

Hearing Maggie's deal, Garret's eyebrows rose. He didn't have time to respond though, when Nate walked in. Leaning his head back, his eyes followed what was going on, until Maggie held out the pills. It took him a moment before he rolled his eyes and took them to pop them into his mouth and swallow without water. 

He glanced up at Nate next. "Your sister is quite a little hustler, you know that?" He sighed and slid back down to lay on his back, and gave Maggie a nudge with his knee as his eyes fell shut again. "Do what your brother says..." He paused before the next words finally came. "I'm not going anywhere."  

Travis chuckled as Ashlee shoved his shoulder, giving her a little nudge back. Maybe a lot of things were screwed up about this whole thing and why he was here...but at least he was making a new friend...and a cute one at that.

"Mm...that's kinda poetic, ya know? I like it." He squinted into the dark, then pointed. "Lightning bugs are starting."

It was quiet again for a few moments as he thought. About a lot of things. "Ya know... My mom, she likes the city. She thinks I like it too but...out here... I dunno. It's like it calls to me. The open country." He shrugged. "But I don't know where my road leads anymore."

"Hey, Sleepy." Kirk eases down to sit on the edge of the couch, holding a cup of coffee. He took a strand of Adison's hair and tickled her face with it. It was early morning, and he didn't know about her, but he had to be to the office on time. He'd already been up and showered and dressed for work.

"Coffee is black as can be," he tempted her.


Watching Garret take a few sips of the soup Maggie smiles. It made her her happy he was eating and hoped it would help. She just wanted him better, thats all she wanted. He looked so pale, and his eyes were sunken in, she just wanted him to look like Garret again.

   "Yes, that makes me very happy. You have to get better, you just have too."

Continuing to just watch as Garret drifts off Maggie sits down on the edge of the bed. Watching him closely, just studying him. She watched his breathing, the slight flutter of his eyes as he had them close. To anyone else this might be creepy but to Maggie, she was just trying to make sure he'd be ok.

As the bowl of soup almost spilled Maggie took it from Garret and set it down on the night stand. He had eaten a little and that was good enough for her. Hearing his comment a grin spread on her lips, and an evil little smile danced in her eyes.

   "You keep eating, and taking your meds, and I promise you almost spilling your soup wont leave this room...deal?"

Just standing within ear shot but not to be seen Nate can't help the small laugh that slipped out. Hopefully it had been quiet enough no one hear him. Hearing Maggie black male Garret though was funny. Where she learned that he didn't know but if it worked that would be a good thing.

Finally coming into the room Nate nods seeing the bowl at least had a little bit eaten from him. He wasn't sure why Garret had such a soft spot for Maggie but he new she just had a way with people if they would give her the time. 

   "Nurse Maggie, will you please give Garret his medicine. Than we should probable let him rest than check on him in a little bit."

Nate handed the pills to Maggie who than in turn held them out to Garret as she tossed him a wink reminding him of the deal she had proposed. 

Ashlee loved being at the ranch, she loved helping out, and being around the horses. But if she was ever asked, morning and nights were her favorite time for these moments. The colors, the air, and now watching the fireflys as they darted here and there wast just peaceful. 

Looking at Travis again the soft light from the sky still put a dim glow on his face and Ashlee couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she was sure she looked like an idiot. but at the moment she didn't care.

   "Ya know...you are not so bad yourself."

Ashlee gave his shoulder a little shove with her own before looking back to the sky. She new her cheeks had taken on there crimson color again. Travis just had that affect on her. She'd talked to boys she thought were cute before, but this was the first time one actually talked back to her, and didn't treat her like a little kid. She liked it.

   "It's really great seeing the sun rise too. It's like a blanket being pulled back as everyone in the ranch wakes up and starts moving around..."

Looking behind them she could see the dots of lights going out around the ranch as well, as main lights where being turned off, and softer glowed lamps were turned on. 

    "And at night the blanket is pulled back up and things become calm the stress of the day over. Morning and Night...are my favorite."


Upon hearing Maggie's voice, Garret's eyes opened again. He didn't move for several seconds, perhaps not even realizing how hard he was trying not to physically react. He was in such a fog that all his subconscious senses were on high alert - all his muscles were poised to act if necessary. He slowly blinked and shifted his head a little to see Maggie more clearly. The most innocent soul he'd ever met. What was it about her that tore down his wall every single time she was near? 

Her eyes were begging him to cooperate. It wasn't a direct order like from Rick, or a stern request from Nate. Maggie was actually begging him to get better. And he really had no understanding as to why. Why did he see fear in her eyes? What was she afraid of? 

As if on sheer instinct, Garret finally pushed himself up and turned to lean back against the headboard. He pulled one knee up near his chest and sighed, looking at Maggie dimly. Then he threw her something close to a smirk. Glancing over at the bowl of soup, he gestured with his head for her to hand it to him. 

Holding it close and using his leg to steady the bowl so he didn't spill any, he took a slow spoonful, letting the hot liquid roll down his throat. The fever had set his taste buds off, but even so, this...was good. He quirked an eyebrow and looked back at Maggie. "Happy now?" He forced himself to take another bite...and another. Aside from Maggie, Nate had threatened a hospital, and the last thing Garret wanted was to be forced into a place like that where he was unprotected. Even in his feverish state, he still knew it was dangerous for him to be in public where any Agency operative might see him. 

Several more spoonfuls, and he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Just sitting up was wearing him out. All of a sudden though...he felt more...relaxed. Like maybe he really could fall asleep and actually sleep instead of being on edge. Feeling the bowl shift in his hand, his eyes sprang open and he caught himself right before he dumped the rest of the soup on his lap. He handed it back to Maggie so he wouldn't make a mess, and his little smirk resurfaced. "Tell anyone I almost spilled that, and you'll have me to deal with." There was no malice in his tone - only teasing hidden under his drowsiness. 

Travis chuckled at Ashlee's comment about spacing off too, and he nodded. "Okay." 

He returned to the quietness once more and just let the sunset take over the scene. What a brilliant one it was, too. Bright oranges, pinks and purples, setting the horizon ablaze. The trees cast long shadows on the ground, and the air became cooler. 

Travis' eyes traveled the horizon until he was brought back around to Ashlee, and he cocked his head. "Thanks...for showing me this." A new little smile curled his lips. "You're alright." 

Kirk growled, but he knew Adison was right. Do it. Be done. Move on. Just like any other task. He could do this. "Yeah...yeah...I know. It's just..." He huffed a sigh. "Stupid. Just plain stupid. You know what they shoulda done was lay out clear boundaries to begin with. But instead, they told the Elite to start reporting everything, but no real regulations were made. So now, they're all up in arms about the whole thing and it's their own fault for not doing it right in the first place." 

He nodded emphatically. "They should have just..." His words trailed off as a new thought struck him. "...had more...help..." His gaze swung back around to Adison. "What if there was a solution? What if...but I'm not supposed to... all I was to do was...but..." 

Flopping back down in his computer chair, he started to type - fast. He didn't care how it sounded - he was just going to type and finish this. Now. Tonight. Without realizing it, he fell silent, just focusing on work, and he had no idea how much time had passed when he hit the final period at the end. 

"There. That...is going to have to do." Spinning around in his chair, his eyes went wide. How long had he been ignoring Adison? "Adison?" No response. She was sound asleep. 

Grinning, he stood and wandered over to the couch. She had to be just as exhausted as he was after not having any sleep at all the night before. He just watched her for a moment and sighed. Did she know what a big help she really was to him? All the dollars to pay for coffee in the world wouldn't be enough to make it up to her. 

He reached down slowly, and gently slipped her shoes off her feet, then pulled a light blanket over her. He wouldn't make her get up and go home. Not when she looked this comfortable. If she woke up later and wanted to leave, she could. She knew the way well enough. The lights went off next, and he shut his laptop, now prepared for work in the morning. Heading for his bedroom, he shut the door and was sound asleep himself, almost as soon as he laid down.

Either Way

Setting the food down on the nightstand and just looking down at him Nate felt bad. Garret really looked terrible and he new how he was when he was sick, he could only imagen how it was for someone who wasn't use to it.

   "Hungry or not you need to eat. It will help keep you with enough strength to get better. You also need to be drinking water to stay hydrated. If not, than the next stop is a hospital. I'll be back with some cold and flu medicine"

Turning Nate heads for the door. Seeing Maggie he smiles at him as she look up at him and whispers.

   "Can I go in?"

Nate looks over his shoulder at least Garret was kind of awake for now so it should be ok. He wouldn't be gone to love either. Her heart was big, how could he deny that.

   "You can, but only for a little bit ok?"

Maggie nods and enters the room going to Garret's bed side. Just looking at him for a long moment and than looking at the soup she new he did need to eat like Nate said. It always made her feel better when she had some food when she didn't feel good. Not to mention the talk of taking Garret to the hospital if he didn't eat and that scared her.

    "Hi Garret. Can you sit up? You have to eat some soup so you get better. You just have too get better..please?"

Turning a little and leaning against to one of the old branches that stuck out from the tree trunk she watched at the colors danced in the sky. She loved this moment, when the colors just melded and made a new pattern every time.

As Travis starts to talk again Ashlee turns to look at him and listen. She wondered what all he was talking about with choices but she didn't want to be nosey and ask. If he wanted to go in more depth he would. She listened though and just the way he talked she felt bad. Looking back to the sky she smile admired the colors as she spoke again.

   "Every choice we make really have consequence one way or another. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but there always is one. Its just how we choose to face it."

Being quiet again for a second Ashlee finally looks at Travis again and gives a smile at his comment. Admire his own grin for a moment she hadn't realized before how cut it was. 

   "It's ok if you space, I do that a lot. but just know...I'm here if you need to vent."

Coming into the room and sitting there for a long second watching Kirk's lunacy Adison can't help but laugh at the mention of Tod. He was the last person to do a job like this. Even if he was a suck up who would do anything.

   "If this was left up to Tod...his head would spin."

Rolling her eyes and sitting down on her favorite couch she just continues to listen. She could see the toll this was having on him and she felt bad. This whole thing really was hitting him harder than she even thought it would. He never had this problem before and now...now he did. 

   "Your not an idiot. This has just struck your heart the right way. So many good people, who have a good cause, vigilantly or not you don't want to destroy that or be responsible for ending it and make them all fend on there own now. "

Watching as he kicked the papers and they go everywhere Adison looks at him and raises her eye brow. She forgot how stressed he really did get when faced with a hard choice. 

   "The sooner you get that report written the sooner you can close the door on this all. Write what you think it best, tell the truth, add in what you think should be done, or how to help. Do..what you think should be done. Than let go of the rest. Either you give a report that gives the Elite a fighting chance even if it is bad, or you give no report and they close to down. Done and over with...either way..you will have an affect."


Nate's entrance roused Garret enough that he opened his eyes. Though he didn't move, his gaze roamed the dim room, trying to get his bearings all over again. It took a couple seconds for it to register what Nate had just said, but he remained on his stomach without lifting his head. Why was someone trying to take care of him anyway? He wasn't a baby. How ridiculous. 

He finally did reach out and take the cloth to let it rest along the back of his neck, though. The cold sent a chill down his spine, but it felt good. His eyes fell shut again. "I'm not hungry," he mumbled. In truth, his body wanted nourishment, but he was too miserable to care. Aside from coming down off drugs or recovering from battle wounds, he'd always taken care of himself, and had never felt this awful - at least not that he could remember. It shouldn't be something new to him, but it was. And if he was really honest, he'd admit he wasn't quite sure how to handle it. All he wanted to do was not move. Tough it out. He'd been through worse. Why were these people trying to help anyway?

Travis gave Ashlee a little smile and shrugged. "Yeah...yeah everything is okay." 

As she took his hand, he was a little surprised, but he didn't resist, and followed along until they'd reached their destination. Sliding back to sit on the big log, he took a deep breath of the country air. He'd always enjoyed the wide open spaces more than city life. His mom was the exact opposite, which didn't help their already-strained relationship.

"I like it," he mused. Watching the sky change colors was...peaceful. It really was the perfect spot and he was impressed with Ashlee's eye to find such a spot. He was quiet for a few minutes, just letting the breeze comb through his hair. But he really did feel he owed her more. 

"I, um... I lied... a few minutes ago. When I said everything was okay." His fingers chipped away at a piece of dried bark. "Everything's not okay. Not really." He sighed and lifted his eyes to the sky again, just letting his fingers fiddle with the bark. "I've got a lot of choices all of a sudden and I'm just not sure which route to take. It's kinda heavy, and... whatever I choose has some pretty big consequences." He shrugged. "Not your problem..." His gaze wandered her direction as a grin emerged. "...but if I space out or something, just know it's not you. It's me."

Hearing Adison, Kirk spun around, his hands lowering from his head to his face as his mind reeled. It was so normal for her to just walk right in that he didn't think a thing of it. "You have no idea," he groaned. Still pacing, he finally dropped his hand to gesture while he talked. "I'm nuts. I'm just nuts! I did all those personnel reports and you'd think that would be enough, but no, I have to do the overall assessment. Why couldn't Barnes have gotten somebody else? He could have gotten somebody hard-nosed who didn't care one way or the other and they would have been far less bias than me. Or why not Tod? He'd do anything to suck up to Barnes, so his report would be as clear as day - shut the Elite down! They run like a vigilante group with too much control!" He threw his arms in the air. "So what do I do? I sit here moaning about the damage I might cause if I say the wrong thing! What kind of an idiot am I?! Why can't I just write that doggone thing and be done with it? Close the door! Walk away and forget it! Why can't I do it, Adison?!" 

He shook his head and continued to pace. "Never in all my time here have I ever felt so stuck. It's always been so black and white until this. It shouldn't be this hard. Not for me. I always see things so clearly!" He kicked some papers that had fallen off the desk, sending them in all directions. "Why is this so hard?! I don't understand." 

Cut and Dry

Once dinner was finish and both of the kids were cleaned up Nate started to help clear the table. Getting into the kitchen with some dishes she stopped by Laura and gave a nod. He understood that right now she just didn't want to go in and see Garret. That was ok too he new she just needed some time. 

   "No problem I got it. Cold cloth, and try to get him to eat."

Giving her a kiss to the head and leaving the room Nate makes his way to the bathroom wet a cloth and bring the bowl of soup. Kicking on the door he opens it stepping into the room. 

   "Garret, it's Nate. I have another cloth and some food for you. You need eat at least a little bit tonight."

Seeing Garret just laying on the bed he felt so bad for him. How crappy he must feel, and how he must not be use to it. Nate couldn't imagen what it was like right now for him. He just hoped he'd eat a little bit. That would help him feel a little better, and help give him strength.

Maggie peeked her head in the room just watching Nate and Garret. She didn't go in yet though. Garret looks so tired, and he looked so sick. It made her sad, and she felt so bad for him. She just wanted him to be better.

Getting nudged by Ashlee a smile spread across her face. She wondered if he was going to show up. When he didn't after lunch and she didn't find him in Angel's office she had worried maybe she'd done something wrong and he just didn't want to talk to her anymore. She new that was over reacting just a little bit but still it was something that her mind though of. But he was here and now, and that doubt was chased away. 

   "It's no problem...I just thought maybe I had done something wrong. But you are here, so I guess it was me who was wrong. I hope everything is ok?"

Looking at Travis again and searching his face something was different than this morning. He looked, tired, worn out and maybe even a little stressed. She didn't know what was going on with him but she hoped maybe the sunset would help cheer him up a little.

   "Come on this way, its not to far away."

Taking his hand Ashlee led the way around some of the barns and through a small pasture before coming to a clearing. An old warn out log is where she lead them before sitting down. Just letting her feet swing a little they didn't touch the ground. No many trees were in this area so it was the perfect view. The sky was already started to change colors.
   "This is the best place I have found. After the sun sets too, you can see dots of fireflys too."

Giving a knock on the door and finding it unlocked Adison enters Kirk's house at the same time she hears a loud crash. She rolled her eyes to herself and wasn't all that worried. She could only go his report wasn't going all that well.

   "Kirk...it's me please dont throw anything else as I come in the door."

She couldn't help the small grin that formed on her face. She'd gotten in a few hours of sleep after work, and though she was still very tried she couldn't sleep anymore. It wasn't much of a surprise she found herself here at Kirk's again. It was often where she spend a lot of her free time outside of work. 

Getting to the doorway where Kirk was and seeing him pacing around and the mess on the floor she sigh a little. She felt bad about this while Elite thing. It was not something Kirk was use to doing, and not the cut and dry normal. She could tell his heart was on his sleeve with this one even if no one else could see it.

   "Going that good huh?"


Laura couldn't help a chuckle at Maggie, and shook her head. Walking into the dining room, she smiled. "It's okay, Hun. I'm sorry it was taking us so long."

Able to at least push aside her emotions for now, she made it through dinner as usual, just trying to focus on making sure Maggie was taken care of, and making sure Brian was kept happy. Once dinner was over though, reality was back. But she wasn't ready to face it yet.

Rinsing out their bowls in the sink, she caught Nate's eye. "He'll need a new cold cloth," she mentioned quietly. "Hopefully he's been sleeping but he really should eat something." She wasn't upset with Garret - she truly wasn't. And it wasn't him she was afraid of...it was just facing her own fears that now made her leery. She couldn't regret her suggestion to bring him here - he still needed them. As for tonight, it would be up to Nate if he'd allow Maggie to see him or not. Laura knew how much the girl liked him, but she'd leave that decision with Nate.

In the bedroom, Garret was now sprawled on his stomach having lost the cloth and kicked the blankets to the floor. The chills had passed for the moment, leaving him hot and miserable. He wasn't sure if he'd slept any or not, and he had a vague recollection of Laura coming in, but that was about it. And were he to be asked where he was, he wasn't totally sure of the answer. He could hear muffled voices, but otherwise, he was trapped in a feverish world that kept reality just barely out of reach. If only his head would stop pounding.

Reese grinned at Angelica's suggestion before burying his face against her neck and kissing it with a playful growl before his laughter broke the moment. "Oh Wyatt...I'm gonna kill him." He laughed again before looking up at his wife with love and admiration. "Thanks for making me smile," he mentioned softly. "Whatever happens here...at least I've still got you." 

One last kiss to her lips, and he stood, letting her slide off his lap. "Pizza does sound kind of good," he agreed. "And besides...he's buying, so I guess we can't really pass that up." He grabbed his jacket and keys and let Angelica walk out in first. Before shutting his door though, he took one last look into his office before turning off the light. He was going to miss this. With a sigh, he finally closed the door and slung his arm around Angelica's shoulder to walk out with her. Change was in the wind...and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. 

It was six-thirty. After having been with his dad for a good hour and a half that morning, Travis had disappeared. Angel was the only one who knew he'd wanted time alone - he'd asked if he could just use her and Luke's house to hibernate so he could think and also rest without anyone bothering him. He had accomplished the physical rest through several naps, but his mind felt far from rested, even now. 

Walking slowly back across the ranch yard, he saw most people were still in the main house after supper. Luke had made sure he'd had something to eat earlier, so he was okay with skipping out on the evening festivities. However, there was one thing he didn't want to miss. 

Spying a lone figure by the corral fence, he wandered that direction. Coming up beside Ashlee, he nudged her shoulder with his before leaning on the fence. "I'm sorry I missed the grand tour," he apologized. He'd totally skunked her after agreeing to let her show him around the ranch after lunch. "I...wouldn't have been very good company, but I should have at least said something." He really was sorry, and hoped he hadn't hurt her feelings. 

"Can you...still show me the best view for the sunset?" 

Incompetent. Untrained. Haphazard. The negative words stood out like neon signs within the virtual document. Giving a yell of frustration, Kirk grabbed the nearest object - a plastic coffee mug - and sent it flying across the living room where it hit a framed picture on the wall, which came down with a resounding crash as it hit an end table and knocked off several more objects. 

Standing from the desk, Kirk put his hands to his head and growled at himself. He was too tired. This was impossible. Every word in that report was the truth. And he hated it all. 

He'd gotten in a short nap before starting to work again, which helped, but it did nothing to ease his frustrations. He knew the end result was not his decision. He couldn't be responsible for what happened after this. But he still felt like he was. He still felt like he was taking a perfectly good thing and intentionally destroying it. 

Hands still on his head, he closed his eyes and paced a small circle, his bare feet leaving imprints in the carpet. He had to shut off his personal feelings and just do this. He had to.