
Slave Work

Katie gives a nod to Jeff and a big smile. It seemed like her liked Hunter and that was a really important and big start for her. What her father thought really meant a lot to her and just knowing he accepted Hunter was a good thing.

   "Yeah I think we are going to stick around for some lunch than I figured we would find Rosetta and see what bunk is open for Hunter to stay in."
 Shaking her head slightly at Jeff but not saying anything she could see how tired and worn out he was. Again he was over doing it but saying anything would only start a fight and she didn't want that in front of Hunter. Not when he just got here.

Lunch was went along normal and Becky's chilli was always the best. Katie could eat it day after day and not get tired of it. Chatter in the mess hall was light and Katie introduced Hunter to a few more people. Everyone seemed to take to him pretty well and Katie was happy. Conversation with her dad was light hearted too.

   "So Dad maybe tomorrow you can come with Hunter and me to show him a few mellow tasks to start him out on. His Uncle had a ranch so he knows a bunch of stuff but I figured we shouldn't make him dive into the slave work right away. What do you think?"

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