
Come in?

Sapphire gives a small sigh and a nod. She might as well tell Justin, he seemed trust worthy enough and if any little bit of information could help him help Scott than it would be important to tell him.

"Yeah pretty much. Gage was part of the Agency but much different from the people the hurt Scott. He, and another girl we have had and got them use to normal life are what we like to call Agency babys. All they new when we found them was the way of the Agency. Hurting people, stealing, so on and so on was life because since they were small thats what they were trained to do. The one girl we found didn't even have a name. Only a number they called her."

Letting out another sigh Sapphire remembered when she had first met Gage, and Thirteen. It still hurt to think of them growing up like that and thinking it was normal.

"We reintroduced them to life, and how it was meant to be. Showing them everything they missed and letting them experience. Gage didn't even know what Lemon Aid was before I showed him. So we started out as friends and soon started dating when we felt we have stronger feelings for each other. Gage is a wonderful guy with a great head on is shoulders that is trying to make up for his past deeds. He also asked me a lot how Scott is."

Sitting holding the pen and fiddling with it Sapphire looks up at Justin again. In a way she felt like she was having a pity party for herself wondering if she was being selfish, but at the same time she wasn't willing to let Gage go.

"Unfortunately with everything that has gone on with my brother he can't see past the face Gage was Agency at one time along with a few others who have turn to the good side so to say. Not saying I don't blame him if I went through everything he did, I might be the same way too."

Giving Eli a nod and a half wave as he walked out the door Jimmy turned to clean up his place and than go to the door himself closing and locking it. Tonight was over, and though it ended bad hearing Eli would be back it gave him some hope that he and Scarlet would be ok.

Sitting in her living room Scarlet held the phone in her hand. She was going to call Eli, she felt bad for leaving him now she was just gather what she would say in her own head. Jimmy would of told him she left and in the back of her mind she new she had to tell him about Roth especially after tonight she just wasnt sure how. Running her arm where Roth had grabbed her she absentmindedly rubbed the bruise in the sap of fingers that were forming. It was going to leave a nasty mark.

About to dial Eli number Scarlet hears a motorcycle pull up and the engine die. Just from the sound she new it was Eli's but getting up she slowly goes to the window and sure enough it was Eli. She hadn't expected him to come to her house, but she had to admit she was kind of happy he was here.

Hearing the knock on the door and his voice following she new Jimmy must have told him what happened. Giving a small brave sigh she opened the door slightly.

"Yeah, I'm ok I think."

Finally looking up at Eli's face for the comfort she so desperately wanted She opened the door a little more. Her one arm crossed her chest as she held her arm of where the bruise was forming. Her eyes were bloodshot and one could tell she'd been crying. Tonight had brought back so many horrible nightmares of her past. She'd thought the crying was over, and the hardness had kept the pain out but tonight run in just proved to be so much.

"I'm sorry I didn't meet you for drinks to night..I..left before you got there. If your not to upset would you like to come in, I think I have something cold in the fridge we could have and we can talk."

Scarlet didn't feel much for joking right now, or letting her sassy nature show. Tonight had went from good to horrible bad, but having Eli here now was a pluse!

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