
How come?

Giving another smile it was nice to see Rosalyn hadn't run off from his little rant and yet she'd turned to him a little more. It was a nice feeling to just know that maybe she understood the past didn't define him but built him to who he was today. There was a whole mess of things in his past but they didn't hold him down, not anymore.

   "None. I mean sure I've thrown a smile at a girl here or there but a woman, after my wife I threw myself into work mostly and let everything else just slip past. Than...I met you. A woman who with one look changed all that, sparked something inside of me, and made me start spitting off like an idiot."

Shaking his head he laughs at himself before sitting up a little more. In a way he felt like a young man once again with a crush. It was a strange feeling but one he liked and he wasn't sure if now he wanted to trade it.

   "So...my wife was my friend, and my last, thirteen years later there's you who I started reciting poems, singing to, flirting with, and opening myself up to like a book. And if Mark new anymore than he already does He's probley hit me over the head a few more times."

Slipping off the bed and going to the little fridge Chad pulls out some ice and drops it into a paper cup before grabbing the fruit juice that was in there. Pouring some for himself he holds the bottle out to see if Rosalyn wanted some too.

   "Now what about you? How come someone as pretty as you doesn't have a boyfriend. Or do you and thats why the door is closed?"

Humor danced in his eyes with knowing she was really right about her parents but it was so much fun to tease her anyways. He liked seeing her cheeks turn red it added to her already pretty features and those were something he couldn't tire of looking at. One thing he was coming to learn though was she was not only pretty on the outside but on the inside too

Still haven't

Listening to Chad, it was perhaps a little more than Rosalyn had expected, but she didn't mind. She was finding she liked to listen to him talk. The sound of his voice was... soothing.

As she hears about his life, for some reason, she really isn't surprised. She felt badly for him though, sensing the hurt in his voice. How long had it been since his divorce? She wasn't sure... she had already tried to guess his age but she still didn't know. At any rate, it was obvious now that it had been a while, but it still hurt - as it should. He'd really gotten a sour deal on that one, and just watching him talk about it - it went straight to her heart.

She enjoyed the little fun facts too, finding herself smiling. Glancing down to the shirt in her hand, she realizes that she was finished with the button. And she couldn't very well rip it back off again. Once was enough.

"Well now..." Her smile turns to be aimed more directly at him. "I think I'm starting to like you."

She snips off the excess thread before tossing his shirt to him, finished. "You still haven't told me though, how many other girls you've tried to woo with your poetry and smooth talk." She looks at him slyly. "Or with your music, which, by the way, I like."


Chad couldn't help but laugh as Rosalyn cuts off the button from the shirt claiming she put the button on to tight. He'd never heard of sewing something to tight before but anything was possible he guessed. On the upside though it seemed like she was relaxing a little bit and that made him feel good. He wanted her to feel comfortable and not awkward.

    "Well lets see here...I grew up in a none Christan home so I never had that good influence in my life. Mark is my twin and I was the black sheep in the family. He quickly found his bath to God in high school and I found a path not so good."

Drawing quiet for a moment he wasn't sure how much he wanted to spill to Rosalyn not knowing what she would think. He didn't think she would look or think of him any differently but it was just strange sharing his life with someone else and a woman at that. But it seemed just so easy to talk to her to open up and bare his soul.

   "I was married right out of high school to my first ever girlfriend. She was 18, and I was 19 young stupid and though we were in love. Unfortunately the honeymoon didn't last forever and by time I was 20 we were having problems already. We fought a lot, though would always make up it was more pyscial than emotional I think."

Drawing in a breath for a second and than letting it out again trying to find his place in the store and getting the timed events in the correct order. 

   "My brother was still my best friend no matter the path I had chosen and he was always trying to get me to church. I was miserable enough to try anything to get happy again so I went and I had the best time I had in a while. Everyone was so nice that I continued to go. Sadly my wife didn't see it that way and she thought I was changing into someone she didn't know anymore. And honesly I was, I was turning into someone who was happy and had found there way. I did all I could to try and get her to come with me but it just didn't work."

Silent again Chad looks down at his hands. Thinking about his ex wife didn't make him sad anymore it was the situation that made him sad and that he wasn't able to save her too that hurt. It was his heart that had been crushed, and his trust broken that hurt more still.

   "I keep holding on though promising I wouldn't give up. Till I came home early one night and there she was in the house, in our bed with another man. She wasn't even shocked to see me, she wasn't upset I'd caught her she looked at me and told me we were though and she wanted a devours. I'll spare you the messy details but she cleaned me out for everything I had and owned, but I didn't even try to fight either. I just wanted to be done with it and move on. I was lucky to have my brother who took me in and let me stay with him for a while."

A new smile forms on his lips as he leans his head against the wall. His past had been pretty rough but everything really had turned out for the best. He was happy where his life was now even if he was lonely at times. It was better than living a lie.

   "So I continued going to church and I met some really wonderful people. I ended up going back to school, go my job as a marine biologist, and started working with Mark, April and Tina. Though they work in a lab and I work more in the water. Sick animles, exhibits of holding eels or sting rays, fixing tanks, nursing the young when they lose there mothers. I really do enjoy it."

Thinking he wonders what else he could tell her about himself.  There were little things here and there but he wasn't sure just how much she wanted to know about him.

   "I also like to play card or bored games, long walks, run in the morning after doing devotions, and I play the drums. As a matter of face this cd is of me thats why there are no words. Some other guys from my work you might know from Katie, Phil and Kyle thats them as well. The CD was nothing major we were just messing around having fun. I like listing to it because it has a nice mellow toon to it but its still up beat."

I Need More

Rosalyn had pricked her finger many a time before, and it really wasn't a big deal. So when Chad sits up straight and seems to feel badly, she's more amused than surprised.

As he envelopes her hand in his own, she couldn't help but feel again the warmth spread through her. His touch was... magic. As his lips caress her fingertip, a grin spreads on her face. "It feels a little better," she whispers. "You may have to kiss it again though, to be sure."

Giggling, she retreats, not making him kiss it again. Though her face felt hot, she suddenly realizes that she was starting to relax a little - at least enough to laugh. Maybe she just needed to get used to being around such an attractive man without swooning every time she saw him. She'd never felt like this before, so it was quite new, and she really just didn't want to make a fool out of herself... if she hadn't already with her silly behavior. He was just so... She looks into his eyes once more and feels the wave of tingles all over again. So much for getting used to it.

Clearing her throat, she scoots back a little on the bed, pulling up her legs to sit Indian style. Almost done with the button, she finds that she didn't want to leave quite yet. Pulling the thread tight, she gives a groan. "Would you believe I sewed this on too tightly?" She shakes her head. "I'm gonna have to start over."

Snipping the button off again, she lifts her eyes just a enough to catch Chad's sight. A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. "Must be related to those feisty bedsheets."

Cutting off another length of thread, she settles in again. "So enough about me. All I know about you is that you're from Nevada, you're incredibly good looking, and you apparently love to flirt with girls. I need more than that if you're ever going to get that kiss."

Shocked she'd even said that, her neck felt as though it was on fire and she concentrates very hard on the button in her hand.


Intently listing to Rosalyn talk Chad gave a few nods here and there listing and at parts finding it slightly confusing but it seemed like something Jade really didn't want to talk about right now. He wouldn't push her when and if she was ever ready to talk about them he'd be waiting to listen with open ears.

Hearing about her brother Chad things for a moment. He though maybe he had seen him once or twice and now thinking about it he could see how they kind of did look the same.

   "Yeah I think I have seen Ty at church once or twice. He is pretty quiet but he does seem like a nice kid."

Leaning back on the bed and putting his arms behind his head Chad cocks his head to the side being able to still look at her while she talked. The sound of her voice was so nice almost like an angelic song to his ears. He could listen to her talk for hours. 

About to tell her a little about his own self Chad is cut short by Rosalyn little cry of pain. Sitting up again quickly Chad moves a little bit closer to her taking her hand in his own to look at the pick. It was small and hardly any blood but Chad didn't like seeing her in pain anyways, it sent a chill through him he did not like.

   "Aw Hun I think the needle just thought you were sleeping beauty. Let me kiss it before I lose you to a never ending sleep."

Closing his hand around hers Chad lets his hand just swallow hers her one finger that was pricked sticking up. Looking into Rosalyn's eyes her brings her finger to his lips and places a kiss on it. Just leaning her finger on his lips for a moment his eyes don't leave hers. Finally bringing her hand down he gives a grin to her his voice a soft whisper.

   "How's that feel?"

   "I know the feeling all to well."

Katie continues to look up at Hunter. She wasn't being clingy but after a whole month of spending almost every moment with him it was going to be hard breaking away from that now. It was going to feel slightly strange too.

   "I only hope it will move by quickly."


Having Chad sit down next to her, Rosalyn just keeps working. She knew she was fine - she just wasn't sure what to expect.

She smiles a little as he mentions her dad being smart, but when it comes to the compliments again, her face is red once more. Her lips do upturn in a new little smile though. Even if sharing about herself wasn't something she normally did, she couldn't help it that it felt good he was that interested in her. It helped reinforce that he didn't just think she was pretty and that was all he was after - he wanted to know the inside of her too.

"Well, you know I live and work here, so that just about sums it all up." She gives him a sidelong glance, knowing he wouldn't be satisfied with that.

Continuing to work on the button, she starts to sew it back on. "I grew up not knowing Jim was my father - that's a really long story though. I... went to college for a couple years. Worked as a secretary... moved out here..." She shrugs. "I guess I've always just helped support the family, so there's not much else I've done." Now that she'd said that, she smirks a little. "This ranch is like a haven, but ironically enough, some days it feels like a prison. Feels like I'm at the end of the road when I just started."

Squinting at the button, she tries to avoid a knot in the thread. "Oh, I've got another brother too - he lives in Nevada." She pauses in thought. "He works with Katie, actually. Come to think of it..." She quirks an eyebrow, looking at Chad again. "He might even go to your church. Ty Henson. Red hair... twenty-two. He's pretty quiet though. I grew up thinking he was dead, too, until a couple years ago."

Only as she talked did she realize that her family's story really was a bizarre one, what with the Agency and all. She'd always hoped that if she found a man, he wouldn't be scared off by knowing the truth of her family's danger. She had a feeling that when Chad found out, he wouldn't tuck tail and run. Not that... things would get that far, but it was a thought. Now though, it was too soon for her to want to share all that. Mentioning her lack of father and brother growing up was enough for now.

About to say more, she's cut short as the needle slips and pricks her finger. "Ouch!" Scowling, she puts her bleeding finger in her mouth, not wanting to get blood on his shirt. "And you thought you'd be the clumsy one with the needle." She rolls her eyes and examines her fingertip. "Way to go, me."

Hunter sighs a contended sigh, leaning his face into Katie's palm before returning another kiss. "Mmm.... I don't mind if you stock up," he muses. "I could use a little extra attention myself."

He leans in and rests his forehead against hers. "I'm so deprived and all. Never getting any hugs and kisses...." He grins and gives her shoulders a squeeze. "Ya know.... I don't think I'm gonna like being away from you, even if it is just for a week or two."

A little more

Hearing Rosalyn's reply Chad can't help but laugh a little to himself and than roll his eyes. If she'd get in that much trouble for just coming here he could only imagine what it would be like if anyone had heard the way he'd talked to her, or over heard the poems her recited off the top of his head. Maybe just maybe it had it was a good thing they hadn't yet.

Watching her take his shirt and sit down on the bed he gives a smile sitting down next to her and watching her work. He wasn't to close but close enough he could watch her work. Hearing Rosalyn talk about her parents bring a little chuckle. Maybe her dad did do that, maybe it was his way of just getting a little extra time with her mother.

   "If you're mom is anything like you I'd say your dad is a pretty smart guy."

Giving a smile and looking from the shirt to her face Chad just watches her. She looked deep in thought on the shirt and wondered if it was because she was really concentrating or if maybe she was thinking about other things. He'd been thinking about there close encounter this morning, and the one last night, they seemed to be the only things he could think about.

   "So Rosalyn, I know you can cook, clean, you have a twin brother as well, and you amazingly beautiful...but thats the existent of what I know. What else are you hiding up your sleeve?"

Chad really did want to know more about Rosalyn. He was head over heels for this woman he hardly new, a woman he'd just met yesterday and there was a burning desire in his heart to know more. He craved to know what made her tick and what fun things she liked to do. Now seemed like the perfect time as any to find out.

   "You welcome Hunter. I'm happy you came I really am. I hadn't expected any of whats happened here but I'm really happy it did."

Looking into Hunter's eyes Katie just continues to smile leaning up a little bit to place a soft kiss on his lips. Just letting it linger for a long few moments Katie just soaks in the emotions, the feelings before finally pulling away. Bringing a hand to the side of his face she runs her fingers over his cheek, his jaw bone just mapping out his face before going back in for another quick kiss.

   "I'm going to need a few more of those before I leave. Gotta hold myself over for a little bit."


Blindingly Attractive

Unable to hide her smile, Rosalyn nods to Chad and forces herself to step inside, even though her knees were suddenly feeling very weak. What was wrong with her?! As she enters his bunkhouse, her eyes scan the room, finding it surprisingly tidy. He was nice, good-looking and clean. Quite the rare combination.

Hearing his question, she turns to him quickly and replies without thinking. "Oh heavens, shut the door. If my family saw me in here, I'd never hear the end of it." She blushes a little, her mouth turning into a wry grin. It was true though, and she knew it. No matter who he was, if she was seen spending time in a male guest's bunkhouse alone with him, there would be razzing at the very least, a good talking-to at the most. She didn't want to have to deal with either.

Trying to keep her mind off that morning and their near-kiss, she spies his shirt and picks it up before sitting down on the edge of his bed. Only now does she notice the music playing, and she finds it appealing.... calming, in a way. She was fine. This was fine. She wasn't doing anything wrong. Just because she was here alone with a blindingly attractive man didn't mean any motives were off kilter or that anything bad would happen at all. Why she felt sheepish and even guilty though, she wished she knew. Or maybe she did.

Rolling her eyes at herself, she shoves all that aside for now. She couldn't help it that she'd been thinking about Chad all day long. It was just the way it was, and now she was here to sew on a button - it was that simple. At least she wasn't in an apron or had flour all over her face this time.

Picking at the threads, she pulls a small pair of scissors out of her back pocket and snips the button off to start over. "This will only take a couple minutes." She keeps her eyes down on her task, tucking a pesky strand of hair behind her ear. "My dad's shirts are always doing the same thing. Mom's constantly resewing his buttons. Sometimes I think he yanks them off on purpose just to give her a bad time."

Early Sunday morning. That probably meant three or four in the morning if she was actually planning on getting home to a full night's sleep. Hunter would see her off though. He wouldn't care how early it was.

Turning his head to study her eyes, he smiles warmly. "Yeah... yeah, time really has gone too fast." In a way, it felt like he'd just gotten here. And in another way, it felt as though he'd been here for ages. But one thing was certain - he was going to miss Katie during the few weeks until he could make it home.

Leaning down, he gives her lips a long, tender kiss. Pulling back a little, his quiet smile returns. "Thanks... for asking me to come. I, um... I've kinda realized I got a lot of things to sort out and... if I hadn't come... well, maybe I'd still be drunk in a bar somewhere."

Open or Closed?

The rest of the day moved on pretty normal. Banter between Tina, April, Mark and Chad could be heard whenever they were around each other about one thing or another but smiles never left there faces as it was all in good fun. Getting a tour by Katie of the ranch and a little history proved to be exciting and very intrusting. Katie even invited Hunter along who joined in on the fun.

Chad didn't get to talk with Rosalyn the rest of the day. When he did get to see her it was from a distance, or only for a split second and than she was gone, more than likely not even noticing he was there herself. This time he didn't chase her though knowing she did have work to do and to keep from getting her in trouble he best let her do it. Maybe tonight she would come and they could sit and chat a little more. Chad could only hope.

...And so the day pressed on, slow for some who wanted the night to come, and fast for others who wanted time to last a little longer before they had to say goodbye. No matter the length though night did come and those who faced it held there head high.

   "You're going to bed already?"

   "I never said I was going to bed, I said I was going to chill in my room! Are you not monetering my ever move or something?"

Chad stood in his bunk trying to push his brother out the door. Normally he wasn't one to rush his brother anywhere but he still had hopes Rosalyn would come and the last thing he needed was Mark chiding him and ruining the whole night. No a little peace and quiet is what he wanted right now.

   "There is something funny going on with you. Reciting poems, now wanting to be alone, stealing looks at someone you dont even know. Your going to get yourself in trouble."

   "Your right I am if you don't leave and I knock you out. Now get out."

Finally pushing her brother out the door Chad gives a huff. He new his brother had no idea what was going on with him, or was concerned but he really had no need to. He was on the straight and narrow path for many years no and he had no intention of going off it. Maybe it was just Mark's I'm the other brother side that seemed to take over sometimes.

Going to the desk where some of his items were Chad turns on the stario that he's place a CD into. The soft sound of drums, a guitar and a piano played and it made him feel content. Taking off his shirt from the day Chad leaves his whifbeather on just in case he did get any visitors. 

Hearing the knock on the door Chad can't help but smile. He new who it was because it was a light knock and before the door is even opened he can feel his heart start to race again. Opening it and seeing just who he thought he would his eyes twinkle.

  "Come on in. I was starting to think you weren't going to come."

The room was nice and clean even if had only been one day there was no dirty cloths laying all over except for a pile of dirty sheets in the corner he had no idea what to do with. But everything else had a spot and put there nicly not just thrown.

Once Rosalyn was inside Chad starts to close the door but stops looking back at her. He felt silly being thirty six years old and asking what he was next, but he than remembered Rosalyn a bit younger than him even if he wasn't sure how much younger.

   "Would you feel more comfortable with the door open or can I close it?"

Sitting on the swing with Hunter Katie leans into him a little. She'd passed on UNO tonight as she wanted to just spend some time with him. Time was moving to quickly and though Katie new Hunter wouldn't be gone from her for long her heart still acked a little bit since they had spend almost every day for a month together.

   "I was thinking of leaving tomorrow, but I think I've changed my mind again."

She'd changed her mind three time already on when she wanted to leave. This time though she figured it out though and she was going to stick with it. If she wanted to be back to work by Monday she had to or else it would never happen and she didn't want to ware herself thin in such a short time.

   "I'm going to leave early Sunday morning. It at least gives me all of tomorrow to spend with you, and I can get a halfway goodnight sleep to drive back."

Letting out a sigh Katie looks up at Hunter and study's him for a long moment before letting out a small sigh.

   "Time went to fast ya know that?"

Still Open?

Rosalyn doesn't turn around, but she did hear Chad's invitation. Did he really just want his shirt button fixed or... was there more to it? While her cautious side warned her to be careful about going to the man's bunkhouse again, something told her that she'd be safe. He could have gotten away with a lot more just now and he hadn't tried. If she'd told him no about the kiss, she believed he would have respected her.

Knowing he was heading into the other room, she finally has guts enough to turn around, but he was already gone. A little sigh surfaces. Hopefully he didn't take her silence as a brushoff. She was just... a little... confused?

"Good morning!"

Rosalyn jumps for the second time and looks to the door again. Those two siblings had far too much in common this morning. "Hi, Jade."

Jade comes in and breathes deeply the smell of breakfast. "Mmm, you've been hard at work already." Coming closer, she notices how red her cousin's face was. "Looks like you need a break."

Rosalyn puts her hands to her cheeks, feeling how warm they were. "Oh, um... I was just... I got busy." She gestures to the plate on the counter. "I heard some folks come in already - want to go take these out there for them?" She'd rather hand that job over to Jade, lest she embarrass herself out there in front of Chad again.

The day moves on rather quickly. Rosalyn busies herself most of the day doing laundry and housecleaning, and helping fix meals. During lunch, she found herself remaining in the kitchen instead of joining the others... was she avoiding Chad? Perhaps. But why, when she really wanted to go see him again was beyond her. For now though, she'd keep herself occupied with washing dishes and making up a new grocery list. The afternoon was filled with a quick horseback ride, a short nap, then on to more work.

By the time the evening rolled around, she could hardly believe the day was gone. But supper was over, a group had already struck up a game of UNO in the dining room, and the last of the barn chores were being done. And she... was left with idle hands...

...Stepping up on the bunkhouse porch, Rosalyn second-guesses herself. Should she really be doing this? She knew there was nothing wrong with it, but... she felt as though she were sticking her hand in a cookie jar, bound to get caught. Maybe it was instinct that drover her cautiousness... her desire that no one know how Chad had come on to her, or how she was giving in.

Chewing on her lip, she hesitates for a moment before knocking on his door. In her hand, she held a needle and a spool of thread to fix his shirt button. She hadn't seen him all day and hoped the invitation was still open.

"...So are you leaving tomorrow then?" Tomorrow was Saturday, and last Hunter knew, that was when Katie planned to head back to Nevada. With a sixteen hour drive though, he wasn't sure if she would be leaving in the wee hours of the morning, or if she was going to take off later to arrive back home sometime on Sunday.

Giving the porch swing a little more momentum with his good leg, he keeps his one arm around Katie's shoulders, just enjoying the evening air.

Before 8AM

Leaning in a little close letting his lips brush hers Chad gives a slight jump at the loud bang as he thoughts are snapped back to here and now and where they were. Looking up and backing away slightly as Rosayln moves around him and back to the stove Chad leans against the counter just watching and listing to her interact with Dylan.

Watching her interact with another person it was intrusting. She was very concerned and did her best to do what was best for them. It was nice to see how caring she really was and it warmed Chad's heart a little more to know she was like that.

Once Dylan was gone, and now knowing where the coffee cups were Chad grabs one for himself too. He'd wanted very badly to kiss Rosalyn and in a round about way she'd given him permission but now...now sadly that would have to wait. The moment was broken and even if it was to come back he'd guess more people would be coming for breakfast so there was no point right now anyways.

And like someone might have rung a bell the front door out in the main room opens and Tina and Mike's voice can be heard. Rolling his eyes and letting out a small sigh he takes a few steps to Rosalyn and stands next to her looking out into the main dining area.

   "If you want to come by tonight to help me with this button I'll be awake. Thank you for the breakfast, there is never a moment I'd say no to food. I better go now before I get myself in to much trouble."

Taking a muffin and a napkin along with his coffee walking slowly to the door. Stopping for a second he looks back to Rosalyn his eyes dancing, as she smiles and shakes his head a little before disappearing into the other room.

   "You're up early."

   "And look at that he found the food already go figure."

Chad cocks his head a little bit and squints his eyes looking at his brother and Tina. Setting his cup and muffin down he takes his seat across from them and shakes his head.

   "I'm always up this early, its YOU guys who are the ones up early. And of course I found the food...fresh out of the oven too. Thats what happens when you can get your but out of bed before eight a.m. you guys should try it more."



Everything else was forgotten. The kitchen, the stove, breakfast... everything. All Rosalyn saw was Chad as her heart beat wildly in her chest. She had only met him but yesterday - only hours before. Yet there was an invisible force at work here. She didn't know him. She knew nothing about him. He was indeed a total stranger. But gazing into those eyes, none of that seemed to matter. Everything her common sense told her just... didn't matter.

Soaking up his words, she wondered if she could ever grow tired of his poetry. It was so sweet... whimsical... deep. She could feel the heat in her face turn even warmer, her palms starting to sweat. As he brings himself even closer, she can feel him up against her, trapping her - albeit gently - against the counter. Her hands instinctively rise to his shoulders and her eyes lower to his lips then back up to his eyes again. 

Fear surges through her veins. But it was not a fear of him - it was simply a fear of the unknown. Of what would happen. Of how it would feel to have his lips touch hers. His breath caresses her face and her eyes fall shut. He was allowing her one last chance to resist. One last chance to say no or push him away. And something deep down warned her that she should indeed escape. But common sense had no place in her heart this morning. 

"I don't think I can speak," she whispers back. "So you better take your chance now while you've got it." 


Rosalyn's eyes fly open and she jumps, her entire body tensing as her hands drop from Chad's shoulders. Her sight immediately lands on the kitchen's back door that had just been slammed shut. "Dylan!" she snaps, more out of embarrassment than anything. Sidling away from Chad, she tries to act as though everything were normal. "What are you doing?!" 

Dylan hardly reacts, his eyes just narrowing slightly. "Geez. Sorry. The wind took the door." He eyes his cousin and this man for a moment, wondering if he'd really walked in on what he thought he had. "Any coffee yet?" 

Rosalyn turns to hide her red face and goes to the stove to check the muffins. "Yes." She forces her tone to be a little kinder. "Help yourself. You want a muffin?" 

"Nah." Dylan grabs a coffee cup from the cupboard and heads to the coffee pot, giving Chad a tilt of his chin as a silent acknowledgement. 

"You really ought to stop skipping breakfast," Rosalyn chides, placing the first batch of muffins on a plate. Dylan was still as skinny as he'd been since coming back to the ranch and it concerned her. 

"Mmhmm. Later." Dylan carries his coffee cup out into the dining room, aiming for the corner where he'd left his school books the evening before. He'd study while he drank the coffee then head back outside, as was his usual routine now. 

Left alone in the kitchen with Chad again, Rosalyn wonders if her face will cool down ever again. Keeping her back to him out of sheer embarrassment, she works at arranging the muffins neatly on the serving plate. "Would you like some breakfast?"

O.O O.O O.O \O.O/

Continuing to just stand there and let Rosalyn look up at him and down at her it felt like she was reading his soul and he was reading hers. She was young but mature, sheltered but maybe to much, she was delikit but not fragile, and her heart sang of something maybe she's never known. To Chad is was not a challenge but an opportunity, an opportunity for a second chance to let someone close, to fill his heart once more, this was an opportunity that only God could make fall into his lap. And there Rosalyn stood, right in front of him waiting.

   "I'm glad you can fix it. I've tried before and I always seem to stab myself or something."

She could fix it...his heart? His soul? Oh the button right...right Chad new that...right? He wondered how far this whole thing would go? He wondered when he was gone would she forgot about him? No, with the way he felt he couldn't let that happen, there was something here something he just couldn't let slide even if he thought it was strange and totally out of this world.

   "I'd never ask you something you didn't want me too, I'd never want something you didn't ask, kisses kept are wasted, love is to be tasted. There are some you love, I know be not loathe to tell them so. Lips go dry and eyes grow wet waiting to be warmly met. Keep them not in waiting yet, kisses kept are wasted."

Feeling Rosalyn's hand on his face, cheek, jaw and Chad's eyes close for a second as he soakes up the feeling. So soft, so light, it sent chills down his spin and cause him, himself to tremble under her touch. Its so much different that what he'd felt before this was filled with so many emotions, and timid but strong.

As Rosalyn lets go oh his arm Chad opens his eyes again looking down at her. Bringing his hand to the side of her cheek he brushes her softly before cradling it so soft, letting his thumb rub her cheek done. Taking a few steps closer he lowers down a little till his lips were only inches from hers. He could feel her break on his skin, it was warm, soft and only caused him to move a little closer before stopping again, looking into her eyes once more.

   "Speak no now, or forever hold you peace."

I don't know

Being turned around, Rosalyn felt as though she should resist but couldn't. Staring up at Chad once more as he takes her hands and kisses them, she swallows hard. The sensation from his soft lips travels all the way up her arms and she finds herself slightly lightheaded. Was this even real? 

With one of her hands placed back on his chest she stares at his shirt, studying the loose button. She should have laughed at his statement about ripping it off, but somehow that laugh just never surfaces. With pulse racing, she finally raises her eyes to his once more. Those sparkling, deep, yearning, beautiful eyes. Perhaps it was just the nature of the moment. Perhaps he had let his guard down. Whatever the cause, Rosalyn suddenly saw deeper into those eyes than she had before, finding that which she had sensed the day before - hardship... heartache. This man was far more than a flirt. Far more than a flatterer. Far more than just a tease who wanted to have a good time. In his eyes were hidden depths that revealed, like gradually opening flower petals, something more inside. Something to be valued. Something unreachable except by those he allowed in. And in this single moment, she'd had permission to see it. 

She didn't know his history. She didn't know his past. She didn't know where those depths had come from or why she sensed heartache. But all it did was make her soften all the more. For this man. For this exciting, kind, gentle, adventurous man.

"I can fix it," she whispers as her thumb again plays with the loose button. What ever possessed her to say yes, she'd never know. She could sew, but hated it - especially buttons. But apparently right now that didn't matter. 

Without thinking, she lifts her hand a little higher, brushing it lightly against his cheek. He had a bit of scruff, feeling rough under her fingertips. His chin was firm and square, and she could feel the tension in his jaw muscles. Letting her hand drift down his his arm before letting go, she suddenly feels just how close she is to him, being held lightly against him by his strong arms, and she trembles. 

"Be careful what you ask of me," she warns softly. "I don't know if I can say no." 

Rip it off

Feeling his own heart start to thump, race inside his chest like it had last night when Rosalyn traced his tattoo with her fingers. As she plays with the button her words seemed to be lost somewhere in the jumble of emotions, and poundings of the rythem.

As she ducks under his arm and moves over to the counter with her back to him one more Chad closes his eyes for a second trying to regain his senses that had been long gone in the wind since her got here. No matter how he willed though the couldn't come and he find himself moving to the counter where Rosalyn was again.

Placing both his hands on her shoulder he turns her around to face him again. Looking down into her eyes his hands move down her shoulder, along her arms and to her hands on more. Bringing her hand to his lips he gently places a kiss up and down her hand moving up her arm slightly again before stopping. Placing her hand on his chest he couldn't help but like the way it felt there. So soft, so light, so dantly, but filled with so much power.

   "A loose button is never a good thing. Maybe...could you fix it for me?"

His voice was but a whisper as he bings himself a little closer closing the gap. Looking down at her his eyes so deep his own cheeks growing a little red, almost gasping for his own air, like it was being sucked from his lungs.

   "That is...if you want to fix it, or just rip the dang thing off and be done with it."


Rosalyn stifles another laugh at Chad, only to give a little shriek and back up as she tries not to get snapped with the towel. "Oh... you... stop it!" Laughter bubbles over as he skitters to the side, only to find herself trapped at the counter.

Breathing heavily, another laugh gets stuck in her throat as she suddenly realizes just what kind of a position she was in. She saw Chad's eyes, saw his glance and knew good and well what he was thinking. Her cheeks blush crimson and her hand gropes to find the towel he'd been using to chase her.

After wiping her own cheek and nose, she hesitantly reaches it up to his face, brushing off the rest of the flour so all traces would be gone. Retreating, she was still trapped and he eyes glance down to his shirt the climb slowly back up again, pausing at his lips before making it up to his eyes. Locking her gaze with his, her heart starts its loud thumping all over again.

Setting aside the towel, her hands take on minds of their own as they both come to rest against Chad's chest. Her thumb toys with one of his shirt buttons, finding it a little loose. She glances down at it. "You should have this resewn," she mentions quietly. "B...before you lose it."

Swallowing hard, the tension is too much. Ducking down low and stepping to the side, she slips out from under one of his arms to walk back to where she was making the muffins. With her back to him again, she felt silly for her antics, and even sillier for knowing that she'd wanted to kiss him.


Having Rosalyn turn around and shoot the flour in his face this time it was a little to much to dodge or get out of the way from. Opening his eyes slowly and seeing Rosalyn standing there chuckling at him he can feel the flour fall from his eye lashes. Licking his lips the taste of the raw flour puts a silly look on his face before he gives a small puff to blow it off his lips.

   "Blak....thats not a good taste."

Looking down at the towel Chad reaches out and takes it. Thinking for a second a nothing grin form on his lips as it twirls it in his hand. Giving it a quick snap he comes close to getting Rosalyn in the leg only letting it graze her so he wouldn't let it sting. Twirling the towel again as he watched her back up a few steps Chad did it again, and again still she was backed in the corner of the two joining counters.

Moving quickly closer to her one hand was no one side and the other on the other side of the counter leaning twords her and keeping her where she was. His eyes twinkled with mystery, and his lips twitches in a grin as his eyes pierce hers.

   "You know...you shouldn't start a battle you're not sure you can finish."

Shaking his head a little the extra flour that had been on him falls onto Rosalyn before his eyes meets hers again. Looking down to her lips he can feel a pull, a kiss, a tender kiss on the lips, but he refrains for now looking up into her eyes again waiting...waiting for her next move.


Not realizing what Chad was doing until too late, Rosalyn flinches at his hand, but it's not enough to dodge getting batter on her nose. Wait. She'd had some on her cheek too? Only now does she think about the fact that she must look a sight, and it sends another shot of red into her face.

Not to be outdone though, she plants her hand on the counter into some loose flour. "You turkey!" Spinning around, her hand comes up and flicks open, sending flour into Chad's face. Realizing it was a tad more than intended, she stifles a laugh and backs up out of his grasp. "Oops?"

Grabbing a dish towel, she holds it out to him, still keeping a "safe" distance, for fear of him getting back at her.

As always

Not sure if he should stay or go Chad deiced to stay. Rosalyn hadn't barked at him to back away, or to unhand her or anything so in his mind that told him that maybe just maybe she didn't mind him being that close. With all his own common sense gone he didn't see why not to throw caution into the wind and just let things flow how they should.

 Hearing Rosalyn had to dream about him Chad cocks his head a little bit to look around at her. She'd dreamed about him? He new that everything was up in the air, topsy tervy, no sense crazy right now but to have her dream about him, he didn't think anyone had ever done that before. Hearing about the dream Chad does all he can to with hold the snicker and laugh that wanted to come out. The whole sheet dance and poetry reading had been quite rare, and the poems he seemed to make off the top of his head while he was around Rosalyn was just as odd as his behavior. But he wasn't sorry for it not as long as Rosalyn seemed ok.

   "Have to watch those sheets I hear they can be pretty feisty."

Having the flour flicked in his way Chad can't help but make a low growl as he moves to one side avoiding it. Now seeing the smudge she had on her own cheek a chuckle comes out and he moves on hand from around her. Bringing it to a spot of batter on the counter he scoops it up with one finger before quickly bringing it to Rosalyn's nose to place the dot on it.

   "There you go, now your nose matches your cheek, and you looks just as pretty as always."


Caught up in pouring more batter into the muffin tin, the sound of someone else's voice is enough to startle Rosalyn into turning quickly around. Spying Chad, her eyebrows rise and she blinks. What was lost in yesterday's dream was now returning like a freight train, and she could already feel the heat coming to her face. She'd woken this morning feeling quite normal. Now, with his mere presence, she felt weak-kneed all over again. 

It takes her a moment to realize that she was staring at him and she turns back around before she dripped batter on the floor. And only then does she also realize she hadn't even returned his greeting. She'd just stared and turned her back on him. The heat in her face increases. The picture of him standing in the doorway was... well, it was downright sexy is what it was, and she might as well admit it to herself. And now, she'd gone and made an idiot of herself without even trying. But she couldn't turn around now, for fear of just making it worse. He'd probably leave if she didn't say anything though. And that was good. Right? Or wait, did she want him to stay? 

Without warning, his soft singing voice comes again, but this time, she could tell it was directly behind her. Straightening, she ceases her work at the counter. He hadn't left. He'd come closer. So close, in fact, she could smell that sweet cologne again, that just made this whole thing worse. But she couldn't turn around. She...

Freezing, she felt like a statue as his arms slip around her waist. They were so warm and strong and gentle. Only now does she feel her heart might thump right out of her chest if she wasn't careful. Her common sense was back again, inwardly smacking her for allowing such a thing. She should turn right around and slap him is what she should do. The nerve! Him being forward was an understatement. He'd just crossed so many lines that...

Rosalyn feels tingles from her head to her toes as Chad's head lowers and a kiss is planted on her cheek. His lips were soft, his breath warm against her skin. Her lungs draw in air sharply in a little gasp as the bothersome common sense is simultaneously thwarted. She can feel her hands trembling slightly as she fights against unexpected urges to return affection to this man who was still a mere stranger. 

Desperately trying to compose herself, she numbly just leaves him be, letting him keep his arms around her, but not turning around. "Good morning," she whispers before clearing her throat and attempting to act normal as she stirs a little more batter. 

Finally gaining her sense back, she pauses her work for just a moment. "I had a dream about you last night," she admits. "You were being attacked by a giant bedsheet, but the only way to conquer it was by reciting poetry to put it to sleep." 

Pinching some flour between her fingers, she flicks it teasingly over her shoulder at him.

Stairway to Heaven

Rising early was normal for Chad even if for the other three friends it was not. He was always the one awake, making the coffee, doing his devotions, going for a run, showering, and than doing whatever he might have time for before work. It was just his normal ritual and he liked doing it very much.

This morning though was different, must different. There was no coffee, his devotions were done, he wasn't sure his way around the ranch so his run was much shorter than normal but on his way back to his bunk he'd spotted Rosalyn heading into the dinning hall and it made him smile knowing she was real, and he would see her again. Maybe if he was lucky she'd even have some coffee.

Getting in the shower it was a quick on not really wanting to mess with his wet hair right now being at the ranch it might be a better idea to keep it back so tieing it off in a small pony tail it would just have to work. Thowing some clean jeans on with small holes in the knees another button up shirt he threw on as well giving a small chuckle to himself as he remembers to button it up before finally making his way to the dining hall.

 Entering Chad takes in a deep breath the mixture of muffins and coffee entering his nose makes his stomach grumble and brings a smile to his face. Making his way to the kitchen the soft music that played he picked up on, as Rosalyn's soft voice is heard as well. It sends his heart into a frantic flutter as he leans on the door way quietly just watching her. 

Cocking his head to the side for a moment Chad can't help but check Rosalyn out quickly as a cheese smile spreads across his lips. Mark would wake him over the head for sure but he was male how could he not help but check out a pretty woman, anyways its not like he did it with everyone. 

   "There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees."

Chad can't help but start singing the quiet song that had come on the raido that he new well. His voice was soft but strong almost matching Led Zeppelin's own. Pushing off the door frame Chad comes into the kitchen even more hoping he hadn't startled Rosalyn to much.  Standing behind her rather close the now sweet smell of her shampoo hits his senses and for a second his eyes close as his voice was still soft.

   "And the voices of those who stand looking. Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder, is she buying a stair way to heaven."

Bringing his arms around Rosalyn he keeps them soft and lays them around her wast giving a soft sway with her his words drift off letting the music take over once again in its tone. Bringing his head down close to her cheek his breath is soft to brush over she ear and cheek.

   "Good Morning Rosalyn!"

Giving her a soft kiss on the cheek Chad stands up tall behind her again his arms still around her wast keeping her close to him. All the smells, and all the feelings tingling his senses and making his hands tremble just a little. Sense and reason still being no where to be found.