
Either Way

Setting the food down on the nightstand and just looking down at him Nate felt bad. Garret really looked terrible and he new how he was when he was sick, he could only imagen how it was for someone who wasn't use to it.

   "Hungry or not you need to eat. It will help keep you with enough strength to get better. You also need to be drinking water to stay hydrated. If not, than the next stop is a hospital. I'll be back with some cold and flu medicine"

Turning Nate heads for the door. Seeing Maggie he smiles at him as she look up at him and whispers.

   "Can I go in?"

Nate looks over his shoulder at least Garret was kind of awake for now so it should be ok. He wouldn't be gone to love either. Her heart was big, how could he deny that.

   "You can, but only for a little bit ok?"

Maggie nods and enters the room going to Garret's bed side. Just looking at him for a long moment and than looking at the soup she new he did need to eat like Nate said. It always made her feel better when she had some food when she didn't feel good. Not to mention the talk of taking Garret to the hospital if he didn't eat and that scared her.

    "Hi Garret. Can you sit up? You have to eat some soup so you get better. You just have too get better..please?"

Turning a little and leaning against to one of the old branches that stuck out from the tree trunk she watched at the colors danced in the sky. She loved this moment, when the colors just melded and made a new pattern every time.

As Travis starts to talk again Ashlee turns to look at him and listen. She wondered what all he was talking about with choices but she didn't want to be nosey and ask. If he wanted to go in more depth he would. She listened though and just the way he talked she felt bad. Looking back to the sky she smile admired the colors as she spoke again.

   "Every choice we make really have consequence one way or another. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but there always is one. Its just how we choose to face it."

Being quiet again for a second Ashlee finally looks at Travis again and gives a smile at his comment. Admire his own grin for a moment she hadn't realized before how cut it was. 

   "It's ok if you space, I do that a lot. but just know...I'm here if you need to vent."

Coming into the room and sitting there for a long second watching Kirk's lunacy Adison can't help but laugh at the mention of Tod. He was the last person to do a job like this. Even if he was a suck up who would do anything.

   "If this was left up to Tod...his head would spin."

Rolling her eyes and sitting down on her favorite couch she just continues to listen. She could see the toll this was having on him and she felt bad. This whole thing really was hitting him harder than she even thought it would. He never had this problem before and now...now he did. 

   "Your not an idiot. This has just struck your heart the right way. So many good people, who have a good cause, vigilantly or not you don't want to destroy that or be responsible for ending it and make them all fend on there own now. "

Watching as he kicked the papers and they go everywhere Adison looks at him and raises her eye brow. She forgot how stressed he really did get when faced with a hard choice. 

   "The sooner you get that report written the sooner you can close the door on this all. Write what you think it best, tell the truth, add in what you think should be done, or how to help. Do..what you think should be done. Than let go of the rest. Either you give a report that gives the Elite a fighting chance even if it is bad, or you give no report and they close to down. Done and over with...either way..you will have an affect."

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