
Just wanted

Justin listens to Sapphire, his pen hovering above his notepad but remaining still, his eyes watching her intently. He knew that someone in his position needed to be very careful about letting other people's problems get to him or affect his own emotions. But something in Sapphire's voice... it sent a little pang to his heart. Everything he was gathering today - all the information and tidbits - proved that Scott wasn't the only one who was being affected by this ordeal. He had the worst of it, no doubt, but his own condition was affecting everyone who cared about him.

Hearing about someone named Gage, Justin's eyebrows rise slightly. He lets Sapphire finish though, processing everything, while his pen still does not write. He cocks his head a little, careful not to step on toes while at the same time he gleaned information. "Gage, huh?" He purses his lips in thought. "Someone Scott doesn't like you being around?"

Sighing deeply, one might think Eli wasn't listening to Jimmy anymore, but he was. He just needed to sort through everything before taking any action, passive or otherwise.

Accepting the whiskey he downs it as quickly as he had the first, letting it settle before starting to finish off his beer. It was several long moments before he said anything at all, seeming to be lost in his own world.

"Thank you, Jimmy... for telling me the truth." It would have been just as easy for the man to lie and avoid all that pain. But he'd respected Eli and for that, he was grateful. Sliding off the barstool, Eli leaves a little beer in the bottle. He didn't need anymore, especially since he was driving. "I'll see you around..." He catches Jimmy's eye and nods. He would be back... he wouldn't hold Roth's actions against him. But for now, there was nothing else that could be said...

The streets were dark, lit by streetlights and a few stars. But the beauty of the evening was far from Eli's mind. His bike takes him down the back roads, out of town, then in again as he zigzags behind traffic, letting his mind wander.

Eventually, the rumbling of his bike can be heard outside of Scarlet's apartment before the engine is cut. Just sitting on his bike for several minutes, Eli thinks. Did Scarlet really react differently to him than other men she'd had? Was this really something special? Was Jimmy right?

Sighing deeply, he takes off his helmet and finally wanders to Scarlet's door. His boots could be heard on the walkway along with his wallet chain - anyone who knew him well could always tell when it was him approaching with his long stride.

Stopping at her door, he pauses again before knocking with his knuckles. "Scarlet?" he calls softly. "It's me... I just... wanted to see if you were alright."

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