

Scarlet gives a laugh her own eyes dancing as she gazed back at Eli. Searching his face and his own eyes, looking deep into the pools. Finally giving a small shake of her head.

"I guess we are a little less than normal huh? I don't think thats a bad thing though."

Taking another bite of her salad Scarlet thinks again about Eli question taking a moment before answering him. Finally though pointing her fork in his direction she smirks.

"Get my bike back to me in one peace and that should be the only daring trial you have to face. I fear my trail will be harder...I'm going to have to pass you sister approval."

"Professionals have to always start somewhere, just keep it tucked away as something to remember you can look into someday."

Giving a smile Sapphire moves on with the conversation knowing Gage didn't want to talk about it anymore. She'd never push him to talk about something he didn't want to.

Standing she disappears into the kitchen before coming back out with both shakes. Holding them out to Gage she lets him pick what one he would like.

"Well I was thinking maybe we could take tip to the beach and walk for a little bit. I think there spring festival is starting to open up too so maybe we can take a look at a few different things and play some games or ride on some rides. Just have a fun day out you and me. That is if that sounds good to you?"

Sapphire liked giving Gage options so sometimes he could deiced what he'd like to do as well. This was his life now too and he should have a say in what he did. Sapphire always kept that option open to him not minding if he wanted to do things differently sometimes or not.


Gage quirks an eyebrow at Sapphire's suggestion. "I... don't think so. I mean... these are just drawings I threw together. Other stuff out there... it's professional."

He fidgets with the corner of his pillow. "I'd rather just you saw them anyway."

Clearing his throat, he straightens and tries to move on. "Okay, so shakes and... then what? My day is free... as you can see."

"Normal?" Eli seems to think the suggestion is funny. "I have a feeling we're anything but." Grinning, he takes a sip of his iced tea. "But it's worth a shot. Besides... how else am I supposed to get to know the woman behind those mysterious eyes of yours?"

Taking another bite of food, he lets his gaze remain on Scarlet's face, a sly look toying in his eyes. "Or do I have to perform some daring trial before I'm allowed that luxury?"

Light Bulb

Sounds good to me. I'll see you a little later than.

Not much else was meant to be said so Katie just dropped the conversation for now. She'd finish what she was doing and than head out. For now though if she did want to finish it she better get back to consternating.

Looking up at the menu and trying to figure out what she wanted to order Scarlet finally had given in to Eli paying. It was a date after all but she'd like to treat him sometime too. Maybe she could make him lunch some time.

Finally getting there food, and finding a table Scarlet contently took a sip of her drink looking across the table at Eli and letting a smile slip onto her face. She liked having lunch with Eli, Sitting across from him it just...felt nice.

At the mention of her bike, and the comment from Eli that followed Scarlet cocked her head for a moment thinking as she took a bit of her salad. Following the bit up with a sip of her water after it was chewed Scarlet finally replys.

"I guess I could always bring my bike in to have you do some more handy tattoos on it..."

Scarlet lets the comment linger for a moment as her eyes twinkle wanting to say more. Finally her lips break into a smile not being able to hold it in anymore.

"...or we could be like to normal human being and not need excuses to see each other. After all the awkward first date is out of the way."

Letting out a little sigh at his comment about not getting the job Sapphire felt so bad. He'd been really doing his best and Gage was ready to get out there and work for real if only someone would give him a chance.

"Hey...keep your chin up huh? I know its hard and I can't even start to imagine but there is a job out there that is going to give you a chance you just have to keep looking...ok? I believe in you are I know you can do it."

Reaching out and taking Gage's hand in her own it was slightly cold from the drinks but a warmth seemed to shine through.

Taking the picture from Gage Sapphire's eyes study it well. She always loved the pictures he drew for her and they always came out so nice. She could only wish to draw that good. Still studying the picture it was almost like a light bulb went off in her head looking back to Gage a smile curles on her lips.

"Hey you should look into one of the local studios to work at. Your pictures are great and we have a lot around here. It's worth a shot anyways."


Family. Katie had used an interesting word. They really were kind of like family. A new emotion surfaces - this one with the same love as before, though a strange little nervousness too. Jason quickly cuts it off though.

I don't care. You know what movies I got. If you want something different, feel free.

Jason was flexible tonight. He was pretty sure he'd been able to head of an attack so that was good, though he was now tired. He just wanted to chill the rest of the day and evening.

Just come on over when you're ready. Trooper and I will be there. I'll leave the door unlocked.

Walking hand-in-hand inside the restaurant, Eli kind of likes it. This woman had piqued his interest and it was hard not to want to get to know her. There was something deeper about her. Maybe Ryan was right... maybe there was a past there that made that little glint of shyness emerge from beneath all that strong outer shell of confidence.

Once inside, Eli insists on paying, and soon they are seated at a little table outside. The sunshine was was warm but there was just enough of a light breeze to keep it from being hot.

"So... your bike should be done day after tomorrow." Eli takes another bite of his food, one arm resting on the table as his elbow holds his weight. "I think you're gonna like it." He'd elaborated on the designs she'd given him, and in reality, he really hoped she did like it. He usually didn't go too far from requests, but he'd added his own flare to these since she'd given him permission. It's what he loved, but not everyone liked his style.

Looking over to Scarlet, a bit of wonderment lay in his gaze. "After that though, you don't have an excuse to come by the shop. What should we do about that?"

Gage doesn't move when Sapphire comes in. He was glad she was there, but lacked the energy to be enthusiastic today. Looking up at her, his eyes travel to her own. She always knew how to make him feel better. Whether it was a shake or a cool glass of lemonade, she always seemed to know just what would taste good to him.

"Day wasn't so hot," he answers softly. "Back to the drawing board I guess. Job was a no-go... again."

Sighing deeply, he forces himself to sit up, though he clutches his pillow close, resting his chin on it. "What am I gonna do, Saph? Nobody wants me. I have a bad record and no skills on top of it. Maybe I just shoulda stayed a ward of the Elite."

He picks at the growing hole in the knee of his jeans. "Oh... I forgot. I finished this last night..." He leans over and rummages in a stack of papers until he pulls out the one he was looking for. It was another drawing, this one with a bit of color behind the pencil sketches. He had many now, but the special ones he gave to Sapphire. This particular one was over a flower, veiled in a cool rain shower. "Thought you might like it." He shrugs, resuming his position with his pillow.

Mick cocks his head, listening to Dan, a little surprised he didn't get any more information than that. And even more surprised when he's given advice. If he hadn't seen the respect on Dan's face, Mick would not have been happy, but he lets it slide. He'd done enough arguing the way it was, and maybe the younger man did have a point. So for now, he sets aside his annoyance.

"Alright... I won't push it. For what it's worth, thanks for bringing him back... however you did it."

Patting Dan's shoulder, Mick turns and walks away. His walked seemed a little slower... his shoulders a little lower perhaps.


Feeling Jason's returned emotions a smile spreads on Katie's face. It wasn't often he did that but thats what made it even more special. It was nice to know she really had helped him too even if it seemed small to her.

Our little family staying in tonight, dinner and a movie...I think that sounds wonderful.

Letting out a more content sigh this time Katie moves from the window and sits back down in Jason's chair again. This was the first time she had ever referred to Trooper, Jason and herself as a family but she kind of liked the ring to it.

I'm gonna finish what I am working on here, head home and clean up than I'll be over so we can relax. Want me to pick up a movie or watch one you have?

Being pulled closer to Eli Scarlet glances up at him as a grin makes its way to her lips. Her heart giving a thump knowing what would happen next. Finally feeling his lips brush her for a slow tender kiss even though it was not long she still enjoyed it.

As Eli pulls a way Scarlet lets out a sigh of satisfaction as she was thinking the same thing he has said when he mentioned the second date. She was just happy he said it before she did.

"Beating the lunch rush is always nice. Means we get out own pick at what outside table we want."

Still holding Eli's hand Scarlet steps up the rest of the way on the curb and starts to walk twords the restraint with Eli. It felt different holding Eli's hand though Scarlet doesn't let it go yet, not a bad different, but a new warm different and she kind of liked it.

Fishing the key from her pocket Sapphire unlocks the door and enters like she had so many times before.

"Gage..its me."

Shutting the door behind her Sapphire heads into the kitchen putting some milkshakes down she had picked up for them both. Today they had deiced maybe a trip to the zoo or a nice walk on the beach was in order. It was relatively warm out and being cooped up inside on such a nice day would be a crime.

Wondering out of the kitchen and over to the mattress where Gage was Sapphire smiles down at him before bending down to sit on the floor in front of the bed. She new he had an interview today, and without him even saying anything yet she could read his eyes and is pained her. Not because it was yet another job Gage didn't have but because she new it wasnt making him feel better about anything. She just wanted to be able to see the excitement in his eyes, and see him happy.

"Hey You, I got you a chocolate shake, and a strawberry in case you wanted that one over the other. Hows your day been so far?"

Working away Dan doesn't even notice Mick till he hears his voice. Out of breath and sweaty Dan stops his work just looking at Mick for a long moment before removing his gloves and hat, whipping his forehead with his banana, replacing his hat once more and following Mick.

Leaning aganst the wall for a moment Dan listens to Mick's question almost guess he was going to be asking him about Dylan. It was normal, and if he was Mick he would of done the same thing.

"I'm sorry Mick thats something between Dylan and I, I cant tell you."

Strangulating a little Dan stands with respect in front of Mick as a boss, father, and a friend. He didnt want Mick to think he was hiding anything bad but this was something trusted between Dylan and himself something important that couldn't be broken.

"I can reassure you though its not illegal, but very healthy, and you will slowly see Dylan trying to make an improvement. I'm sure when he is ready he'll tell you himself. He needs to Mick, you both just have to be calm and pashint with each other."