
Slave Work

Katie gives a nod to Jeff and a big smile. It seemed like her liked Hunter and that was a really important and big start for her. What her father thought really meant a lot to her and just knowing he accepted Hunter was a good thing.

   "Yeah I think we are going to stick around for some lunch than I figured we would find Rosetta and see what bunk is open for Hunter to stay in."
 Shaking her head slightly at Jeff but not saying anything she could see how tired and worn out he was. Again he was over doing it but saying anything would only start a fight and she didn't want that in front of Hunter. Not when he just got here.

Lunch was went along normal and Becky's chilli was always the best. Katie could eat it day after day and not get tired of it. Chatter in the mess hall was light and Katie introduced Hunter to a few more people. Everyone seemed to take to him pretty well and Katie was happy. Conversation with her dad was light hearted too.

   "So Dad maybe tomorrow you can come with Hunter and me to show him a few mellow tasks to start him out on. His Uncle had a ranch so he knows a bunch of stuff but I figured we shouldn't make him dive into the slave work right away. What do you think?"

Thrown Out

Seeing Katie approaching with a stranger, Jeff is confused for a moment before being introduced. Realizing just who this is though, recognition flashes in his eyes as he stands. "Well hi, Hunter. Nice to meet you." He offers his hand. 

Hunter accepts the handshake and nods. "Nice to meet you too. Katie's told me a lot about you."

"And vice versa." 

Hunter rolls his eyes over to Katie. "How many times have I told you not to talk about me? It only spreads bad rumors." 

Jeff chuckles and shakes his head. "Don't worry... I haven't heard anything too bad."

"Funny... Mick said the same thing a while ago." Hunter scratches his head. "At least the stories must be consistent." 

Jeff grins and winks at Katie. He knew there was more than just good things about this young man. Hunter sounded like a risk taker with a taste for alcohol. But from what Katie had said, he was also a very caring man who had looked out for her. "So you're staying a while then?"

Hunter shrugs. "I think so. Depends on when you all think I ought to be thrown out."

"Oh, it takes an awful lot for anybody to be kicked off this ranch." Jeff thinks for a moment. "I've come close, come to think of it. But don't worry. I'll vouch for you." 

Hunter laughs. "That's good enough for me."

Jeff eases back down in his chair before his knees buckled, covering up the fact that he was dead tired. Looking up at Katie, he forces another smile. "You sticking around for lunch?" 

"Okay good." Jason was glad Misty had accepted the invitation. Not only because he liked her company, but he was glad she would get out and do something else too... he knew how important it was to start new routines and keep oneself occupied when there was still too much heartache lingering in the shadows. 

Alec's eyes drift from Jason to Misty, to Jason and back again, his gaze full of curiosity.


Rosetta new her brother was looking for some kinds of excuse as to why he couldn't come out. He'd never been the master at them and being able to tell was easy as cake. Sometimes she just wished he'd come out and say it instead of making things up. They were all getting hold and Rosetta new it, in the mornings she could feel it and at night now too. One day they would be gone, and it made her sad to think it might come to soon without having the family together or ever meeting her other nieces and nephews.

  "Yeah, Yeah I will...take it easy Jay."

Hanging up the phone and sinking down in her desk chair Rosetta glances at the clock. Everyone would be gathering for dinner and she would join them soon. But there was a pain inside her heart, and a feeling in her stomach as a tear slipped from he eye. So much time had gone, so much had been missed, life had taken its turns, and paved the path for them. And it hurt to know her brother was so far away yet so close. 

Looking at the pictures on her desk for a second Rosetta lets out a long sigh. The smiling faces she was met with, the eyes that twinkled and told story's of happy times. Every moment made was to be made as the best but some days just seemed harder than others as time just seemed to fly by and hours only seemed like minutes.

Standing and wiping her eyes Rosetta new dwelling was not good and it really did nothing. She had to face life head on and take the moments as they came. Life would not wait for anyone so the what ifs had to be put behind her and she had to focus on the here and now. God had give her a lot and she should be thankful for that...not wishing things were different.

   "Alright good..."

Giving a little laugh Katie was a bit excited to introduce her friend to Jeff. She'd talked to him about Hunter and how he had been there for her when she really didn't have anyone else. How he had filled her time with laughter and just company while Jason was off with his friends doing whatever.

Leading Hunter to the mess hall and entering Katie scans the area before leaning back to Hunter a little bit. Pointing out a few of the different people, who they were and what they did around the ranch. At least for now he'd have names to go with the faces and she would do something more formal a little later. Seeing her dad at one of the far tables Katie smiles before heading that way.

   "Hey Dad, I'd like you to meet someone. This is Hunter. He's the guy I was telling you about when I first got here. He deiced to come visit and even stay for a little while. Hunter this is Jeff my dad."

Taking a bite of her pizza Misty just sits back and watches Jason and Alec interact. She was intrusted in how they would and so far they seemed to be getting along ok. There conversation was light and she found the topic Jason picked intrusting.

As Jason offers his help with the bike Misty smiles setting her pizza down and reaching for her pop. Taking a swig Misty thought it was pretty nice to Jason to offer. To her it looked like he was trying and that was important to her. Alec needed more people who were at least trying to forgive and help him. He needed to gain his confadance back and see he didn't need to be arrogant to have friends.

   "I think thats a great idea. I could go with you guys too encase there is anything else from your apartment you need."

Picking up her chicken wing and pulling some of the meat off of it Misty falls quiet again as the silence lingers. It was a little awkward but nothing to bad. Her stomach growled for more food and she couldn't help but laugh wondering if it was her own stomach or the baby that wanted more.

As Jason's topic changes and Misty gets the little gab with his elbow she looks to him and shakes her head giving a laugh and playfully kicking him under the table. Taking another bite of her food she lets the silence linger a moment longer while she chews before replying.

   "Sure thats sounds like it might be nice. Getting out of the office for lunch is always an extra treat rather than eating the same old same old."


Hunter laughs and nods. "Yeah, I never minded the smell of horses. Can't stand cows, but horses don't bother me a bit." He quirks an eyebrow. "Good thing too, for as much as my uncle made me muck out stalls." 

Invited to lunch, he shrugs. "I think I could use a bite to eat." In truth, he hadn't eaten much the last few days. He'd been drinking his meals, which, he knew was foolish. "I'd love to meet your dad, too." From the way Katie had talked about him, Jeff seemed like he would be a nice guy. And maybe Hunter was curious to see how they got along. Having a good relationship with one's dad was rather foreign to him. 

Inside the dining room, Jeff eases down at a table in the corner. Taking off his hat and hanging it on the back of his chair, he mops his brow with a bandana. Sparky had said he didn't need to clean stalls, but who else was going to do it? He hadn't wanted to just sit around all morning. Although... it was a little warmer out than he'd thought... 

Taking a couple deep breaths, he tries to slow his heart rate. After lunch he'd be fine. After something to drink and something to eat, he'd be ready to go back out to the barn, he was sure.

Rosetta's gentle rebuke makes Jay feel guilty and he wishes he would have handled things with Jeff differently. He hadn't meant to hurt his brother's feelings. 

As the conversation shifts though, he sighs. "We're, um... we're doing alright. I keep telling Jessica we need to come down and see you guys. It's just finding the right time now. Seems like every day gets busier, ya know?" Would his sister recognize he was fishing for excuses? He hoped not. It had nothing to do with her or any of the rest of the family. He loved them all and missed everyone just as much. He was just... scared. 

A shriek down the hall diverts his attention and he straightens from the kitchen counter. "Sounds like somebody found a spider in the bathroom. I gotta go. Listen... I'm sorry about Jeff. If you get a chance, tell him to call me sometime, okay?" 

Taking Misty's cue, Alec comes to the table and sits, though isn't very relaxed yet. He still felt awkward... being here at all, let alone with Jason in the mix. But he was too hungry to decline. 

Settling in too, Jason enjoys the food but still studying Alec and how different he was. Yet he wasn't so sure he could trust him yet. 

Being thanked for the yard work, Alec just shrugs it off and concentrates on his chicken wing. "It was nothin'." Glancing up at Misty, he can feel he might get smacked if he was within range. "But you're welcome anyway."

There was that humble look again that Jason had seen a few minutes ago. Had Alec really changed? Or was it a ruse? "Misty tells me you're gonna stick around for a while." 

Alec nods and finally looks Jason in the eye. "Yeah... I think so. Til I figure out what I'm gonna do, I guess." 

"I heard Reese let you go but I wasn't sure what all was happening with that."

"Nothing much more than that." Alec takes a slice of pizza. "You're looking at the loser of the month... or year." 

Jason isn't sure how to respond to that, so he doesn't. Again, was that just a comment to make people feel sorry for him, or was it that Alec was genuinely down on himself? Jason couldn't tell. "Still got your bike?" 

"Mmhmm... no money for gas though. It's still at the apartment. Figured I'd walk it here and store it in the garage til I can afford gas again." 

"Ah." Jason shrugs. "If we can get it in the back of my truck, I'll bring it here for you." 

Alec lifts his eyebrows. Really? Jason was offering to help? That was a... surprise. "Um... okay. Yeah, sure. Thanks." 

"Alright." Jason's mind suddenly ping-pongs to another subject and he elbows Misty. "Hey, tomorrow at lunch, Dalton and Dani and... I think Sapphire and Scott are gonna do lunch somewhere. Maybe Gunner too. Or was it Pete? Anyway, they don't care who comes along... You wanna join 'em?" 


Katie gives a smile and nods. She new what Hunter meant so well. Even if this was where she had always lived being away and than coming back made her think about when she was a child again and memories of life here. Thought some were bad memories there were good ones too and Katie liked thinking about those ones.

   "For me its going into the barn and smelling the horses. Most people can't get by the smell of manure but to me I can smell so much more."

Pushing off the fence and just standing for a second and looking around for a moment Katie wondered who else was around she could introduce to Hunter. It was almost noon so everyone would be gathering for lunch. That would be a good way to find anyone at the moment.

   "It's almost lunch time. If your hungry the guests should be done eating and we can go grab something to eat and maybe my dad is there I can introduce him to you."

Listing to Jay Rosetta paces the office floor. She wondered if what Jay had said about him what was set Jeff off. Hearing about it she felt a little irritated herself and upset with Jay. She couldn't believe her brother would do that to Jeff. He new thats how he always handled his illness.

   "Jay, I don't think he did get over it. I think what you said to him really hurt. That's how Jeff always handled the poor hand he had been dealt. He didn't have anything but his humor."

Stopping at her desk and sinking down again Rosetta thinks about everything going on. She spend most of her time in the office so she didn't get to see what went on outside except when she did go out to walk around and watch how everything was running. That didn't give her enough time to interact with people though on the level she'd like.

   "Alright, thats Jay for the information. I'll see what I can do with Jeff."

Thinking for a second Rosetta didn't want to end the conversation on a bad note. She'd rather stay on good terms with her brother as much as she could. They hardly saw each other so sometimes it strained the relationship but they always tried there best.

   "Hows the family? You guys should come visit sometime."

Hearing Jason and than seeing him come out back Misty smiles. It was always nice to see her friend and she was happy he'd made it before they had started. She'd stalled as much as she could and it look like it payed off.

Seeing Alec standing off to the far side she rolls her eyes and motions him over to sit. She understand he was nervous and not use to this kind of stuff but he needed to relax. This was his home now too and no one was going to kick him out or tell him to leave.

   "Well if you like pizza and wings from the pizza box than yes...yes I did."

Grabbing some ice she had put in the small chest Misty puts it in the glasses before pouring what kind of pop everyone wanted. Saying a graces after that the food was finally being dished out and boy did it tast good. She'd never really had to much pizza from the pizza box before but now..she liked it and didn't mind going there at all.

   "So, its a great night to be eating outside. I think I owe a big thanks to Alec for cleaning up the back yard as well as he did so we could enjoy the meal out here. So...thank you Alec." 


Hunter gives Katie another smile, although on the inside, he was mulling over her words. She was the one who was here because she needed a new start... not him... right? So why was she the one doing the encouraging? It was just another sign that Katie was different. And it was a good different. 

Glancing down, Hunter just nods. Why did he get the strange feeling she knew more about him than he'd ever told her? It was a bit uncomfortable yet nice at the same time. 

Looking up again, he manages a chuckle. "Yeah, well I'm not too worried. I'm like a chameleon... I blend into my surroundings." Grinning, he turns around to lean his back on the fence and look back over the buildings and where they'd walked. "When I was a kid, I had an uncle who had a horse farm. Nothing like this... much smaller. But I used to go spend a couple weeks during the summer at his place. I rode a bit. Always liked it. This sorta... brings back memories, ya know? The sights... smells." 

Jay lifts an eyebrow at Rosetta's question about Jeff. "Huh... really? Naw, he wasn't acting strange or anything while he was here. I mean, he took off early but that was because Trent called him and said Katie was there." 

He shrugs and reaches for a cookie on the counter, only to have his hand slapped by Jessica and he sticks his tongue out at her. Stealing the cookie anyway, he gets a whack with her dish towel, but when he grins at her, she rolls her eyes and hides her own smile by turning back to the sink. Jay nibbles on the cookie, trying to get his mind back on task rather than teasing his wife. 

"We did have a little go-around," he muses. Maybe that was it. "We were out to eat as a family and he started acting stupid like he usually does. It was embarrassing, and I told him so. I told him it was time he quit acting like a three-year-old." 

He pauses to eat a little more of his cookie, replaying the incident in his mind. "We got into it and finally went outside so we didn't cause any more of a scene. He'd been moping around that day, complaining he didn't have a love life and I told him if he kept acting like a toddler, he'd never find a woman. I probably shouldn't have said it, but I did. It ticked him off but we made it through the evening and then the whole thing was forgotten." 

Jay thinks for a moment then shrugs again. "He seemed fine when he left though - anxious to see Katie."

Alec pauses on his route to the back door, hearing Misty's last statement. A faint smile creases his lips. He knew he didn't deserve any of this. She was being way too kind to him. But he was in no position to argue. All he could do was try and make up for all of it by helping her out the best he could and not making a jerk of himself. He'd never felt like this before... ever, that he could remember. It didn't exactly feel good - being humiliated and needing help. But... at the same time... there was a little boy deep down inside that had just been waiting for a chance to be cared for... loved... helped. Maybe he'd never even allowed that part of him out with Ryan. And maybe... that was part of the problem. He'd learned how to love, but had never really taken down the walls. And now they had been torn down for him. It was too late for Ryan. Was it too late for his family? 

Finding the floodlight, Alec turns it on and goes out with the card table. Retrieving the chairs too, by the time he had it set up and the food was outside as well, he heard someone pull into the driveway. 

Jason parks and heads up to the door. Knocking, he lets himself in, knowing Misty was expecting him. "Hello..." Walking to the kitchen, he puts some ice cream in the freezer, then sees that the back door is open. Heading out that way, he finds he'd just made it in time to start eating. "Hey, Misty. Brought some dessert - it's in the freezer." 

Alec stands off to the side, suddenly feeling even more awkward. Tucking his hands in his jeans pockets, he gives Jason a little nod. 

Staring back at Alec, Jason is almost taken aback. He wasn't sure what he'd expected, but looking at Alec now, this was not the same man he'd seen before. Alec didn't have to say anything - it was written all over his face and body language. He looked... broken. And for a strange moment, Jason pitied him. Alec was thin and pale, his eyes dim. There was not an arrogant ounce about him - it was a far cry from the cocky man who'd lived at TJY. What had happened? "Hey... Alec." 

Alec swallows hard. "Hi."

An awkward pause follows until Jason looks back to Misty, smiling. "So... looks like you picked some mighty fine food. I'm starving." He was sure that skipping lunch today hadn't helped him much.