

"You kidding?" Hunter gives Katie a sly grin. "I wear all my battle scars proudly. Besides, now nobody will have to ask if I'm your boyfriend, 'cause I'm wearing your mark."

Giving a teasing growl, he leans down to kiss her neck, laughing as he pulls back. "Lets head to the dining room so somebody sees us and knows we didn't kidnap each other." Hobbling along with her, they make it to the mess hall together to find that supper was just beginning in the kitchen so very few people had gathered yet. Those in the kitchen wave their hellos and Becky make sure to ask Hunter how his leg is.

Getting settled at a table, Hunter confiscates a spare chair to set his leg up on, knowing that he'd have to ice it after supper if he was going to be able to move at all tomorrow. Besides that, his arms were just a bit sore from his crutches.

It wasn't long before others started filing in for dinner and the noise of conversations filled the room.

"Hey, Hunter." Jeff pats his shoulder. "How ya doing?"

"Hi, Jeff. I'm alright. What about you?"

Jeff nods, looking to Katie to give her a wink. "I'm alright too." He was still quite exhausted, and it showed in his eyes, but with everything he'd been through, he was doing okay. "Keeping occupied with that bum leg of yours?"

Hunter smirks. "Sure. Feels an awful lot like being lazy to me."

Jeff chuckles. "Now you know how I feel." About to turn and leave, something suddenly catches his eye and he stops. "Wait, wait..." He reaches out and turns Hunter's head before his eyebrows rise. "Lazy, huh?"

Hunter clears his throat. "Uh.... yes, sir."

"Mm-hmm, and... just what is "lazy" in your book?"

Hunter can feel a laugh wanting to surface and he doesn't dare look at Katie. "Lazy is being... um... unproductive... but isn't... necessarily... not enjoyed?"

Jeff thumps the back of Hunter's head. "Perhaps enjoyed a little too much?"

"Well don't look at me... I wasn't the vampire..."

Jeff's eyes move to Katie. He wasn't going to let this prime opportunity for teasing go to waste. "So when did you grow vampire's teeth, oh daughter of mine, hmm?"

Hearing Grace's voice, Jared's eyes quickly move to the door. Grace? Grace was here? It had been a week and... he hadn't called her... but she had come back? 

Not responding at first, he watches her move to the window, and his eyes squint a little as light is let in. He hadn't wanted much to do with sunlight lately. Darkness made it easier to sleep. 

Looking up at her, his gaze is dim. Lifeless. Her words make him glance away from her. "It has nothing to do with whether or not I want you to stay," he responds quietly. He didn't know why she'd even come back to see him after he'd yelled at her. She shouldn't have. She should know better. 

"You have no idea who I am." His words were almost whispered. Hollow. "I have lied, cheated and stolen, and all without batting an eye." He swallows hard as the memories flash through his mind. "I have taken advantage of countless women during countless one-night stands... for nothing more than to satisfy myself." That thought alone made him feel sick. But it was the truth. "I'm a despicable creature, knowing only how to please myself and get what I want by any means possible." 

His eyes finally move back to Grace. "Don't you understand? I don't want you to end up like the others. I have hurt... so many people." His voice quivers. "I don't want to hurt you too." 

Closing his eyes, he turns his head away from her.

Battle Scar

Katie can't help but finally let her laughter break free. Though for sure there was going to be some repercussions and teasing the whole thing really was funny. Not to mention the feeling like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar made the whole thing even more funny because Katie really hadn't done anything wrong.

   "Something tells me your going to get teased now and not killed. The lesser of two evils?"

Shaking her head and starting to walk back with Hunter Katie helps support him but leans into him a little too with his arm over she shoulder. Laughter was shared, more down to earth talking, but there was one subject Katie hadn't brought up yet that she new in the next week or two she would have too. It was just a topic right now she didn't want to talk about and that was going back to Nevada. If it wasn't for her job there and the friend she had made Katie would consider staying here. This was her home, the place she loved to be. 

But she new that was just not possible. She had to face what she had been running from and she had to return to work soon. Reese said take as much time as she needed but there was only so much time that could really be taken before one wondered if she would be coming back at all or not. Maybe tomorrow she would talk to Hunter about it. 

   "So, clean up or head to the dinning hall first? I might have some cover up for your neck unless you want to wair you battle scar proudly."

Continuing to hold her smile Grace gives a small nod. She did want to see how Jared was doing because she did miss seeing him. It had only been a few days but with in those days she was to see Jared for therapy and had not.

   "Alright, I wont be to long than we can go. Thanks Lydia."

Making her way down the hall and getting outside the room she had been to many times before Grace just stands there for a long moment. Taking in a deep breath and than letting it out slowly Grace finally knocks before poking her head in the door.

   "Hey Jared I was just inn the neighborhood and I was going to take you mom out to coffee but I didn't want to now say Hi...so...Hi."

Entering a little farther and once again seeing the room so dark Grace wondered if Lydia had tried to open the shades and Jared told her no or what happened. Letting the door fall shut Grace goes over to the windows before opening the shades to let a little sunlight in. Turning and seeing Jared he looked so thin with dark circles under his eyes. It made her sad to see him like this oh how she really wished she could do something more for him.

   "Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and I missed seeing you...so I didn't want to pass up the opportunity. I guess I wont keep you if you don't want me to stay."

There was  little hope in Graces heart that maybe just maybe Jared would want her to stay and talk. She missed that and she really did just want to make sure he was going to be ok. He really had become her friend and no knowing bothered her even if she new she couldn't push.

Eating a little bit of her own food and just listing to Justin again Beth gives a small nod. She did understand what he was saying and it made sense. She couldn't say herself if she would do things differently from him or not.

   "Maybe you could try taking little baby steps in being his brother like maybe just bringing him something that might bring him comfort. Nothing big but something that would help you both in becoming brothers again."

Taking a sip of her water and thinking again for a second Beth looks to Justin and gives a small smile. She could see how hard this was for him it was written all over his face. There was a want there but something that was holding him back still too. She new how that felt if for a different reason.

   "I don't think you would be the only one bitter with something like that. In a way when we are hurt by someone that badly feeling bitter is normal. But it's letting God heal us that matters right?"

Too hot

Hunter's eyes widen, but there wasn't much he could do without a mirror. A laugh slips out though, especially at seeing Katie's red cheeks. "Vampire, huh?" He runs his hand over his neck but isn't quite sure where the mark is at. 

"Well, at least it's me and not you. Otherwise, I might get it from your father and band of uncles. They can't say anything about it being my fault now..." Grinning, he ruffles Katie's hair. "Watch out next time though... I might get even with you and it's too hot to wear turtlenecks..." 

Lydia's smile widens at the invitation, and she nods. "Oh thank you, I would love to." She  glances over her shoulder a the kitchen. "My bread should be finished very soon, so if you want to see Jared first, when you are finished, we can go." 

Her smile fades just a little bit. "He... has not been well. It is not getting better and I do not know what else to do. Maybe you will help bring him some sunshine." 

Justin mulls over Beth's words, knowing she was right. Taking advantage of the silence, he waits until she's said more before finally nodding. "Yeah... I know..." He sighs. "I guess I never figured me to be the bitter one. But when I look at him, all I see is the brother that hurt me."

Taking a bite of spaghetti, he grins. "Mm... this is really good. I'm glad we chose to stay in tonight." He knew good and well that Beth was hesitant to go back out again, but he wouldn't pressure her - not with this. If it lasted too long, he would interfere, but if she could work through it on her own, that would be best, and he would try to be patient. 

Sipping his water, his mind goes back to Jared again. "I don't know... part of me feels like I should do more to help him, but there's nothing I really can do right now with as depressed as he is. All I do is kick into counselor mode and I shouldn't, especially with him. I guess I'm having a hard time just being a brother." 


Cocking her head a little bit and looking at Hunter Katie eyes him for a second before her eyes make there way to his neck and go wide for just a second. Bringing a hand to her mouth she wanted to chuckle but she was in to much shock not even realizing she had done it herself.

   "Ummm...no...no I think they are going to know still Hunter. I'm really sorry...but..."

Katie gives a little snicker but trys to compose herself again. What on earth was everyone going to say back at the ranch. She'd never done that before and hadn't even realized this time she had either. She'd never even been compelled to do that before either. Katie couldn't help the bit of red she could feel coming to her cheeks.

   "I ah....left a mark there on your neck...and...you can just tell people a vampire got you. Yes that will work...a vampire."
As the door opens and Lydia asks her inside Grace smiles she was please that she was still welcomed here and happy it was with such excitement. It really did make her feel good and not like she was intruding at all. Giving a deep sniff the smell of bread filled her nose, it smelled so good and reminded her of when she would visit her grandma. There was always a fresh loaf than.

   "It's good to see you again as well. I came because I want to say Hi to Jared, but the main reason for coming was to see if you would like to come to coffee with me."

Grace had no idea what they would talk about as she new very little about Lydia but she was sure they could find something. Getting out of the house for Lydia might be nice too since Grace had gotten the impression she didn't much.

   "It's a pretty nice day out and I thought getting out of the house might be nice for you, that is if you would like to."

Finishing up at the stove Beth turns and sets both plates of spaghetti down on the table before filling there glasses with some water and ice. Returning once again with a basket of fresh warm bread she sets it down as well before joining Justin at the table. She'd chosen to cook tonight instead of going out anywhere with Justin. Her reason she liked to cook and didn't do it enough, but it was just an excuse when really she would of loved to have gone out but was still leery about eating anywhere but the safty of her own home where she new what would happen and when.

   "I can see why you're having a problem forgiving Jared He hasn't been the best of people for the last years of you life but...he does deserve a second chance right? Maybe he can change who he use to be if people can let him know they love and care about him."

Saying a quick prayer the table is silent of conversation for a moment. Once done taking a bit of her food she lets it continue to linger for just a few second gathering her words and figuring out what she wanted to say and how.

   "Not saying you have to forgive him right away, but maybe if you see him changing slowly it will help you each day maybe heal what was damaged."

Even Worse

Justin enters the bedroom slowly... cautiously. He didn't particularly want to be here at all, but for his mother's sake, he had come. The news that Jared had regained his memory had been a bit of a surprise, and Justin had no idea how this would affect him. Despite having had lunch plans with Beth, he'd canceled and come here instead to see what was really going on. His mother had said Jared was terribly depressed about the past - was it true?

"Jared? Can I come in?"

Jared's eyes move briefly to the door before returning to the ceiling.

Receiving no response, Justin approaches the bed, taking the one chair and moving it closer to sit down. Studying his brother's still form, his first impression was that what his mother said was true. But really? Having known his brother before, it was just hard to believe that Jared would be depressed over anything, let alone his own past actions. "So... I hear you got your memory back."

Jared's fingers toy with his bedspread. "I did."

"Mm-hm. Guess I figured you might be a little more excited than this."

Jared's eyes grow even dimmer. "Excited? About realizing what kind of person I am?"

Justin leans back in his chair, honestly surprised. Was that really... remorse he saw? "Well why not?"

Jared's gaze finally moves over to look at his brother. The brother he had hurt so many times in so many different ways. The brother he'd been jealous of almost all his life. The brother he had despised. "I bet you like this, don't you?"


"Finally watching me suffer. Bedridden. Miserable. Hating myself for who I've been."

Justin sighs deeply and glances down at the floor for a moment. He couldn't help his human side that wanted justice, even if he did feel pity for his brother. Though he'd doubted his mother's observations, he knew now she'd been correct - Jared was visibly depressed about regaining his not-so-pure memory. And in a way... Justin was glad. It was the first time he hadn't seen Jared proud of his dirty deeds. "I guess I can't deny finding some sort of twisted pleasure in seeing you actually miserable about things you've done."

Jared's eyes move back to the ceiling. "Yeah well... I know now why you hate me so don't feel obligated to come anymore. I get it now."

At this point, though having only been there a couple minutes, Justin did feel like getting up and leaving. He didn't know what to say or do. He knew he should feel more compassion than he did, but it was difficult after all Jared had put him through in the past. If Jared was actually feeling badly about all his wrongdoings, then he deserved every bit of it. Yet Justin also knew that wasn't a very Christlike attitude. "I don't hate you." He gets to his feet, giving in to his flight from conflict. "I just wish the past hadn't happened like it did." Returning the chair to its place, he knew this had been a very short visit, but without knowing what else to say, he should go before getting into an argument or making things worse.

Watching his brother leave, Jared's heart hurt. "Justin?"

Justin stops at the door and looks over his shoulder. "Yeah?"

"I'm... I'm sorry." Jared's voice wavers. "For everything."

Justin nods slowly before turning back around and closing the door softly. 

Left alone once more, a tear trickles down Jared's face. It was his own fault he was so lonely. It was his own fault he had no friends. It was his own fault no one had shown up or cared after his accident. He'd hoped perhaps it was a fluke or that people just didn't know about it. But he knew now it was all him. So much bad and so little good. And this... all this... it was all just a consequence. Even his accident in the first place - it wouldn't have happened, had he not been at that woman's house. But he'd just been giving in to temptation to satisfy himself like always.

Closing his eyes, he just wanted to fall back asleep so the hours would pass quickly. That's all the days had to offer anymore. Just hours that needed to pass. 

"...Did he talk to you?" Lydia kneads the dough on the counter after sprinkling a little more flour over it. 

Justin leans on the peninsula behind her and snitches a couple chocolate chips from the bowl. "A little." 

"Is he going to be okay?"

"I don't know." Justin shrugs. "I guess that's up to him." 

Lydia pauses her work on the cookies and turns around. "But what do you think?"

"I don't really know." 

"But you must think something about-"

"I said I don't know!" Justin straightens up and runs a hand over his face, sorry for snapping at her. "Yes, you're right, he's apparently depressed, now remembering what a jerk he was." 


"Well he was!" Justin throws up his hands. "You know it as well as I do. He was a jerk and worse, and now he's paying for it by finally seeing it too. It's about time he felt sorry for all the stupid stunts he's pulled. The lies, women, and who knows what else. I'm sorry, but I just..." He pauses to sigh. "I guess I don't  feel all that badly for him. He's just gonna have to work through this and find his own peace."

Lydia's eyes lower and she turns back to the unbaked cookies. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to upset you." 

Feeling badly, Justin comes up to her and rests his arm over her shoulders. "You didn't. I'm just having a hard time forgiving him and I'm mad at myself for it." He leans over and kisses her head. "It'll work out somehow. There's just not a whole lot I can do right now." 

Lydia nods and pats his hand. "I understand. I should not have expected you to do anything. You are just so good with people, I thought..."

As her sentence trails off, Justin shakes his head. "I know. But I'm not the one for this job," he explains gently. "Just give it time, okay?" 

Whether time would actually heal any wounds or not, that's all they had. And the hands of the clock traveled...

Turning from the oven where bread was being baked, Lydia wipes her hands on her apron and heads for the door. Odd. She wasn't expecting any visitors today. 

Opening the door and seeing Grace, her eyes light up and a smile forms on her face. "Grace! Come in, come in." She ushers her inside, wondering why she was here. Lydia knew Jared hadn't called her - she'd asked him about that just yesterday and he'd given her a firm reason why. So seeing Grace now was a surprise. 

"I am so happy to see you." Lydia's smile remains. "What are you doing here though?" 

In the bedroom, Jared lay on his back, unable to sleep at this time of day. His television was off, and lunch sat cold on his nightstand. Hearing the knock at the door, his ears listen. He could hear his mother's voice, but everything was too muffled. Maybe it was one of the ladies from church. Or maybe Justin. Although he doubted it. This past week, the days all seemed to just meld into one, leaving Jared in an even worse state of depression. He had nothing to do but think of the past, and none of it was good. In just a week, his legs had grown weaker and he'd also lost weight from not eating. But it would take quite a boost for him to even care. He might not have a death wish, but he wouldn't mind if he left this world either. Yes... the world could do without someone like him. The only positive thing that ran through the back of his mind were Grace's last words to him, and his mother's words of love. Yet even they seemed...distant.

"...So, that's that." Justin straddles the chair backward in Beth's kitchen as she prepares supper. The whole thing had been too much to explain over the phone, so he'd waited until making up for their canceled date. As it ended up with conflicting schedules, it had taken a few days until they were able to see each other again.

"I guess maybe I'm having a harder time forgiving Jared than I thought," he admits. "Now that he actually feels bad for the past, I just don't know what to do with that." 

Sighing, he shakes his head. He didn't particularly like being the topic of conversation, but Beth had seemed rather quiet still since the restaurant incident, so Justin didn't mind doing most of the talking. It just so happened that this subject wasn't the easiest.

Heaving a sigh, Hunter takes Katie's hand. "Yeah, I suppose..." Trying to get himself up off the ground proves more difficult than anticipated, and he needs both Katie's hands. Finally on his feet and back on his crutches though, he rolls his eyes. "Next time, we make out on the couch... it's easier to get up." 

Grinning, he reaches over and plucks a couple blades of grass from Katie's hair. "There. No one will be the wiser." 

Non Prince, Prince

A few days turn into a week as Grace's normal activity take place like nothing had changed. Meeting with people, meetings and spending her time at home cooking, baking, or scrapbook. But one things was different it was the constant checking her phone to see if she had missed a call. There was hope there that maybe, just maybe Jared had call but each time she checked she was met with the realization that he had not and it made her a little sad.

Leaving work a little early today Grace finds herself not really wanting to go home but not having anywhere to go either. Lydia's words enter her mind as she sits and thinks. The older woman had said she liked Grace and Grace liked her too. She was a nice woman and very down to earth. Maybe she would like a little bit of company or maybe to even get out of the house.

It doesn't take long for Grace to get to the house. Sitting in the driveway for a long moment she finally lets out a sigh before heading up the sidewalk. Grace didn't know why but the walk today seemed to have a heavy air. Maybe it was because of being on the outs with Jared she wasn't sure. Getting to the door she knocks and waits.

Being pulled into Hunter's arms Katie gives a small laugh as she returns the soft kiss and than burys her face into Hunter's neck. He smelled good, he always smelled good or so Katie thoughts anyways. She new he was right though, as much as she wanted to stay right here they new that really they couldn't.

   "I wouldn't mind missing supper so we could start all over again but...I guess you are right. We probley should head back before someone misses us."

Standing up Katie brushes herself off before holding her hand out to Hunter. It would be a little while for the walk back and Katie wouldn't mind. At least it would be a little more time alone together before getting back to the ranch and having all eyes on them again.

   "Shall we my handsome non prince, prince."