

Eli catches up Scarlet in his arms, wrapping them around her firmly. Hearing her muffled words and realizing she was crying, he rocks her a little before stroking her hair. "Shh... it's okay," he soothes, kissing the top of her head. "You don't have to be scared anymore."

Just holding her a few moments, he eventually pries her away, reaching to her face to wipe away some of her tears with his thumb. Then taking her by the hand, he finds the living room and the end of the couch. Sitting down, he pulls her down into his lap and wraps his arms around her again, holding her close and letting her cry more if she needed to. For now, what was going on outside went unrealized.

"Jimmy told me what happened," he explains quietly. "I understand... you don't have to be sorry." He kisses her head again. "It takes more than that to scare me away."

Justin returns Sapphire's smile and nods. "It's good there's more than three things... thank you." Giving her a little wave, he wanders back towards the exit, stopping for a moment or two to talk with Con, then finds his way back outside. The sun was still shining, but it was aiming towards the earth once more, foretelling of evening. Justin would head home now, but not before picking up something for supper for himself, along with getting some more dog food.

His half-hour drive home was a thoughtful one as he processed all he'd learned and thought about how he could use it during his time with Scott. It was at tough case with so many different angles. It almost made his head hurt just thinking about it. But he was involved now and wasn't going to give up. No, he'd see it through for sure. He wasn't one to let go this easily...

The next morning, Justin leans on the desk down by the front door of the Brookshire building, cocking his head at Jenny. Scott had not been outside where they normally met. "Scott?"

Jenny shakes her head. "Wouldn't get up this morning. I tried a couple times, finally Dr. Hawks said to just leave him and wait for you."

Justin sighs. Three good days, one bad... it wasn't a bad ratio. But he needed to get Scott up and going or he'd backslide for more than just a day. "Alright... I'll be back in a bit." Heading up the stairs, he takes them two at a time until he's on the third floor. Wandering down he finds Scott's room number and knocks. No answer. Knocking again without a response, he goes in uninvited.

Scott is curled up in bed and appears to have not even undressed from the day before. It had been nightmares... all night. And this morning had come way too soon. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to face the day. He was on the brink of falling into that awful pit again and didn't want to step forward, lest he lose his balance and fall. No... it was safer just to stay here... in bed. The world could move on without him.

"Hey, Scott." Justin wanders to the bed and looks down at him. "What's up, hmm? Jenny said you wouldn't get up."

Scott opens his good eye to look up at him lamely and shakes his head a little. "Go away."

"Naw, sorry, I can't do that." Justin folds his arms. "You gotta get up. Come on."




"There's too much living to do outside of this room for me to let you stay. Now come on. Come outside with me."

Scott glares up at him, refusing to move. "Make me."

"No! Let me go! Put me down!" Scott fights for all he's worth, but his lack of strength is no match for Justin. Slung over Justin's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the ride down the stairs is less than comfortable. Clawing at the wall and flailing for the railing, he knocks Justin off balance more than once.

"Cut it out!" Justin orders. "Or we'll both go head first the rest of the way down." One arm is wrapped around Scott's legs, his other hand having a tight hold on the waist of Scott's jeans.

"Put... Me... Down!" Scott screams.

As the two reach the ground level, Jenny's eyes are huge. Justin wasn't that big of a man, so seeing him hauling another man around over his shoulder was quite the sight, not to mention Scott's tantrum as they went. Jenny blinks and looks to Justin, still shocked. "Sedative?"

"What for?" By now, Justin is panting and sweating, his arms still locked in place so as not to release Scott. One of Scott's feet slips loose though and kicks out, knocking several items off the desk. "Say now," Justin chides, grabbing hold again. "You're gonna cause a mess." He calmly looks back to Jenny. "Would you mind opening the door for me?"

"I... um... sure." Jenny gets up and goes to the door to open it for him, staring after them both as they head to the open grass.

Once Justin reaches the open lot, he falls to one knee and dumps Scott on the ground. Trying to catch his breath, he studies Scott with purpose. "I had planned something else for today, but now I'm worn out."

"Good," Scott growls as he sits up, trying to get his bearings after being upside down. "I'm going back inside."

"Be my guest. But as soon as I catch my breath, we're doing this all over again."

"That's your problem." Scott gets up a bit unsteadily and heads back across to the housing.

Justin shakes his head and sighs, watching him go. Ten minutes later, it's an exact replay of the entire thing, except this time Scott's a little louder and more insistent. Once he's dumped on the ground for the second time though, his energy is just about spent. "What is with you?" he hisses. "Grab me like that and I'll report."

"I don't care," Justin retorts. "Ready for round three?"

Scott was not. He was too tired. Pulling his legs up close, he puts his chin on his knees. "Why did you make me come out here?"

"Because the sun is shining, Scott. Look." Justin gestures to the sky. "Because the breeze is blowing... feel it. Because spring is in the air... smell it. Because the birds are singing... listen."

Scott closes his eyes and refuses to take the advice. But he can't help but hear. He can't help but feel. "So what?"

"If you don't recognize it, I'm not going to waste my breath."

"But you still drag me out here."

"I'll set you right down in the middle of life," Justin replies. "But no one can make you live." He'd brought a backpack and soccerball when he'd arrived in the first place, so now reaches into the bag and pulls out two apples. Keeping one, he tosses the other to Scott.

Scott looks down at it with little interest. "I'm not hungry."

"What's eating got to do with being hungry?" Justin shrugs. "I eat it 'cause it's good for me, not because my stomach's asking for it, or because my tastebuds are begging for it. If that were the case, I'd break out my chocolate bar instead."

Scott knew good and well that Justin was just trying to get him to eat. He hadn't had anything since yesterday lunch... maybe it would be alright if he had an apple. His stomach would handle it better than the chili that was on the menu for today's lunch. Grudgingly, he takes the apple and crunches into it with a little bite. "So why did you really drag me out here? I'm not happy about it, you know."

"I know. Doesn't hurt my feelings any." Justin chews on his own apple thoughtfully. "Why do you think I brought you out here?"

"Don't start that question garbage with me."

Justin shrugs. "Alright."

Scott rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah... you brought me out here for all that sunshine and fresh air I'm missing in my room." He nibbles on a little more of his apple.

"Well if you knew, why did you ask?"

Scott sighs. "I don't know."

"Wanna play soccer?"

"Not really."

"Hard night?"

"No, I just wanted to stay in bed for the fun of it," Scott retorts. "You just shoulda left me alone. I'm in no mood for this today."

"For what?"

"This." Scott gestures around him, only to realize that he's gesturing at fresh air and sunshine. It sounded pretty pathetic that he wasn't in the mood for good things like that. His expression changes to one of slight sheepishness. "I'm pretty miserable to be around, aren't I?"

"Mm..." Justin nods. "Yeah, pretty much. Why do you think I brought a soccer ball? At least I can have a little fun, even if you're insisting on being miserable."

Scott eyes him with suspicion. "So when are the real sessions gonna start?"

"Real sessions?"

"Don't think I'm that stupid. You're just trying to be my friend, get me to trust you, then one of these times, we'll sit down and you'll start picking my brain about how I'm feeling and how I'm dealing with this stage of my life."

Justin looks at him lamely. "Don't make me puke. I hate sessions like that."

"Then why are you here? Just to play games?"

Justin sighs deeply. "I'm here to be your friend. You want out of here, and I want you out of here. If we work together as a team, we can meet both those goals. I can't do it on my own, and you can't do it on your own either."

"Who says I can't?"

"Well then prove it and let's get out of here."

Scott shrinks back again. He knew that he needed to be here because he hadn't been able to pull through on his own. "Alright... so I need help. Why are we playing games then?"

"It's good exercise." Justin tosses his apple core into a nearby trashcan. Retrieving his soccer ball, he lets it roll back and forth between his feet as he slowly nudges it a ways away, noting that Scott was following him. A few minutes of gentle kicking back and forth and Justin speaks again. "So. Hard night. Nightmares?"

Scott grits his teeth and kicks at the ball. "Yeah."

"Do you have one that always comes back?"


Justin can feel him pulling back so he waits, just letting them kick the ball a little while longer. "I used to dream about the night my best friend was killed. While I was in college. He was murdered and I saw the whole thing. Still haunts me once in a while."

Scott's eyebrows rise just a little. "And you just... ignore it or what?"

"Not really. It bothers me. But I just gotta keep reminding myself that there was nothing I could do about it. It was just... one of those things. And I learned to let it go."


"Time. And I had to make the choice to do it." Justin kicks at the ball. "I blamed my emotions... said I couldn't help the hate and anger and guilt I felt. But then one day I realized that all those things... they were my choices. I was choosing to hate because it made me feel in control. I was choosing to be angry because then I didn't have time to be sad. I was choosing to harbor guilt because then I could take out my sadness on myself and stay hidden in my own little world."

The ball has stopped at Scott's feet and he stares back at Justin a little confused. "You can't just choose the way you feel."

"Can't I?" Justin holds out his arms. "I can choose to be miserable today. My truck wouldn't start, my dog tore a hole in my jeans and I got here just to realize I'm almost out of gas. Those things are irritating, but I've chosen to enjoy the sunshine anyway. Being miserable doesn't do any good." He cocks his head. "Sometimes it takes a while for us to think through our trials before our emotional reactions... but in the end, it's our choice. I choose to forgive. I choose to love. I choose to hate. What I do with my thoughts and feelings is under my own control not my circumstances."

"But you can't decide you're not gonna be sad or upset when someone dies."

"It's my initial response, yes. But why? Because of what I thought beforehand. Thinking always comes before the emotion. Once I've thought through it, I choose how I am going to react by way of an emotional response. Do I not have the control to find the good instead? The pain might always linger. But that doesn't mean I have to continue being upset. I just have to make up my mind to deal with it. Conquer it. I cannot let my emotions control me."

"But what about if a friend betrays you. Wouldn't you be mad at them?"

"Well I'm only human. But I don't have to be mad at them. I might be upset and disappointed... but if I get mad at them and hate them, I'm letting the circumstances rule my response instead of taking control. It's not easy. But we all have the ability to change our reactions. Sometimes it takes a while. It could take me five minutes to decide not to be mad anymore, or it could be five weeks. But once I've decided... then it's up to me to do it. Deciding to actually change my own attitude - that's the hard part."

Scott rests his foot on the ball. "So you're telling me that I can just choose to not be angry at the Agency or myself anymore. That I can just decide it and that's that."

"I thought we were talking about me."

Scott smirks a little and gives the ball a hearty kick. "Right."

Dirty Deed

Taking the card from Justin Sapphire holds it for a moment reading it before looking up at Justin again and giving a smile. Justin was a very sweet guy and Sapphire was thankful that her brother had someone like him to help him.

"Thanks you. I'll make sure to keep this close in case I need anything."

Turning to go back to her work Sapphire stops as Justin asks his last question. Thinking for a long moment she gives Justin a smile again before answering.

"I could never pick just three things that made my brother smile. He has so many things he really enjoyed in life. Hope, Domino, life, nature, working, having little code wars with Dalton, classical music, the list really is endless."

Shutting the door behind Eli Scarlet wish her apartment was a little cleaner for his first time seeing it but right now that really didn't matter. Looking up at Eli and seeing his arms held out to her it seemed to wash a little fear away that that he would be upset and not want her anymore. Did he know the whole truth? Scarlet wasn't sure but at least he wasn't mad about her driving off.

Taking a few steps twords him Scarlet falls into Eli's arms burring her face into his chest for a long moment just taking in his sent. His smell, his arms they made her feel safe, and shelter the cold world out. His warmth seemed to warm her.

Moving her head a little to rest her face on his chest Scarlet lets a sigh out as she tried to be strong and fight off the tears that wanted to come.

"I feel so safe in your arms Eli, like nothing could hurt me."

Not being able to help it any longer and knowing she needed to just let the tears out, it was all or nothing and if Eli did truly care than the tear should make no difference. Scarlet's shoulders shakes a little as the tears fall. Her fists clenching Eli's shirt.

"I'm sorry I left you, I was just so scared of what would happened if I hadn't."

Outside in the shadow lurked someone up to no good. Seeing in the window at the loving embrace Eli and Scarlet were in only fueled his anger even more in the diluted little fantasy he lived in.

Spotting the two bikes that stood in the driveway Roth couldnt help but snicker to himself. He's show them good not to mess with him. Withdrawing his keys he goes to Eli's first and over the pain he scratches some not so nice words into the pain. Than going to Scarlet's the new paint job that been done on hers he new was Eli's hand work. Running his key in deep to the colors and images he ingraves a few choose names of what he though of Scarlet.

Standing back and admiring his own handy work Roth heads back to his car and gets in. Starting it up he takes one last look into the window before pulling out and dirving away still half drunk from earlier.


Justin gives a little nod, now understanding what Sapphire had meant. He could see where Scott wouldn't want to have anything to do with someone who had been a part of the Agency, even if they hadn't affected him directly.

"I'm sure in a way Scott feels betrayed on some level," he comments thoughtfully as he finally jots down a note. "That's the funny thing about being angry at a group of people rather than just one person. Anybody else who gets involved with those people is automatically an enemy. I think with Scott it's probably a defense mechanism as he tries to protect himself from a future attack."

Lifting his eyes, Justin looks at Sapphire kindly. It was his nature. He couldn't help it. He was here about Scott, but seeing the pain in Sapphire's eyes... "I can't speak for Scott but... if I had to make a bet, I'd say Scott's reaction really has nothing to do with you at all. And if that's the case... there's a good chance you will get your brother back again."

Standing up, Justin is about to push the chair back where it belonged when he pauses. "Thank you, Sapphire... for everything." Reaching in his pocket, he fishes out a card with his name and number. "Should you think of anything else or..." He shouldn't offer more. It was way out of line. But he couldn't not. "...or if you just need to talk, you can call me, okay?"

Turning around, he stops once more. "Oh, I almost forgot. If you had to pick three things that make your brother smile... what would they be?"

Eli was a little relieved that Scarlet actually came to the door. After she'd high-tailed it, he hadn't even been sure she'd want to see him. Female moodiness was something he'd never understood, but he'd work around it if she didn't want to talk to him. Seeing her now though pushed aside that worry.

Looking down at her, Eli is just quiet for a few moments and he finally nods and steps inside. Scarlet's tone was different. Her eyes were different. This was the inside... this was what laid underneath all that courage and toughness that he'd seen before. This was the other half of Scarlet and he wasn't going to be afraid of it.

Getting inside, his eyes glance around for a moment but quickly fall back to Scarlet again. He really didn't feel like anything else to eat or drink. Holding out his arms to offer a hug, he cocks his head, speaking softly. "Come here."

Come in?

Sapphire gives a small sigh and a nod. She might as well tell Justin, he seemed trust worthy enough and if any little bit of information could help him help Scott than it would be important to tell him.

"Yeah pretty much. Gage was part of the Agency but much different from the people the hurt Scott. He, and another girl we have had and got them use to normal life are what we like to call Agency babys. All they new when we found them was the way of the Agency. Hurting people, stealing, so on and so on was life because since they were small thats what they were trained to do. The one girl we found didn't even have a name. Only a number they called her."

Letting out another sigh Sapphire remembered when she had first met Gage, and Thirteen. It still hurt to think of them growing up like that and thinking it was normal.

"We reintroduced them to life, and how it was meant to be. Showing them everything they missed and letting them experience. Gage didn't even know what Lemon Aid was before I showed him. So we started out as friends and soon started dating when we felt we have stronger feelings for each other. Gage is a wonderful guy with a great head on is shoulders that is trying to make up for his past deeds. He also asked me a lot how Scott is."

Sitting holding the pen and fiddling with it Sapphire looks up at Justin again. In a way she felt like she was having a pity party for herself wondering if she was being selfish, but at the same time she wasn't willing to let Gage go.

"Unfortunately with everything that has gone on with my brother he can't see past the face Gage was Agency at one time along with a few others who have turn to the good side so to say. Not saying I don't blame him if I went through everything he did, I might be the same way too."

Giving Eli a nod and a half wave as he walked out the door Jimmy turned to clean up his place and than go to the door himself closing and locking it. Tonight was over, and though it ended bad hearing Eli would be back it gave him some hope that he and Scarlet would be ok.

Sitting in her living room Scarlet held the phone in her hand. She was going to call Eli, she felt bad for leaving him now she was just gather what she would say in her own head. Jimmy would of told him she left and in the back of her mind she new she had to tell him about Roth especially after tonight she just wasnt sure how. Running her arm where Roth had grabbed her she absentmindedly rubbed the bruise in the sap of fingers that were forming. It was going to leave a nasty mark.

About to dial Eli number Scarlet hears a motorcycle pull up and the engine die. Just from the sound she new it was Eli's but getting up she slowly goes to the window and sure enough it was Eli. She hadn't expected him to come to her house, but she had to admit she was kind of happy he was here.

Hearing the knock on the door and his voice following she new Jimmy must have told him what happened. Giving a small brave sigh she opened the door slightly.

"Yeah, I'm ok I think."

Finally looking up at Eli's face for the comfort she so desperately wanted She opened the door a little more. Her one arm crossed her chest as she held her arm of where the bruise was forming. Her eyes were bloodshot and one could tell she'd been crying. Tonight had brought back so many horrible nightmares of her past. She'd thought the crying was over, and the hardness had kept the pain out but tonight run in just proved to be so much.

"I'm sorry I didn't meet you for drinks to night..I..left before you got there. If your not to upset would you like to come in, I think I have something cold in the fridge we could have and we can talk."

Scarlet didn't feel much for joking right now, or letting her sassy nature show. Tonight had went from good to horrible bad, but having Eli here now was a pluse!

Just wanted

Justin listens to Sapphire, his pen hovering above his notepad but remaining still, his eyes watching her intently. He knew that someone in his position needed to be very careful about letting other people's problems get to him or affect his own emotions. But something in Sapphire's voice... it sent a little pang to his heart. Everything he was gathering today - all the information and tidbits - proved that Scott wasn't the only one who was being affected by this ordeal. He had the worst of it, no doubt, but his own condition was affecting everyone who cared about him.

Hearing about someone named Gage, Justin's eyebrows rise slightly. He lets Sapphire finish though, processing everything, while his pen still does not write. He cocks his head a little, careful not to step on toes while at the same time he gleaned information. "Gage, huh?" He purses his lips in thought. "Someone Scott doesn't like you being around?"

Sighing deeply, one might think Eli wasn't listening to Jimmy anymore, but he was. He just needed to sort through everything before taking any action, passive or otherwise.

Accepting the whiskey he downs it as quickly as he had the first, letting it settle before starting to finish off his beer. It was several long moments before he said anything at all, seeming to be lost in his own world.

"Thank you, Jimmy... for telling me the truth." It would have been just as easy for the man to lie and avoid all that pain. But he'd respected Eli and for that, he was grateful. Sliding off the barstool, Eli leaves a little beer in the bottle. He didn't need anymore, especially since he was driving. "I'll see you around..." He catches Jimmy's eye and nods. He would be back... he wouldn't hold Roth's actions against him. But for now, there was nothing else that could be said...

The streets were dark, lit by streetlights and a few stars. But the beauty of the evening was far from Eli's mind. His bike takes him down the back roads, out of town, then in again as he zigzags behind traffic, letting his mind wander.

Eventually, the rumbling of his bike can be heard outside of Scarlet's apartment before the engine is cut. Just sitting on his bike for several minutes, Eli thinks. Did Scarlet really react differently to him than other men she'd had? Was this really something special? Was Jimmy right?

Sighing deeply, he takes off his helmet and finally wanders to Scarlet's door. His boots could be heard on the walkway along with his wallet chain - anyone who knew him well could always tell when it was him approaching with his long stride.

Stopping at her door, he pauses again before knocking with his knuckles. "Scarlet?" he calls softly. "It's me... I just... wanted to see if you were alright."


Still sitting next to Eli Jimmy study's him. It was hard to read his expressions and his face seeing that there was a lot of mixtures of everything. He could only hope that wouldn't damage the just started relationship that had brought so much promise.

Hearing that Eli wanted another shot he studys him for a long moment. This might be the only thing that was keeping him calm right now. By looking at most people Jimmy had a talent for being able to see there limit before they even could. From just looking at Eli he new one more shot wouldn't send him over the edge and he'd still be able to drive safe.

"Don't be to upset with Scarlet for not telling you..."

Jimmy slides off the the bar stool and makes his way around the back of the counter to where the liqueur was. Taking Eli's older shot glass away and getting a newer one he places it down in front of him pouring the liqueur into it.

"..I know she would of told you when she was ready. It's not an easy thing for her to talk about, but I know she would of told you soon because she really is fond of you. I can see it in her eyes when she talks about you. She feels safe, and she feels human again."

Not saying anything else Jimmy pushes the shot twords Eli. He new it was his desition what would happen next, and what ever it was it would be for Eli's own reasons. He couldn't change his mind with words not that he would try to much anyways because it wasn't his place. He could only try and incurage as much as he could.

Shaking her head a little bit as Justin sits outside the cuble she can't help a small chuckle. He could of come in she would of had no problem with that, but just the simple gesture was nice.

Hearing her brother was doing well was nice, even though Sapphire had already believed Scott would come home someday and new he was ok or she would of been told. Still she couldn't help but feel a little more comfort just being reassured from Justin's words. He was a thoughtful man and she liked that.

Leaning back in her chair and thinking about his question for a moment Sapphire gathers information in her head about her brother and how she remembered him than, and now.

"My brother and I have always been close being twins and all thats just normal I would guess. As kids, and even in grade school we always did things together. We were both into computers and techy stuff."

Stopping and thinking again Sapphire took her pen from her desk and held it putting the cap on and off again as she thought.

"Than as we got older we started to drift apart. He was always smart in school, and I was the popular one though I had very few people I would call friend or hang out with. We slipped away from each other and went own ways. But years later as luck would have it we both ended up here working together and though we didn't talk much our relationship started to grow again."

Sapphire new they were coming to the hard part of the conversation. She always hated talking about when they though Scott was dead. Even just remembering it hurt like no other.

"When everyone though my brother was dead it killed me inside. I lost the person I had a connection with even if we didn't talk a lot. Than he came back and it was like a second chanse to get to know him all over again. Than things just...started to go down hill again. I love my brother like no other..."

Sapphire's eyes glistened a little showing she really meant it. She did love Scott with all her heart.

"..and I just want to see him well again. And I hope that one day he can accept me and Gage being together because I want my brother apart of my life and I miss being close to him. He's my best friend and I hate that he's not ok."


Receiving the beer from Jimmy and still looking in his eyes, Eli felt an odd twist in his gut. He stays put though, feeling maybe he needed this beer more than he thought. Taking a swig, he listens.

The news that Roth was Jimmy's son took Eli completely off guard. Now that he thought about it, he could see some resemblance, but their dispositions were so different, he never would have guessed. Shock fills his gaze. Scarlet had dated Jimmy's son. Roth. Scarlet had actually been in love with the same man who had put Ryan on her death bed. It had been a long time ago, but still... it wasn't a pleasant connection to make. Surely Scarlet knew about Roth shooting Ryan, yet she'd never said a word about her even knowing him?

Eli contains his temper and takes another sip of beer, forcing himself to stay and hear Jimmy out. He wasn't sure he believed Roth had ever been a nice guy, but the story of his mother's death did explain how a change might have occurred.

Having Jimmy join him on the same side of the bar, Eli is hesitant, but again forces himself to stay put, if just to finish off the beer he'd started. Though right about now, another shot of whiskey would have been nice.

Pictures of Roth and Scarlet flashed through Eli's mind. A new kind of pain reflects in his eyes as he hears of the abuse. Scarlet... this beautiful, intelligent, wonderful woman... how could someone ever dare to lay a finger on her? It was beyond Eli and his blood began to boil with an even greater hatred for Roth.

Jimmy's insights into Scarlet seemed to make the pieces fall into place. Her tough exterior. Her want to travel. And one puzzle piece in particular was now evident - it was that shy hesitance right below the surface that Eli had seen and questioned. Now he knew. A bad relationship had formed that bit of hesitance and now Eli understood. Ryan had been right - it had been from a bad experience.

Remaining silent as Jimmy finishes his explanation, Eli lets his eyes fall to his beer instead of the other man's eyes. He felt way too many things at once right now. He was angry... so angry at Roth. Not only because of Ryan, but now because of Scarlet too. Roth was a genuine scumbag and Eli's hate had grown tenfold. Taking another swig of beer he is still silent. There was also a feeling of something close to betrayal. It was obvious why Scarlet wouldn't have told him about Roth - it was probably painful for her. But Eli would have liked to have known... he didn't like finding out this way. Sure, he hadn't told her about Sasha either, but Sasha hadn't harmed Scarlet's family like Roth had harmed Eli's. And then there was Jimmy. He obviously wasn't to blame for his son's actions, but Eli now had a different perspective... and it was hard to see past that now when looking at Jimmy.

Only halfway through his beer, he leans his elbows on the bar and rubs his hands over his face, trying to keep his temper cool. He wanted to hit something awfully bad, but this time there was a warning to chill... acting without thinking on this one could have a very long list of consequences. "Gimme another shot of whiskey, Jimmy."

Justin's smile widens a little bit. There was something about this woman he liked. Spying an empty chair nearby, he retrieves it and sits right outside Sapphire's cubicle, rather than invading her space. "First of fall, your brother is doing fine and I truly believe that one of these days he'll be able to come home."

He wasn't sure if Scott's sister needed that reassurance or not, but he was willing to give it just in case. "I was just wondering if maybe you could briefly share a little bit about him from your perspective. Maybe what he was like growing up or in school? I'm trying to get the big picture and get to know the Scott that everybody else knows."