

Relief washes over Ariel as Trey accepts the invitation to sit. Probably the thing she feared the most was him trying to walk somewhere and stepping out in front of traffic, getting mugged or worse.

Guiding him back to the step, she makes sure he's safely seated before easing down next to him. A chilly breeze was in the air and she was in short sleeves, but she didn't pay any attention to that right now.

Trey's question broke Ariel's heart even more. He had no idea why someone would care. And she wasn't the only person that did, but he really didn't understand.

Giving him a small smile, she bends her head a little so she could see his eyes. "Because you're worth it," she answers. "Because there's a whole lot more to you than meets the eye. You like to hide it and you do a good job. But I've seen past it. And that's why I care."

Slipping an arm around his shoulders, she hugs him gently. "You've been hurt too much," she murmurs. "But you can't keep running away... I don't want you to run away."

So Much

As Ariel comes around and steps in front of him Trey stops short so he dosen't run into her hand he sways backward a little bit before catching himself. Feeling his hands in hers again they were so warm as his skin had grown slightly cold.

Did she just hear Ariel right that the guy in the room was her brother. Trying hard to think Trey can't help the swaying he was doing still. Hearing about sitting on the step he does give a nod though he'd better sit down before he fell down and than someone did call the police.

"I'll sit on the shtep.."

Keeping her hands in his it helped stedy him back to the stop as he sits down. He had potential, he was more...that seemed like a joke to him. Why did she try so hard. Looking up for a second twords the door and not seeing her brother Trey relaxed just a little bit.

"Whysh....Why didn you havsh to care so much?"


Ariel didn't know what was going through Trey's mind, but she hoped and silently prayed that something - anything she said would make sense to him in this messed up state. Seeing the tear roll down his cheek sends a new pain into her heart.

She lets him take her hand and doesn't pull away, just allowing him time for sorting through his inebriated thoughts. As he drops her hand and mentions Colt again though, she fears she's losing him.

"No, wait, Trey..."

Looking back over her shoulder, she throws Colt a desperate glance. He throws up his hands in response, frustrated with her. She turns back around and watches as Trey stumbles down the sidewalk.

Going after him, she catches up within a few steps and comes around in front of him to stop him. "Trey, please don't go." She reaches out and takes both his hands in hers. "You don't understand... That man in there is my brother. But if it still bothers you, can we sit on the step right here? Outside? Please just don't walk away." Her grip on his hands tighten gently. "I care about you. You're important and you have purpose." She searches his eyes desperately. "You're worth so much and you have so much potential. But not like this... not like this, Trey." She nods to the step by the door again. "Can we sit down and talk?"

Good Bye

As Ariel brings her hand to the side of Trey's face for a moment he cringes almost exspecting a slap but as her hand hand is placed gentil on his cheer he relaxes just a little bit. Looking back into her eyes he cocks his head slightly into her hand. His walls breaking a little more. He was drunk but is seemed this softness broke through. He was hurt still, and anger but for a moment her hand on his cheek, her soft fingers it put another crack. She wasn't angry with him for showing up here like this, another crack forms.

Bringing his free hand up to her arm and than following it up to his face Trey just lays his hand over hers. and for a moment his parents, the people he has lost, Cindy, Jason, Ariel, and Pete all flash through his mind. Closing his eyes for a moment a single tear rolls down his cheek.

Sucking in a breath to maintain composure the best he could in his state Trey opens them again. Moving Ariel's hand from his cheek he holds her hand his finger running over it for a long moment before Colt catches his eye again. Letting go of her hand he trys to stand up again.

"Not....not with your boyfriend here...he might...get mad...Goodbye Ariel."

Turning Trey steads himself before taking a few steps forward before stumbling a little. Now Trey had to try and find his way home. Not only were his eyes blurry from drinking but from that one darn tear too.


Ariel remains standing and doesn't move even when Trey leans in close. She keeps herself from cringing at the smell of alcohol and simply listens. His words weren't making any sense at all, proving just how much he'd been drinking. Yet it wasn't the words that Ariel listened to.

With each of his slurred words, her expression becomes more and more sorrowful. What she saw before her was the same hurt little boy she'd seen earlier today. Oh how hurt he looked. And it broke her heart. She knew this drunkenness was wrong. She knew his attitude had been wrong and choices he'd made were his own. He was at fault for many things. But that didn't mean he didn't deserve a chance. A chance at acceptance. A chance at love. Anyone's love.

"You're not a bad guy," she responds softly. "And you can trust that because I'm an awfully good judge of character."

Reaching up, she cradles the side of his face with her palm. "I don't want to lose you, Trey. Not like this. Won't you please come in? We can go sit in the kitchen and there won't be anybody else watching or listening, okay?" Her thumb caresses his cheek. "Please?"


Trey eye's Colt his anger still burning this guy putting his own two cent in where it didn't belong. He didn't know him, he new nothing about him how dare he judge him.

"Yeah...go...go...run alonsh."

Looking back to Ariel again he sways some more before putting his arm out to lean on the door frame to keep from toppling over. He wanted to come in, but he didn't want to come in with Colt there. Someone else knowing his business. Someone...it was clear that Ariel had a some kinds of relationship with.

"I don't believesh you. You....better tell him to stop..stop looking at mesh."

Trey licks his dry lips before leaning in a little closer to Ariel. His voice was a whisper this time like he was trying to keep it a secret and it was something of complete importance.

"I really...really liked you yoush know...But than....I bet you and Pete were laughsing at me. I wash tryin to..to stay out of trouble so I could keep...seeing you too....but I was a foolsh."

Looking into Ariel's eyes there was so much hurt and anger, there was a boy lost, scared, and alone. Tears that had been held back for years just begging to come out but the just wouldn't.

"I..." hic "wanted to kiss you for a while too...but I didsh...and...just becauseh I didn't talks to anyone....Reesesh and his lacklys think I'm a bad guysh. Maybe,.....maybe they sdhould be right."


Ariel shakes her head and heaves a weary sigh. She'd cried enough tears earlier that it was a little easier now to control her emotions. But the scene still bothers her - immensely. "Oh Trey..."

Colt rolls his eyes and looks down at Ariel. "Seriously?"

Her eyes narrow at him. "Long story, okay?" She looks back at Trey. "I haven't forgotten anybody, let alone you." She remains calm and speaks as though he were sober, even though she knew he wasn't thinking straight at all. "Please come inside."

Colt nudges her. "Are you nuts? We ought to call the cops, not invite this drunk in."

Ariel turns to him and points to the living room. "I got this. Go sit down and wait."



Colt scowls but backs off and goes to sit on the armrest of the couch where he could at least still keep an eye on things.

Ariel looks to Trey once more and steps further to the side. "Please, Trey... I want to be here for you. Let me this time and come in so we can talk. I promise to listen to everything you have to say and no one will interfere."


Still standing at the door Trey was now leaning on the railing slightly. Now being out in the fresh air it seemed like the liqueur was hitting him even more. Things were spinning enough that he had to give his head a little shake to straighten it all out. Maybe those last few shots with Sam was not a good idea.

Finally as the door open Trey stands up and sways a little bit before regaining his balance. A drunk grin spread across his lips as he was about to talk. Stopping though as he saw Ariel was not along the grin seemed to fade and whatever he was going to say slipped away.

Looking from the guy and taking in that it was obvious he had just gotten out of the shower Trey could feel everything in side churn, and it was almost instant that it felt like his heart was grabbed and squeezed all over again. Swinging his gase back to Ariel again he squints his eyes almost as if trying to keep the tears that so desperately wanted to come back in. He wouldn't let them show not now.

"Ho...hows shat? A news boyfriend...boyfriend alreadsh. I tolds....you it wouldn't...take long for forgeth me. You better watch out...she...likes to pretend to like people."

Trey sways a little more but dosnt enter the house. Not while this other guy was there, not while he was out numbered. He came for comfort but all he found was more pain.


Justin perks up a little. "Yeah - both those sound great. I can't make you do all the work for supper again though, so either I cook or we go out."

Sitting up again, he stares at his rack of DVDs. "But you get to pick the movie. Anything you want."

Hearing the knock at the door and Ashlee's voice, Dylan jumps. Muttering a curse under his breath, he clears the contents on his nightstand into the drawer, shoving it closed. "Yeah, hang on," he calls.

Sliding off the bed, he tucks in his white t-shirt and rolls down the sleeve of his open flannel shirt. It would probably be a little warm for it today, but he'd rather not risk someone noticing the marks and putting two and two together. In the back of his mind, he knew it was stupid to try and hide his renewed addiction, but shame wouldn't allow him to expose the truth yet.

Padding to the door in his bare feet, he pauses for a moment, glancing over to the mirror on the opposite wall. Though having showered and put on clean clothes, he knew good and well that he did not look the same as he had when he'd left. Would Ashlee notice? He wondered. What did she want anyway? Who knew what she'd been told about him? Did Stacy even want her seeing him? What did Ashlee think of him now?

He sighs. There was no point in putting this off.

Finally opening the door partway, he leans against the doorframe, tucking his hands in his jeans pockets. Dan had said Ashlee had missed him - was it true? He had to admit, he'd kind of missed her hanging around and wanting to do things with him.

He bites his lower lip, searching the girl's face. His own expression was hesitant. "Hi."

Mick looks at Dan's hand for a moment before reaching out to accept it in a strong handshake. His free hand gives the younger man's shoulder a firm pat. There was nothing else that needed to be said. "Now lets get back to work before someone thinks we're shirking our duties."


Sitting on the couch in the small living room, Ariel jumps from Colt's cry coming from the bathroom. "What is it?" she shouts. "What's wrong?!"

"I told you Slinky hates me!"

Ariel stifles a laugh. "Well why did you let him in there with you?"

"I didn't know he was here! Stupid cat attacked me!"

Ariel can't keep her laughter in now and she flops back onto the cushions, hugging a throw pillow.

"I heard that!"

She calms to a giggle. "Well, are you alright?"

"Fine, fine. My big toe may never be the same again though."

"There's bandaids in the cabinet." Ariel grins and reaches up to scratch Cinder's chin. Her five cats certainly made life interesting. "See?" she calls. "Now you know why I moved out - so I could live in peace with my furry friends."

"Yeah, well I think you've just taught them to have it out for me." Colt emerges from the bathroom in his clean jeans and t-shirt, his hair still glistening wet.

Ariel sits up and peers over the back of the couch, her eyes twinkling. "Maybe. But you're the one that begged to come use my shower."

"I can't help it that they're fixing the plumbing at my place." Colt flops down beside her on the couch and reaches to pull on his socks.

"Mmm. I wouldn't have wanted you to go another day without a shower." Ariel scrunches up her nose. "You do smell better now than you did at supper."

Colt smirks and runs a hand through his hair then flicks the drops of water in her direction.

She shrieks playfully and swats him with a throw pillow.

Colt is about to retaliate when the sudden banging on the door and shouting ceases the playing.

Ariel's eyes widen. "That sounds like Trey."

"Trey? Who's Trey?"

Her cheeks flush.

Colt lifts an eyebrow. "The guy."

Ariel stands up without answering him and goes to the door. Unlocking it, she opens it cautiously. One glance at Trey and she knew he was in poor shape. She didn't know whether to be sad, mad or scared. The sudden presence of Colt's hand on her shoulder calms her, though.

She furrows her brow at Trey, not understanding why he was here or what he wanted to talk about. But if it had anything to do with earlier, she didn't want to turn him away. She steps back, opening up the door wider. "Come in, Trey. I'm here to talk about whatever you want."


Pouring the finished coffee into a cup Beth pursed her lips for a second as she was quiet. Justin was still acting a little strange is it made her worry a little bit. Maybe it was just a bad day but Beth wasn't use to seeing that form Justin and she wasn't sure how she felt about it at all.

As the conversation changes Beth lets out a small breath not enough to bring notice to but just something she had been holding in. She was happy for the change and hopped maybe Justin's mood would be a little better.

"Don't have anything planned of yet. Would you like to make plans? Maybe we can do dinner and a move or something."

Looking up as Mick enters the barn Dan was a bit surprised when he tells him he wants to talk. Not saying anything though he just follows Mick into the tack room. Standing he just listens as Mick talks his eyes never leaving his.

Giving a nod of his head here and there to let Mick know he was listening some of what he said surprised him but in hearing everything it made him understand a little bit better. It filled a gap and gave Dan a better understanding on the whole situation. Once Mick was done Dan takes of his gloves he lets out a small breath moving his hat back a little bit and looking up at Mick in the eye again.

"Thank you Mick!"

Simple words but they meant a lot. Holding out his hand to Mick for a handshake he new nothing else really needed to be said. This would speak louder than words and mean so much more. And Dan really was thankful for Mick's words.

Finishing up with breakfest and hearing Dylan was back Ashlee makes her way across the yard and to his bunk. She was going to help Eric again today but not till a little bit later. Now though she could see her friend she really had missed. She only hopped he was in his bunk. Getting up the steps she gives a knock on the door waiting a few moments before knocking again.

"Dylan? It's Ash are you in there?"

Leaving the bar Trey leans on the building trying to gain his balance. He'd come here tonight to forget but this time it hadn't worked. Being intoxicated only made it worse this time around and Ariel was the one on his mind. His anger, his sarrow, he wanted to see her he didn't want to see her it was all a mess.

Hearing the bar door open again Trey still leans on the wall but turns twords the door as a taller more bawd man leave. Giving a nod Trey pushes off the wall and holds out his hand.

"Whos new meeting yoursh at the beachs...." hic "...I'd see you heresh too Samsh."

Sam raises and eyebrow and shakes his head. He didn't know Trey was going to be here tonight but as soon as he saw him Trey had come right over starting to babble about something he didn't even understand. It was clear he'd been drinking before he had even got there.

"Yeah...so...you still wanted that ride to Ariel's or are you going to walk since its not far from here?"

Trey lays a hand on his shoulder and gives a strange kind of smile.

"I'll...walk. It might not besh pretty. Shanks Shammy."

Turning around and staggering Trey walks down the sidewalk in the direction he though he remembered was the way to Ariel's. He didn't know why he wanted to go there, maybe to yell some more, maybe he didn't want to be alone anymore.

..Going slightly slower because he was drunk and hardly could stand up Trey squints looking at the apartment he was directed too making sure this was the right place. Going up to the door and giving it a bang Trey shouts at the same time.

"Ariels....ARIEL...open the door woshda. I ju....I...I ju...wanna talks..."


"No... no, he still has no memories." Justin falls silent for another moment or two, suddenly feeling very much that he didn't want to talk any more about this. He didn't like the questions. He didn't want to think about Jared any more today. But why it made him overly sensitive towards Beth was a mystery to him, which put him even more on edge.

"I guess I'm not confident, no," he concludes. Flopping back onto a throw pillow again, he withholds a sigh. "So you got any plans for the weekend?" Changing the subject yet again, he gropes for something that wouldn't touch any more of his nerves today.

"So... who's the guy?"

Ariel spins around to see the look of protective question on Colt's face. Studying him for a moment, she turns back to Jasper, combing out the gelding's mane after she'd given him a bath. The stable was her haven, so that's where she'd headed, trying to clear her mind of Trey. So much for that now. She wouldn't lead on that she was upset though. Nobody knew she'd spent the drive out here crying, and she'd like to keep it that way. "Who said there was a guy?"

"Word gets around about beach parties." Colt comes up on the other side of the horse to lean on Jasper's back, looking over at Ariel. "So? Better looking than me?"

Ariel smirks at him. "Maybe."

"You're cruel."

"I learned from the best." Her eyes flicker with a mixture of annoyance and humor. "Shouldn't you be out in the far pasture checking fences or something?"

Colt's mouth turns up into a smile. "Trying to get rid of me?"

"I thought I already did that."

"Oooh. Ouch." Colt feigns a stab to the heart. "And I was going to ask you out to dinner tonight and everything."

"You must be getting desperate."

"Yeah, well, you know how it goes. Wait, no... apparently you don't." He eyes her suspiciously. "So who is he?"

"It's none of your business, Nosy. And besides - it's over anyway."

"Aw, well that sucks."

Ariel reaches across and swats his arm with the horse comb. "Be gone!"

"Hey, watch where you whack that thing!" Colt moves around and takes Jasper's head in his hands, looking the horse in the eye. "Buck her off next time she rides you."

Ariel rolls her eyes. "As if. He wouldn't buck if you promised him sweet feed for life."

"It was worth a shot." Colt sighs and ambles away. "I got chores to do. See you later."

Ariel looks up and sighs, shaking her head. "Colt... I'll do supper with you."

Colt looks over his shoulder as he smiles. "I'll swing by your place after I'm done here tonight."

Concentrating on Jasper again, Ariel calls after Colt. "You still need to find yourself a new girl!"

"Yeah, yeah." He waves with his back to her as he continues his route to the stall he'd been cleaning.

Ariel smirks and whispers to her horse. "He'll never admit that he misses me. But you and I both know it's true." Though her mind still swam with questions about Trey, maybe supper out would help clear her head.

The morning dawned bright and clear. By breakfast, word had spread that Dylan was back at the ranch, though he hadn't shown up for the morning meal. It was difficult for those who had been worried to not go to him, but they all knew it was best to leave him be and let him come out in his own time.

Chores continued throughout the morning, everyone busy with their own tasks. It wasn't until close to noon that Mick takes a short break from his work...

"Dan?" Mick finds him in the barn and motions him towards the tack room. He hadn't spoken to him since yesterday, but it was time. "A word, please."

Entering the small room, he waits for Dan then shuts the door so they're completely alone. Folding his arms, he just studies the younger man for several moments. "I got some things I wanna say and... it's gonna take a few minutes, but all I ask is that you just listen." He really did have a lot to say and wasn't all sure how to say it so that it came out how he wanted.

"It's no secret that I've had it out for you from day one." He wasn't teasing, but wasn't being harsh either, and he continues to look Dan square in the eye. "I've been hard on you - especially since you and Jade started to date." The information wasn't new, but he felt the need to draw it all together so it could finally be concluded.

"I saw your potential but was disappointed in your past. When you got involved with Jade, I didn't trust you. I saw your heart and your dedication to God but there was still a lot about you that scared me."

Pausing a moment, he paces in a small circle to collect his thoughts. "I was asked why I didn't approve of you or like you, but the issue never was that I didn't like you - I've always liked you a lot. You've been a hard worker and have never let me down as one of my ranch hands. The truth of the matter is that I never was quite sure why I had a problem with you. I thought maybe it was your past. I thought maybe it was just a clash of personalities. I thought maybe it was just because you were the first guy who got serious with Jade." He shrugs. "But if I'm going to be completely honest, then I have to admit that I didn't know the real reason, and I wasn't willing to think about it - until last night."

Taking another moment, he purses his lips. It was obvious that he was in very deep thought. "When Dylan said you brought him home, I suddenly realized that I haven't truly been looking at you for yourself. I've been looking at another young man named Logan Philips. Quite honestly, that realization hit me pretty hard and I feel stupid for not seeing it sooner. I guess I just wasn't willing to take the time and figure out my own feelings."

Mick cocks his head, hoping that Dan was following his train of thought. "Logan was a guy I worked with when I was, unknowingly, working for the Agency there for a few years. He had a lot of potential and I really liked him. I helped him climb the ladder and got him to where we'd partner up every once in a while for cases. He was good. Then one day we had a mission that went bad - because he dropped the ball. He folded and let us all down. I realized that while he did have potential, that I'd overlooked his weaknesses - and it cost us two lives that day. He wasn't who I'd thought he was."

He swallows hard, not liking the memory that he'd tried hard to forget. "They say we all have twins in this world - and I've suddenly realized that you could easily be Logan's. The way you look, the way you walk, the way you talk... everything. And without even realizing it, since you started here, I saw Logan, and I knew I couldn't trust you. I was waiting for that day when you'd fold and let us down and I was afraid of what it would be - something with the horses... breaking Jade's heart... anything. And..."

He stops again and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I never gave you a fair chance. While I didn't understand what I was feeling, that doesn't make it right, and it's my fault for not allowing myself to see you as you and not someone else. When you brought Dylan home... I suddenly realized that while we all do fail sometimes and let others down once in a while... the big fall I was looking for... it simply didn't exist. And that's the difference between you and Logan. He had a cocky streak that wound up being his downfall. That's what you don't have. And I realize now that... I can trust you a lot more than I have been."

Mick studies Dan's eyes, as if truly seeing him as a different man for the first time. "A month ago, I was pretty upset that you let Dylan walk away from here. I didn't agree with you and... there was a part of me that blamed you for not stopping him."

A wry sort of grin surfaces. "They say you can't teach old dogs new tricks but... I'm a pretty old dog and... I just learned something new. I learned that my own past experiences sometimes do get in the way and I can't see the real truth. Because the reality is that you're a good man. You've stuck it out here, you've respected me despite our differences, you've been a hard worker and... you've looked out for my son."

It takes another short pause for Mick to take control of his emotions. "I blamed you for letting Dylan go... but if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be back now either. And... I need to thank you for that. I couldn't bring him back on my own. I couldn't rescue him. But you did. And I'll always be grateful for that."

Glancing at the floor then back up again, a new look was in Mick's eyes. It was a look of a father's love for both of his children. It was a look of defeat. A recognition that he needed to let go. "You've proven to me that first, you're more than I gave you credit for. And second, you're a man of God and a man of integrity. And as such..." He takes another deep breath. "...I have no right to keep you and Jade from getting married whenever you want." Emotions pool in his eyes. "Maybe last night was about you rescuing Dylan... maybe it was about me learning a lesson... but because of those, I can no longer feel right about standing in your way. Just promise me you'll take care of Jade, respect her, and be as godly a husband as you can be...and you both have my blessing. It's you I see now - not the failings of a man from my past."

Drink it Away

As Ariel comes closer to him Trey can feel a new emotion that he quite didn't understand. No one had ever bothered to stick around a little bit longer when he told them to leave. Yet Ariel was still standing there. What did she want from him now?

Just listing to Ariel's words Trey can feel the walls around his heart break. He didn't want the walls to break or to crack. Why did she have to stand here and continue to chip away at them. Everything was starting to break them down, from his moment, Jason, and now Ariel. He just wanted to block it out but it was becoming harder and harder.

Watching as she walked away Trey's eyes never leave her till she was finally gone. The tears pool in her eyes but he refuses them to pour over. Turning he slams his fist into the wall and ignores the pain that shoots though his hand.

Going over to the bed he grabs his jacket and wallet pulling some money from the draw and stuffing it in his pocket. Waiting a little bit he finally makes his way out of the room and to the upper level of TJY. He wasn't going to the part tonight but he would find something else to drown himself in like he had once before. It wouldn't be the bulls eye though maybe another place, another bar, something better, something were...he could just forget.

Sitting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen Beth starts a cup of coffee leaning on the counter waiting for it. Justin had finally gone to see Jared? She felt kinda of sad she couldn't go with him but on the same hand she was proud of him.

"Oh wow, I bet that is a big weight off your shoulders but at the same time I bet it was hard too huh?"

Maybe thats what had been bothering Justin this morning was what was going through him with his brother. She could only imagen how hard it much be even if he didn't really like his brother all that much. Knowing he forgot, and having a burning distrust of him must be hard.

"You don't sound to confidant on feeling better about the whole thing. He still didn't remember anything huh?"


Ariel remains seated and keeps her eyes on Trey. She had known he would be upset - as anybody would - but perhaps she hadn't been prepared for the words he was saying. Nevertheless, she doesn't flinch, or argue.

It hurt - what he said. And as he points out the door, Ariel slowly stands. But instead of obeying, she takes a step closer to Trey. Looking up at him, she searches his cold, dark, hurting eyes. And it's sorrow she feels.

"I'm so sorry..." Her voice was calm and quiet. "...you have been hurt so many times, that you can't see past the bad anymore."

Risking his wrath, she reaches out and takes his outstretched hand in both of hers, lowering it gently. "I never pretended to like you, Trey. And if I had met you on the street, I would have cared just the same. I'm not that good of an actress." Her grip tightens slightly. "There are good things in all of this - but I can't force you to see them. You've been dealt a bad hand from the beginning... but one day you're going to have to let it go and quit blaming the world for your hurts so you can heal. Otherwise... you'll always feel this pain... and that's no way to live."

Lifting his hand, she gives it a soft kiss. "I'm sorry, but I can't forget you. It's just not that easy." Letting him go, she backs away. He had her number if he wanted to talk with her another time... but she wasn't sure if he'd ever want to hear her voice again.

She searches his eyes one last time. "I hope I see you again sometime... but I leave the ball in your court."

Nodding with respect, she turns to leave.

Justin was glad Beth had had such a good time with her new friend. She sounded great - happy and full of energy. It was a breath of fresh air, and Justin knew that she'd taken another giant step today - and he was proud of her. Somehow though... his pride wasn't showing through very well.

Beth's question puts him on guard, and sits up, folding his legs. "Wrong?" How had he acted? He tries to remember. Oh yeah. He'd been rather curt, hadn't he? But how was he supposed to tell her he didn't like Zach, when he had no reason to feel that way? It wasn't really fair, and he knew it.

"No... no, nothing's wrong. Got a lot on my mind, I guess." He chews on his lip. "Sorry."

He thinks for a moment, feeling the need for a change of subject. "I finally went to see Jared today... it went alright... I guess I feel better having gone."