

Wes was sad to see Clint so down and that he felt like he wasn't doing well here. To him Clint was amazing at working on things, and fit in well. He was sure than the lack of people coming in really had nothing to do Clint and how he worked. The ranch just went through slow times, and this was one of them. It was something everyone here got use too. The winter and back end of fall were when things slowed down. Only the braves souls who liked the cold.

   "I do not think its you Clint that keeps people from coming. The ranch goes through spirits it always has as far as I can remember. Maybe we can think of ways to promote business during these times. I'd hate to lose you, after all this place is yours now."

Moving around to the other side of the car Wes leans inside again tinkering with a few things. Hearing Clint start to talk again about Rosalyn and there dad Wes stops straightening and looking at Clint. Not saying anything for a long moment he could see the pain in his nephews eyes and in his voice.

   "Well first off I was to say congrats to Rosalyn she deserves to be happy and if this guy treats her well than who I am I to not be happy till he gives me reason not to be."

Wes really was happy for Rosalyn that she found happyness. She had turned into a young woman quickly and given up so much. It was starting to become her time to be happy now and not work her whole life away. On the same hand though Wes was sad to hear about the way Jim was acting. That didn't sound like his brother at all. Jim was never one who was quick to judge someone before getting to know them. Had something happened over the last year he was gone to change that?

   "So...it was Jim that gave you the shiner? I believe it just...sounds so unlike him."

Giving a smile to Jared Grace nods at him. She figured he was bored and tired. That was pretty normal after having your body go through something like this. On top of being suck here with nothing to do Grace herself would be bored.

   "Yeah, I figured since you wanted a new therapist and I haven't been able to talk to you about it I could at least keep coming as your friend."

Pulling a chair over to the bed and sitting down Grace just watches Jared for a long moment. She wondered what was going through his head. What he was thinking. She just didn't understand the whole not getting along thing still.

   "I have to say I was a little shocked thought that we were not geting along. I thought we were. what happened?"

Feeling Hunter's arms wrap around her and his lips press against her Katie can't help the smile that spread across her face. He was warm and tender, he made her feel safe and Katie loved every moment of it.  It was something she looked forward too along with his sense of humor.

   "As long as I am the the ends up with you, you could be waiting for the easter bunny."

Heading inside with Hunter Katie gave him a quick lowdown of her day as boring as it was. Hearing about his race was far more exciting. Katie had to hand it to him how he got the car and than resold it was pretty smart and a good business move on his part. Hearing Hunter's comment about her though sent a new wave of chills through her and put another smile on her lips. It made her feel special and good.

   "Mmm...I sure am lucky than. You could pick from a whole group and you picked me. How did I get so lucky? As for coming to the races...I'd love to join you sometime. See what all the hype is about."

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