

Chad couldn't help but laugh as Rosalyn cuts off the button from the shirt claiming she put the button on to tight. He'd never heard of sewing something to tight before but anything was possible he guessed. On the upside though it seemed like she was relaxing a little bit and that made him feel good. He wanted her to feel comfortable and not awkward.

    "Well lets see here...I grew up in a none Christan home so I never had that good influence in my life. Mark is my twin and I was the black sheep in the family. He quickly found his bath to God in high school and I found a path not so good."

Drawing quiet for a moment he wasn't sure how much he wanted to spill to Rosalyn not knowing what she would think. He didn't think she would look or think of him any differently but it was just strange sharing his life with someone else and a woman at that. But it seemed just so easy to talk to her to open up and bare his soul.

   "I was married right out of high school to my first ever girlfriend. She was 18, and I was 19 young stupid and though we were in love. Unfortunately the honeymoon didn't last forever and by time I was 20 we were having problems already. We fought a lot, though would always make up it was more pyscial than emotional I think."

Drawing in a breath for a second and than letting it out again trying to find his place in the store and getting the timed events in the correct order. 

   "My brother was still my best friend no matter the path I had chosen and he was always trying to get me to church. I was miserable enough to try anything to get happy again so I went and I had the best time I had in a while. Everyone was so nice that I continued to go. Sadly my wife didn't see it that way and she thought I was changing into someone she didn't know anymore. And honesly I was, I was turning into someone who was happy and had found there way. I did all I could to try and get her to come with me but it just didn't work."

Silent again Chad looks down at his hands. Thinking about his ex wife didn't make him sad anymore it was the situation that made him sad and that he wasn't able to save her too that hurt. It was his heart that had been crushed, and his trust broken that hurt more still.

   "I keep holding on though promising I wouldn't give up. Till I came home early one night and there she was in the house, in our bed with another man. She wasn't even shocked to see me, she wasn't upset I'd caught her she looked at me and told me we were though and she wanted a devours. I'll spare you the messy details but she cleaned me out for everything I had and owned, but I didn't even try to fight either. I just wanted to be done with it and move on. I was lucky to have my brother who took me in and let me stay with him for a while."

A new smile forms on his lips as he leans his head against the wall. His past had been pretty rough but everything really had turned out for the best. He was happy where his life was now even if he was lonely at times. It was better than living a lie.

   "So I continued going to church and I met some really wonderful people. I ended up going back to school, go my job as a marine biologist, and started working with Mark, April and Tina. Though they work in a lab and I work more in the water. Sick animles, exhibits of holding eels or sting rays, fixing tanks, nursing the young when they lose there mothers. I really do enjoy it."

Thinking he wonders what else he could tell her about himself.  There were little things here and there but he wasn't sure just how much she wanted to know about him.

   "I also like to play card or bored games, long walks, run in the morning after doing devotions, and I play the drums. As a matter of face this cd is of me thats why there are no words. Some other guys from my work you might know from Katie, Phil and Kyle thats them as well. The CD was nothing major we were just messing around having fun. I like listing to it because it has a nice mellow toon to it but its still up beat."

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