
Not today

As Ryan returns to the shop, the guys remain quiet. Two of the bay doors had been open... they all knew. When she gives up the day's challenge though, it's a surprise. They could see she was upset, but to give one of them the win of the day was a signal that things were far worse than just a little spat with her boyfriend. But no one knew what to say. 

It was over an hour later when Tal's car would pull into the lot at Ryan's apartment. It had felt like the longest hour he'd ever experienced. Getting out of his car, he makes his way slowly up the walk and to the door. He knew Ryan was here from seeing her car, but after the way they'd left things just as little earlier, he wasn't so sure she'd even want to see him. He had a key... but he wasn't going to just walk in... not today. 

Lifting his hand, he raps his knuckles on the door. "Ryan?" he calls. 

Sitting in the chair in the little room, Dani shifts around once again as her leg falls asleep. She couldn't remember how long she'd been here... but it didn't matter. Dalton slept a lot, but she didn't mind - while all was quiet, she read a book or even napped herself. 

Yawning, she sets her book aside and just watches Dalton sleep for several minutes. Finally getting up, she moves the chair right up next to the bed before sitting again. Leaning forward, she folds her arms on the mattress next to Dalton and rests her head there, closing her eyes. If she fell asleep but he woke up, she wanted him to know she was still here. 

You Win

Ryan could feel her heart growing cold with each word that Tal spoke. It wasn't a coldness twords him but maybe rather his words, maybe the situation, or maybe it was a coldness twords Alec. He sure did have a way of messing them up over and over again didn't he?

   "You have to think again? So you don't believe me...if you did you wouldn't have to think. Fine Tal, I'll let you alone. You know where I am though when your ready because I don't know what else to do or say."

She could feel the hot tears stream down her cheek as she closed her eyes for a second and turned around heading back to the auto shop. Getting to the door she stops for a second trying to compose herself. She hurt, she was sad, no one saw her upset but at the moment it was hard. Giving a strong punch to one of the doors Ryan was happy it was mad of wood or she might of broken it. Sadly though now her fist was screaming at her.

Entering the auto shop the tears where sill in Ryan's eyes as she went to her car looking down at it. She could feel the guys eyes on her and her own eyes were to glossed over to see what she was doing. Right now she just couldn't finish work and she didn't need this car done till tomorrow anways. She just wanted to leave, to go home crawl in bed and wallow away the rest of the day.

   "Leo you win this round in the who can finish first challenge...I don't care today. I'm going home."

And with that Ryan pushes off the car and heads for the the time clock to clock out before leaving the auto shop altogether. Going to her car Ryan just sits for several long moments letting the tears flow. Why...why couldn't it be easy, why was it this hard?

Giving a laugh at Rosalyn Chad takes the napkins and brings them out to the table before coming back again. He loved the idea of having lunch by there tree. Coming back into the kitchen and standing next to Rosalyn.

   "I'm not worried about your father. I care to much to just tuck tail and run. As long as no one throws me off the ranch."

Looking down at her Chad smile before turn to the sink that already had some soap and water in it. Starting to clean up some of the dishes. He didn't what else he could help with but cleaning was something he did know how to do so maybe he at least could do that for now.

   "As for those buttons, they are waiting for you if you ever just want to sneak away."


Tal hated seeing Ryan hurt, but his hard stare remains as she speaks. He wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe that she did love him. But with everything having added up lately he was struggling... struggling to know what the truth was, and struggling with the fear of just ending up more hurt than he already was. 

As Ryan takes his hand, he doesn't hold hers, but he doesn't retreat, just letting her continue. Since knowing her, he'd never seen her this desperate. He didn't want to hurt her. He didn't want to be unfair or break her heart. But he had a longer history than he liked to think about, for having his own heart taken advantage of. He'd never expected to become close to Ryan in the first place - he'd considered her far out of his league. But now that they'd formed a relationship, this whole thing was tearing him apart. Was he really the only man she wanted? Why had she even allowed Alec so close to begin with? Even Eli had admitted she and Alec had something special. Could it really be ignored or overcome? 

Sighing deeply, Tal looks down before toying with Ryan's hand. "I love you too, Ryan," he responds softly. "I didn't ever plan on it... but I care about you more than I have for any other woman. I guess that's why this upsets me like it does. I just... I want to believe you. I want to believe that what you and Alec had won't come between us. And I just don't know." 

Finally raising his eyes, he looks to Ryan's face. "This morning, I had it figured out. I was gonna forget the whole thing and just be happy. And now... now I'm right back where I was last night." 

He shakes his head slowly before letting her hand slip from his and backing up a step towards the driver's door on his car. "I gotta go. And think."

Rosalyn feels herself melt all over again in Chad's arms. It just never failed. Returning his kiss, she sighs a happy sigh as he retreats. Giggling, she shakes her head. "Those shirts are probably loosening their buttons on purpose." 

Grinning, she finally lets him go and turns to the oven to warm it up. "I think lunch at our tree sounds fabulous, as long as we're both still alive when my father realizes you're still here this morning." 

She rolls her eyes before handing Chad a stack of napkins to be set out on the tables. "But if we feel the need to hide out... I wouldn't mind taking a look at those buttons..."


Having Tal turn to look at her again Ryan recoiled a little bit by the look in his eyes. She had never seen such a cold, hurt look and it ripped Ryan's heart in two all over again. It was hard to know how hurt, and anger he was with her.

   "Tal, I love YOU. I did not kiss Alec first, he was the one who kissed me. I don't want anyone but you Tal...I love, its you I love and want to be with."

Stepping a little close to Tal Ryan blocked everything else out of her mind. Placing her hand on Tal's arm and running it down to her hand Ryan takes it in her own wrapping her fingers around his. She felt so despite like she never had before. She didn't want to lose Tal and that she new for a face with every fiber of her soul.

   "Please Tal, I am begging you to believe me. My eyes are for you, and your the only man I want."

As Rosalyn comes to him and wraps her arms around his wast Chad audimaticly wraps his around her as well and leans down placing a kiss on the top of her head. Just feeling her in his arms was nice, and her warmth spread though him Chad couldn't help the tingling feeling he felt.

   "Mmmm...work is a pain but it is a must. However as long as you direct me I would be more than happy to help you out in here this morning. I'm a rather good cook when I put my mind to it."

Pulling away a little bit to look down at Rosalyn's the smile spreads across his face a little bit more. Moving one of his hand so it could slide to the back of her neck and than up to the back of her head Chad leans down giving her a few tender kiss on the lips, before placing another one that lasted longer. Just letting his feelings flow before pulling away and leaning his head against her looking her in the eyes.

   "Than maybe in the afternoon we could take a lunch to our tree, or find something else fun to do. I think I might have some button's that are falling off my shirts."

Look me in the eye

Staring at Ryan's angry face, Alec can feel his heart beating hard in his chest. What had happened? What had he done that was so wrong? Why was she yelling at him? All he wanted was to talk with her. He'd tried to be nice about it, but Tal was the one who had exploded. It didn't make sense. None of it did. The woman he'd seen just a couple days ago... seemed to no longer exist. The smile. The warmth. Gone. 

As Ryan walks away, Alec's feet remained glued in their spot. Throwing up his hands, he intends to holler after her, but no words seemed to do justice. She'd thrown him for a loop and he was landing face-first on this one. 

Hearing Ryan, Tal resists the urge to just get into his car and leave right now. Leaning against his car, his fingers strum nervously on the roof as he refuses to turn and look at her. Alec may not have had a right to say the things he did, but who was to say they weren't true? It was becoming more and more apparent that Ryan's heart was split. Maybe she'd made the conscious effort to pick Tal, but right about now, he wondered if it was even real. 

Finally pushing off the car, he turns. Leaning one arm on the roof, his eyes lock with Ryan's, with a stare he'd never used before. It was dark. Confused. Hurt. His ears pick up the sound of Alec's bike leaving, and he ignores it, holding his stare. 

"Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kiss him back." His voice was controlled and quiet, but teeming with emotion. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love him."

Heading back down the hall, Rosalyn feels much better. She didn't have a change of clothes here, but at least she'd been able to wash her face, pull her hair back into a loose ponytail, and brush her teeth. 

Still in her bare feet, she pads into the kitchen to find Chad at the coffee pot - he must have been the one to make it, and she was grateful. Smiling just a little shyly, she comes up to him and slips her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his chest and sighing deeply. "I wish I didn't have to work in here this morning... I'd rather just go hide somewhere with you."