

Going into the kitchen and seeing Lydia Beth can't help but smile just a little more. Justin really did look like his mother where Jared didn't that much so she could only guess He was more like his father. Sitting down on one of the island chairs Beth sits and folds her hands in her lap. Doing her best not to wring her fingers because she was nervous she looks around the big kitchen for a moment before looking to Jared. Should she ask him to leave or would he no start anything?

"My name is Beth Parker. I know you don't know me...and maybe...maybe I shouldn't even be here. But I'm a friend of your son Justin. I just came today because I wanted to let you know Justin was pretty sick recently. For a little bit there I was pretty worried about him. He's not one hundred percent but He's getting stronger with each day again."

Looking back to Lydia Beth couldn't help but be nervous a little bit. She wanted her to take everything she said good and at least not freak out but it was something unknown and it was scary to her. This wasn't her own ground anything could happen but Beth had to be strong. She just wanted to help her friend like he helped her.

"I just wanted to say that he really miss you too. He told me he miss helping you around the house and going to the store. He always loved helping you with the odd jobs around the house. When I saw him he would always talk about how he helped you and was able to see you smile. I guess I am here to tell you that he loves you and he's sorry since he can't tell you himself and he doesn't know I am here at all. I came on my own, I just though you should know was all."

Seeing Rocky look up and give a big smile Michaela can't help but return the wide smile. From the reaction alone she new this had to be Rocky and she was happy she'd stayed after all. Not only did he look alot cuter than his pic online but it was always nice to get to know a new friend.

"Hi Rocky, I am Michaela White."

Giving his hand a firm shake she could feel her own tension letting up a little bit. She's talked to Rocky before even if it was just online, the only part that had tension was actuality meeting him and now the rest was a cake walk.

"You guys did really great tonight. I'm happy I ended up coming. You have a really nice voice too. I bet Puzzle enjoys hearing you sing at home."

Just standing next to Quinn for a long moment Anastasia looks up at the sky too. It was nice to be under the night sky. It felt like they were free and nothing else mattered. Even if the city light seemed to drowned them out just a little bit. Looking back at Quinn she smiles.

"It doesn't have to end yet. If you want to come over we could sit out in the back yard and look at the stars a little bit longer. I think my Uncle is out with his girlfriend so you don't have to worry about him bothering us."

Anastasia loved being able to spend time with Quinn. Her Uncle was starting to warm up to him a little bit too. Though he still kept his eagle eye out, he'd been a little busy with his new interest so she was kind happy about that. Having some alone time with Quinn was always nice.

Leaning back in her chair and thinking for a long moment Angelica taps her pen on the desk a little bit thinking. She new where Reese was coming from in keeping Alec out of jail but at this point it was hard. His attitude was bad and she even wondered if he would cooperate in court. If not than it would go south very quickly.

"I think sticking with his original story would be the best key but without proof he had changed before this its going to be hard. If there was a way we had some proof, a witness or evidence. Do you think Ryan would come in and answer some questions in court about how Alec changed?"

Angelica new this case was going to be hard. How did you convince people someone had changed when in didn't reflect it anymore. If only people could see what they saw, and understand how they understood it would make it so much easier.

"Well, I think maybe we can see if Hal can look through some old video's and see if we can catch anything Alec might of done that way. See if Ryan will come in, and than try to form a plan. There might be a way while at court we can get him to show his softer side. If we can get him upset or use the people he loves him how."

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