

Bree? Gunner is quick to look up and shake his head. "No...no. How would you like to know your fiance was losing his mind?" His frown intensifies. "If she didn't call things off, JT might convince her to. Or maybe that's my job. Maybe I should be the one to call things off. If this is gonna keep happening, I can't put her through it with me. It's not fair to her." Bree had been through enough without worrying about a mentally unstable husband. Acting crazy together was one thing - having it be a literal problem was another.

Dropping his eyes, he picks up his fork to run it through his rice as Grace talks about bridges. He knew he wasn't alone...he was simply choosing to be. He should just get up and leave now. He could. He knew Hope wouldn't stop him. He knew he could leave right now and she'd never bring this up again unless he wanted her to. And yet... something kept him in his seat.

"I know I've got people that care about me," he mentions softly. "I know I've got a lot to live for. I've got more now than I did before, it's just... the stuff that happens in my head, it... it's like it's too much to handle and the only way out is... to just... be done."

Though he hadn't even taken a bite of food yet, he sets his fork down. Rubbing his face wearily, he sighs before resting his chin on his hands and looking across the table at Hope. He wondered if his eyes were as tired as they felt.

Words were on the tip of his tongue. An explanation as to what was really bothering him was right there. But they were his own private thoughts. But what if he didn't talk to her and things got worse? At least if he talked to her and Reese found out, he'd be seen as trying to work things out, right? If he didn't talk to Hope, things might go worse for him in the long run, as far as his job was concerned. But it just all felt so stupid. The whole thing. He didn't understand why he couldn't work through this on his own...why it wasn't going away...why this was the only thing he couldn't seem to control.

The stinging sensation of tears right below the surface was the last straw.

"I'm sorry." Gunner stands too quickly, his shin connecting with the leg of the table hard enough to almost spill their drinks. Without explanation, and still without having eaten, he heads for the door.

Once outside, he takes a deep breath of air. He'd never considered himself claustrophobic, but being out here sure felt better than inside the restaurant. Getting to his car and starting it, he opts not to go back to work but instead, pulls out in the opposite direction on the street. He felt badly about leaving Hope, but he'd told her not today. He never should have stopped by her office in the first place. He never should have made himself so vulnerable.

It was fifteen minutes before he stopped driving. Pulling over into a small area off the shoulder where cops would sometimes sit with radar, he cuts the engine. Just leaning back in his seat, he fiddles with the keys in his hands. And resting his head against the window, he keeps his eyes ahead on the nearby intersection. The intersection that had stolen his parents and his memory.

Clay and Alec exchange cordial nods as they're introduced. At Misty's request, Alec retrieves some plates and silverware. "So... just visiting or sticking around?" 

Clay wanders to the table, helping distribute the forks. "Guess that depends on if I can find work."

"Well there's lots of it around here." Alec rolls his eyes. "Trust me, I know. I've done enough job hunting for an army."

Clay quirks an eyebrow. "Lots of jobs but still lots of hunting?" 

"Yeah, well... when you've got a record ten miles long, people tend to not hire you." 

"Ah." Clay was naturally curious as to why this guy had a record, but as the new guy, he wouldn't ask. 

The evening started out a little awkwardly but as they ate together then started a game, the atmosphere lightened up to the point of relaxation and laughter.

"Yes!" Jason threw his pencil in the air as Misty guessed the right answer to his drawing. 

"Nooooo!" Alec grabbed Clay's paper to squint at what he'd guessed to be everything from a farmyard to a swamp. "What is it?"

Clay cringes. "A beach?" 

"A beach?!" Alec's eyes widen. "That thing?"

"Well I told you I couldn't draw!" 

Alec swipes Jason's paper from across the table and chokes on a laugh. "There's no way Misty guessed the right answer." 

"She did too!" Jason defends. 

"They're cheating." Clay took a sip of Mountain Dew and nodded matter-of-factly. "You thought they were just playing footsie...they've actually got a code to tell each other what they're drawing." There's a following pause of silence before they all crack up.

"I vote we switch partners," Alec suggests. "No more boyfriend/girlfriend teams. It's not fair." 

To: Chad
From: Rosalyn
No fights last night. This morning
things are quiet. Hoping that
means I can still get away
tonight. Is it possible I can miss
you even though I just saw you

Hitting the "send" button, Rosalyn tucks her phone back in her pocket and resumes fixing breakfast. She really was looking forward to tonight and a real date. It sent a flutter through her stomach to think about it. If only she really could last all day then slip away without being noticed. That would be the best way.


As the food comes Hope sits back for a second letting the plates be put down in front of them. Pondering Gunners words for a long moment. She wondered if he new how loud they screamed for help even though he was saying he didnt want or need any. Once the waiter was gone Hope leaned her elbows on the table cocking her head to one side.

   "And do you know what will happen if people find out whats going on and you haven't come to see me to get help?  Reese, Bree...you have to talk to someone Gunner before you go off the deep end. So if not me than talk with Bree."

Hope new words spoken to Gunner had to be worded right and pushing him to do something would never work. It had to be his choice and his alone. Hope new he almost always did the right thin but still she hoped he would continue to be strong.

Taking a bite of her food Hope lets the silence blanket them as she enjoys the taste. It had been a little bit since the last time she had, had chinese and it was oh so good. Finally speaking again she searches Gunner's face again looking for the truth in the mans eyes.

    "Bridges can be a dangerous thing for anyone not jst the crazy. Specially when we can't see what kind it is. No matter what though we have to remember we are never alone so why pretend we are."

As Jason comes back with Clay Misty turns and gives a smile. She was happy he really had come. She could feel this was going to be good for him and maybe all of them. Meeting new people was healthy.

    "It's not a problem at all Clay. You didnt miss the food or hold it up."

Looking to Alec Misty smiles and gives a nod of her head. She new both men were a little nervous meeting each other.

    "Clay this is my brother is law Alec. Alec this is Ricks nephew Clay. Supper should be ready shortly if you would like yo help set the table up."



Sitting across from Hope, Gunner's knee bounces under the table. He wished the food would come so he'd have something to do with his hands, while at the same time, he wasn't so sure his stomach was ready for food at the moment.

Hope's question is heard, but it isn't enough to bring his eyes up from the table as he tries to ignore other people in the small restaurant. "I don't know," he admits. "Although the short ones wouldn't get the job done very well."

He takes a sip of water before clearing his throat. He really didn't know why he was even here or why he'd talked to Hope in the first place.

"Look, I'm...sorry. This was a mistake. I got enough going on in my head right now without somebody else tromping through it too. I'd rather work this out on my own than end up at Northside again, and that's what will happen if anybody else finds out I came to you."

"...So he's Rick's nephew?" Alec peers over Misty's shoulder at the kitchen counter, wondering what she was making for supper. He'd spent most of the day puttering in the shed, then fell asleep in the afternoon, but woke up about the same time Misty had gotten home and was more than willing to come to he house for supper with her and Jason. In his old jeans, t-shirt and bare feet, he was still just a little sleepy.

"Uh-huh." Jason sits at the table and takes a swig of Mountain Dew. "Guess he ran into some bad luck. Anyway, Misty invited him over, but he was gonna drop some stuff off at Rick's first."

"I see." 

"Yeah, apparently Misty convinced him we were all gonna play Pictionary tonight." 

Alec snickers before going to the fridge and hunting for something other than water to drink. "That should be good." 

Before Jason could respond, there was a knock at the door. Standing, he nods to Misty. "I'll get it." It was only a minute or two before he returned to the kitchen, joined by Clay. 

Clay gives Misty a little wave and eyes Alec warily, wondering if this was the brother-in-law. "Hey, sorry I'm kinda late. Got hung up at Rick's." 


Just letting Gunner stumble over his words Grace didn't push him, or try to make him hurry with his answer. She new he would figure it out on his own and make the right desition or so she hoped since he had made it this far already. Searching his face and see him finally come to the desition to go to lunch with her Hope was satisfied.

   "Ok, lets meet in fifteen minutes at the little Chinese place down the road ok?"

...and in fifteen minutes like planned Gunner and Hope were sitting down at the table. Food ordered, drinks had come and a strange silence seemed to follow. Searching Gunner's eyes as she took a sip of her water Hope new this was hard for him. It had been the first time and she new it would be again. With some people it just always worked that way and she understood.

   "So...tell me about these bridges you are seeing again. As long, and deep as last time, or just starting off short and shallow?"

Looking up at Rick Misty smiles. Maybe there was more than one reason she was put here. Maybe it was more than just helping the sick, maybe it it was to just help. Either way it made Misty feel good and she enjoyed the smiles.

   "It's my pleasure...you know that Rick."

Kiss and make up

Gunner hesitates, his free hand resting on the door frame while his fingers strummed a nervous beat without him even realizing it. Lunch? Now? He'd just said not today. But he really didn't have much of an excuse. He was in between cases at the moment, and oddly enough, he had some free time. And on top of that, Bree couldn't meet him for lunch today.

"Well, I don't know," he stalls. It's not all that urgent or anything." Wasn't it? The twist in his gut said he'd just lied.

"And I've got lots of work..." As his eyes lock with Hope's, his voice trails off. She could see right through him and he knew it. "But yeah, okay. I can meet you somewhere." He at least wanted an escape route, should this not go the way he wanted. "Just, um...tell me where."

Jason can't help a snicker as he remembers his an Alec's epic fail at pictionary, although they'd laughed a lot. "Yeah, I hear it's lots of fun too," he teases.

Clay sensed there was an inside joke there, but grins anyway. "I'm not sure my artistic abilities could even warrant a game of pictionary, but I'm game." He pauses. "No...pun intended."

Jason laughs. "At least we'll have even teams if we play." He gives Misty's shoulder a squeeze. "I gotta go, but I'll plan on coming over after work then." He glances back to Clay. "And it looks like I'll see you later."

In a few moments, Clay is alone with Misty again, and he gives her a small but grateful smile. "Thanks." The last batch of people he'd hung out with had all ended up drunk. But he had a feeling this was going to be a lot different.

It wasn't until Clay excused himself to use the restroom that Rick had a chance to talk to Misty alone. Coming over to her desk, he shakes his head, giving her a wry grin. "That's why you're perfect for this job. You always know how to make people feel important."

He pauses, leaning against her desk. "Thanks for inviting Clay over. He's become quite a loner the last few years and I'm not sure he's got anybody he can really call a friend. He's not the most motivated guy, but I think that's part of the aftermath of a long string of bad luck and no one to support or encourage him." He sighs. "I love my brother, and I've never been a parent, so I can't judge but...well, I guess if Clay was my son, I'd treat him a whole lot differently than his dad has. I'm gonna try to keep Clay around here - see if he'll stay with me and Janet for a while until he's got his life back together again. He's stubborn though, so I don't know how much help he'll accept. In the meantime, I'm grateful for you helping him find friends he can trust."

Happy that Grace didn't mind granting him affection, Jared returns her kiss. Realizing she was willing to let the exchange linger, he deepens his own kiss, perhaps testing to see if she'd allow him to kiss her as passionately has he had before. 

Letting go of her hand, his own comes up to gently stroke the back of her neck. It wasn't so much that the kiss itself was that intense or that extraordinary - he'd kissed and been kissed by an awful lot of women. But kissing Grace was undoubtedly different. Not because of how she kissed, but simply because of who she was. 

Only drawing away after several lighter kisses, Jared's hand still keeps Grace just a few inches from him. A smile creases his lips as his eyes study hers. "If that's what it means to kiss and make up... I think I like it." 


New Day

Giving a nod to Clint Wes new it was getting to be that time and he should be heading home too. Mornings at the ranch always came to soon and being so far out it still affected them a little bit as well. It was just part of the ranch life and another thing Wes would welcoming. Morning chores, the feeling of accomplishing something and being able to see that accomplishment.

Making the treck home Wes walked slow. Enjoying the air, enjoying the night, and enjoy the feel of anticipation of seeing his family when he got to his destination.Getting home Wes enters the house quiet to make sure not to wake anyone who was more than likely sleeping. It was easy to move quietly through the house for him. Checking all the doors it was habit to make sure they were locked even if the ranch was safe.

Slipping into Kaylee's room Wes walks over to her crib watching her sleeping form. She was so preshish and had gotten so big while he had been gone. No one would know how thankful he was she remembered and accepted him as well as she did. Not many people got that lucky. Leaning down and giving her a kiss on the head Wes slips out of rhe room again heading to his and Cindy's bedroom.

Just watching her for a long second Wes finally sheds his clothing and slips to the bed next to her. Putting his arm around her Wes pulls her a little closer to him feeling her soft skin aganst his. Nuzzling his head into her hair Wes takes a deep breath and letting the smell fill him. Just holding Cindy gave him so much comfort. He was so thankful for them that it was almost over whelming. But sleep would come, and comfort was now easy to find with her in his arms.

Looking up at Gunner's voice Hope was a little surprised but met him with a smile. There was something in his eyes though and it made Hope search them a little harder. Hearing his words they confermed what she saw and it made her heart jumo a little bit. She'd asked Gunner hope he was doing last week but now...now it seemed he hadn't been telling her the truth.

   "We are all going a little crazy huh?!"

Grace didn't like putting that label on people so if she put it on everyone it was a little better or so she thought. She was worried about Gunner though but was happy he came to her. That was a step up from the last time he was thinking of bridges.

   "I was actually going to head out for some lunch. I always hate going alone. Maybe you would like to tag alone and we can chat over some good food?"

Feeling Jason's hand on her shoulder Misty leans her head to the side on top of it. She loved feeling him close to her. It made her feel safe, she always did when he was near to her and she loved every moment of it.Turning her head a little bit to look at Jason she smiles at him.

   "Alec should be around. At least last I talked to him he said tonight he would join us."

Looking back to Clay she smiled. He had back luck but things were going to change for him. She could feel it. HE was going to meet some new people, have a great place to stay with Rick and he was going to be ok.

   "Maybe we all can play some games. I always hear pictanary is fun."

Giving a little laugh Grace comes closer to Jared and sits on the bed looking down at him. He said he didn't know about Sunday but he didn't say no so that was good. She would ask him again when the day came a little closer. 

   "Mmm...thats a good way to say thank you. I could get use to it."

Leaning in closer Grace brings her lips to Jared's and lets her feels just flow. She loved the way his lips felt on hers. They were warm and welcoming. Bringing her hand to the side of his face to cradle it Grace just continues the kiss. She'd never felt like this before, and she liked it. The warm tingle that ran through her.



It was interesting for Jared, hearing Grace talk. He'd experienced the whole forgiveness thing from his family - mostly his mother - but as far as he could remember, he'd never met a woman who was so willing to look past his faults and keep trying. Not to this extent anyway.

He wasn't so sure about her invite on Sunday. Without her saying so, he knew it must be a church group. He'd been asked in that sort of roundabout way before by other people, but eventually they'd given up. Even his brother. At the moment, he didn't know if he was really ready for a group of church people. He knew they must be nice or else Grace wouldn't have suggested it, but...after having been away from that scene for so long, it made him rather apprehensive. The last time he'd gone to church was right before he'd left home after high school. After that, he'd had  nothing to do with it. Maybe he'd had a faith once. Maybe his commitment as a younger man wasn't a farce. But somehow he'd become bitter. Was it after his father's death? Maybe. 

Bringing his thoughts back around, he realizes that again, he'd left the conversation in silence. But looking at Grace, he really didn't mind. The sunlight was shining through the window, putting her face in a soft glow. And for the first time perhaps, he wondered if her being his therapist was more than just mere chance. And his heart gave a little lurch. 

Tugging her hand a little, he gives her a crooked grin. "Well... we'll play the whole Sunday thing by ear. But... as far as the hurting each other's feelings and making up part... I'd gladly make up with you now, except I hurt too much to move. So if I'm gonna be able to kiss you, you're gonna have to come to me."

Hearing Misty's introduction, Jason glances over their way and gives as low, "Woof." 

Clay cracks a new smile and shakes his head. As crazy as people were around here...he liked them. 

"What's gotten into you?" Rick thumps Jason upside the head. 

"Um...too much caffeine?" Jason gives him a wide-eyed look. "Need to stay awake to work, ya know." 

"Not sleeping well?" 

The lighthearted banter suddenly took a nosedive as Jason cleared his throat. "Could be," he answered more quietly. 

Rick glanced at Misty then back to Jason, sensing this was something he didn't want to talk about in present company. "Okay, well, keep working on your diet and come see me again next week. Or sooner if anything else comes up." 

"You got it." Jason slides off the table and wanders over to Misty, leaning down to give her a soft kiss on the lips. "Hey, beautiful. Who's your friend?" 

"Clay Johnston." Clay holds out his hand. 

Jason readily accepts the handshake. "Nice to meet you. What are you in for?" 

Clay rolls his eyes. "Bad luck. Although maybe that luck is turning. Misty invited me to hang out with you guys tonight. However... I might be just a little scared." 

Jason grins as his hand goes to rest on Misty's shoulder. "Good. We like it that way." He looks down at Misty. "So what's the game plan for tonight then? Alec gonna be around?"

Scott stared down his arm and over the short barrel of the hand gun. A bead of sweat trickled down his face. Images flashed through his mind. Images of torture. Pain. Anguish. What he'd been put through. What he'd endured. And all for the sake of what? They'd ruined him. Torn him apart. Left him a broken, barely-alive man with nothing but emptiness inside.

Focusing again, he saw the eyes that stirred hate within him. And though his muscles shook, he squeezed the trigger.

The shot ricocheted through the lower-level practice area as the bullet ripped through the target straight where one's heart would be. Another shot followed, and another until all rounds had been fired. Scott's heart was beating rapidly in his chest as he shakily lowered the gun.


Scott turns quickly, startled at Gunner's presence. "Oh. Hi."

Gunner folds his arms and looks at the 'dead' target. "And here I thought you spent all your time behind a desk."

Scott shrugs and glances down to the gun in his hand. "You know I usually do," he responds quietly. "Just, um... trying to... um..."

"Kill some demons?"

"Yeah. Justin, he... thought it might help." Scott wasn't sure that it really had helped, but maybe in a small way, even if none of this was real, he did feel more in control. Maybe killing enemies, even if just in his mind, would help him overcome some of his fear.

Gunner nods thoughtfully before leaning on the safety rail and studying the target. "Well... I guess maybe it can help sometimes. A way to sorta vent."

"I suppose." Scott reloads his handgun before offering it to Gunner. "Wanna try it?"

Gunner chuckles. "I don't think I got any demons after me today."

"Don't you?"

Gunner straightens and cocks his head at Scott's pensive tone. "No..."

Scott shrugs. "I guess I figured it's something like that when a man thinks life isn't worth living anymore."

Gunner blinks, his mouth opening slightly in surprise. "What... gave you that idea?"

Scott finally withdraws the gun that was not being taken from him. "When I look in your eyes, it's kinda like looking in a mirror when I'm real low. Except, you do a good job trying to hide it."

"You haven't said anything to anybody else, have you?"

"No... but you probably should before you go and try something stupid again."

Gunner sighs deeply and shakes his head. How Scott could read him so well, he didn't know. Maybe it was simply because Scott really did recognize the look in his eyes. But it didn't really matter. No one else had figured it out. Not even Bree. He'd done too good a job hiding it from her. And JT. And Reese. And Hope. But it was starting to wear on him. The nightmares were back full-force. He was being haunted all over again about his parents' deaths. His subconscious was trying to remember again and it was driving him mad. Maybe Scott was the one who had noticed because he could relate to the madness. "I, um... better get back to work."

"Yeah, okay." Scott opts to unload the gun rather than shoot anymore. Glancing over his shoulder, he watches Gunner leave. He wasn't in such great shape himself, but he hoped his friend would either pull through or get some help before it was too late.

Back upstairs, Gunner heads down the hall, with much more on his mind than when he'd been here just a short time earlier. Scott had gotten to him, and he really didn't like it at all. And yet...

Stopping at Hope's office door, he hesitates. He'd avoided this. He'd done everything in his power to keep everybody out of his head. His mind was his private solitude. His thoughts were his and his alone. 

"Hey, Hope?" Though his inner argument continued, he found himself tapping his knuckles on her door before poking his head around the corner. A smile was void today. "Sorry to bother you, I just um... well I thought maybe sometime... like... not today or anything, just... sometime..." 

He pauses to cease his stammering, while his eyes drift to the floor against his will as his mind is invaded with images of the day Con and Hope had stopped him from throwing his life away. He could still feel the cool rail of the bridge. Con's firm grip. Hope's reassurance. 

"I thought maybe we could talk about... you know...bridges." He forces himself to look back up at her again while mustering up a short chuckle. "I'm... pretty sure I'm going crazy."

Clint looks at his uncle for several moments, feeling a bit of sadness for him. He'd obviously been through so much while away. So much horror. Fear. Pain. It was for that reason, Clint didn't understand Wes' desire to get other men to do the same. Clint loved his country, but he wasn't so sure he'd volunteer to go help fight someone else's war. He'd stand his ground here for his family, but to go through so many terrible things...and want to send other men out to do the same...he didn't get it. Yet he didn't feel it was his right to question Wes either. His job was to accept the responsibility of his work here, even though Wes was apparently not going to be back full-time like he had been before. Clint was disappointed, but he wouldn't say so. He wouldn't spoil the blessing of having Wes alive and back with the family again. He'd work like always and just hope he could at least use Wes' name to gain back some customers so the business didn't die.

"It's good to have you home," he responds quietly. After giving Wes' shoulder a firm pat, he shuts out the lights in the shop and closes the door.

"Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow." Turning, he smiles. It did feel good to be able to say that again.

Tucking his hands in his pockets, he ambles across the ranch yard, headed for home. Once there, he wasn't surprised all the lights were out, and he was extra careful to be quiet so he didn't wake Chase. After cleaning up, he slips into bed behind Wendy, sliding his arm around her and giving the back of her head a gentle kiss. For having so much, he should feel better than he did. Maybe tomorrow things would look different.



Continuing to just look back at Jared Grace held her smile as she let him search her eyes. She didn't mind it, not one bit. She liked being able to look back into his own and see the depth of him. Yes there were many things in his life that had been wrong but there were going to be so many things that would turn out right. A past did not define a person it was what they did to change the wrong that made them who there were. She really believed that anyone could change there way with a little extra help from God and a push in the right direction.

   "I forgive you Jared, and I really dont want to stop coming either. Sooner or later, your going to end up hurting me, and I am going to end up hurting you. It's part of life and we all make mistakes because we are not perfect. But you want to know what the best part is? Making up and learning, growing together and not doing it again."

Grace's smile grew just a little bit more. Jared was special to her for one reason or another. She enjoyed his company, the light that shown in his eyes, and the conversation she had with him. He was special, and she was so glad she got to know the true him.

   "Well...I am happy I get to be the first in the new circle of friends oh Mr. Jared Hawks. It's an honor, and privilege. If you want when you can finally get out of here...I know a good place on Sunday we can go and I can guarantee you will leave having made some new friends..sound like a plan?"

And Grace did know a good place to go for fellowship, and to meet new people. She wouldn't push church on Jared right away but he church was having a lunch in after service and everyone was welcome. Grace would be more than happy coming to get Jared and bringing him to fellowship too.

 Misty can't help but laugh. She new Clay was going to fit in fine with the other guys. They were always open to meeting new people and being able to take a joke was a must. Seeing Clay could Misty new it would be fine.

About to say something else Misty stops as Jason comes into the infirmary. Giving a little laugh as he relizes that he'd just barged in Misty can't help but shake her head and roll her own eyes. It was really normal for people to just come walking into the infirmary but she couldn't help but wonder what outsiders thought sometimes. 

   "Uh huh.."

Looking back to Clay and his question Misty grins.  She always did enjoy introducing Jason to other people who asked. She was just proud to say he was her. He had good looks, a sense of humor, and was so very kind. It was hard to not enjoy it.

   "That would be my boyfriend. His name is Jason and his bark is worse than his bite."

Coming up along side his nephew and looking out into the dark Wes enjoyed the quiet, the soft sounds, and the noice even the wind made. It was comforting, a blanket, it the quiet to him meant everything was ok.

   "I've learned to cherish the quiet more than I once did. Being on the battle field silence is something you don't get and when you do, its only the quiet before the storm. The sounds of guns, screams, bombs, and men groaning in pain becomes normal."

Sometimes when Wes closed his eyes hear could still hear all those sounds, smell the blood, see the faces of his men. It was clear as day, but opening them again the silence, the safty, the dark of the ranch it was his comfort in knowing he was far away from that now, he was safe.

   "It really is good to be home."


The Only

Jared eyes Grace with worry in his gaze. He believed her though. If she said she'd stop him, then he would trust her. All he had to worry about now was himself. Was she right? Could he really break old habits? 

Turning over his hand, he curls his fingers around hers, giving them a little squeeze. He searches her face for a few quiet moments, just thinking things through and calming any lingering irritation.

"Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten my memory back," he admits softly. "But then... if I didn't remember who I'd been and all the people I'd dealt with... I wouldn't be as amazed by you as I am now." 

He turns his head back to the blank television, but keeps his hand in hers. "I'm sorry about saying I didn't want you to be my therapist anymore. I was just... scared of hurting you and I didn't know what else to do. I... really don't want you to stop coming." 

His gaze turns back to her again. "You're the only friend I've got." 

Rick just chuckles at Misty's comment, leaving his nephew to fend for himself. 

Clay lifts his hands in surrender as he quirks a grin at Misty. "I've gotten beaten up enough lately, and for some reason I think you probably pack a whallop... so I'll come. Better than sitting around listening to my uncle all evening anyway."

"Hey..." Rick smirks, although it was obvious he and his nephew had a special relationship. "You're right about Misty though, so watch it. And don't tangle with the other guys tonight either - trust me, you'll end up on the losing end."

"Sounds like... a nice bunch." Clay gives Misty a wary look, although he was pretty sure he could trust her. 

"Alright, I'm here, make it quick." Jason enters the infirmary, not even realizing he's interrupting until he sees Clay. "Oops. Sorry."

Rick rolls his eyes. "It's okay. Just barge on in. It's not like we have private offices in here." 

"Uh-huh." Jason wanders over to the table to sit, throwing Misty a wink.

Clay catches it and his eyebrow arcs at Misty. "Boyfriend or brother-in-law?"

Jason can't help laughing outright. "Ha! Don't let Alec catch you asking that. He'd - ow!" He glares at Rick as his finger is pricked. "You used to be nicer with those things."

"You used to be a better patient," Rick retorts. "Your sugar's lower than I like."

"Well I can't help it if I've got an overactive pancreas. You told me to lay off the sugar."

"The bad stuff. Eat more fruit and see me next week."

"Yeah, yeah."

Watching the two men go back and forth, Clay still wasn't sure who the guy was, but it seemed he shared the wry humor of both Rick and Misty.

A genuine smile creases Clint's lips, and he nods. "I'd like to come over very much, and I'm sure Wendy will too. Thank you."

Wandering to the door, he leans on the frame and looks out at the dark ranch. It was peaceful tonight. The dark always felt that way. Maybe that was why he worked late, and sometimes got up before the sun to work. 

"Well... another day gone," he muses, more to himself than anybody else. He couldn't remember when he'd gone to bed feeling at peace. Things had felt so overwhelming lately.

Around more

Giving a smile to Jared it was good to see his expression change a little bit. It meant he was at least accepting the face she was going to be around a little more and really thats all she could ask for. Hearing Jared's request she couldn't help but smile a litlte more as she leaned forward on his bed.

   "I'd slug you if you did just so you would remember not to do it again."

Reaching her hand out and placing it on top of Jared's Grace lets her fingers run over her or a moment before letitng them be still. She let the silence linger on a little longer before finally specifying again.

   "It wont go to far I can promise you that much Jared. Old habits can be broke, and I am willing to help and stick with you."

Cocking her at Clay and giving a slight irritated that was laced with a smile to show she was only playing around Misty leans on her desk and study's him for a long while. Making new friends would do him good or so she thought. Clay seemed lonely and with a string of bad luck like he had  Misty could see why maybe he was, but she wanted to change that for a reason she wasn't sure of.

   "If I minded or thought I was going out of my way I wouldn't have asked you at all."

Looking past Clay at Rick Misty shakes her head but still smiles. She wondered how well Clay could take teasing but there was only one way to find out and she could be the master at it. She'd take it easy on him at the start though.

   "You know if he is going to be around more he better learn quickly or there are going to be some people whacking him over the back of the head a lot. Better teach him quickly."

Wes smiles at Clint it was nice to know that the young man missed his company. Not that he really had thought any differently. But it was still nice to hear him say it. Wes really had missed working along side his nephew as well. It had always been a nice pass time and he'd enjoyed it.

   "Well that's why we made Wendy the secretary because I new she'd be bale to help you with that kind of stuff. Even I get confused when trying to figure it all out."

Heading to the office and looking around nothing much changed. a little more marginalization witch was nice and he could guess was Wendy's touch but things pretty much looked the same as always. Taking soeme of the books out and glancing through them the note had been kept good and ever transaction as well.

Taking one of the daily reports out that Rosetta printed out on everything that came in and out of the ranch giving it to each area Wes looks it over. A few donations caught his eye and it made him smile. It meant that even though Clint didn't think business was good he was doing something right for the peple he did help and they were rewarding him. 

Leaving the office and joing Clint again Wes lets out a little sigh, I really was good to be back and there way not way he would ever be able to describe it to anyone. It wa slike seeing a long lost friend ten times over again.

   "Hey I have to check it over with Cindy but I don't think she will mind to much. Would you and the family like to come over for dinner tomorrow?"


Would you?

Having his full name used, Jared finally does look at Grace, but it's with an irritated glare. He didn't have much of a rebuttal though. Whether he liked it or not, he knew deep down that she was right.

Remaining silent, his eyes follow her as she sits down. She still wanted to spend time with him...truly. What was she made out of that made her so stubborn and willing to stick with him? He didn't understand. Most women he knew wouldn't have come at all after his rejection, much less put up a fight. Grace was so very different. So strong. But was he?

Without realizing it, Jared's glare had faded, his expression softening. Caught up in studying her eyes, the silence lingers until he eventually looks away again. "Do you always argue with the guys who can't get up out of bed and defend themselves?" It was a pretty lame attempt at humor to lighten the atmosphere, but it was all he had.

His fingers return to fiddling with the bedsheets and he swallows hard. She'd neutralized his anger, but now he felt vulnerable and slightly embarrassed too. This wasn't a topic he particularly wanted to talk about, but he needed to ask...just to be sure.

"I have an awful lot of bad habits..." He pauses, hoping she understood that he was referring to other women. He didn't exactly want to spell it all out. "If I ever...cross any lines or am inappropriate with you..." He gives her a sidelong glance. He knew just from getting to know her that she was not the kind of woman who planned on giving herself to a man without being married. "Would you stop me?" 

Taken aback by Misty's offer, Clay really wasn't sure what to say at first. His eyebrows rise, and he's silent long enough for Rick to speak from the other side of the room. 

"I'd take her up on it if I were you." Rick flips through some paperwork absentmindedly. "She's a good cook." 

Clay looks to Misty, giving her a little grin. If he went home with Rick, he'd get a home-cooked meal too. Although he didn't want to be a pain to Janet. Then again, he was going to be a pain to anyone right now. that was the nature of his current position. 

"I wouldn't want to impose," he finally responds. "I mean..." Actually, meeting some new people might not be a bad idea. If Rick gave the 'OK' about going to Misty's, then she must be trustworthy, and if she was trustworthy, her brother-in-law and boyfriend must be too. He could use some friends on the right side of the tracks for once.

He shook his head, realizing he'd dropped off in the middle of a sentence. "I just hate being in this situation, ya know? I don't want anybody to hafta go out of their way for me or anything." 

Hearing Wes might become a recruiter, something flickers in Clint's eyes, and his expression dims a little, but he bites his tongue and lets Wes keep talking. Still cleaning up some tools, he chuckles. "Thanks, and yeah... Wendy's doing pretty well with this one. Just hoping things keep going alright." Memories of Cecilia still haunted him some days.

Going over to the sink to wash his hands, it was obvious that there was a lot weighing on his mind - more than he spoke to anyone about. "As far as you 'piddling around' here, I welcome the company and help." 

He was a little disappointed, knowing Wes might be busy still working for the Army, but he wouldn't voice that. He wouldn't complain about the workload either - he'd been handling it thus far. Half the profits would still go to Wes though, Clint would make sure. Just having him around for moral support would be great. After thinking he was dead... his mere presence would be appreciated like it should have been before.

Clint focuses on the soap suds in his hands and working at the grease stains that never did quite completely come out of his skin. Wendy never complained though, and he loved that about her. 

"Soon as I get this pickup finished, there's that jeep outside needs some work, but the guy's not in a hurry. After that, Sparky wants my help on the ranch tractor and... in the meantime, I'm hoping we'll get another car or two in to work on. Otherwise... nothing much happening. You can check the books any time you want - I've tried to keep up, though Wendy's helped me a bit."


Lay it On

   "You listen to me Jared Timothy Hawks I'm not going anywhere, and I am sticking around. So if your going to hurt me well I guess you are but I person CAN change no matter what you want to believe and you sir have."

Coming back to the chair by the bed Grace stands with her hands on her hips for a second longer before sitting down in the chair and meeting Jared's eyes. Searching them Grace's face stayed firm. Jared could try and push she away all he wanted but she wasn't going give in this time. Now she was more than just worked with Jared he was her friend too.

   "So now you can suck it up, deal with it, get your head out of your butt and get back to getting yourself better so we can do all the stuff we talked about. If not...than I guess when I come to see you our visits are going to be pretty boring."

Looking up as Clay sits down Misty had done her best to not listen into the conversation but hearing that it seemed like Clay was in trouble again she couldn't help it. It was in her nature to be caring, and maybe even the early signs of a mother in her. Whatever it was Misty felt bad and wanted to help more. Giving a soft smile to him she leans her arms on the desk.

   "I could think of worse ways to meet, but your right we do need to stop meeting like this. Maybe soon your luck will change."

Studying Clay for a long few seconds it was so easy to see the rough life he had been dealt and how it hard warn on him. Misty would guess that he was still repetitively young but the dark circles and stress line told a whole different story. 

   "Care to take up the offer of a home cook meal tonight? I have my brother in law who is going to be around and my boyfriend as well. We would love to have someone new to join us and it would give you chance to meet some new people. What do you say?"

   "He sounds like a pretty ok guy in my book. I'd like to meet him sometime."

Letting out a long sigh and shaking his head Wes already had so much running through his mind. Now the thought of having Chad come back to the ranch on his behalf so he could meet him...did he really want to start trouble with just getting back?

Having the subject changed Wed thought maybe for now it was for the best. They could talk or think on this more later for now getting to a different topic was ok with him. Hearing Clint comment about coming back from the dead Wes give a laugh. He figured it was better to laugh about it than be down and want to cry about it.

   "Well...I think I am going to relax a little and spend time with the family, and piddle around here that is if you don't mind. I was told I could take off as much time as I wanted. I wont have to do any active duty anymore but I have to at least when I am ready go into the office in town and figure out a place for me. I am thinking about maybe become a recruiter for the area. Safe, not taxting and give me the ability to be here when I need to be. Other than that...I am just taking it one day at a time and enjoying life. How about you? Congrats on the second baby...Wendy sure it poping out on this one."


Too Afraid

Jared scowls and squints his eyes against the sunlight, turning his head away from it, and away from Grace again, still refusing to look at her. 

"Apparently you haven't understood a word I've said to you," he growls. "You've got a great outlook on life and people, but it takes more than outlook to make a good person out of something as rotten as me." It hadn't been until the other day when he'd suddenly felt something more than friendship that his fear had begun to grow. It hadn't been until he'd realized he cared for Grace that he had become afraid of hurting her. 

"You keep saying you haven't given up and all that, but I have." Even so, in the very depths of his heart, a small flame of hope still flickered. He was simply too afraid of failing and hurting someone he cared about. "You can't change a leopard's spots. So there's really no point in sticking around and living on empty belief." 

This time as Clay headed across the Elite main floor, he wasn't full of cuts and bruises. But one look at his face would give away that something wasn't right. With tightened jaw, he ignores anybody looking at him, and aims straight for the hallway and the infirmary. Reaching his destination, he enters without knocking.

Standing at the counter working, Rick looks up, startled at the sudden intrusion. His eyebrows rise at seeing his nephew. "Clay... You're not due to get those stitches out for another few days."

"Aw, hang the stitches," Clay growls. "That's the least of my worries."

"What's wrong?"

"My life, that's what." Pacing in an agitated circle, Clay doesn't even realize Misty is at her desk. "What's the point of anything anymore? I do something right and all I get for it is punishment! And there's nothing anybody can do, so I'm just screwed without anybody caring about it!"

By now, Rick had abandoned his work and was quite confused. "Just calm down and tell me what happened."

"After I went home from here, I had two days of peace and quiet." He gestures with two fingers. "Just two! Then I go home from work to find my whole place ransacked. Everything was torn to bits like a tornado went through with a chainsaw. Cops couldn't find any evidence - no leads, no nothing! Even though I knew it was the same guys who bushwhacked me, they said they couldn't do anything 'cause I had no proof." He throws his hands up in the air. "Didn't have renter's insurance, so I'm out everything. Oh, and I took too long trying to clean up and got to work an hour late to find I'd been fired." He nods angrily. "Yeah, they've been wanting to get rid of me just 'cause I stand up for myself and don't take no crap from goons that like to take off with potato chips and candy bars. They'd rather take the loss in inventory than get those guys mad at 'em. So they said I'd been late three times this past month and that was cause enough to get fired. I had a legit reason each time and it hadn't bothered 'em before this, of course."

Rick sighs deeply and shakes his head. "I'm sorry. Sometimes things-"

"They stole my bows." Clay grits his teeth and moves to the counter to slam his fist down, accompanied by a curse. "The only possessions I really cared about, and they had to take them."

Rick's shoulders drop in disappointment. He knew how much Clay's bows meant to him. Archery was really the only activity he took interest in, and he was so very good at it. The bows had been very expensive and Rick knew his nephew had to have scrimped and saved to purchase them in the first place. "Maybe the police can-"

"Aw they're long gone by now." Clay had regained a little bit of control. "I'm sure they got sold and who knows where they're at by now. No... those bows are gone." He shrugs. "I'm angrier about that than I am losing my job." He scoffs. "Yeah, here I am, jobless again, I'm gonna lose my apartment 'cause I can't pay for it, and I've hardly got a set of clothes left worth wearing."

"I want to help you, Clay. May I?"

Leaning on the counter, Clay's eyes roam the bottles and vials. "That's the only reason I came," he admits. "You know how much I hate asking for help but... I didn't have anybody else to turn to." He glances over his shoulder at Rick before shaking his head. "I called Dad first, ya know."


"He said that I got myself into this mess, I should be a man and get myself out."

Rick rolls his eyes. He could strangle his brother. "Did you drive yourself up here?"

"Yeah. At least I still got my car - for what it's worth. It's on its way out too."

"Your stuff still at your apartment?"

Clay shakes his head. "All that's... in my car. There wasn't much left that wasn't smashed or shredded. My table survived but that wasn't worth much to begin with."

"Okay. Well, I got a few hours left to work here, then after that you can come home with me and we'll figure something out, okay?"

Clay really did hate asking for help like this, but he didn't have much choice at this point, unless he wanted to go sleep in his car somewhere."Yeah... alright."

"Good. Now why don't you just sit down over there and take a breather. I've still got a lot to catch up on before I can leave today."

Clay just nods and aims for an empty chair to flop into. Only then does he spy Misty, to whom he throws a sidelong glance. "You know, we really gotta stop meeting this way - me in trouble, that is. It's not very good for my image."

"Yeah, well..." Clint shrugs. "Nothing much to do now but move on, I guess, and hope Dad gets his head out of his butt. I know you'd like Chad if you met him, but if he shows up here again, I'd hate to see what would happen." 

He tosses a wrench into a nearby toolbox. "He's from Nevada I guess, but travels a lot as a marine biologist. He and a couple others showed up a while back to vacation - apparently one of them was good friends with Katie. Anyway, Chad and Rosalyn hit it off big time and kept in touch. Rosalyn said he's on a break right now and that's why he came this time. He was staying here, but after a fiasco with Dad, he went to stay at a hotel in town instead. Which..." He gestures with his hands. "...full circle, means I took Rosalyn in to see him, Dad found out and... the rest you know."

Turning around, he leans back on the tool bench and folds his arms across his chest. Studying his uncle for a few moments, he manages a small smile. "But that's too much of a downer for a guy who's just returned from the dead."

He goes to shut the hood on the truck. "You gonna enjoy life a while, or jump right back into work, or...?" 


Listening to Jared it started to make a little more sense to her now what was going on and why he had said what he did. If she had been thinking a little harder she could of guessed it without him even having to tell her. She thought it was silly really he thought this but on the same hand she understood in a way where he was coming from. Still though Grace wondered when it would get stuck into his head she was not going anywhere.

   "Sorry Jared but a friend doesn't work that way. You can't just throw them away because your scared. I might not have a say if you want a different person to work on your leg, but I do have a say on our friendship and I am not throwing it away."

Standing again and going to the blinds Grace opens them letting the nice sunlight flood into the room. It was to dark in the room and if Jared was letting himself slip into depression again than he needed more sunshine. She wasn't going to give up on Jared. She told him that when they first started and she meant it.

   "I told you before you have changed even if you don't think so and I know you would be able to stop yourself. Your not the same person anymore and I am not giving up on you so your just going to have to deal with it."

Listing to Clint Wes could feel himself start to get upset at his brothers actions. Clint was like a son to him, and Rosalyn was his fav niece. To hear how Jim had been treating them hurt and he didn't under \stand why he would be like this. Wes didn't know if it would help or make things worse talking to Jim. He didn't want to make it worse on them both but if he saw something like this happen again or Jim treating them like crap in front of them than he would say something.

     "I think its great your there for your sister. You guys have been through so much you both deserve to be happy and have that chance. It's wrong you got a black eye as a result of it."

Looking back into the young man's eyes Wes could see the hurt and pain, the little boy that was crying on the inside and it pained Wes even more. He wondered if Jim even realized what he was doing to his kids and how this could affect them, and there relationship with him. It was sad, and Wes hated being on the outside looking in.

   "No matter what happens though Clint, never lose you sights, your sense of right. I'm also sorry your dad is acting like this. It's not right, and I know it might not help but I don't think you did anything wrong at all."


Deserve Better

As soon as Grace mentions the issue of her not being his therapist, Jared's eyes move to stare at a blank television screen. And he regrets having turned it off. Though Grace continues, his eyes don't move. What was he supposed to say now? He'd hoped she would find out he didn't want her anymore, and just not come again. It would have been better. It would have been easier. Why did she have to come see him today? Why did she have to keep pushing? Why couldn't she just forget about him and move on to something else? 

As Jared continues to focus on the blank television, the silence becomes unbearable. "I had to think of some good reason," he eventually answers quietly. A new knot forms in his stomach, making him feel queezy. "I couldn't just tell them that I..." 

He stops and turns his head completely to find a small crack in the window blinds where sunshine was trying its hardest to get through. His heart hurt. More than he wanted to admit. "...that I didn't want you around anymore because I was afraid I'd hurt you." His fingers fiddle with the bed sheets. "When we kiss, I... it... I like it... too much. And I've never been able to control myself before, but you're different... and I don't want you to get hurt." 

Leaving his head turned, he refuses to look back at Grace. "Guys like me don't break their habits... and you deserve better than someone who will take what they want and leave, like I'm so good at." Emotions churn within him to the point of making his voice waver. "You're out of my league, Grace. Move on. Please."  

Clint gains a small bit of a smile, hoping what Wes said was true about the bad business. As far as the shop went, he was proud of himself for doing well enough that Wes would hand everything over to him, but he'd never forgotten the deal was 50/50. Even when they believed Wes to be dead, Clint had made sure Cindy had received half the profits.

With the subject back on Jim, Clint shouldn't have been surprised Wes had figured it out that quickly. Sighing, he shrugs. "Yeah well... he's done a lot of things unlike him lately."

Moving to the tool bench, he starts cleaning up a few things and putting some tools away, mostly just to keep his hands occupied so he wouldn't have to look at his uncle. "We got in an argument about Rosalyn and Chad. I told him he was just jealous. I shouldn't have, but I did. I was mad at how he was treating Rosalyn. In response, he just hauled off and hit me."

It still stung. Not just his eye, but on the inside. His dad had struck him. And the part of him deep down that was still a little boy hurt the worst. "I'm not even sure he was sorry. At that point, I just walked away from him. Rosalyn doesn't know about it though, and I'm not sure about Mom. She's staying neutral in the whole thing, and I can't blame her. As far as me though... I'm getting pretty tired of my sister getting hurt. She deserves better, ya know?"

Finally turning around, Clint's eyes meet Wes. "Unfortunately when I help her, I get black eyes in return."

Hunter chuckles and shakes his head. "I could be wrong but... I think I'm the lucky one in all this. You're the one that saved my life, remember?" Winking, he gives her hand a squeeze. 

"But yes. You definitely should come sometime. Lots of hype. Lots of stupid people. But lots of fun too. At least I think so. I'm rather addicted to it."



Wes was sad to see Clint so down and that he felt like he wasn't doing well here. To him Clint was amazing at working on things, and fit in well. He was sure than the lack of people coming in really had nothing to do Clint and how he worked. The ranch just went through slow times, and this was one of them. It was something everyone here got use too. The winter and back end of fall were when things slowed down. Only the braves souls who liked the cold.

   "I do not think its you Clint that keeps people from coming. The ranch goes through spirits it always has as far as I can remember. Maybe we can think of ways to promote business during these times. I'd hate to lose you, after all this place is yours now."

Moving around to the other side of the car Wes leans inside again tinkering with a few things. Hearing Clint start to talk again about Rosalyn and there dad Wes stops straightening and looking at Clint. Not saying anything for a long moment he could see the pain in his nephews eyes and in his voice.

   "Well first off I was to say congrats to Rosalyn she deserves to be happy and if this guy treats her well than who I am I to not be happy till he gives me reason not to be."

Wes really was happy for Rosalyn that she found happyness. She had turned into a young woman quickly and given up so much. It was starting to become her time to be happy now and not work her whole life away. On the same hand though Wes was sad to hear about the way Jim was acting. That didn't sound like his brother at all. Jim was never one who was quick to judge someone before getting to know them. Had something happened over the last year he was gone to change that?

   "So...it was Jim that gave you the shiner? I believe it just...sounds so unlike him."

Giving a smile to Jared Grace nods at him. She figured he was bored and tired. That was pretty normal after having your body go through something like this. On top of being suck here with nothing to do Grace herself would be bored.

   "Yeah, I figured since you wanted a new therapist and I haven't been able to talk to you about it I could at least keep coming as your friend."

Pulling a chair over to the bed and sitting down Grace just watches Jared for a long moment. She wondered what was going through his head. What he was thinking. She just didn't understand the whole not getting along thing still.

   "I have to say I was a little shocked thought that we were not geting along. I thought we were. what happened?"

Feeling Hunter's arms wrap around her and his lips press against her Katie can't help the smile that spread across her face. He was warm and tender, he made her feel safe and Katie loved every moment of it.  It was something she looked forward too along with his sense of humor.

   "As long as I am the the ends up with you, you could be waiting for the easter bunny."

Heading inside with Hunter Katie gave him a quick lowdown of her day as boring as it was. Hearing about his race was far more exciting. Katie had to hand it to him how he got the car and than resold it was pretty smart and a good business move on his part. Hearing Hunter's comment about her though sent a new wave of chills through her and put another smile on her lips. It made her feel special and good.

   "Mmm...I sure am lucky than. You could pick from a whole group and you picked me. How did I get so lucky? As for coming to the races...I'd love to join you sometime. See what all the hype is about."


Aren't too different

Clint manages a soft laugh, but lowers his gaze again. No, the other person didn't have a black eye to match. Clint was upset, but he was not ready to strike his father.

"I've missed our talks too..." Tossing his rag aside, he folds his arms and sighs, finally looking back to his uncle. "Things could be better," he admits. "Business hasn't been great - went downhill after you left. Not your fault, but I don't think people trust me like they trusted you. I've blamed the lack of business on gas prices and people not wanting to drive this far but I think probably the truth is I'm still too young to run a successful business like this. Thought I might have to find work at a shop in town, but... now that your back, maybe things will change again."

He shrugs. "Aside from that... just keeping up with Wendy and Chase, and getting ready for the baby." He shifts his weight nervously before his eyes find something on the floor to focus on. Wes would find out sooner or later about the family stress going on. "Trying to help Rosalyn too... She's got a new boyfriend and dad doesn't approve." He pauses. "Well, that's an understatement. Dad's furious about the whole thing."

He glances up at Wes out of the corner of his eye. "Chad's older and been divorced, which apparently makes him undesirable. Personally, I like him. Seems like a fine godly man, and Rosalyn is head over heels for him. It's just, um... with Dad being stubborn, it's... stressful. I do what I can, but... I've, um... gotten on Dad's bad side now too for helping Rosalyn see Chad."

Clint swallows hard and turns back around to look in the engine again, even though he wasn't trying to fix anything more tonight. The emotional wound of Jim lashing out at him was still fresh. Would Wes put two and two together and figure out it was Jim that had struck him? Clint wasn't sure, but he knew his uncle wasn't a dumb guy.

"Otherwise... things aren't too different from when you left," he concludes lamely. 

Looking up quickly and seeing Grace, for just a moment, Jared wonders if she'd been told he wanted another therapist. She seemed her happy self though. Apart from being dressed more casually than ever - which, he found quite cute - things seemed normal. 

Smiling just a little, he shrugs with one shoulder. "I guess so. Kinda tired, but supposedly that's normal." 

Turning off the television, he rests his head back in his pillow again, while his eyes remain on Grace, just studying her for several seconds. This might be one of the last times he'd ever see her after the decision he'd made. "Looks like you're off duty today." 

Hunter grins at Katie, just making her wait for him. "Well... I mighta been waiting for somebody, but... since you're so irresistible, I'll let you steal me away, how's that?" 

Sliding off the hood of his car, he wraps his arms around Katie and pulls her close for a kiss. "Mm... I've been waiting all day for that." Still grinning, he slings an arm over her shoulders to walk her to the door. 

Getting inside and finding a table, Hunter was glad to end the day with Katie, even if it was late. Besides, he was dying to tell her about the race he'd won, how someone had said he couldn't do it again, and how he'd ended up accepting a bet he usually didn't...which resulted in him winning the other guy's car, then selling it back to him and ending up with a hefty sum of money. 

"...You know the best part though?" Hunter grins as he slips his hand across the table to take Katie's. "The looks on all them girls' faces when they wanted my attention but I told them I was taken." A little laugh slips out. "One of these nights, I'm gonna get you to go with me so I can show them I got the better end of the deal." 


Walking the hall Grace was far from dressed up today. She had a pare of jeans on with holes in the knees and a t-shirt on with her sneakers. Her mission today was not to come to Jared as his dr but as his friend. She wanted him to see that even if he didn't want her as his Dr she was still going to be his friend. That was not something he could ask to have replaced.

Entering the room and seeing Jared awake Grace was happy for that. She would be able to chat with him, and seeing him awake meant he was on the mend. The sooner he could go home the better he would be and Grace new that for a fact. He hated being here, and at least at home is was a little better than here.

   "Hey there. Good to see you somewhat awake today. How are you feeling any better?"

Happy Hunter was still up for coffee Katie talks a little more before having up the phone and gets into her car. She figured  he would get there before her so going home and cleaning up a little was out of the question. Hunter would just have to deal with the less than perfect her. 

Pulling up to the coffee shop and seeing Hunter sitting on the hood Katie can't help the smile that spreads across her face. It usally did when she saw Hunter. There was just something about him that caused her to smile seeing him.

   "Hey, you look lost. are you looking for someone or can I steal you away  for my own?"

Katie can't help the small laugh as she gets out of her car coming closer to him she stands inches away smile. No matter what Hunter always looked good and standing next to him car just made it even better. He'd been so great to her and slowly Katie could see him changing again into a stronger man once again. His old habits slowly disappearing. She was proud she got to see this and help where she could.

Facing Clint and seeing his eye a little better Wes cringes on the inside a little more. It wasn't like Clint to get in a fight and let alone have a black eye left to prove he had. It made him worry slightly about his nephew. So much had happened while he was gone what else was really going on too?

   "I think it was the eye that gave it away. Now I just hope whoever gave that to you has one to match."

Giving a small laugh Wes gives a chuckle looking around the shop. A few things looked a little different but Clint really had did a good job. He really was proud of him and everything had accomplished.

   "It's good to be back, and I would hardly say the shop is a mess. Your doing a great job. So...how are things really with you? I've missed out talks."



Messy Shop

Startled by Wes' voice, Clint spins around. He'd thought he was still alone. A smile automatically comes to his lips though. "Yeah, well... that's not to say I didn't start a few fires myself," he teases.

Seeing Wes fiddle with the engine, Clint's smile remains. It suddenly felt like old times again. Wandering a little closer, he continues to try and clean grease off his hands. It felt good to hear that Wes had been looking forward to seeing him - it was a feeling Clint had missed.

Wes' question is left in silence for a few moments as Clint reaches in the engine and fixes a loose wire. "What gave you the idea things were rough?" He turns full-face to his uncle, putting his black eye in plain view for the first time. "The messy shop or my shiner?"

Giving him a wry grin, he shakes his head. "It's good to have you back, Wes. Handling the shop on my own hasn't been nearly as much fun."

Jason chuckles as he heads out of TJY. "Okay. I gotta run home and let Trooper out, then I'll be over. Keep the couch warm." He was rather glad that Alec had finally moved into his shed... that just gave him and Misty more freedom to take over the couch. 

It didn't take him too long to go home then over to Misty's, and ice cream was more to stay awake than anything else. Once the movie was under way though, it was awfully hard not to get too comfortable. And once getting too comfortable, it was awfully hard to stay awake at all. 

By the time the credits were rolling, Jason was barely awake. Lying on his side on the couch with Misty tucked in front of him, he sighs deeply. Nestling a little deeper into the couch, his arm tightens slightly around her waist. "Do I have to get up?" he mumbles. "I think my body died."

"Shoot, I'm always up for coffee with you." Hunter grins as he stops his car at a red light. "You're timing is good anyway. I've had quite the evening and am already on my way across town. Meet you there." 

Since he was already driving, he makes it to the coffee shop first. Deciding to wait outside, he takes up a perch on the hood of his car, keeping a lookout for Katie.

Lydia nods slowly, softly running her fingers through Jared's matted hair. "When he was a boy, he was so full of life and energy." She smiles at the memories. "Always such a mind of his own. When he had an idea or wanted to do something, there was no stopping him. I only wish he would have put his energy towards the good things in life." She sighs deeply. "He has been through so much lately. I hope it is not too late for him to find real happiness." 

Was it? Lydia didn't know. She just wanted to see her son pull through this and be healthy and happy. She wanted him to take advantage of his second chance to live life the right way. But that would be up to him and no one else. Would he make the right decisions now? Lydia could only pray he would. 

Jared continued to drift in and out of sleep the rest of the day, never really being fully aware of what was going on around him. The next day he started showing signs of improvement, but still slept most of the time with so little energy, he wasn't even bored. Finally though, the day after that, his body began to recover. Though still tired, his fever was down, and his mind was clear enough to complain to the nurses about being cooped up.

Sitting up in bed, he flips through television channels, finally landing on an old black and white movie to fill the silence. It looked like a nice day out... at least there was a little sunshine coming in through the cracks around the drawn curtains. It was hard to be too enthusiastic though. His shoulder hurt, and his back was stiff from lack of movement. He wished he could go home, but the doctor said he'd be here at least another day until they were sure the infection really was being defeated. 

Sinking his head back into his pillow, he stares numbly at the television. He wondered if anyone would visit today. He sort of remembered people being in and out during the last couple days, but he was pretty foggy on the details. He knew his mother had been there... had Grace? He thought she maybe had been too. She really was an amazing woman. It was too bad he was such a scumbag. 


Seeing Lydia come in Grace smiles. She was happy she made it ok, and than she would be able to spend a little time with Jared while he was here. Grace new how worried Lydia got when it came to her kids so to put her mind at ease was important for her own health.

   "He was awake a little bit when I got here, and has been in an our but no more than a few seconds. The nurses have been in and its pretty normal they said since his infection was so bad. It's better for him to sleep so his body can try and heal than move around to much and use his energy."

Giving a smile and looking up at Lydia Grace tried to look as confidant as she could. Jared was in good hands and would be ok, but the matter that was spoken of earlier was heavy on her mind. She didn't want to worry Lydia anymore than she already was right so so it would go unspoken but still that didn't mean she wasn't thinking of it.

Laying on the couch with the tv on in the background Misty holds the phone to her ear. She new Jason had been busy all day and she was doing her best to stay awake not to hear form him. Finally getting the call she did her best not to fall asleep on the phone with him. Though that wouldn't keep her from seeing him tonight anyways.

   "Mmmm...if you think you can keep me awake your more than welcome to come over. I would never say no to seeing you."

It was the truth too. Misty loved spending time with Jason no matter what they were doing. Even if they did pass out on the couch together, the key word she loved was together. And being with, and around Jason just felt so safe, comfortable, and warm. 

Getting Hunter's note Katie gives a smile shaking her head a little bit. It had been a long day and coming back to Hunters note was nice and Katie was happy he'd left it. Pulling out her phone and dialing his number Katie waits for him to answer.

   "Hey sorry it's so late we just got back. If your still up or coffee I could use some myself. Meet you at the coffee shope in fifteen?"

Getting to see everyone again had been nice, fellowship was great, and the food...oh how he has missed the ranch food. Though he didn't want to make a big deal he was kind of happy they had. It was just a nice time all in all. Now as everything was winding down Cindy had gone home to put Kaylee to bed and Wes had stayed back at the ranch just for a little while longer.

Passing by the shop and seeing a light on Wes was happy to see Clint was awake. He wanted to talk to him more tonight as dinner but it had been hard with seeing everyone else and Clint seemed to keep his distance. Maybe there was just so many people he thought it better but Wes couldn't help but sense something else.

Entering then shop and taking a deep breath the smell of oil and rubber hit his nose. It was one of the many smells he had missed. There was just something about being here in the shop again he liked. Standing a little ways  away and watching Clint Wes cocks his head just watching. Taking his nephew in, and seeing how much he'd grown in the time he'd been gone. 

   "Well it looks like you have taken good care of the shop. I sure am happy I left it in your hands and noe someone else who probable would of set it on fire."

Coming more and coming around to the front of the car Clint had been working on. Leaning against the car and looking at everything Wes reaches in and fiddles with a few things. Working on a car was like riding a bike really you never forgot how to do it.

  "I was happy to see you awake still, I think out of everyone next to my wife and child I wanted to talk to you the most. How have you been? Looks like things have been a little rough."


Late night

Jared stirs slightly at the sound of Grace's voice, but doesn't wake. Though his mind was trying desperately to pull itself out of the fog, his body was just too weak. 

It would be about half an hour before Lydia would arrive, and she enters the room quietly, smiling at Grace. She was happy that the younger woman was here - she'd done so much for Jared, not just with his legs.

Lydia goes over to the bed and gently strokes Jared's cheek while he slept. "He is so pale." She turns to look at Grace. "Has he been awake at all?" 

"Yeah, we just got back." Jason stifles a yawn, his keys jingling in his hand as he locked up his office. He'd just grabbed a few things and was ready to head out. Besides Ty and Hal, he and Katie were the only ones on the main floor... which wasn't surprising, since it was after midnight. Their stakeout had lasted longer than anticipated, and had then turned into them tailing the guy for several hours after that. Only now had Jason been able to call Misty. "I know it's late, but if you're up to a movie and some ice cream..." He grins, even though he couldn't see her. "I could think of something to keep you awake."

On Katie's desk, a handwritten note had been stuck to her computer:
So much for surprising you at work. Oops. They said you were gonna be on a case. til late. I'm off to the races. Wish me luck and text when you can. Late night coffee?

"It won't happen again." Clint would be ready for it next time... if there was a next time. Standing again, he picks the ice pack back up. "Thanks for your help." 

Heading for the door, he stops and looks over his shoulder at Angel. "And thanks for not saying anything. I'll see you later." Leaving, he aims for the garage. He knew he could trust Angel not to tell anybody, just like she'd said. And for that, he was grateful. This didn't need to become something bigger than it was.

Kaylee giggles again and gives Wes' other cheek another kiss. "Mwah! Now ah better!" 

Luke laughs and shakes his head. "Well, I'll leave you guys at it. I'll catch you later." 

Cindy just grins and tugs one of Kaylee's pigtails. "Lets get you inside, you big ham." 

In the dining hall, there were a few more people to greet who were so glad to see Wes again. Before long, the day had slipped away, and evening had arrived. Planned festivities really only consisted of good food and fellowship, though there was a bigger group than usual as no one stayed in their own homes tonight. Everyone was so happy to have Wes back in their midst, it was such a wonderful reunion. The laughter and chatting lasted late into the evening when finally people started to disperse - even though they wanted to stay, the morning would come early, and reality still existed. The best part was though, that Wes would be back tomorrow as well. 

There was only one person who had hardly been seen all evening. Clint had shown up for supper, but only after the meal had started, so a wave across the room was the only greeting he'd been able to give Wes. Sticking close to Wendy and Chase back in the corner, he'd made himself scarce before disappearing altogether.

Now it was getting late and everyone was going to their own homes and to bed. But in the garage, lights were on. 

Clint leans into the pickup's engine, still having difficulties finding all that was wrong. It didn't help that his mind was wandering though. He'd wanted to see and talk to Wes so badly. He'd been more than an uncle... he'd been a mentor, and Clint had missed him more than he'd told anybody. Every day in the shop, he'd thought of Wes. Every time he worked on another car, or found a new customer... everything here had Wes' fingerprints on it, and even if Clint had never told anyone, there were many days he'd just sat and listened to the quiet, missing his uncle. Tonight though, he'd just stayed out of the way. The Henson brother's had stuck together like glue, and that included Jim... and Clint was not going to socialize with him. Not to mention, a little bit of makeup had hidden his black eye if he was at a distance, but up close, it had still been pretty obvious, and he had not wanted anyone to ask questions. 

Alone in the garage, the makeup had long since worn off, and the bruise had spread, giving him a nice dark purple shiner. He'd told Wendy what happened, but she and Angel were the only ones who knew anything. The hard part would be tomorrow when more people would see him and it would be impossible to hide his eye. 

As his wrench slips and drops down through the engine, he growls in frustration. Going over to the work bench, he leans on it, looking down at his greasy hands. What was the point anymore? The business was going to go in the hole pretty soon, bills weren't getting paid, his own father couldn't care less if he was here or not... Why was he? Why couldn't he and Wendy find their own place closer to town? They'd be closer to friends, closer to church, closer to everything they wanted to do. He could find a job with regular hours... a while after the baby was born, Wendy could pick up painting again. Why did they stay here? 

Sighing, Clint takes his rag from his back pocket and tries to clean his hands. Maybe this whole thing with his dad was getting to him more than he thought.