
Stairway to Heaven

Rising early was normal for Chad even if for the other three friends it was not. He was always the one awake, making the coffee, doing his devotions, going for a run, showering, and than doing whatever he might have time for before work. It was just his normal ritual and he liked doing it very much.

This morning though was different, must different. There was no coffee, his devotions were done, he wasn't sure his way around the ranch so his run was much shorter than normal but on his way back to his bunk he'd spotted Rosalyn heading into the dinning hall and it made him smile knowing she was real, and he would see her again. Maybe if he was lucky she'd even have some coffee.

Getting in the shower it was a quick on not really wanting to mess with his wet hair right now being at the ranch it might be a better idea to keep it back so tieing it off in a small pony tail it would just have to work. Thowing some clean jeans on with small holes in the knees another button up shirt he threw on as well giving a small chuckle to himself as he remembers to button it up before finally making his way to the dining hall.

 Entering Chad takes in a deep breath the mixture of muffins and coffee entering his nose makes his stomach grumble and brings a smile to his face. Making his way to the kitchen the soft music that played he picked up on, as Rosalyn's soft voice is heard as well. It sends his heart into a frantic flutter as he leans on the door way quietly just watching her. 

Cocking his head to the side for a moment Chad can't help but check Rosalyn out quickly as a cheese smile spreads across his lips. Mark would wake him over the head for sure but he was male how could he not help but check out a pretty woman, anyways its not like he did it with everyone. 

   "There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees."

Chad can't help but start singing the quiet song that had come on the raido that he new well. His voice was soft but strong almost matching Led Zeppelin's own. Pushing off the door frame Chad comes into the kitchen even more hoping he hadn't startled Rosalyn to much.  Standing behind her rather close the now sweet smell of her shampoo hits his senses and for a second his eyes close as his voice was still soft.

   "And the voices of those who stand looking. Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder, is she buying a stair way to heaven."

Bringing his arms around Rosalyn he keeps them soft and lays them around her wast giving a soft sway with her his words drift off letting the music take over once again in its tone. Bringing his head down close to her cheek his breath is soft to brush over she ear and cheek.

   "Good Morning Rosalyn!"

Giving her a soft kiss on the cheek Chad stands up tall behind her again his arms still around her wast keeping her close to him. All the smells, and all the feelings tingling his senses and making his hands tremble just a little. Sense and reason still being no where to be found.

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