

Katie gives a smile and nods. She new what Hunter meant so well. Even if this was where she had always lived being away and than coming back made her think about when she was a child again and memories of life here. Thought some were bad memories there were good ones too and Katie liked thinking about those ones.

   "For me its going into the barn and smelling the horses. Most people can't get by the smell of manure but to me I can smell so much more."

Pushing off the fence and just standing for a second and looking around for a moment Katie wondered who else was around she could introduce to Hunter. It was almost noon so everyone would be gathering for lunch. That would be a good way to find anyone at the moment.

   "It's almost lunch time. If your hungry the guests should be done eating and we can go grab something to eat and maybe my dad is there I can introduce him to you."

Listing to Jay Rosetta paces the office floor. She wondered if what Jay had said about him what was set Jeff off. Hearing about it she felt a little irritated herself and upset with Jay. She couldn't believe her brother would do that to Jeff. He new thats how he always handled his illness.

   "Jay, I don't think he did get over it. I think what you said to him really hurt. That's how Jeff always handled the poor hand he had been dealt. He didn't have anything but his humor."

Stopping at her desk and sinking down again Rosetta thinks about everything going on. She spend most of her time in the office so she didn't get to see what went on outside except when she did go out to walk around and watch how everything was running. That didn't give her enough time to interact with people though on the level she'd like.

   "Alright, thats Jay for the information. I'll see what I can do with Jeff."

Thinking for a second Rosetta didn't want to end the conversation on a bad note. She'd rather stay on good terms with her brother as much as she could. They hardly saw each other so sometimes it strained the relationship but they always tried there best.

   "Hows the family? You guys should come visit sometime."

Hearing Jason and than seeing him come out back Misty smiles. It was always nice to see her friend and she was happy he'd made it before they had started. She'd stalled as much as she could and it look like it payed off.

Seeing Alec standing off to the far side she rolls her eyes and motions him over to sit. She understand he was nervous and not use to this kind of stuff but he needed to relax. This was his home now too and no one was going to kick him out or tell him to leave.

   "Well if you like pizza and wings from the pizza box than yes...yes I did."

Grabbing some ice she had put in the small chest Misty puts it in the glasses before pouring what kind of pop everyone wanted. Saying a graces after that the food was finally being dished out and boy did it tast good. She'd never really had to much pizza from the pizza box before but now..she liked it and didn't mind going there at all.

   "So, its a great night to be eating outside. I think I owe a big thanks to Alec for cleaning up the back yard as well as he did so we could enjoy the meal out here. So...thank you Alec." 

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