
I don't know

Being turned around, Rosalyn felt as though she should resist but couldn't. Staring up at Chad once more as he takes her hands and kisses them, she swallows hard. The sensation from his soft lips travels all the way up her arms and she finds herself slightly lightheaded. Was this even real? 

With one of her hands placed back on his chest she stares at his shirt, studying the loose button. She should have laughed at his statement about ripping it off, but somehow that laugh just never surfaces. With pulse racing, she finally raises her eyes to his once more. Those sparkling, deep, yearning, beautiful eyes. Perhaps it was just the nature of the moment. Perhaps he had let his guard down. Whatever the cause, Rosalyn suddenly saw deeper into those eyes than she had before, finding that which she had sensed the day before - hardship... heartache. This man was far more than a flirt. Far more than a flatterer. Far more than just a tease who wanted to have a good time. In his eyes were hidden depths that revealed, like gradually opening flower petals, something more inside. Something to be valued. Something unreachable except by those he allowed in. And in this single moment, she'd had permission to see it. 

She didn't know his history. She didn't know his past. She didn't know where those depths had come from or why she sensed heartache. But all it did was make her soften all the more. For this man. For this exciting, kind, gentle, adventurous man.

"I can fix it," she whispers as her thumb again plays with the loose button. What ever possessed her to say yes, she'd never know. She could sew, but hated it - especially buttons. But apparently right now that didn't matter. 

Without thinking, she lifts her hand a little higher, brushing it lightly against his cheek. He had a bit of scruff, feeling rough under her fingertips. His chin was firm and square, and she could feel the tension in his jaw muscles. Letting her hand drift down his his arm before letting go, she suddenly feels just how close she is to him, being held lightly against him by his strong arms, and she trembles. 

"Be careful what you ask of me," she warns softly. "I don't know if I can say no." 

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