
Missing Pieces

Scott smiled, just listening to Hope. He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed the sound of her voice.

"Yeah, I guess my life is mostly about work, too. That, and keeping Domino happy." He chuckled before taking another sip of coffee. "'Course...I see Justin quite a bit still.  But...things are getting better...I think."

He studied Hope's eyes for a moment, wishing he were braver. Stronger. More confident. If he was, he wouldn't still need Justin as a crutch to keep on going. To keep on living. He was still so scared of so many things. But at least he was doing a few more things again...like this, tonight.

"He's a pretty whacked guy, ya know?" Scott gained back his grin. "I never know what he's gonna think up next. Funny thing is, most of what he does works, even when I don't want to admit it. I got wind that Reese wanted him around more often but haven't heard anything else about it since."

Though Gunner heard the soft click of the door and the gentle rustle of grass, he didn't turn. He knew it was Bree. It wasn't clear how, but he knew it was her. Feeling her hand, he let his fingers intertwine with hers. His eyes remained on the sky though. 

"All those stars," he whispered. "In a huge universe so big that a man is nothing but a spec. And this one spec can't even function anymore." He sighed. He knew Bree was worried about him. He hated this entire thing. But he was also growing weary of trying so hard to appear cheerful. 

"I can't let it go." His voice was still hushed. "I can't do it, no matter how many times Hope tells me I need to. There's a batch of puzzle pieces in my mind, and as long as they're there, I have to figure out how they fit. I can't not. I just...I can't. And yet...it's an impossible task. Like it always has been. Ever since I woke up in the hospital. Life has been impossible. Being alive isn't hard. Living is. I can't live with missing pieces." 

Gunner only partially realized he was beginning to ramble in circles now. Thankfully, he paused long enough to stop before he turned, walked a few steps back to the porch and sat down, pulling Bree into his lap. Nuzzling his face down into her shoulder, he remained silent. His eyes were dry but his soul was crying. 

Several days passed and, as promised, Eric's truck rumbled into the ranch driveway. He'd hoped to be back by noon, but as luck would have it, supper would be soon. At least it wasn't dark out yet.

After parking his rig near the garage, he slid from the cab and stretched his aching body. There was something oddly comforting about being on the road...but sitting for so long wasn't something he particularly enjoyed. Grabbing his duffel bag, he slung it over his shoulder and aimed for his bunk. And while his plan was to take ten minutes and clean up, that didn't mean his eyes didn't wander, looking for Stacy or Ashlee. Without a phone, he hadn't been able to tell Stacy exactly when he'd be back.