

Watching Garret take a few sips of the soup Maggie smiles. It made her her happy he was eating and hoped it would help. She just wanted him better, thats all she wanted. He looked so pale, and his eyes were sunken in, she just wanted him to look like Garret again.

   "Yes, that makes me very happy. You have to get better, you just have too."

Continuing to just watch as Garret drifts off Maggie sits down on the edge of the bed. Watching him closely, just studying him. She watched his breathing, the slight flutter of his eyes as he had them close. To anyone else this might be creepy but to Maggie, she was just trying to make sure he'd be ok.

As the bowl of soup almost spilled Maggie took it from Garret and set it down on the night stand. He had eaten a little and that was good enough for her. Hearing his comment a grin spread on her lips, and an evil little smile danced in her eyes.

   "You keep eating, and taking your meds, and I promise you almost spilling your soup wont leave this room...deal?"

Just standing within ear shot but not to be seen Nate can't help the small laugh that slipped out. Hopefully it had been quiet enough no one hear him. Hearing Maggie black male Garret though was funny. Where she learned that he didn't know but if it worked that would be a good thing.

Finally coming into the room Nate nods seeing the bowl at least had a little bit eaten from him. He wasn't sure why Garret had such a soft spot for Maggie but he new she just had a way with people if they would give her the time. 

   "Nurse Maggie, will you please give Garret his medicine. Than we should probable let him rest than check on him in a little bit."

Nate handed the pills to Maggie who than in turn held them out to Garret as she tossed him a wink reminding him of the deal she had proposed. 

Ashlee loved being at the ranch, she loved helping out, and being around the horses. But if she was ever asked, morning and nights were her favorite time for these moments. The colors, the air, and now watching the fireflys as they darted here and there wast just peaceful. 

Looking at Travis again the soft light from the sky still put a dim glow on his face and Ashlee couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she was sure she looked like an idiot. but at the moment she didn't care.

   "Ya know...you are not so bad yourself."

Ashlee gave his shoulder a little shove with her own before looking back to the sky. She new her cheeks had taken on there crimson color again. Travis just had that affect on her. She'd talked to boys she thought were cute before, but this was the first time one actually talked back to her, and didn't treat her like a little kid. She liked it.

   "It's really great seeing the sun rise too. It's like a blanket being pulled back as everyone in the ranch wakes up and starts moving around..."

Looking behind them she could see the dots of lights going out around the ranch as well, as main lights where being turned off, and softer glowed lamps were turned on. 

    "And at night the blanket is pulled back up and things become calm the stress of the day over. Morning and Night...are my favorite."

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