
Oh please

Though accepting the gift, Mackenzie looks up at Misty in wonderment, not even sure now to respond. She fingers the bow and just looks at it for a moment.

Jeanette smiles and urges her. "Well go on, honey, open it."

Snapping out of it, Mackenzie unwraps the package to find the brush and mirror. A smile spreads on her face and she holds them for the longest time. Finally looking back up to Misty she gives her another big hug. "Thank you," she murmurs.

Carson wanders out from the kitchen, slowly approaching the table. Though there was something about the scene that sparked a new kind of happiness, it still felt so very strange and awkward.

Coming up beside Misty, his arm slips around her shoulders. "Hey, you."

Mackenzie grins up at them before her eyes lower to find the rings on their fingers. Then she looks up at them again, her grin widening.

Carson had followed her gaze and he smirks at her, ruffling her hair. "Yeah, yeah."

She returns the exact same smirk right back at him. "I knew it would happen."

Ken chuckles as he watches the three interact. "Well, Mackenzie... think we ought to wrap things up?"

"Aww." She looks to him with a frown. "Already?"

"We've been here quite a while, and we really should let your dad get back to work. We want to do some sight seeing too, remember?"

"Yeah, but..." Mackenzie lets it go, seeing the look on her adopted father's face. She knew better than to misbehave right here. "Okay." Turning back to Carson, she studies his eyes. "I don't like to have to keep saying goodbye to people."

Carson sighs. "It's a part of life. We all gotta do it."

Mackenzie falls into him for one last hug. "But I don't want to."

Still not really sure how to handle the whole affection thing, Carson awkwardly returns a little hug. "But you have to."

"Will I see you again?"

"Oh... maybe."

Mackenzie finally withdraws and shifts her focus to Misty. "Thank you... for the gift. Will... will I see you again too... maybe?"

"Paperwork? Me?" Leo lifts an eyebrow skeptically, but he relents. "Yeah, yeah... go on. Have fun. I'll just slave away here... without any fun... taking on all this responsibility... by myself..."

Miles shoots a look in his direction. "Oh, please."

Alec sees that Ryan will be able to get off work, so he wanders back outside, leaning back against the building to wait. Folding his arms, his eyes roam the surrounding area. He was glad Ryan was going to get out early. He always looked forward to hanging out, no matter where they went or what they did. Today though, there seemed to be a shadow hanging over him that he just couldn't shake. He didn't like it, but it wasn't going away.


Hearing Alec's voice a smile automatically forms on her lips. It was always like that when Alec came around, the smile or grin just formed even if she tried not to let it. Turning her head slowly to look at Alec Ryan takes note to the look in his eyes.

"Your in luck, I just need to tighten a few more things here and than I am done for the day."

Turning back to the car she was working on Ryan finishes up and shuts the hood on the car. Looking to Alec and giving a wink Ryan grabs her paper work and walks over to where Leo was at.

"Hey, you don't mind filing this paper work for me would you? I'm going to jet out a little early. I'll do your paper work tomorrow!"

It was silly for Katie to think that Reese wouldn't guess that she'd go with Jason. Where one went the other always followed. Feeling that Jason was a little tired Katie gives a small nod even if Jason couldn't see her.

Ok babe, I'll probably be awake for a while yet.

Paying for the ice cream and heading home Katie was tired but she new her brain was to active to even try to sleep. Everything seemed like is was a mess and no one new what to do. Opening the door and stepping in she tryed to sound a little cheery.

"I got the ice cream now who picked the movie?"

Taking Mackenzie in her arms Misty returns the hug. She loved seeing the little girl again and was happy she remembered who she was. Misty had never told anyone but she likes kids, big or small.

Looking up at Ken's voice Misty gives a friendly smile as she lets go of Mackenzie and listens to who everyone is. Giving a little wave and a small not to everyone she was happy to meet them as well.

"Its very nice to meet you all."

Reaching into her purse the silver bracelet with Carson's name on it tinkles a little with the movement. Pulling out a small package Misty smiles again and hands it to Mackenzie. A little green bow was tied on top.

"Its not anything big but I thought it might be nice to have something nice for yourself."

Inside the package was a silver soft tip brush and a matching mirror. Misty had found it while she was out at the mall the one day and liked it. She had just been waiting to give it to someone.


Alec pulls up to the auto shop on his motorcycle and parks, cutting the engine and setting it on its kickstand. It was early afternoon, but he was off work already. He usually didn't mind short days. Today he did. And today he wasn't keeping himself from visiting the shop. He didn't want to get Ryan in trouble... but he just... wanted to see her... anybody, really, who wouldn't kick him out. And he had already noticed that the boss' car was not there today.

Dismounting and taking off his helmet, he runs a hand through his hair so it wasn't all matted down, and then wanders inside. He doesn't go to the main entrance though. Instead, he wanders down past the open bay doors until he came to Ryan's stall. He leans on the door frame for a few moments, cocking his head and just watching Ryan. Though his lips wore a slight smile, his eyes had a strange new look in them. One might pass it off as tiredness. But on closer inspection, one might see it was something deeper than that. It was something... that perhaps had never been there before.

Ambling in a little further, Alec comes up to the open engine and looks down under the open hood, close to where Ryan was bent in working on the parts. "If I help you, you think you could get out of here early?"

Reese automatically assumed you were going with me.
Jason grins wryly.
Just let him know - he doesn't care at this point. He wasn't so sure I should see Mom yet, but... I can't keep all this from her. It doesn't feel right to, and I don't want to tell her in an email or over the phone.

Sighing wearily, he closes his eyes for a moment then opens them, forcing himself to stand up.
I think... I'm just gonna head home now and lie down for a bit. If I wake up and its not late, I might come over. Otherwise, enjoy the evening with everyone.

"I hope he's happy too." Mick really did. He didn't like Dana, but Eric was as much a brother to him as anyone, and he deserved to be happy. "Maybe she'll change... maybe we've just gotten a first bad impression, I don't know."

Getting up, he moves over to Rosetta and leans down to give her a kiss. "I gotta to finish up in the barn. I'll back in soon before BJ goes to bed so I can play a game of checkers with him."

Mackenzie's eyes wander to the door, but she wasn't completely sure who it was. When Misty gets closer though and speaks, she has no more doubts.

"Misty!" Mackenzie slips out of her seat to give Misty a hug. "I didn't think I'd get to see you this time."

The family at the table eyes Misty curiously, but Ken is the one that smiles warmly. "You must be Carson's wife." He nods. "We've heard a lot about you. We're... Mackenzie's family."

Mackenzie lets Misty go and points to the others at the table. "Dad, um, Ken... and Mom... Jeanette... and Tina. She's my age."

Carson just watches quietly from the kitchen as he dries a few glasses. A little smile was on his face. He was glad that Mackenzie liked Misty. Not that it would ever matter but... it made him feel better, knowing that if Mackenzie actually did come around more often, that she'd enjoy it.