
After Pizza

Standing and letting Laura slide off his lap and to her feet Nate stood too and smiled. He loved Laura with every inch of his heart. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her.That had been true the moment they met, that was still true now.

   "I can do that no problem at all."

Smiling he walked over to the pantry and grabbed the box of crackers and shook them a little to make sure some where still in there. He had a bad habit of those being his late night snack. 

   "Crackers it is. Now we better get to the table or Maggie is going to eat all the food without us."
   "Sorry...I was hungry. I said my prayers first."

A tiny voice called from the other room obviously listening from the other room. Nate laughed and put an arm over Laura's shoulder. How lucky he was, to have such an amazing family.

As Reese makes his way down her neck and up again Angelica can't help a small laugh that escaped her lips. It always tickled when he did that but she liked it to much to ever tell him to quit. Just letting her fingers comb through his hair she cant help the smile from his comment.

   "This is kinda work? Keeping your wife happy...right?"

Hearing it was Wyatt Angelica tried to keep her voice down. Why she felt like a kid who was caught with there hang in the cookie jar she didn't know but it was a small rush of excitement. Leaning in and kissing Reese again she pulled away again as he talked to Wyatt.

    "Your son must get his amazing timing from his father. Pizza does sound good though. We'll have to pick this up again...at home...tonight...after the pizza."



Laura would forever be grateful for Nate's strong arms. She'd given him such a bad time when they'd dated and even when they'd first been married. But his determination just to show her love was what she'd needed all along...and still needed. 

Finally calm enough to get a handle on her emotions, she pulled back and wiped her eyes. She knew she must look a sight. "I'm sorry," she apologized quietly. "This whole thing was my idea and I haven't exactly started it off well." She grabbed a tissue to blow her nose. For now...she would be okay. She would probably need Nate later, but she could at least make it through the evening. "We should eat before the soup gets cold." 

She stared at the black garlic bread and rolled her eyes. "Maybe just some crackers would be good." Sighing she glanced back at Nate one more time. "And I'll let you handle Garret tonight, ok?"

Reese grinned a little as he just let his emotions flow and accepted Angelica's in return. The Elite was a large portion of his life. But it couldn't be all of his life. He had too much else that brought him joy. Like moments like this.

Holding her tighter, he broke the kiss just to tilt his head the other way and return. "I was... supposed to....work late," he mumbled thought his kisses before he worked his way down her neck and back up. "You're not ...helping me ...any."

All of a sudden, his cell phone on his desk rang and vibrated, startling him so much that he jumped. "Oh for crying out..." He grabbed it to stop the ringing. "Yes?" He rolled his eyes. "Hi, Son." He ignored the phone and gave Angelica another kiss before retreating again. "What? Busy?" He smirked and ran his fingers through her hair, barely laying attention to Wyatt. "Hmm?" He sighed. "Okay. Yes. That's fine. See you shortly."

Ending the call, he leaned his forehead against Angelica's and gave her an apologetic look. "Wyatt's meeting us for pizza at Mom and Pop's. Says I need a break from work and insisted we both come to make sure we didn't work the whole evening."


Hearing what happened Nate holds Laura a little tighter. It upset him to see her so upset, but it was neither her fault or Garret's. He could definitely understand why it had startled Laura and a flood of old memories came rushing back to her.

   "Shhh...it's ok. I got you."

Just holding her for Nate wasnt sure how long He finally drew back, and wiped some of the tears from Laura's eyes. This would be more than likely something she always would have to deal with. Old memories were a hard thing to shake for anyone.

   "You are definitely not stupid. This situation is unpredictable. I'll never let anything happen to you as long as I am near, and I'll always come running when you need me."

Putting his arms around Laura again Nate gives a kiss to the top of her head. He'd let her cry for as long as she needed and not complain. Spotting Maggie come around the corner he smiles at her and buts a finger to his lips signaling to give them a second before she slipped back around the corner, and sat quietly to wait.

Feeling Reese's lips against her own Angelica melted all over again, like the first moment that had ever kissed. She always felt that way with Reese. It always was like the first time, and she always melted.

Returning the kiss a small murmur came from her lips as he deepened the kiss. Her hands crawling up his back. One resting there while the other combs through his hair. This moment...it could last forever and she wouldn't mind one bit. 

Looking up at Travis and Lane Angel smiles. She did hope that talk went well. This while thing was a crappy situation and they both deserved to be happy. That's all that mattered to her.

Finishing off her coffee Angel stands and heads to the kitchen putting the cup into the dishwasher and than wondering back out to the front porch. It was a nice day out, she hopped this nice weather stayed around a little while longer. 


Pulled into Nate's arms, Laura's tears continued to fall and she just clung to him tightly until she could speak. "I'm sorry. I just...no ... it's... he can stay. It was my fault."

She sniffed and turned to lean back against the counter, wrapping her arms around herself as she stared at the floor. "It was my fault..." The tears wouldn't stop even though she tried. "I... I just went to...to put a blanket on him... And...I guess I startled him." 

Unable to control the wave of emotions, she put a shaking hand to her mouth. She had to pull herself together, if for nothing else, for Maggie's sake. She had to. Sucking in a deep breath, she swallowed hard and sniffed, finally able to look up at Nate. "Before I knew what happened, he had me on the floor. He didn't mean to," she assured. More tears came. "He...he realized it was me and let me go. I-I-I wasn't hurt or anything, I just..." Her breath caught in her throat. 

It was another moment until she finally whispered the words. "For a moment, all I could see was Bryce." Falling back into Nate, she burried her face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry," she sobbed quietly. "I was so, so, so stupid."

Reese finally managed a small smile. He was quiet for several long moments, just studying Angelica's face. "I love you so much," he whispered. "I don't know how I'd survive all this without you, ya know?"

Leaning in closer, he let his lips brush against hers softly. Smiling, he returned for a kiss, letting it linger a few moments. His hands rubbed her back gently and he let his kiss deepen, just letting it prove his much he did love her.

Lane smiled a little and nodded. "Okay... I'll consider it." 

"Consider what?"

Lane looked up to see Travis had just approached. "Hey. You're up."

"Yeah." Travis rocked back on his heels and glanced at Angel. "Hope that's okay. I, um, was getting cabin fever." He looked back to his dad. "So. Consider what? Or...maybe that's another secret."

There wasn't a whole lot of bite to his comment, but just enough to make Lane cringe. His eye caught Angel's. She really was right. This had to be resolved. "No secret...just thinking about the future. Our future. Wanna talk about it?"

Travis sighed and hooked his thumbs in his pockets. "No...yeah. I dunno. Am I gonna get the truth?"

"You have my word. Please?" Lane's eyes begged his son. "Can we take a walk?"


Lane's shoulders dropped.

"I'm too sore." Travis nodded to the adjoining room. "I see a couch that looks good though."

As his son headed that way, Lane gave his sister a hopeful look. "Say a prayer...'cause I sure don't know what to say."

Last Few Days

Angel cant help the smile at her brother silly joke. He always did have a good sense of humor. Taking another sip of her coffee Angel fell quiet again. Lane was right, money was tight around the ranch. Things were just not as booming as they use to be, and having to shut down every now and again during the busy season because of the Agency didn't help. But that didn't change anything and she new it.

   "You are right, things have been rough but we have been making due, we always do and we would never turn anyone away if they needed this place. You should know that better than anyone. "

Giving another soft smile to her brother Angel patted her hand. She'd love to have Travis and Lane stay if they were to choose that. Having them close and getting to know her nephew was something she would like very much.

   "Just...at least consider it. I am sure you could talk with Mick and Rosetta and figure out a way to help around the ranch, we always need it."

Sitting in Reese's lap Angelia leaned her head against his. Her heart hurt, and at the though of the Elite not being here anymore it really did make her sad too. So many special people worked in this place, people she had gotten use to seeing every day, talking with, and enjoying the company of. Without it...it just wasn't an easy thing to think about. This was about Reese though, and for now she had to push her own worry aside.

   "We will keep living. All of us will. Might not be easy, we might not get to see each other every day but we will keep moving forward and find a new path in life."

Pulling away a little Angelica looks down at him searching his face for a long moment before bringing her hand to the side of his face and cradling it. Just letting her thumb run over his cheek. 

   "You gave everyone where hope when they had none, you gave those who had no life, and no fight left a new breath. That is what you did, and that is what you will continue to do even if its out last days together in the Elite. The past is the past...we can't change that, but we can prepare for the future whatever it might be."

Watching Laura move around the kitchen Nate could feel the hair on his neck bristle something wasn't right at all. Had something happened with Garret? Surly not, if it had been bad she would say something right? Nate couldn't help the fear that seemed to wash over him.

   "I have some cold medicine from Rick, I'll see about getting Garret to eat and than giving him some."

About to say more Nate is quiet again as Laura runs to the kitchen again. Seeing her break down over the burned bread Nate was quick to come in close and wrap his arms around her. Worry still coursed through him and it was all he could think about.

   "Hey Hey...its just bread...we can cut those edges off."

Running his hand through her hair he gives her a kiss on the head and directs her over to the little table in the kitchen. Dinner would wait for a few seconds while he tried to figure out what was wrong. He had to know.

    "Whats going on? Did something happened with Garret? I can take him back to the Elite straight away if you feel more comfortable with that."

Hard Times

Hearing Nate's question, Laura kept her back to him as she fought her tears. "Nothing," she managed. "Everything is fine." She grabbed some bowls from the cupboard and started setting the table. "Grab some glasses, would you?" 

Trying to move without him seeing, she swiped at her eyes. "Just, um, I checked on Garret and gave him a cold cloth for his head." She grabbed the pot of soup from the stove and carried it to the table to set it on a hot pad. "He doesn't want to eat, but you should prolly try to get him to eat something since he said he hasn't had anything all day. And did Rick send any flu meds home with you or him? He might need something to get that fever down." 

Setting spoons and napkins around, she suddenly smelled something close to burning. "Oh no." The garlic bread. Sprinting back to the oven, she opened it to find the loaf of garlic bread singed on all edges. It wasn't totally black yet, but the crust was ruined. And that's all it took. 

Tears streamed down her face as she shut off the oven and just leaned on the counter, trying to regain control. She never cried over burned food. Nate would know good and well it wasn't just the bread she was upset over, but she couldn't break down now, she just couldn't. Not when Maggie would walk in any second. 

Reese couldn't answer Angelica's question. He really didn't know if he was okay or not. He felt like he'd just been put through the wringer...ten times over. Kirk was good. Too good. And the Elite was done for. 

As Angelica embraced him, he pulled her down to sit on his lap and wrapped his arms around her tight. Resting his head on her shoulder, he sighed deeply. At least he had her. No matter what. No matter whether the Elite stood or fell, she'd be there for him, and he knew that. 

"What am I going to do without this place?" he asked softly. "What are any of us going to do? I can't help but think if I just would have done something different, this wouldn't have happened." 

He drew back just far enough to see her face. "Kirk's done here. He'll be turning in his report tomorrow. I... have to let everyone here know what's going on. I can't just let them think everything is fine, then be out of a job the next day."

Lane's eyes fell to his coffee as he listened. His sister was right. Just like always. Why couldn't he have just handled things differently all these years? 

He lifted his eyes and gave Angel a crooked grin. "I'd say that's about five cents worth...but thanks. You're right. I do need to talk to Travis and let him decide. I guess...I'm just afraid he'll walk away and not look back and I'll lose him."

He shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. "But that's my fault and no one else's." Cocking his head, he studied Angel's face. "I know you've offered to let me, or both of us, stay here. But...I got wind that finances aren't all that great. You're running out of room and... I don't know if I could feel right about being an extra burden." 


   "So, knock...wait for him to answer before going in. But what if he can't answer, and something is wrong?"

Maggie sat on her bed her big eyes just looking at her brother. She had been excited to hear Garret was staying with them, but sad to hear he was sick. She did not like it that her friend was not well at all, and it made her kind of nervous. Not of him or what he might do, but when she got sick it was very serous, and it was hard to understand not very one was like that. 

   "If he wont answer the door you can come get me, or Laura, or Rick. We can help and make sure he is ok."

Nate smiles at his sister. She was so caring, and always thinking on step ahead it amazed him. She was special in deed. Hearing a bump downstairs his ears perked up a little listing. He didn't want to worry Maggie. Smile he ruffled her hair and stood.

   "Dinner will be soon ok? You finish you work and we will call up when its ready."

Leaving her room he shut the door slightly behind himself before heading downstairs. Seeing Laura in the kitchen Nate couldn't help but feel something was wrong. He hadn't been upstairs long but there was a thickness in the air that hadn't been there before. 

   "Laura? Whats wrong? I thought I hear something when I was upstairs."

Once Kirk leaved the room Angelica came into Mike's office. She had heard bits and peaces of the conversation and her heart ached. He had such passion for this place, and every person that worked here. It hurt to think someone doubted that even for a second. If only they could see more that went on here, more than just a week, more than a month they would see how special this place was. 

   "Mike...are you ok?"

Coming over closer to him her words seemed silly. No he wasn't ok and she new it. But she didn't know what else to say. Everything was so messed up and she just wanted the FBI to be gone, and to know the fate they all faced. 

Taking Mike in her arms she wraps them around him tightly in a hug. She felt so bad and so sorry for him. All this was on his shoulders. She just wanted to lighten the load just a little.

Taking a sip of her coffee Angel thinks for a few long moments. It was a hard thing Lane faced. Knowing what way to turned, or what way to go. She'd never thought of her life beyond the ranch She'd never really wanted too. But that was her, and she was happy and content here.

   "Well first things first I think you need to sit down with Travis and talk to him. He's still mad at you, and before things can get better you need to talk."

She new that is not what Lane was asking her, but that was one thing she new needed to be said. There was so much tension when those two were in the room together it was unreal and nether of them were talking it out. 

   "After that, I'd ask him what he wanted too. Not just want you wanted. You know you can stay here, you know you would be safe, and youd be with family. But thats something Travis should have a choice about. He's old enough to make up his own mind and since everything from here on out is life changing he should be able to choose what he wants too."

Here on out nothing would be easy for Travis. This was something she was sure of. Once anyone new about the agency it was life changing. But what Travis did with that information should be up to him. It was his life too, not just Lane's that would change. 

   "That's just my two cents."

Laughing again as Travis pulled the hay from her hair she rolled her eyes a little too. Of course at this moment in time there would be hair in her air. Cradling the kitten she nodded to Travis.

   "Once your better, it's a deal. I'll see you at lunch. Try not to get lost leaving the barn ok?"

Tossing Travis a wink she turning headed for the ladder. Well today would be another interesting day she was sure of it. She didn't know when Travis would be leaving for home, but she'd soak this all up while she could. 

Old Memories

Laura smiled and shook her head. "That girl. She amazes me every day. Although I gotta say, I maybe wish she wasn't so drawn to someone like Garret. But...he seems different with her. Gentle, almost. It's like..." She turned back to the stove and shrugged. "I don't know. There's just something special inside him, deep down. I just hope it can be unlocked." She glanced over her shoulder at Nate with admiration. "You're being more than a handler. You're being a friend. And I don't care what anybody else things...you're doing a good job with him."

She put the lid back on the pot and wiped her hands on a towel. "Okay. You go talk with Maggie. I'm going to check on our feverish house guest and see if he needs anything before I put supper on the table."

Wandering down the hall a couple minutes later, Laura tapped lightly on the bedroom door that was almost closed. "Garret?" No response. She paused a moment then just decided to go on in. Seeing him seemingly asleep with such a pale face and still shivering, she frowned with compassion. She couldn't imagine being sick and not having anybody to help care for her. She'd always had her brother, then Nate.

Taking his jacket and cap, she set them in the extra chair, and grabbed a second blanket. She thought she was careful in spreading it over him, but she wasn't quite careful enough. Without even time to blink, she was on her back on the floor, with Garret on top of her. It took all of her might not to scream or kick as she felt her shoulders pinned to being the floor. "Garret," she said sternly but calmly. "It's just me. Laura."

Garret had been half asleep when he'd felt someone leaning over him and had reacted without even thinking. Now suddenly realizing his mistake, he instantly rolled to the side and sat up, putting his hands to his throbbing head. Wincing at his own pain, his eyes were half open as he looked at Laura picking herself up. "Are you okay?"

Was that...compassion in his voice? Laura tried to hide the fact that she was trembling all over. "I'm fine," she lied. "It was my own fault. Come on. Back in bed."

Garret sighed and closed his eyes. He felt absolutely horrible about physically reacting to Laura. He could have really hurt her. What would Nate say? "I shouldn't be here."

Laura swallowed her fear. "Enough whining. Get back in bed."

He opened one eye. "After that?"

"I've had worse." She leaned down to take his arm and prompt him back up and into bed once more before putting a hand to his forehead. "You're burning up. I'm going to bring a cold cloth, okay?" Even though he didn't respond, she went to the bathroom and soaked a washcloth in cold water before wringing it out and bringing it to the bedroom. She wasn't going to make the same mistake twice though.

"Garret?" She remained a couple feet from the bed until he looked at her again to prove he was awake. Only then did she approach. "Here. Lie on your back." When he didn't move, she threatened him. "Hey. Do I have to call my husband?"

Something close to a smirk emerged, and he rolled over onto his back.

"Thank you." Laura put the cloth on his forehead, then pulled up the blankets.

Even though he didn't respond, Garret wasn't sure anything had ever felt as good as that cold cloth.

Laura finished and sighed. "Think you can manage something to eat in a while?"

He shook his head.

"Have you had anything to eat all day?"

He shook his head again.

"Well... you need to eat something. I'll have some brought in in a while. Just rest." Leaving him be, she closed the door and returned to the kitchen. Once there, though, she just leaned on the sink and tried to keep the tears from coming. How could he have been so stupid? She'd just finished warning Nate to tell Maggie to be careful, and what had she done? Left her self completely vulnerable. She didn't blame Garret. She blamed herself. But being pinned to the floor had brought on an old wave of terror she had tried so hard to forget. That wasn't Garret's fault either, but now she wasn't sure she was going to be able to hide her fear. But she had to. For Garret's sake. For Maggie's sake. She could fall apart later, but not now. It had been a long time since old memories of Bryce had surfaced - she needed to stay in control of this.

Gritting her teeth, she wiped her eyes and went to check on the soup and waited for Nate to return. She just wanted to make sure Maggie knew not to touch Garret unless she knew he was aware of her presence first. 

A knocking made Reese spin around in his chair and look to the door. "Come in."

It was Kirk. He'd been trying all day to talk to Reese, but had been interrupted countless times. It was evening already, but he had to do this. He had to finish this case. "Got a few minutes?"

Reese's eyes narrowed. "That depends."

Kirk pursed his lips and finally entered, closing the door behind him, then taking a seat in an empty chair. "This should be my last day here."

"Then forgive me for any excitement that might slip out."

Kirk gave him a dry smile. "I know this hasn't been easy. I have to finish my final report though, and I need some straight answers."

This wasn't sounding good. Reese picked up a pen to play with and cleared his throat. He'd like to boot Kirk out on the street, but that would only make things worse. "How bad is it?"

"It's not great."

"Well you've already terrorized half my staff. What more do you want?"

"Terrorized would seem a rather strong word."

"Not to Scott." Reese had heard what had happened and was not pleased.

Kirk shook his head. "I'm here to do this job to the best of my ability, and sometimes that requires stepping on toes." Before Reese could respond, he spoke again. "Where's Garret tonight?"

Reese sighed. "He's in Nate's custody."


There was a long pause. "At his home."

"You see?" Kirk frowned. "This is what's harming you guys the most. Garret -"

"He's sick, and Nate thought he would recover faster in a more suitable environment."

"You don't have medical staff here? He belongs in a cell, and you not only let him loose to run the building, but you actually release him into the public with nothing but the hope he won't kill someone." He paused. They'd been over this countless times just within the short period he'd been assigned here, and nothing had changed. "What if Garret was the only thing between you and an actual future for the Elite? What if you could have a real chance at the Elite surviving all this scrutiny if you simply sent Garret to prison where he belongs?"

Reese swallowed hard. Despite his anger, he knew he was at the mercy of the FBI. "With everything I've heard from you, I find it hard to believe that Garret's presence is the only thing you disagree with."

"Answer my question."

Reese wasn't sure he could. "Is that what it's going to come down to? Are you going to recommend we shut down, unless I send Garret to prison?"

"What if I did?"

"Then...I would give Garret the option. And if he didn't want to be sent to prison then... I guess I'd turn in my badge."

Kirk lifted an eyebrow. "You'd give up everything here? Your job...livelihood...passion... your wife's job? Your son's job? Your niece's job? All for the sake of an assassin?"

"No. I'd give it up all for the sake of a man who just needs a chance to show the world what he can become."

"You realize compassion doesn't keep law enforcement branches alive right?"

Reese took a deep breath. "Just make sure when they decide to kill us off, that they do it quickly, alright?"

Kirk leaned back in his chair and cocked his head, just studying Reese. "This place used to lie a lot to stay under public radar. Old habits die hard. Are you still withholding information from the board in order to protect your agents?"

The question was offensive to say the least, but Reese did his best to keep his cool. "If you're asking me if I lie in my reports, the answer is no."

"What about leaving out certain particulars? Like...oh, I don't know...the recent killing of a man during a rescue mission - committed by none other than your aforementioned prisoner."

 Reese's jaw tightened. "It was in my report that it was found to be self-defense."

"Even though you don't believe that's true."

"Are you going to take me to court over this? If not, why don't we move on to something other than Garret?"

Kirk made a note on his notepad while shaking his head. "Okay. You have one agent who is your son, one who's your niece, and you're married to another. How does that affect the structure of this establishment?"

Reese bristled. "What are you implying?"

"Well you can't tell me you treat them the same as anybody else. You're only human."

"I try to treat everyone here as equally as I can," Reese answered sternly. "Everyone here is different and has different needs. But as a whole I think I've done a pretty good job."

Kirk frowned as he flipped through some notes. "Isn't it true that you're basically chief of the Elite by default? I mean...no one really appointed you, correct?"

"I...it... no one was opposed to the idea."

"Except Jason."

"We worked that out and in the end he agreed I was the better man for the job. There was no way he was even close to being ready to manage this place, maturity wise or experience wise. He-"

"I don't really care how you and Jason compare. I'm just pointing out the fact that...you've been leading this place on the assumption that no one else should be able to handle it."

"Carter disappeared. Austin walked away." Reese's face was growing red. "There was no one else to pick up the pieces. I did what I had to do in order to keep this place running for the sake of innocent lives."

"What if you found out that your agents would really prefer someone else be their leader?"

Was that true? Reese sat back a little, as his heart dropped. "Then...if that's what they wanted... I...would step down."

"You'd just give up all your power?"

"It's hard to run something without the support of your staff. So...yes. I... I would do anything for the good of the Elite."

Kirk stopped writing and looked up at him. "Anything?"

Reese swallowed hard. "For the good of the Elite."


"I..." Reese wasn't sure what the question meant. "I don't understand. Why what?"

"Why would you do anything for the good of the Elite?"

"Well because. It...it's a cause I believe in and-"

"Not good enough." Kirk shook his head before looking Reese square in the eye. His voice was stern. "You better do a heck of a lot better job convincing me why you're so willing to put your neck on the line than just 'I care.'"

Reese's expression turned into a scowl. "Do you know how many lives the Elite has saved? Do you know how much good this organization has done since it's very beginnings? We've gone beyond the call of duty. We have gone beyond just the cases that deal with the Agency. Case after case has been dumped on us by local law enforcement just because we don't have the luxury of saying no. These agents work their tails off and are on call twenty-four/seven just to keep people and their families safe. They risk their lives just as much as any policeman, fireman or FBI agent, and I dare say sometimes their job is more dangerous because we're working against a crime organization that is barely even recognized as being real." He paused to catch his breath. "If I'm the problem here, then take me out of the equation. But don't you dare let this place take the fall for mistakes I've made. I know I'm a crappy leader. I was a cop and a private investigator - and I wasn't all that great at either one. When I joined the Elite, I had no intention of ever being in charge. It was dropped in my lap and I have done my best ever since to do what I felt has been right for this place. These people. This family." He was shaking, he was so upset. "Shame on the FBI for even thinking about ending the careers of these people rather than utilizing the astounding talents that exist here. We were not named the Elite for no reason. We are an elite team. And if you let us die, heaven help society as the Agency takes over civilian lives."

...It was several hours later. The sun had just set. It was a little chilly, but not too chilly to wear a jacket and sit on a park bench. And that's exactly where Kirk was. He'd changed out of his dress pants and shirt, and back into more comfortable jeans and tshirt, and his old brown leather jacket. He hadn't been back to the office though. He hadn't had a nap either. And he had yet to write his final report so it could be on Barnes' desk by morning. And he felt...stuck.

Movement on the little pond caught his eye, and he realized it was just a duck. He sighed. He really should eat some supper, but he wasn't all that hungry. Not when so many people's livelihoods were riding on the words he would choose to use.

Travis smirked at Ashlee, but handed her the kitten. "Okay, fine. But when I'm better, I'm gonna go up there 'cause that's the best seat in the house any day." 

Standing with her, he stopped her before she walked away. "Oh. Wait." A new grin emerged and he reached over to pluck a piece of hay from her hair. "There. Now you're good to go." 

"I don't know what to do." Lane cupped a coffee mug between his hands and looked at his sister across the table in the main house while breakfast was being cooked. "Chance said the threat here is over, but...is it with me? Or Travis? I don't know where to go from here, or if I should move, or...what." 

He sighed. "I thought finding him was the answer to everything, and now I'm just as lost as I was before. What would you do?"


Thinking for a long moment Nate new Laura had a point about Garret being here with him not being home. He hadn't thought of that before and now he had to figure out what to do. He didn't think Garret would try anything, specially with the state he was in but Laura was right. Mistakes could happens, specially to someone in a strange world like Garret. He'd rather not chance it for Laura's sake, and Garrets.

    "Work hasn't been to bad. Most of my time has been looking through Brookshire stuff, and Garret had been helping me. If you didn't mind I could bring my work home, and do it here but be on call in case Reese needed me."

He hopped that would work out ok. He didn't want Laura to feel awkward at all. He wanted her to be comfortable in her own home. At least if her worked here he would be in ear shot if anything happened.

Setting Brian down in his highchair again and giving him a kiss to the cheek Nate smiles before walking over to Laura again at the stove and putting his arms around her an resting his head on top of hers. She was always so strong, always so smart, it was on of the many things Nate loved about her.

   "I guess I should let Maggie know so at least if Garret is to grumpy, she knows to leave him be and isn't hurt. I have a feeling she is going to want to help though. There is just something about Garret she is drawn too."

Entering into work Adison new she more than likely missed Kirk being there. That could be a good thing as she was sure they both looked very tired. Enough rumors ran about this place, they didn't need to help them long any.

   "Hey Addy, you look beat. Out partying to much?"

Getting to her desk Adison held a slight annoyed look as she tossed a glace over at Tod who worked a few spaces down from her. Oh how he had a crush on her, and oh how he annoyed her.

   "What did I tell you about calling me that?"

Sitting down she didn't even bother to let him reply. She just wanted to get started on work, and forget about how tired her really was. Looking down and seeing the money on her desk with the note she couldn't help but smile. Kirk was always good like that, and yes about noon she would need coffee.

   "Hey Sorry about the name. I didn't mean anything by it. I'm heading out to get breakfast. You want anything?"

Adison can't help but roll her eyes at the sound of Tod's voice once again. She was really not in the mood and she just wanted him to go away. He was always bothering her when Kirk wasn't around, and she was always shutting him down. When would he get the point she was not interested.

   "No thank you Tod, I just want to work."

   "Aw...did you know all work and no pl.."

Adison held up a hand stopping him in his tracks. She did her best to compose herself and not sound to mean despite her tired state.

   "Don't even bother finishing that statement. I don't need breakfest, I dont need lunch. When I am ready for coffee I can get it myself. I just want to sit here, and get my work done. Exactly what you should be doing too. So just give it a rest."

Turning Tod grunted.

   "I will for now, but one of these days Adison Becc, I will get you to let me in. I wanna know what Kirk has, that I dont."


Adison mumbles under her breath. It was going to be a long day, but though her mood sucked now it had been well worth it and she was happy to help.

Ashlee's smile grew as Travis accepted the invitation to see the sun set. She missed having someone with her to look at the colors that painted the sky. Watching it along was fun and all but having someone to watch it with was even better.

   "Of course I can show you around. This was the only work I had to do till four, and my school shouldn't take to long today. So how about we have lunch at noon and than I can show you around after."

As Dylan enters the barn it catches her attachen as she waves. She had started seeing less and less of him lately despite her efforts of trying to hang out with him more, it had just become hard when he would shut her down left and right. So she just stuck with the moments when he was around.

   "I wondered when she would think it was time to move them. Thanks Dylan."

Turning back to Travis she eyes the ladder over in the far corner. Though taking this adventure with Travis sounded like fun, and she enjoyed his want to keep the kitten safe She new it was also dangerous with his injorys.

   "I  can take the kitten up but I think you should wait here. With you still healing I don't want anything to happen and you."



Being taken to the spare bedroom and left alone, Garret's mind was in such a fog, but he desperately wanted to understand what was really going on here. Why was he here? And didn't Nate know he didn't want anything to eat? He hadn't the energy to fight, though, so he remained silent.

In the kitchen, Laura smiled at Nate and Brian. This was her favorite part of the day - when Nate returned from work. She snorted at his comment as she stirred the soup on the stove. "Carson's skull is made out of the hardest substance known to man. Garret might be giving Rick a bad time, but he's here, which means I think Carson's still got him beat in the hard head department." 

She paused to taste the soup and shrugged. It was turning out okay but the noodles weren't quite done yet. "I don't know what you think about the daytime when you're gone..." She hadn't thought that far earlier and now regretted it. "Maybe if Rick's not too busy he can at least be next door or something. Or I suppose if you're not too overloaded you can maybe stick around part of the day?" It wasn't really a fear of Garret that drove her questions, but more of what was appropriate for the situation. Garret was not the typical man to have hanging around the house, and he might not intend to do anything wrong, but he wasn't used to this kind of world, and mistakes could be made if they weren't careful - even if he was sick at the moment. 

"Oh, and I didn't tell Maggie about him coming yet. She's been upstairs doing some schoolwork. So you might want to warn her that Garret's here but sick. I know some men who are total bears when they're not feeling well, and I can imagine he can be quite the grizzly." 

Left alone, Garret set his backpack near the bed out of habit - keeping his belongings close by. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he noticed how soft the mattress was. Softer than the one at the Elite. It was a cozy room. Warm, like the rest of the house. A window looked over the backyard. It made it light in here. Welcoming. But why was he here again? His head hurt too much to think. 

Kicking off his boots and at least having the sense to shed his hat and jacket, he just let them lie at he end of the bed before crawling in on his stomach and letting his head sink into the pillow. Another wave of chills forced him to pull up a blanket...how soft it was. His body wanted to sleep so badly, but his ears wouldn't shut off the sounds around him. Muffled voices. Creaks in the duct work. A barking dog next door. He was out of his element, and though too sick to deal with it, his training wasn't allowing him to rest. At the same time, he was too tired to focus enough to shut it out. All he could do was close his eyes and wait for his body to calm down.

Smirking at Adison, Kirk brushed out the rest of his beard just in case any other crumbs had been missed. "Thanks, Mom," he teased. 

A sigh followed, but agreed - they both needed to clean up and make an appearance. "Yeah. I'll see ya later." Letting her leave and closing the door behind her, he then turned to scan his apartment. For as much of a mess as they'd made last night, they'd done a good job at organizing once finished. Now...he was in dire need of a shower and clean clothes before he went in to work. 

Barely over a half hour later, he was already walking into the office, file folder in hand. His personnel reports were deposited on Barnes' desk with the assurance - after a stern reminder about how this investigation was taking him too long - that he would have an overall report of the Elite within the next twenty-four hours. 

Stopping by his desk in the work room to pick up a few things, he glanced over to Adison's space, hoping no one would notice how tired she looked today. If anybody got wind that he'd included her in any part of this investigation, it could mean their badges. He hadn't meant to directly disobey...he'd just felt that strongly about needing help. 

On his way out, he left two dollar bills on her desk with a sticky note that read, "This afternoon's coffee is on me." She was going to need it. 

Back to the Elite, it was Reese's office he aimed for. This was not going to be pleasant. But it had to be done. 

"Six-thirty?" Travis nodded. "I can handle that. Think maybe you could show me around this afternoon? If you're not too busy, I mean. I know you got work and school." 

Dylan trudged to the barn, his hands in his jacket pockets and his cowboy hat pulled low enough to hide half his face. He'd slept through his alarm, which always set him off with a bad pace to start the day. Coffee sounded like a good idea, but he would get chores done first, then go in when breakfast was on.

Getting into the barn, he couldn't help a bit of surprise at seeing Travis up and going already. He sure was recovering fast. At least he seemed to be making Ashlee smile more than she had been lately. Walking by them both, he didn't plan on saying anything, but then spotted the kitten. Pausing just past them, he glanced over his shoulder. "Rest of 'em are up in the loft," he commented. His eyes glanced to Ashlee. "Saw the mama cat move 'em last night."

As he continued his route, Travis grinned at Ashlee. "We should go find them - I bet this little one can't get back on her own and she's too small to survive down here." He looked around to find the hayloft opening, knowing full well he shouldn't try navigating a ladder yet, but...he could probably manage okay. "I'd hate if something happened to her when we could have helped rescue her."

Barely out of earshot, Dylan rolled his eyes and kept walking. Ashlee worked in the barn around the cats every day - it was nothing new. She wouldn't fall for that lame attempt at charm. He grabbed his pocket knife to open a bale of hay and start helping with the feeding. He had more important things to do than cuddle the kittens.

Six Thirty

Getting home Nate smiles at Laura as she ordered Garret down the hall.  She was very convincing and just simply put wonderful. Nodding he motioned for Garret to follow him as he heads down the hall way. Opening the door to the extra room it was warm and light, so much better than the dull Elite room. He just hopped Garret would be comfortable here.

   "Here you go. Just lay your things wherever in the room. This is your room for now so make youself at home. If you need anything give a yell. You know where the bathroom is. We will bring you some soup soon, that should help you feel a little warmer."

Leaving Garret to get comfortable Nate leaves the room and heads to the kitchen. Seeing Brian Nate picks him up from his highchair and continues to where Laura was. Leaning down and giving her a kiss he than places one on Brain's cheek before throwing him up in the air and catching him just listening to his laugh. He never tired of that.

    "Thank you for being wonderful Laura. I think this is what Garret will need, might be a challenge though. Rick things his head is harder than Carson's."

Going to the door with Kirk Adison laughs and shakes her head. Boy did her ever owe her, but she was get payment another day. Turning and looking at Kirk she can't help but laugh maybe a little louder than she should have.

Reaching out Adison brushes her finger across his cheek for a moment the smile still on her face. Brushing a few left over crumbs from the toast they had with the omelets. 

   "Now you owe me three, since I just saved you from looking like a doof."

Letting out a long sigh and squinting in the sunlight she finally moves out onto the porch. Today was going to be a long one but it had been well worth it. Not it was time to face work.

   "I guess I should head out and become acceptable for work before the boss starts to wonder. I'll see ya on the flip side."

Hearing Travis comment Ashlee perked up a little bit and a smile spreads across her lips. She felt needed, it made her feel good, and a small feeling welled inside of her. She wasn't really sure how to describe it, but it was like her heart had started to beat a little faster.

   "If you meet me here around six thirty I can show you the best seat in the house."

Continuing to pet the kitten and feeling Travis fingers Ashlee wasn't sure what to do other than continuing to pet the kitten. Letting her finger rub against his too. Looking up at Travis again she smiled. He just had something so comforting about him.