
O.O O.O O.O \O.O/

Continuing to just stand there and let Rosalyn look up at him and down at her it felt like she was reading his soul and he was reading hers. She was young but mature, sheltered but maybe to much, she was delikit but not fragile, and her heart sang of something maybe she's never known. To Chad is was not a challenge but an opportunity, an opportunity for a second chance to let someone close, to fill his heart once more, this was an opportunity that only God could make fall into his lap. And there Rosalyn stood, right in front of him waiting.

   "I'm glad you can fix it. I've tried before and I always seem to stab myself or something."

She could fix it...his heart? His soul? Oh the button right...right Chad new that...right? He wondered how far this whole thing would go? He wondered when he was gone would she forgot about him? No, with the way he felt he couldn't let that happen, there was something here something he just couldn't let slide even if he thought it was strange and totally out of this world.

   "I'd never ask you something you didn't want me too, I'd never want something you didn't ask, kisses kept are wasted, love is to be tasted. There are some you love, I know be not loathe to tell them so. Lips go dry and eyes grow wet waiting to be warmly met. Keep them not in waiting yet, kisses kept are wasted."

Feeling Rosalyn's hand on his face, cheek, jaw and Chad's eyes close for a second as he soakes up the feeling. So soft, so light, it sent chills down his spin and cause him, himself to tremble under her touch. Its so much different that what he'd felt before this was filled with so many emotions, and timid but strong.

As Rosalyn lets go oh his arm Chad opens his eyes again looking down at her. Bringing his hand to the side of her cheek he brushes her softly before cradling it so soft, letting his thumb rub her cheek done. Taking a few steps closer he lowers down a little till his lips were only inches from hers. He could feel her break on his skin, it was warm, soft and only caused him to move a little closer before stopping again, looking into her eyes once more.

   "Speak no now, or forever hold you peace."

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