

Grace looked up from her work and gave a smile to Jared. Even if he was being a Debbie downer, and wallowing she would continue to smile, and continue to keep spirits up. That's just how it had to be with her.

   "I know I don't HAVE to stay, But I want too. I enjoy being around you, even when you are miserable. Call me a gluten for punishment...or simply, someone who cares."

Going back to what she was doing Grace let the room fall silent. If Jared wanted to be misrible than that was his own doing.  She'd be there though so if he really needed someone, it wasn't far away. She wouldn't play into his misery though...he could just sit in it himself.

Looking to Hunter, and than to Jason Katie gave a smile and a nod. Watching Jason was her job at the moment, and even if she did have plans work had to come first. Even if there was a strange feeling of everyone being uncomfortable it was what she had to do for work.

  "It's no big deal. I can take you over to Mike's and than just wait in the car with some paper work or inside the house. I'd rather keep Reese from killing either of us just yet."

Offering another small smile to Jason and than to Hunter her eyes told him she was sorry. They had, had plans tonight but he did know too that at any time she could be called away for work. She was still sorry though and hoped he would understand. 

   "Just let me know when ever you are ready to go."