

"You kidding?" Hunter gives Katie a sly grin. "I wear all my battle scars proudly. Besides, now nobody will have to ask if I'm your boyfriend, 'cause I'm wearing your mark."

Giving a teasing growl, he leans down to kiss her neck, laughing as he pulls back. "Lets head to the dining room so somebody sees us and knows we didn't kidnap each other." Hobbling along with her, they make it to the mess hall together to find that supper was just beginning in the kitchen so very few people had gathered yet. Those in the kitchen wave their hellos and Becky make sure to ask Hunter how his leg is.

Getting settled at a table, Hunter confiscates a spare chair to set his leg up on, knowing that he'd have to ice it after supper if he was going to be able to move at all tomorrow. Besides that, his arms were just a bit sore from his crutches.

It wasn't long before others started filing in for dinner and the noise of conversations filled the room.

"Hey, Hunter." Jeff pats his shoulder. "How ya doing?"

"Hi, Jeff. I'm alright. What about you?"

Jeff nods, looking to Katie to give her a wink. "I'm alright too." He was still quite exhausted, and it showed in his eyes, but with everything he'd been through, he was doing okay. "Keeping occupied with that bum leg of yours?"

Hunter smirks. "Sure. Feels an awful lot like being lazy to me."

Jeff chuckles. "Now you know how I feel." About to turn and leave, something suddenly catches his eye and he stops. "Wait, wait..." He reaches out and turns Hunter's head before his eyebrows rise. "Lazy, huh?"

Hunter clears his throat. "Uh.... yes, sir."

"Mm-hmm, and... just what is "lazy" in your book?"

Hunter can feel a laugh wanting to surface and he doesn't dare look at Katie. "Lazy is being... um... unproductive... but isn't... necessarily... not enjoyed?"

Jeff thumps the back of Hunter's head. "Perhaps enjoyed a little too much?"

"Well don't look at me... I wasn't the vampire..."

Jeff's eyes move to Katie. He wasn't going to let this prime opportunity for teasing go to waste. "So when did you grow vampire's teeth, oh daughter of mine, hmm?"

Hearing Grace's voice, Jared's eyes quickly move to the door. Grace? Grace was here? It had been a week and... he hadn't called her... but she had come back? 

Not responding at first, he watches her move to the window, and his eyes squint a little as light is let in. He hadn't wanted much to do with sunlight lately. Darkness made it easier to sleep. 

Looking up at her, his gaze is dim. Lifeless. Her words make him glance away from her. "It has nothing to do with whether or not I want you to stay," he responds quietly. He didn't know why she'd even come back to see him after he'd yelled at her. She shouldn't have. She should know better. 

"You have no idea who I am." His words were almost whispered. Hollow. "I have lied, cheated and stolen, and all without batting an eye." He swallows hard as the memories flash through his mind. "I have taken advantage of countless women during countless one-night stands... for nothing more than to satisfy myself." That thought alone made him feel sick. But it was the truth. "I'm a despicable creature, knowing only how to please myself and get what I want by any means possible." 

His eyes finally move back to Grace. "Don't you understand? I don't want you to end up like the others. I have hurt... so many people." His voice quivers. "I don't want to hurt you too." 

Closing his eyes, he turns his head away from her.

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