stands up. This was a surprise for sure. She wasn't expecting him to come see her. Taking a closer look at his face though Ryan can see something off in his eyes. The calmness was gone and it was replaced with nerves, fear..and it made Ryan worry.

"Hey Tal, whats up?"

As Tal starts talking about being sorry and how he didn't mean to upset her about last night Ryan raises and eyebrow. Whipping her hands off on a rag she wanted to say something anything not really understanding where Tal was coming from or what he was talking about but she couldn't get a word in for her life as she just continued. Finally as he stopped though Ryan cocked her head a little her own look being totally confused.

"Tal...what on earth are you talking about? I don't want you to leave me alone, nor am I made at you or upset or anything. Where on earth did you get that idea from? I had a great time with you late night and I'd like to get together again."

Ryan couldn't help the look on her face. She wasn't angry just really confused on what changed from last night to now. She though for sure after all the kiss she given him and her own way she acted he wouldn't have thought she was upset. She was totally confused and just wanted to clear the air now.

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