
In the midst of leather

Feeling someone shaking his shoulder is finally enough to rouse Justin. Then he hears Beth's voice and he realizes that he hasn't gotten anything done at all, and he hadn't even greeted her like he should have when she'd arrived. Way to go.

Something like a groan emerges as he rolls over onto his back and looks up at Beth sleepily. "Did you say something about supper?" he mumbles. Yawning, he puts his arms up over his head for a moment to stretch from his fingertips to his toes. Then blinking, he looks a little more clearly at her.

"Hi... and sorry," he apologizes, still drowsy. "I... guess I was more tired than I thought. Then I got all these phone calls that wore me out even more and... apparently my internal alarm clock needs new batteries."

He yawns again before grinning. "My house is a mess, my girls are gonna disown me for ignoring them all day and I don't even come to the door when you arrive... I'm really on my game today, aren't I?"

Tal's knuckles rap lightly on the open hood of the broken-down car to get Ryan's attention as she worked. He peeks around the hood towards the engine and smiles. "Didn't anybody ever teach you to take a lunch break?" She'd said the night before she wanted to do lunch today, so he'd come to the auto shop as soon as he'd been able to take a break. It was a little early, but not too early to eat.

"I'm driving and buying so you get to pick where we go."

Bret nods a little absentmindedly, watching as Nicholas gripped one of his fingers in his tiny fist. Con hadn't been against the idea of Nicholas being baptized, but Bret did remember how he'd explained that baptism was something a person made a decision about... it was the sign of a commitment to God that only an individual could make for themselves. So... a baby couldn't decide something like that - Nicholas wasn't old enough to make up his own mind yet. Con had explained how while there was nothing wrong with them baptizing him, it really had no purpose as far as Nicholas' soul was concerned.

So... in Bret's mind, there really wasn't much of a point, if what Con said about personal commitment was true. Nicholas would have to decide for himself once he knew right from wrong and all that... right? But that's where Bret and Charlotte were at. It felt almost scary for some reason, like he was just beginning to see they were standing on the edge of a cliff and could either fall or gain better footing. He furrows his brow a little as his mind swam with all of this information. He wasn't used to thinking about all these kinds of things. At least he had Charlotte to think through it with him - he couldn't imagine staying sane without her anymore.

Her voice brings him back around and he shifts his head to look up at her from the floor. A smile creases his lips. He was glad to hear she'd try it with him. This was new to both of them... it made him just a little excited to think they could investigate and learn at the same time. "Of course I want to do it with you And... maybe it'll be fun. I mean, at least we'll be with Con and Jamie and they're always fun, right?"

Feeling something wet on his finger he looks back to Nicholas to find his finger being sucked on. He smirks. "Sorry, Bud. You're not gonna find anything there." He chuckles, making Nicolas bounce on his stomach, which in turn makes Nicholas giggle.

Bret finally sits up and holds Nicholas close as he gets to his feet. Cradling him in one arm, he wanders over to Charlotte to lean in and give her a kiss. "I don't ever want to be without you either. If they have coins in Heaven, I wouldn't have anybody to flip them with... and that wouldn't feel like Heaven at all."

A squeal from Nicholas breaks the moment, as does his flailing hand that whacks Bret in the face. Bret grins and rolls his eyes. "I think somebody is just as hungry as I am."

Rocky gives a little wave as Michaela leaves, still smiling as he watches the taillights disappear down the street. What a strange night. It had been good, no doubt, and he'd enjoyed it. But it really had been out of the ordinary. He didn't think he minded though. Michaela seemed genuine and either she was an expert actress, or how she presented herself online was true to her real character... which was refreshing in a way. Maybe he'd made a new friend after all.

Turning to his own car, he finally gets in to drive home. He had to pick up a few things on the way, but soon he'd be home to fall into bed. He imagined Puzzle would be glad to see him after being left alone for a very long day.

Eric leans on one of the pasture fences, just looking out at some of the horses. It had been a couple days that he'd been back now, but he was still having a hard time settling in. Everybody knew now... about what had happened with Dana. He was embarrassed at the least, and ashamed at the most. Would this feeling ever go away?

Sighing, his thumbnail picks at a splinter in the fence rail board. He'd kept pretty much to himself the last day or so... hadn't socialized much. Maybe part of it was him trying to avoid Stacy. He'd intentionally avoided her and so far had gotten away without any further conversation with her, but he still didn't know if she'd ever recognized him or not. He was sure one of these days he'd find out. It looked like she was going to be here for a good long while and he'd have to interact at some point. Interaction wasn't his strong point right now though. He just felt... alone and useless.

Figuring maybe he could find something to do in the barn, he turns in that direction and starts to slowly walk. At least his leg was feeling better after Angel's care. That was one good thing.

A few minutes later, Eric was sitting in the tack room alone, oiling one of the saddles. This room had often been a haven for many weary souls... and today it was he who found shelter here in the midst of leather.


Good Idea

Hearing Bret Charlotte whipes her hands off and takes both plates in one hand with lunch and the bowl with Nicholas' in the other hand. Walking into the living room and setting the stuff down on the table Charlotte turns and looks down on Bret and the baby. A big smile spreads across her face. Sometimes it was hard to think of herself as a mother already. She'd always been on the move, leaving things to chance. But this small little boy, had changed so much for them...it was strange to think of it any other way.

"I don't see anything wrong with getting Nicholas baptized. I was kind of talking to Jamie the other day when I had to ask her a motherly question. I think it would be a good idea for him."

Sitting down next to Bret and Nicholas Charlotte reaches out and gives his chubby little cheek a soft punch as she makes some baby noises to him. As Bret goes on Charlotte sits back a little bit cocking her head and looking from Nicholas and than to Bret. She had almost lost Bret once it was hard to think about losing him again but he did have a good point. If something was to happen to them she would want to be able to see them again one day.

"I think...I'd like to go to church with you and Nicholas one week. To try it out and see whats its like. Con and Jamie seem to like it, so it can't be that bad."

She never really was one to think about faith and anything feather than knowing what was out there. But her grandmother had a strong faith and she remembered her talking about it. Now that she was older with a family of her own it did make her wonder what really was out there.

"I never want to think about not seeing you and Nicholas again some day. So if going to church and learning more about this is what it takes I am willing to try. As long as you try with me too."

Stopping at her car and looking over the top at Rocky Michaela smiles. She really was happy she came out after all. Tomorrow she would be a little tired for work but it was worth it. Getting out and meeting new people was always something nice.

"It was really good to see you in person again. Don't worry about being to strange, I am pretty strange myself."

Giving a small laugh and shaking her head Michaela gives a little wave as she gets into her car.

"I'll see ya online."

Eying the purse by the door on her way out Beth thinks quickly for a moment before pulling another napkin from her bag that had the same number on it and her name. Making sure no one was looking she slipped it into Lydia's bag. She didn't trust Jared and at least he wouldn't know about this one.

heading out and shutting the door behind her Beth makes her way to the car. She was going to be a little late now getting to Justin's but Beth felt like she at least accomplished something today even if it was a little. She wouldn't tell Justin what went on today...not yet. It might still upset him. She wait to see if Lydia called her first.

Getting to Justin's house and knowing on the door not hearing an answer Beth worried just a little. He was still trying to get over being sick did something happen? Trying the door and finding it unlocked Beth enters and closes it behind her.

"Justin? Are you here?"

Entering more and setting her purse down on the little table by the door Beth enters the living room. Walking over slowly to the couch she can still feel her heart race a little. She might be dealing with things well but still the sight of a body not moving put a little fear into her.

Sitting down on the edge of the couch and lays a hand on Justin's shoulder. Feeling him breathing in and out she relaxes a little and gives a small smile. Giving his shoulder a gentile shake.

"Justin...its Beth...want me to get started on making us dinner?"

Phone calls

Lydia forces a smile and nod to Beth, watching her leave and pointing her to the door. Sitting by herself for several long moments, she sighs. Listen to her heart? Unfortunately, what was in one's heart wasn't always what should be done. Even a heart could betray - emotions could cloud judgment... desires could cloud what God really wanted... No, a heart could be trusted many times, but not all the time. Lydia had learned long ago that following her heart was not always what should be done. Sometimes God had a different route in mind than her own heart. What about now though? What about today? What about Justin and Jared? Where was God in this? Who was right? But deep down... way deep down, Lydia knew the answers.

"She seemed nice."

Lydia jumps at Jared's comment. "Yes... yes, she was a very nice young lady." She slides off her chair and looks back at the counter where she'd been baking.

Jared spots the napkin with a number on it and he picks it up, looking at it skeptically. "What's this?"

Lydia turns to look over her shoulder. "Oh, Beth left me her telephone number in case I wanted to see her again. You know - just girl stuff."

"Mm-hm," Jared watches his mother for a moment until he's sure her back will stay turned for a while. Grabbing a pen, he modifies Beth's number, changing a 5 to a 6 and a 3 to an 8. "Well, I'm gonna go get that milk you needed. I'll be back in a jiffy."

The phone rings. Justin stirs. The phone rings again.

Justin cracks open his eyes, finding himself lying on his stomach on the couch, clutching a throw pillow. Hearing the phone for a third time, he fumbles on the end table to try and find it, eventually landing his fingers around the receiver. He had no idea how long he'd been asleep, and he was still not quite awake enough to figure out what time it was, or even what day it was. His answer to the phone comes as a groggy one. "Hello?"

"I'm sorry... is this Justin?" a female voice asks.

"Yeah... speaking."

"This is Pamela from Brookshire. Dr. Hawks thought I should call you. Scott Johnson had a bad spell this afternoon."

"Bad spell?" Justin tries to wake up. "What do you mean?"

"Dr. Hawks thought he was just trying too much on his own - those cards you left with him - the ones with the pictures? Jenny said Scott was getting frustrated with something and so he was trying really hard to retrieve some information or something. At any rate, he made himself sick and it took us a while to calm him down. You don't need to come, but we thought you should know."

Justin sighs. It had been a while since Scott had had a bad day like this. Most likely, he just pushed things too far on his own today. But he hadn't blacked out or zoned out, which was good. "Okay. Thanks, Pamela. I appreciate it."

Ending the call, he tries not to worry. A small setback - that was all. Tomorrow he'd talk to Scott and try to regain that ground... right?

It wasn't thirty seconds later that the phone was ringing once more. Still in a bit of a fog, he answers again. "Yeah?"

"Justin, it's Nichole." Her voice wad panicked and it was easy to tell she was crying. "Clark just left and I'm all alone and I don't know what to do!"

Justin closes his eyes and rolls onto his back while sighing. "Nichole, calm down."

"How can I be calm?! We've been married for three whole months! What am I supposed to do?!"

Justin rubs a hand over his face, still trying to wake up. "He'll be back."

"Not this time. He took all his stuff! He even took our radio - you know, the one with the cute little dogs that-"

"Then I guess he won't be back."

"Justin!" Nichole's voice was desperate as it wavers.

"What?" He finally opens his eyes and stares up at the ceiling. "I told you not to marry him. He left six weeks ago, too - I told you to let him go and all you did was be his best friend, leaving the door wide open for him to come back."

"But I thought he meant it that time!"

"And what did I tell you? I told you he'd do it again and you didn't listen." Justin didn't want to be heartless, but he'd tried to help Nichole before and she'd refused to listen. He'd given her advice, prompted her and tried to get her to see clearly, but she just wouldn't. "I'm sorry, Nichole, but I can't feel sympathy for you when you're doing this to yourself. If you want to stop these games, then you need to buck up and let that guy go." He didn't like divorce - he knew God didn't like divorce - but if Clark was going to keep being a jerk and leaving, then Nichole needed to let him. "Go get a lawyer and get this thing over and done before you waste too much more of your life."

"I can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Well because! He might change his mind! And it's only been three months!"

Justin moans. "Would you listen to yourself? How many times was Clark a jerk while you were dating him, hmm? You run off to Vegas and marry the guy, expecting him to be changed just because he got you a ring?" He flops one hand over his eyes, wondering how on earth he'd landed in this position. "I told you dating with him was unwise. I told you living with him before you were married was not only wrong, but stupid. I told you staying with him was unwise. Now you call me when he's gone, expecting me to feel sorry for you?"

Nichole sniffs. "I guess I was wrong about you." Anger was now inserted into her panic. "I thought I could trust you to at least be a shoulder."

Justin wasn't even going to bring up the conversation he'd stumbled on at Jack's - she hadn't thought he was worth anything then. And he wasn't even going to bring up all the guys she'd gone through besides Clark either. He just sighs. "Look... if I knew you were going to stop being Clark's friend and start getting your act together, I might feel differently. But right now, all I see is someone crying over a jerk. Quit crying, get a lawyer, clean up your act and start living the way you should."


Justin puts the phone in front of his face and stares at it. His eyes were still trying to adjust from being asleep. "Okay then. Be that way. I know you won't disown me. You never disown anybody. If you think I'll be hurt by you hanging up, then you can just think that." It was silly talking to no one, but at least it allowed him to vent.

Rolling over, he puts the phone aside before letting his head nestle into a pillow again. He needed to get up. He had things he needed to do. He needed to straighten up the living room and kitchen before Beth got here. He needed to feed the dogs. He needed to-

The phone rings again and he groans. Sitting up this time, he grabs the phone. "Hello?"

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Justin blinks at the irritated male voice. "Who is this?"

"Lane - who do you think? Nichole just called me and said you were treating her like dirt. Who do you think you are?!"

Justin holds the phone out a little to keep the yelling farther from his ear. "I'm someone that's honest?"

"Honest? She told me what you said. And you call Clark a jerk? You had no right to say those things to Nichole. Clark just left her and you expect her to not even be sad?"

"I never said that. I just gave her my opinion of the situation."

"Yeah, you always do, don't you? It's amazing that your opinion is always negative. No wonder you couldn't be a counselor - Nobody would pay a dime to hire someone like you."

Justin leans his elbows on his knees, his shoulders dropping in surrender. "What do you want?" he asks calmly.

"I want you to stop being a jerk and apologize to Nichole!"

"First, I'm not a jerk, and second, I have nothing to apologize for."

"Then consider this friendship over. I'm sorry, Justin, but you went too far this time."


Justin stares at the phone again. "Like our friendship wasn't already over? What is it with you and everybody else that thinks I forgot about you all talking behind my back? None of you have called me for weeks, and suddenly I'm the one getting lambasted for my honesty. Score one for real life."

The phone rings again.

Justin's eyes narrow. "You've got to be kidding me." He answers the call tersely. "What?"

"Um...Justin? It's Reese."

"Oh. Yeah. What's up?"

A conversation about Alec follows, with Reese asking Justin to approach Alec about the upcoming hearing. He explains his conversation with Angelica and the angle that they thought might help their case. Justin wasn't completely sold on the idea, but he promised he'd try to think up a strategy for when he came in tomorrow.

Eventually, Justin was lying on the couch again in the still quietness of the living room. No more ringing phone. Thank goodness. Some days he thought he was getting somewhere. And other days, he just felt like he was swimming in mud. Why couldn't he just back up several months and start a few things over?

His eyes droop.

He needed to clean for Beth... needed to feed the dogs... needed to...

Sleep wouldn't take no for an answer.

Looking to his side at Michaela, Rocky smiles, and for a moment, he doesn't say anything at all. "Yeah... I'm glad I got to meet you too..." Getting bumped in the elbow, he looks over to see Carson waiting to see what he wanted to drink and giving him a teasing look.

And that's how most of the evening went. Conversations and laughter bounced back and forth from one end of the table to the other with pizza in between. Carson takes a seat for just a little while to enjoy the interaction before he has to get back to the kitchen. It got late, but he never complained - groups like these made the long, boring days worthwhile.

As the group begins to disperse, Rocky finds himself out on the dimly lit sidewalk, ambling very slowly towards his car. Glancing over at Michaela, he stops, another smile coming to his lips. "It was nice of you to come tonight." He nods. "I guess not too many people would have... as crazy as I am online sometimes." He chuckles. "I, um... guess I'll see ya back in the chatroom sometime, huh?"

Bret lay on his stomach on the living room floor, his chin resting on his hands as he watched Nicholas try to roll over, gurgling and drooling as he went. Bret's mouth was upturned into a little smile, perfectly content to have time some off from the track to spend at home.

Things had been going well - so well that Bret almost feared something was waiting around the corner to happen, but so far, life had been smooth. He kept busy at the track, sometimes racing, sometimes taking care of the stock cars - always griping about something or someone around there, but never wishing he were working somewhere else. He got to hang out with the guys every once in a while when Charlotte didn't mind an evening alone, and they both did things with Con and Jamie every so often too - usually dinner or a movie and always having a fun time with them.

There was just one thing that had been bugging Bret lately though. He wasn't really sure why. But perhaps that was simply because he was unaware of the prayers going up for him every day. If he knew of those, he might understand better why the tug on his heart had increased.

Really, it had started clear back when Brandon had died from the cave-in at the construction site. He'd had several long talks with Con at that point, but after not taking any action, the thoughts had dwindled and he'd never done anything about it. Ever since then though, that small little seed had been trying to grow, tucked away in the dark corners of Bret's heart.

Watching Nicholas now, he would never be able to say there was no God. This little life in front of him... he never could deny there was an Intelligent Maker in charge of all this. This child... he could never have just happened by coincidence. One could see both Bret and Charlotte in the baby's face... an amazing workmanship. All of that just made Bret's apprehensions grow stronger.

"Hey, Charlotte?" He knew she was nearby in the kitchen, and he doesn't get up, just staying where he was on the floor. "I was talking to Con the other day... I asked him if we should have Nicholas baptized, ya know? I mean, it seemed the thing to do and all."

Furrowing his brow, he thinks, mulling over all the information in his head. "He said God takes care of all children and there was no worry there... that if anything happened, Nicholas would be fine." It was a comforting thought. Bret had never had much to do with church, so he didn't know. He knew people had babies christened or baptized all the time, whether they were really religious or not. But Con had a differed perspective... and it did make a little more sense.

Bret scrunches up his nose as Nicholas had scooted close enough to finger his face. "But he said it was the adults who had the responsibility to follow God... I mean, once they figure out right and wrong and stuff like that."

Rolling over onto his back, he picks up Nicholas and holds him up high making him giggle. Bret smiles and sets him down on his stomach, holding him so he didn't topple over. "I don't know..." He shrugs. "I guess I wondered if maybe you would be okay with going to church once with Con and Jamie or something." He and Charlotte rarely talked about religion. They mentioned God every once in a while and they both agreed they liked it when they were out with Con and Jamie and they prayed at meals. But that was about it. He wasn't sure if she would agree to church or not.

"I mean..." His smile fades, his expression turning into a much more thoughtful one as he stares at Nicholas. "Heaven forbid something happen to Nicholas but... but if it did and... and he went to be with God... and something happened to me and I didn't know God, well... I'd never see him again. We'd never see him again." It was a startling thought, and one that Bret didn't like at all. "Sounds kinda morbid but... I don't know. You wanna try it with me? The church thing? Maybe learn a little more?"


Even better

Beth gives a smile to Lydia as she finishes off the last sip of her tea. Even if she didn't know what to think right now at least Beth had come, and if it caused her to think, than that was at lease part of her goal.

"Well, I can't tell you who to believe and who not to. I'm a stranger who came here simply because she is seeing her friend hurting. Believe whats in your heart because you can never go wrong with that. "

Standing and walking to the sink to rinse her glass out and set it down Beth than goes to the little garbage can to throw her napkin out. Coming back to the counter she stands there for a long moment before finally taking her purse and putting it up on her shoulder.

"I guess I probably should get going. Thank you so much for talking with my Lydia. I look forward to doing it again."

Giving a smile and a gentile pat to her hand Beth heads out of the kitchen and trying to remember her way to the front door.

Standing too as Reese gets up to leave Angelica is a bit surprised as he comes back but not telling him no either. Letting her hand come up to cradle his face she returns the kiss. Pulling away and looking deep into his eyes Angelica gives a small shake of her head before leaning her head agasnt his.

"It's a deal. Dinner tonight...no matter the time sounds perfect to me."

Angelica couldn't remember what it was like before Reese either other than she had been very lonely. Reese had changed many things for her and now life without him just didn't seem the same. Life just seemed complete now.

Entering Mom and Pop's Michaela had been there once before with some of the kids she tutored. They seemed to like it and it was a nice layed back place that was quiet most of the time. Except for tonight. Sitting down next to Rocky and looking around the table she could tell this would be one of the more loud nights. Not that she minded the energy was enough to keep anyone going.

Giving a smile and looking at all the faces once again trying to remember names to go with the faces and who was with who. Finally coming back to Rocky again she can't help but laugh a little bit. She really was thankful she had gone to the concert tonight.

"Thank you for inviting me. Watching everything...its...peaceful to see how everyone gets along. Getting to meet you was even better."



Lydia wasn't often left speechless, but what Beth had to say left her eyes slightly wide and her mouth silent for some very long moments. The look in her eye was one of confusion - who did she believe? She'd heard everything from Jared, and now this young woman was challenging all of that. Who was telling the truth?

Looking down at the number on the napkin, Lydia just stares at it before looking back up at Beth. "Thank you. I... don't get out much, but I appreciate the offer."

Furrowing her brow, she thinks. "I don't know who is right... or who is telling the truth... or why you even really came here today. But maybe... maybe it's time for a change." She smiles a little. "You seem like a very nice young lady. And I always enjoy seeing another face. Thank you for coming."

Reese nods and stands from his chair. "Agreed. I'm going to go give Brown a call and try to get him to postpone anything he can. And... I'm going to call Justin to do the talking to Alec - he hasn't gotten very far, but he's gotten farther than anyone else around here. I can't think of anything else we can do at this point."

He aims for the door, but then stops, turns around and cocks his head at Angelica. A little grin appears. "I can't remember what it was like before I had you to brainstorm with." Taking a step closer to her, he leans in and gives her lips a tender kiss. "Dinner. Tonight. Just you and me. No matter how late we work. Deal?"

Rocky was surprised Michaela took him up on his offer, but he was glad she did. How else was he supposed to get to know her? He was even more surprised, though, when she offered to help out.

"Um... yeah. Yeah, sure." He leans over and tugs at a cord that had been duct taped to the stage to keep anyone from tripping over it. "You can pull up this tape if you want and we can get these cords put away."

With as many hands as the band had working, it really didn't take long to have everything packed up and ready to go. Rocky made sure to introduce Michaela to the others, simply saying she was a friend he'd met recently and that she'd decided to come check out the band tonight. Everyone was as nice as always - any friend of Rocky's was a friend of theirs. And soon, Mom and Pop's was filled with chatter and laughter.

Pushing tables together and making more room, it's a bit chaotic but no one really cares. Carson let them figure out where they all wanted to sit and at one point, Logan and Phil played tug-o-war with one of the tables, but eventually an order for pizza was hollered out and the soda pop arrived.

Rocky glances in Michaela's direction and gestures to two chairs at the end of one of the tables, inviting her to sit next to him. "You can sit with me," he offers.


As Jared comes around to her and lays a hand on her shoulder Beth gives a little shake as a cold chill ran down her spine. His words seemed to cut like ice though they didn't make her feel like backing down even if it make her nervous just a little bit. Watching as Jared leaves Beth turns her attachen back to Lydia and smile sweetly with a thanks.

"Now you get to share your baking with loved ones, and spread your gifts in other ways. I think thats wonderful and maybe your food tastes even better because its made with love. My mother all ways told me that was the main ingredient."

Taking another but of the cookie and a sip of the tea Beth was quiet again for a moment. Just listing to Lydia talk again. Hearing her talk about Justin and seeing the glint of sadness in her eyes that told Beth she really did miss Justin. Leaning on the counter to be a little closer Beth folds her hands and thinks for a moment before talking. She had to choose her words wisely.

" Lydia, you were never a burden to your son. He talked about helping you all the time and about how much he loved it. Justin like helping you, shopping for you and most of all coming here to spend time with you. Where ever you heard that Justin said this they are mistaken because he didn't."

Beth search's her face for a long moment. She new it was Jared who had said that about Justin but she wasnt about to call him a lier in front of Lydia. Specialty when ears could be listing.

"As far as Justin punching his brother..something must have provoked him. Justin is one of the most gentiles people I know. He knows he was wrong still though and feels horrible about it. He really does, and he really does miss you alot."

Looking over her shoulder for a moment at a sound and than back to Lydia she wondered if she could feel that maybe Jared was using or at least manipulating what she though. Beth couldn't help but think things might be a little different talking if they were away from Jared.

Pulling out a pen from her purse and taking a napkin Beth jots down her number with her name. Sliding it across the table to Lydia she smiles.

"In case you'd every like to get out and do something. Maybe go to lunch just you and me. You remind me of my mother in a way, and thats something...I haven't felt in a while."

Better this way

Told to hush, Jared's one eyebrow rises and his head tilts, able to say, "Excuse me?" without verbalizing it. His shoulders square more as he looks at Beth, a grin of amusement creasing his lips.

Lydia is a little surprised as well, but no offense was taken on her part. Instead, she almost seems glad that Beth had the guts to tell Jared to be quiet. Happy that she took the offer for something to eat and drink, she hurries to the refrigerator for the tea and quickly gathers some cookies on a plate to offer to her guest. All the while, Jared just watches, remaining silent and analyzing the situation. Beth was speaking pretty highly of Justin - which wasn't unusual... people usually liked Justin, even if he did have some strange quirks.

Before Lydia is quite finished getting the little snack, Jared walks past the counter where Beth was sitting, and puts a hand on her shoulder. He leans down closer to her ear to speak quietly enough that Lydia couldn't hear him. "Justin won't win. I'm too good at these games." Without giving her time to respond, he slips away into the adjoining room. He couldn't be seen, but that didn't mean he wasn't listening.

Once Beth was given the tea and cookies and Lydia takes her own high seat across from her, Beth's compliment brings a new smile to her face as she beams. "I have cooked all my life - ever since I was a little girl. I always dreamed of opening my own bakery or restaurant but..." She shrugs and still smiles. "God wanted me to be a mother and stay at home with my boys. So I did. Then when I was on my own after my husband died, I didn't have many choices."

She had gotten her own tea and takes a sip before cocking her head at Beth. She bites her lip, unsure how to revert back to the other topic. "So... so Justin, he's... he's okay then? I was so used to seeing him or talking to him almost every day. I miss him but... but when he hit Jared... it changed things. And... and I found out he really didn't want to be so responsible for me anymore. So... maybe things are better this way. I never meant to be a burden to him."

Please Hush

Beth looks to Lydia and than to Jared as she searches his face. There was something there, something she could see but putting her finger on it was hard and finding the words to describe it were even harder. Beth could feel a small burst of courage inside her where it came from she herself couldn't even figure it out. Maybe it was the acusations that Jared threw at her about Justin. No matter though she kept calm.

"Maybe Lydia should make the desition if she is ready or not herself. I hear you saying tell Justin this and that for your mother but she's not saying it. So if you don't mind please hush so I can talk with your mother and not you."

Looking back to Lydia Beth gives another smile her eyes were calm, even a little timid. It took alot for her to come here and she had to put alot of feelings aside to do so. She didn't want to leave with out at lease having Justin's mom understand. She new a little bit about what Justin had told her about Jared and Beth couldn't help but feel as though he was doing all the desition making for Lydia and not her herself.

Hearing the offer of tea and some cookies Beth wasn't all that hungry but this was a good opportunity to stay and not be forced to leave yet. She couldn't turn up the opportunity. Giving a smile and a small nod Beth sits a little straighter.

"Some ice tea sounds great, and I'd love to try your cookies. Justin always told me about how good of a cook you are. Now I can tell for myself but I have no doubt that what he says it true and you are. Even if you are his mother I doubt he would lie at all about you."

Looking around the kitchen and taking everything in again Beth could always pin point everything that she could see the same here that was in Justin's house too. He got his sense of style from he mother that was for sure. Everything was so neat though, and organized well.

"Justin's really a good guy. I think you raised a really good son Lydia. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be standing here today. He helped me break out of my shell and show me there is so much in life, and I had everything to live for. Before that I just moved through my days like a zombie. He's really good at his job and he loves to help people, even if he does have some faults, we all do that seem to come out more when taunted or prompted."

Taking the cookie that was placed in front of her Beth gives another smile and takes a bit of the cookie. It almost seemed to melt in her mouth it was so soft, and lots of flavor. Now she new what Justin had said was the truth and where he got his ability to cook.

"Oh wow, this is really good. I think its even better than the cookies my mom use to make."

Leaning forward again at her desk Angelica thinks for another moment about what Reese had said. Maybe if they could get Alec to think about the others that he cared about and how this might jeopardize them as well.

"I think...there is still part of him who cares very much for those he loves or else he wouldn't have told Dalton to make sure they were safe. I think we could use any of them Gage, Misty, Ryan, or anyone else he named he would definitely go along with it."

Looking down at her desk and the paper work along with the notes she had gotten from Reese, Justin, and Dalton on what Alec told them it was clear that he was messed up, and maybe wanted to be where he was but the good Alec was not gone.

"Alec might have going to the bad side again, but that doesn't mean the good doesn't exists in the dark corner. We just need to pull it out...kicking and screaming if we have too."

Giving a little laugh Michaela looks around the strage for a moment as everyone was working. They all looked content still even if cleaning up might not be the best thing but they were having fun.

Looking back at Rocky she cocks her head for a moment searching his face. It might have been silly to come here but she was happy she had. There was a light about him, a peace in his eyes something she had been searching in a friend for a long time.

"How can someone ever turn down pizza? I might not know everyone but I am pretty good at just fitting in. I'd like to go to pizza with you."

Setting her bag down on the stage and hopping up on the edge before standing again Michaela brings her hands to her side and taps a little bit. Maybe she could help? With what she wasn't sure but maybe she could do something.

"Need help with anything?"



Remaining in the kitchen as Beth starts to talk, Jared moves around to the other counter to steal a slice of celery and chew on it. He leans back against the counter and folds one arm, cocking his head as he listens.

Lydia also listens intently, her eyes going wide as she hears that Justin had been so sick. Her mouth opens slightly, her face paling just enough to be noticed. She searches Beth's face as if trying to know for sure if this all was the truth.

As the topic moves on, Jared stiffens. He looks towards his mother, then back at Beth and steps forward to come up behind Lydia.

Tears glisten in Lydia's eyes and she wrings the towel in her hand. "Justin was always such a good boy." She smiles as she struggles to maintain her composure. "I...I just... do you think he-"

Jared sets a hand on her shoulder and looks directly at Beth. "I'm sorry but... I'm really not sure what my brother has told you. He displayed a blatant act of violence that has caused fear in this house, and that's not something that this family tolerates. I'm living here now to care for our mother, so Justin is no longer needed."

Lydia's eyes drop and she nods numbly. "I thank you for letting me know he was sick," she thanks Beth meekly. "Maybe sometime I can-"

"You can tell Justin that his mother is not ready to see him," Jared intervenes. His tone was firm, but very calm and almost gentle. "When someone does something like he did, it doesn't just go away. I don't know your relationship with him, but I hope he hasn't taken his anger out on you at all, and if he has, I'd advise keeping your distance." He slides his arm around both of Lydia's shoulders. "Thank you for coming though, Beth. It was very thoughtful of you."

Lydia swallows hard and finally look back up at Beth again. "Do you want something to eat? I just made some cookies last night. Or a glass of iced tea?"

Jared tenses, but lets it go, forcing a new smile. "No one ever goes hungry around here," he muses.

Rocky grins at Michaela's compliment, though his cheeks flush just slightly. "I'm not too sure Puzzle likes my singing, but I'm glad somebody does."

Just looking at Michaela for a moment, he can't help but notice how she was even prettier than her online photo. Part of him felt rather silly for having met someone - a woman - online, but part of him didn't see anything wrong with it either, and if he had trouble making friends otherwise, why not?

"I'm glad you decided to come. Though I must admit I was all prepared to leave some razzing comment on your web page about not showing up." His smile widens again as a teasing glint enters his eye. "I was-" His words are cut short as he is suddenly beaned in the head from behind by a half roll of duct tape. Flinching, then blinking, he turns around to see Max staring innocently at the ceiling. Rocky smirks and picks up the roll of tape before looking back at Michaela. "And this is how the band shows their love for me. Little does Max know that this duct tape just might end up haunting him when he least expects it."

Shaking his head, he tosses the tape into a nearby bin that was ready to be taken out. Turning to Michaela again, he's quiet once more as if hesitating to say something. "Um... the band and a few friends are going to Mom and Pop's for some late night pizza..." He bites his lip, almost cringing. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, and I'd understand if that would be a little much since you don't know us but... you're more than welcome to come." His mouth upturns again. "And hey, then you could always say you got to socialize with Cryptic."

Quinn smiles and swings Anastasia's hand as he starts to walk again. "Stargazing with my girl sounds fantastic. You always have the good ideas."

Getting to the car, he opens the door for her. "But lets stop on the way for some munchies. Gotta have munchies." In truth, a distraction was what he was looking for right now. The conversation with Phil had been great - but the conversation with Axel was what was lingering in his mind. It hadn't gone badly... but it still felt so very awkward. He wondered if that would ever go away. Tonight... all he wanted to do was relax and stop thinking so much.

Reese is quiet for a few minutes, digesting Angelica's ideas. "I'm not sure how well the judge would take a testimony from Alec's ex-girlfriend. I'd hate to put Ryan through that too - if she'd even be willing after the stunt he pulled. But... maybe that's an ace we can keep up our sleeve if nothing else works."

He rubs his chin thoughtfully. "A way to show his softer side, huh? I think you're right. What if..." He pauses, still trying to organize his thoughts. "What if Alec knew that other people's futures were riding on this? I mean... if he really does have a softer side and the Alec we knew before really did exist and still exists. What if he knew that if he got sent to prison, that this program would fall apart and people like Gage would end up behind bars too without any chance at all? And I'm not thinking he's going to change because of that information, but he might at least act the part for the judge, for no other reason than to let others have freedom. I don't know." He shrugs lamely. "Do you think enough of his heart still exists that he might behave for someone else's sake?"



Going into the kitchen and seeing Lydia Beth can't help but smile just a little more. Justin really did look like his mother where Jared didn't that much so she could only guess He was more like his father. Sitting down on one of the island chairs Beth sits and folds her hands in her lap. Doing her best not to wring her fingers because she was nervous she looks around the big kitchen for a moment before looking to Jared. Should she ask him to leave or would he no start anything?

"My name is Beth Parker. I know you don't know me...and maybe...maybe I shouldn't even be here. But I'm a friend of your son Justin. I just came today because I wanted to let you know Justin was pretty sick recently. For a little bit there I was pretty worried about him. He's not one hundred percent but He's getting stronger with each day again."

Looking back to Lydia Beth couldn't help but be nervous a little bit. She wanted her to take everything she said good and at least not freak out but it was something unknown and it was scary to her. This wasn't her own ground anything could happen but Beth had to be strong. She just wanted to help her friend like he helped her.

"I just wanted to say that he really miss you too. He told me he miss helping you around the house and going to the store. He always loved helping you with the odd jobs around the house. When I saw him he would always talk about how he helped you and was able to see you smile. I guess I am here to tell you that he loves you and he's sorry since he can't tell you himself and he doesn't know I am here at all. I came on my own, I just though you should know was all."

Seeing Rocky look up and give a big smile Michaela can't help but return the wide smile. From the reaction alone she new this had to be Rocky and she was happy she'd stayed after all. Not only did he look alot cuter than his pic online but it was always nice to get to know a new friend.

"Hi Rocky, I am Michaela White."

Giving his hand a firm shake she could feel her own tension letting up a little bit. She's talked to Rocky before even if it was just online, the only part that had tension was actuality meeting him and now the rest was a cake walk.

"You guys did really great tonight. I'm happy I ended up coming. You have a really nice voice too. I bet Puzzle enjoys hearing you sing at home."

Just standing next to Quinn for a long moment Anastasia looks up at the sky too. It was nice to be under the night sky. It felt like they were free and nothing else mattered. Even if the city light seemed to drowned them out just a little bit. Looking back at Quinn she smiles.

"It doesn't have to end yet. If you want to come over we could sit out in the back yard and look at the stars a little bit longer. I think my Uncle is out with his girlfriend so you don't have to worry about him bothering us."

Anastasia loved being able to spend time with Quinn. Her Uncle was starting to warm up to him a little bit too. Though he still kept his eagle eye out, he'd been a little busy with his new interest so she was kind happy about that. Having some alone time with Quinn was always nice.

Leaning back in her chair and thinking for a long moment Angelica taps her pen on the desk a little bit thinking. She new where Reese was coming from in keeping Alec out of jail but at this point it was hard. His attitude was bad and she even wondered if he would cooperate in court. If not than it would go south very quickly.

"I think sticking with his original story would be the best key but without proof he had changed before this its going to be hard. If there was a way we had some proof, a witness or evidence. Do you think Ryan would come in and answer some questions in court about how Alec changed?"

Angelica new this case was going to be hard. How did you convince people someone had changed when in didn't reflect it anymore. If only people could see what they saw, and understand how they understood it would make it so much easier.

"Well, I think maybe we can see if Hal can look through some old video's and see if we can catch anything Alec might of done that way. See if Ryan will come in, and than try to form a plan. There might be a way while at court we can get him to show his softer side. If we can get him upset or use the people he loves him how."

What to do

Jared cocks his head, trying to figure out why Beth wanted to see Lydia. Was she selling something? Was she from Lydia's church? Was she asking for something? He couldn't tell.

"She's home," he confirms. He stands for another moment or two, sizing her up before he moves to the side with another smile. "Come on in." Bringing Beth inside, he leads hr back to the kitchen. "Mom? This is Beth... she said she wanted to talk to you."

Lydia turns from the counter again while wiping her hands on her apron. Her expression is one of surprise, but not annoyance. On the contrary, she loved visitors, so that alone brings a welcoming smile to her face. "Hello, Beth." She gestures to the tall chairs at the kitchen island. "Please, sit, sit. What can I do for you?"

Lost in thought again, Rocky kneels next to one of the boxes and doesn't see anyone approaching. Hearing a female voice though, his head snaps up. Hearing the words, he just blinks for a moment, almost wondering if he'd heard correctly. What on earth... and who on earth... Then the recognition flashes in his eyes. Michaela.

Rocky's smile spreads slowly until it was from ear to ear. Rising to his feet, his eyes twinkle with humor and the pleasure he felt that she had actually shown up. "No, I haven't found my marbles. I do think they rolled out the door and... maybe you're rhyming because a few of your marbles are gone too?"

A soft laugh makes his eyes twinkle even more. Closing the gap between them, he extends his hand. "I'm Rocky Sanders... You must be Michaela."

Quinn smiles his thanks to Anastasia, then gives Axel one last look before walking away and heading in Phil's direction. He would meet Phil... be given a chance to audition the following day, and they would be in touch about him temporarily taking Jason's place as JetStream's lead vocalist. It all seems to go by quite fast, and soon, Quinn is walking beside Anastasia to his car in the parking lot.

He takes a deep breath of the night air and looks up to try and find a few stars beyond the city lights. "Mmm... it's a nice night out," he muses. "I almost hate for it to end."

Watching Quinn walk away, Axel tries to get his mind back on his work, but it was hard. Tossing the extension cord into one of the trunks, he sighs and just stares at it for several moments. Finally, he wanders back down to the sound booth to take it all down.

Trying to keep his focus on task, he fiddles with all the parts and pieces, only to have his hand start to go numb. It didn't do that often anymore - usually just when he'd used it a lot during the day, and today he had, plus stress. He'd questioned Misty about it and she'd said it was normal to have a bad day every now and again, just like with any injury. The main thing was that he still had use of his hand and if he experienced pain or numbness every once in a while, the positives far outweighed any discomfort.

Rubbing his hand, he sighs. He pauses his work, forgetting that Jess was nearby. Maybe Quinn's visit bothered him more than he wanted to admit. There was so much unresolved... Would they ever be able to meet without the awkward pauses and the distrust? He wondered.

"Brown is waiting for me to call him back... We're supposed to take Alec down for a meeting." Reese sighs deeply and sinks down further into the chair in Angelica's office. "The prosecutor is breathing down his neck... he thinks Alec ought to just be locked away... the judge could give a flying flip about the whole thing..."

His eyes rise to meet Angelica. "I don't know why I want to keep Alec out of prison. I just do. Petty criminals, murderers and thieves should be put away - I'll agree to that. But people like Gage... Carson... even people like Phinox, Ryder and Misty... where would we be if we'd decided to lock them all away? I just... people who have been stuck in the Agency... they're different."

Reese sighs again, this time in frustration. "Other people wouldn't agree with me. They'd say they're just like any other criminals. But if they knew what the Agency was like... if they knew about the brainwashing and manipulation... It's not like some street gang that says stay or die. It's more than that. And Alec... he's a handful right now. But I saw a change... I did... we all did. And if we can't convince Brown and the judge that the change was there, they're gonna kill the whole program and no Agency victim will ever be saved again."

His eyes are desperate as he looks at Angelica. "I don't know what to do. The best thing Alec has going for him is his original intention - saving lives of people he cared about. But I don't think that's gonna be enough for the judge."


I know

Slipping out before she could have a chance to be seen Michaela doesn't walk to her car right away. She felt silly being so nervous about something like this. It was just like meeting a new friend anywhere else, but this was the first time she'd ever met someone from online. What if it didn't work out, what if that wasn't really Rocky?

Michaela new it was silly to think of all this stuff. Worst that could happen is it wasn't really Rocky and she walked away. There were other people here too so its not like she had to worry about much else happening.

Going back inside and walking along the back wall and around to the front of the stage she just stood there for a long moment watching Rocky work. Finally though she clears her throat a little before giving a friendly smile.

"Have you found your marbles there on the floor? I really hope they didn't roll out this door! I didn't see them as I was coming in, but you see marbles can be a tricky thing. Why on earth am I singing again?"

Standing with Quinn as he talked to his brother Anastasia just remained quiet and listened. For this being the first conversation after everything had gone down they were really both doing a good job. Even if there was a little bit of awkwardness that really was a normal thing. As the introduction goes out Anastasia gives a smile to Axel and a nod.

"Hi Axel, Its very nice to meet you."

She holds her smiles as she keeps a hold of Quinn's hand with her own. She could tell when the tension was growing and lowering by the grip he held on her. Though she would never complain it just told her how he was feeling without saying it.

Once the conversation was over Anastasia looks to Quinn and gives a small nod. She didn't mind going with him while he talked to Phil. She was always interested in what was going on and knowing what would be happening in her boyfriends like was important.

"Of course I'll go with you. I wouldn't miss it for anything."

Stacy gives a small nod as to Mick looking back to him after watching Eric walk out the door. She new...there was something about him that she new. But where and why couldn't she remember? She was good with remembering people but for some reason Eric just...

Stopping short Stacy looks to the door again before going to the window and looking out. Seeing the truck that was still parked in the drive way it comes back to her. Eric was the same guy on the highway speeding she pulled over that had coped an attitude. Great....now she had to try and live here with him?

Stacy was she he wouldn't cause any trouble but would it be slightly awkward. She was a professional though and she would continue to act as one. Now she only hoped that Eric wouldn't give her any trouble.

As the door opens and Beth comes face to face with who she could only guess was Justin's brother she shifts her weight for a moment. She hadn't expected him to be here, and now that she was having to talk to him she could feel her hands go kind of clammy.

"Is Lydia Hawks home? My name is Beth Parker and I just wanted to talk to her for a few moments if that was ok."

Beth does her best to smile at Jared even though she felt a little uncomfortable. Hearing him be so enthused to know who she was made her a little nervous. but she did her best to hide it away for now.


Hearing someone at the door, Lydia gives a little cry of dismay, turning from the counter with flour all over her hands. "Jared? Jared, can you see who is here?"

"Yeah, okay." Jared wanders from the living room and to the door. He opens it but stops short, his eyebrows rising at seeing the visitor. "Well, hello. Can I... help you?"

"Who is it?" Lydia calls from the kitchen.

"I don't know yet," Jared answers over his shoulder. A grin creases his lips as he looks back at Beth. "But she's a very pretty young woman whose name I'm dying to know."

Ashlee's little teasing makes one of Eric's eyebrows quirk, but a crooked grin accompanies it. His gaze remains on her for several moments, looking beyond the silly glint in her eye. There was something about her. Something... special.

Glancing back to Stacy as she talks, he nods. "Yeah... and who better to take the job than a cop with sharp eyes? If anybody tries to run, I'm sure you're just the person to pull them over."

Mick gives him a sidelong glance. He'd never told Eric that Stacy had been with the police.

Eric shifts his weight off is sore leg and looks to the door. "I, um... gotta go. Nice to meet you two. I'm sure I'll see you around."

Mick watches as Eric leaves, then looks back to Stacy and Ashlee. "He's... been through a lot lately." Maybe that would explain his odd behavior. Or maybe not. But it was all Mick could think of to say.

The concert plays on until the last notes finally die away and the band bids the audience goodnight with a thanks for being there. The crowd begins to disperse and with the lights on, everything is much easier to see, though the noise continues as a wave of conversations and background music that plays through the speakers.

Quinn stands and glances around, though doesn't follow the crowd out. Instead, his eyes go to the doors to the stage where the band was already starting to clean up and pack up. There were a few security people wandering around - looking just official enough to keep anyone from trying to bother the band, but it was nothing unapproachable. A few other people had already been let through... Quinn thought he recognized them from another band, JetStream.

He looks to Anastasia then back to the stage again, then back to her. "I... think I'd like to stick around for just a few minutes, if that's okay." He didn't need to tell her why... she would know. Taking her hand, he prompts her to come with him so he wouldn't just be leaving her stranded.

Axel is coiling up some extension cords on the stage when his eye catches someone being let through by the security. Looking in that direction, he pauses his work. He was a bit surprised to see Quinn. His brother had come to listen to the concert? Interesting. Axel guessed he wasn't even sure if Quinn was still in town, but apparently he really had stuck around.

Quinn approaches a bit hesitantly, still with Anastasia's hand in his. He gives Axel a little wave. "Hi."

"Hi." Axel continues coiling the extension cord around his arm. "Been here all evening?"

"Yeah. Good music. You guys all sound really good. Thought it was neat how you sang part of the time too, while still running sound. Still got a good voice."

"Hmm." Axel nods a little and waits as an awkward pause follows. "You, um... want something?"

Quin swallows hard and his fingers fiddle a little with Anastasia's. "No, I just, um..." What did he really want? He still wasn't completely sure of his brother's innocence, and he didn't know what was supposed to happen between them now. "This, um... this is Anastasia." He pulls her a little closer. "She's... a pretty important person in my life. Anastasia, this is Axel... my brother."

Axel gives Anastasia a nod and a small smile. She seemed nice enough. He was a little surprised his brother had a girl from around here, but maybe she was connected to the fairytale he'd mentioned when they'd first seen each other. "Hi, Anastasia. Nice to meet you."

Quinn manages his own little smile, but doesn't know what else to say.

Axel swallows and fingers the cord in his hands. He looks down a moment, then back up again. Was this an opportunity for Quinn to get him into trouble? Or was this an opportunity from God to keep trying to mend a relationship? He clears his throat. "You... got any gigs lately?"

"Just... a few little ones. Coffee shop type deals. Enough to help me buy a few groceries, but that's about it."

"Ah." Axel's mind begins to work and he looks over to where Phil was talking with Logan. "You... might want to talk to Phil over there. He's with JetStream. They don't make much either but their lead singer's having some health issues... they may need someone to fill in for a little while."

Quinn raises his eyebrows. Money or not, singing with a band could be fun and might help him get his name out there, locally at least. "Thanks... I might do that."

Axel finishes coiling up his cord but still stands for a few moments, not knowing now what else should happen. Did Quinn want more? Was he ready to try and talk some more? "So... since you're still in town..." He shrugs. "...You wanna get together or something sometime?"

Quinn's stomach gives a little lurch and he doesn't realize that his grip had tightened around Anastasia's hand. "Um... I... it, um..."

Axel forces a sorry type of smile. "It's okay. I'm sure hanging out with someone like me wouldn't do much for the image."

"It's not that," Quinn responds quickly. "I just..." He sighs. "Okay. How about if I stop by the auto shop sometime and... we do lunch?"

Axel couldn't help the surprise in his eyes. Was this as setup? Or a genuine offer? He didn't like the risk, but there was only one way to find out what Quinn's intentions were. "Okay. I do lunch with my girlfriend a lot but... if you call the shop first and set up a day, that would work."

"Okay." Quinn takes a deep breath, feeling that this conversation had gone about as far as it could. He glances to Anastasia. "Want to come talk to Phil with me?"

Rocky helps Max load some of the equipment into the pickup's trailer then goes back inside to pack some cords in boxes. Kneeling in front of a tote, he finds cords and some extra mics that he puts in their right places.

"Think fast!"

Rocky looks up just in time to see Taylor toss him a roll of duct tape. He catches it before it bonks him in the head and he smirks at her. "Thanks. One of these days you're gonna kills somebody."

"Me?" Taylor's jaw drops. "Never! Especially not you. You're too nice. I might not warn Joel though."

"Your own cousin? I'm shocked." Rocky grins and packs away the tape. "Anybody call Mom and Pop's yet?"

"I did!" Max hollers at them. "Carson said he can handle us tonight."

"Ha!" Rocky scoffs. "Nobody could ever be ready for this rowdy bunch." His eyes roam out beyond the stage to where there was hardly anybody left, and a janitor was already starting to clean. He couldn't help but wonder if there had been a new pair of eyes here tonight. It wasn't like him to meet someone online, let alone actually want to meet them in person... but he did wonder if Michaela had come tonight.


A new day

Looking over at Quinn and giving a smile Anastasia tightens her grip in his for a moment before letting her fingers relax again. Since he had deiced to stick around she spent more and more time with him. Weather it was sitting with her at the store, or going out places just spending time with him was nice.

Knowing his brother hadn't called him again Anastasia did all she could to keep encouraging Quinn and keep his head on his shoulders. It might be a slow process but she had faith that God would bring them together stronger each day till they could talk more. They just had to have faith, and trust God new what he was doing.

Sitting in the back of the crowd Michaela can't help the smile that formed on her face. She'd told Rocky next time there was a consent than she would be here to see him and here she was. After the show would she go back stage probably not but she was here non the less.

Continuing to watch Rocky as he sang Michaela couldn't help but notice that he really was good looking like his picture online portrayed. Under the spotlight it just seemed to make him shine even more too. He was deffintly made for the stage and she really was enjoying about able to see it.

Smile as Mick comes over with someone she wasn't to sure who it was Stacy turns a little and gives a nod. Having the introduction take place She takes Eric's hand in her own and for a long moment she just study's Eric's eyes. She felt as though she new him from somewhere but from where?

"Hello its very nice to meet you Eric."

Seeing Eric Ashlee perks up just a little bit. Before even being told it was Rosetta's brother Ashlee could of guess that. He looked alot like her. Giving a big smile Ashlee takes Eric's hand in her own. His eyes were sad and she cocked her head a little bit just trying to work through the look in his eyes.

"Hey. Its great to meet you. Yeah mom is not me. Oh, you were talking to her weren't you."

Ashlee couldn't help sly little smile that formed on her face. Eric seemed like someone who seemed like he could take a joke and if she could crack a little smile from him that was a good start. Just something about him seemed...soft hidden behind the sadness right now.

Giving a nod to Eric Stacy looked away for a moment. She couldn't have known him maybe he just had one of those faces. Hearing his question she looks up at him again and gives a smile.

"Yeah I am. This will be Ashlee and I's home for a while, and maybe even permanently if Mick thinks we fit it well. Having and extra set of eyes here to make everyone safe not just Dylan is a good thing."

Pulling outside the small hour and seeing a car in the driveway Beth just sits there for a long moment. Her stomach was in knots and her hands seemed to shake just a little bit as she wondered if what she was doing was really smart or not.

Justin loved his mother, and she could see how much it pained him to not talk to her. He didn't say it, or admit it to her but the longing look in his eye was clear that it did bother and hurt him that he couldn't right now.

Parking and getting out of the car Beth makes her way up the sidewalk and to the steps. This was might forward...even for her. But after Justin had been helping her she just wanted to help him out again. Giving a knock on the door Beth shifts her weight for a moment waiting for someone to answer the door. What she would say Beth wasn't sure but she would think of it.

Awkward Introduction

Watching Hope, Justin nods as she talks, studying her eyes and her movements. He could see the pain and he wished there was more he could do for her. He hoped as well that Scott would one day revive their relationship, but Hope was right - it was Scott's choice and his alone.

"You're welcome. And I'm sure everything will work out the way God intends. I'll...let you know how things progress." Justin hoped that he'd brought more good than bad by telling Hope about Scott. He thought he had. He knew she was sad, but he didn't think talking about Scott had upset her so that was good.

After leaving her office, it was finally time to leave TJY for the day. It wasn't a short drive back home, but the Elite was paying him well for working with Alec, and if he actually did some good too, then it was worth it. He wasn't convinced he'd be able to succeed with Alec, but he hoped so. He could see the good man behind the veil... it was just getting to it that was the problem.

Getting out to his car, Justin heads out of town. Driving gave him time to think, and after everything with Alec, Scott and Hope, he really didn't need anything else. But his mind didn't seem to care. It had one more thing for him to think about, and it was a situation that was still unresolved after too much time had passed. Maybe... maybe today was the day he should stop at his mother's house. He'd tried calling her several times lately but had only gotten the answering machine. He'd heard from someone else that she was fine, so he knew he shouldn't be worried, but it still bothered him to no end that she wouldn't have anything to do with him.

Eventually, he does find himself driving down the quiet street, only to stop at his mother's house and feel dismay. His brother's car sat in the driveway. Again. What was he doing here? How long had he been here? Why?

Justin's fingers grip the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white. Finally he drives away again. Today was not the day to try and get into that mess. The rest of the drive home was a tiring one and by the time Justin gets there, he just feels drained. Though the dogs were happy to see him, he pays little attention to them, letting them loose but then going inside the house. The couch was his destination and he flops down, holding a throw pillow tightly. Beth was coming over for supper tonight... he couldn't fall asleep... he just needed to rest his eyes... for a few minutes... Unfortunately, resting his eyes turned into sleep, and sleep turned into much longer than just a few minutes. He wouldn't even hear Beth's car pull up.

Eric sighs but nods at Angel's instructions. "Yeah, okay." He cringes as he's given the shot and is glad when it's over. "Thanks. I'm, um... gonna be around for a while probably so I'll have plenty of time to take it easy."

Able to get down off the table and put himself back together again, he waits for the painkillers and slips them in his pocket. "Yeah, I'll be back. If I don't show up, just send your husband after me or something." He gives Angel a weary sort of smirk. He was trying to be funny, even if he didn't feel like laughing right now. "See ya later... thanks again."

Exiting the office, he aims for his bunk again, but then glances to the dining hall. He saw a few people headed in that direction and he knew breakfast was probably just about ready by now. He hadn't planned on seeing too many people this morning but... maybe it would be better to just get the initial greetings over with, rather than prolonging the inevitable. Once everyone knew what happened, he could move on again, right?

Changing his route, he limps to the main building instead, slowly making his way inside where the smell of coffee makes his mouth water. A few waves are tossed in his direction... some hesitantly and some that proved word was spreading already. He's polite and returns the silent greetings before ambling to the kitchen. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, he finds a place to stand by the window alone for now.

Mick had just come in the back and spots Eric. His brother-in-law looked... tired... sad. It wasn't a happy picture at all. Mick had been angry at Eric at one point through the whole Dana thing but now... now that feeling had been replaced with pity.

Grabbing his own cup of coffee, he comes over to Eric and just stands quietly for a few moments. "Morning."

Eric fiddles with his coffee cup and nods. "Yeah." His eyes roam to the side to find Mick. He knew Rosetta would have told him everything. "Look, I... I'm sorry. I-"

Mick holds up his hand. "It's over. Water under the bridge."

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts. I'm fine. We're all fine. It's time to move on."

Eric bites his lip, feeling even more humbled. "I shouldn't have-"

"Eric." Mick turns to face him sternly but gently. "If you want to share your story sometime, you can. I don't mind. But we're not gonna stand around and discuss what we could have or should have done differently. Okay?"

Eric sighs deeply. "Yeah, okay. Your mouth alright?"

Mick rubs his jaw and grins a little. "Takes more than one punch to keep me down. That was so long ago, I forgot."

Eric's lips curl slightly and he looks down at his coffee before taking a sip. He could feel the tears wanting to come again... but not for himself. He was so overwhelmed to be a part of this family... a family that never held grudges... a family that was always forgiving. He was so undeserving.

The sound of the front door opening catches both men's attention. Eric looks to see a woman and a young girl entering. Who were they? Guest breakfast wasn't served until later... and he didn't recognize them as friends of the family.

"Hey." Mick touches Eric's shoulder. "Come here. You need to meet someone."

Eric shrugs and follows slowly, still favoring his leg and carrying his coffee with him. As they near, he continues to look at the woman. She looked... familiar. But he didn't know her, did he? Mick was introducing them, so it wasn't like Eric was supposed to know who she was. A few more steps though and it suddenly dawns on him. Stopping short, he spins around to put his back to them, his eyes going wide.

Mick stops with him, wondering what on earth was wrong. "Eric? What is it?"

"Who is that?" Eric hisses.

"Well that's why I'm introducing you." Mick furrows his brow in confusion. He looks over to catch Stacy's eye and nods to have her wait for a moment, signaling that he wanted her for something.

"Yeah but who is she?" Eric continues hoarsely and gestures with his hand, forgetting that he was holding his coffee. Out sloshes the hot liquid and straight onto Mick, soaking into both his jacket and shirt.

Mick jumps back, his eyes going wide. "Eric!"

Eric's face grows red and he grabs a napkin off a nearby table and tries to help, but Mick slaps his hands away. "I'm... I'm sorry."

"Give me that." Mick swipes what was left of Eric's coffee from his hand, and sets it on the table, cleaning up the mess himself. Rosetta was going to have fun getting this stain out of his shirt. At least his jacket had enough other stains on it that a little more would never be noticed. "That's our new security," he explains impatiently. "On account of Dylan. An extra pair of eyes - Reese sent her. Why?"

"Security? As in staying here? Living here?"

Mick was getting pretty frustrated by now and he sighs. "Yes. What is wrong with you?"

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Eric!" Mick looks at him sternly. "What is wrong? Do you know her?"

Eric's eyes narrow. "In a manner of speaking."

"Well tell me about it later. For now, act your age and let me introduce you so she knows who you are and doesn't draw a gun on you."

"I wouldn't put it past her," Eric mutters.

"Come on." Mick grabs his arm and pulls him back en route. Finally approaching Stacy and Ashlee, Mick smiles, trying to act as though everything was fine. "Good morning," he greets. "I'd like you to meet my brother-in-law, Eric Pent. Eric, this is Stacy Cullen and her daughter Ashlee."

Eric forces a smile. Maybe Stacy wouldn't recognize him. She probably pulled over a bazillion people all the time - maybe she wouldn't remember he was the truck driver that gave her such a bad time. He reaches out his hand. "Hi. Nice to meet you." He looks next to Ashlee and offers her a handshake as well before glancing back to Stacy. "Mick says you're the new security around here?"

"We bear a heavy load,
Down a broken road.

And they don’t seem to understand,

Why we keep on trying.

But the best is yet to come.

We know it in our hearts.

So we just keep on pushing toward,

Our one-day perfect home.

They don’t understand why we,

Care to make a stand.

They don’t understand why we,

Lend a helping hand.

They’re blinded by the darkness,

While we hold the light.

Let’s show them the new way,

Give them new sight.

Help them understand.

Logan's voice rings out as the Cryptic concert continues. Axel sits a ways from the stage, keeping a close eye on everyone else and a close ear on the sound as his fingers continually tweak the output. Rocky's voice blends behind Logan's as he stands behind his keyboard. The song ends and another begins, this time with Rocky leading vocals.

"I don’t wanna see the change.
I don’t wanna recognize the uncertainty,

That clouds my mind.

I don’t wanna see the years.

I don’t wanna see the time,

That’s left me behind.

Come to me. Tell me it’ll be okay.

Hold me. Tell me I’m gonna shake this lie.

Speak to me. Tell me this won’t last forever.

Come to me. Tell me they’ll be brighter days.

Rocky's eyes roam out into the audience, but his eyes couldn't make out much through the bright lights. Cryptic wasn't often the main event anymore, but tonight they were, and it felt good.

"I don’t wanna see the rain.
I don’t wanna see the flood that’s rising,

Filling my soul.

I don’t wanna see the dark.

I don’t wanna see the lies,

That strike my heart.

Come to me. Tell me it’ll be okay.

Hold me. Tell me I’m gonna shake this lie.

Speak to me. Tell me this won’t last forever.

Come to me. Tell me they’ll be brighter days.

I don’t wanna face the world alone.

Come to me.
I don’t wanna be the only one,
Fighting on the battle field.

Hold me.
I don’t wanna take a stand alone.
Speak to me. I don’t wanna be the only one,
Crying in the night.

Come to me. Tell me it’ll be okay.

Hold me. Tell me I’m gonna shake this lie.

Speak to me. Tell me this won’t last forever.

Come to me. Tell me they’ll be brighter days.

Spotting Axel's thumbs up, Rocky grins as the song comes to a close. He usually got the spotlight once or twice during concerts... it wasn't what he sought, but it was kinda fun.

About halfway to the back, Quinn leans back in his seat by the aisle, cocking his head so he could see the stage. He could just make out the back of Axel's head, too. Ever since he'd decided to stay in town, the two brothers hadn't talked. Quinn wasn't sure if it was his lack of effort or if Axel really didn't want to have anything to do with him. Maybe it was just coincidence and busy schedules. Or maybe both brothers knew their last meeting had ended better than either expected, and neither wanted to ruin that. Even so, Quinn had decided to come here tonight and watch the concert. One, it was good music. Two, it was an excuse to hang out with Anastasia. And three, if the opportunity to see Axel presented itself, then maybe he'd be ready this time. He still wasn't convinced about Axel's innocence... but... too much had happened lately for him to deny at least the possibility.

Glancing to the side, he catches Anastasia's eye and grins. His hand crawls over to find hers and give it a squeeze. Most likely, she knew exactly what was running through his mind, and... he was okay with that.


Few days

Looking up from her desk and seeing Justin Hope gives a small little smile. She'd remembered him from at the hospitable before but now he was here and she wondered why.

"Hi Justin its good to see you again."

Standing and holding her hand out to Justin to give him a handshake Hope motions to one of the chairs to let him know he was more than welcome to sit and get comfortable. Even if he wasn't here for a counseling she still wanted him to be comfortable.

"What can I do for you?"

Cocking her head a little bit as Justin starts to talk Hope's smile seemed to change a little. She was happy Scott was doing well but it still made her sad at the thought that she was no longer his. She missed him, and missed being able to know when Scott got out, they were still together. But Hope did her best not to seem upset and to listen to Justin. It was nice knowing Scott was ok.

"It's good to hear Scott is progressing Justin. I had hoped he would, and would be able to leave Brookshire soon. We even hope that in due time he will return here to work. Everyone miss him yet we know..that is his choose and no matter what we would stand behind him."

Giving a sigh and leaning back in her chair Hope thinks for a long moment about what Justin said about the fire in his eye and how he hoped it would return one day. She could only hope the same. She like it to be because of her but she new that is was Scott's choose now...and she would be waiting.

"I can only hope that Scott will let the fire return to him. After his letter...I know I can't push for it. It needs to be on his term but when and if he does I will be waiting. After being with Scott and knowing the feelings I have for him I can't see myself with anyone else."

Leaning back in her chair a little bit and looking back at Justin Hope's eyes roam his face. She new Scott would no longer be the same, but he would still be her Scotty even if they had to get to know each other all over again. After her own near death experience she felt as thought she was different not too. Maybe all in all...this was a good thing and God's way of bring them back together before they were torn apart.

"Thank you again Justin I do appreciate you keeping me informed and as much as I know what I want, I hope it works out how God has intended it."

Looking up as Eric enters her office Angel gives a smile. She had a hunch that Eric might come to see her. Rosetta had filled her in that Eric had hurt his leg and might need a visit if he didn't come to see her. Seeing he came on his own though so so much easier than having to go track him down and than dealing with what might happen from Rosetta telling her.

"Hey Eric, its nice to see you like always and its definitely not to early. Not around here anyways."

Standing and going over to Eric she lays a hand on his arm before going to the table and patting it for him to sit down. She wanted to take a look at his leg before giving him anything.

"Hope up here. I want to take a look at you leg before I give you anything. I want to make sure you didn't damage it any worse before I dull the pain on you."

One he was up on the table Angel set to work trying to make it quick for Eric as she examined it. Poking, pushing and prodding it she new it couldn't feel good, but she had to do it to check and make sure what was damaged, torn, or just swollen.

Once finished Angel gives a nod to Eric before going back to the counter and prepping a syringe. Eric would be ok, that was a good thing. He's just be sore for a little while.

"Eric...your going to make it. You just twisted and bruised it pretty good again. I'm going to give you a cortisone shot to try and get rid of some of the swelling. I want you to take it easy and not move to much, ice it, and take some hot bath's to keep the muscle relaxed. Also going to give you some pain killers too but not to many. In a few days I want you to come back and see me again...ok?"