
Too Scared

Ariel chuckles and nods. "Well I like surprises, so that will work." Hearing Trey wouldn't need a ride, she wonders what he was working out, but she wouldn't ask. If he didn't need a ride, it might be better anyway. "Okay, whatever works."

Finished with her pizza, she its back and sets a hand on her stomach. "I am... stuffed." She sighs with content. "I don't think I'm going to need supper tonight."

Spinning around too fast, Hunter loses one of the bags of chips he'd just picked up. It takes him just a moment to realize who it is, and his cheeks flush slightly. "Trouble?" He recovers quickly, tossing a bag back onto the rather sad looking pyramid. "This isn't trouble. This is... uh... recreation... yes." He nods, bending to pick up another bag. "See? Exercise. Corn chip bowling. Knock 'em down then pick 'em up. Guys here don't like it very much, but it passes the time rather well."

He leans on his shopping cart while setting his other hand on hips hip in a mock display of confidence. Of course, it's right then that the clerk decides to show up. 

Seeing Katie stumble over her words, a smile spreads on Hunter's face. "What she's trying to say is, we're just doing our best to clean up this mess that somehow appeared out of nowhere. I mean, go figure. Poof. Chips on the floor." 

He hands a bag to the clerk. "Unfortunately, we have shopping to do. So sorry we can't stick around. Thank you for your help. You're doing a fine job." 

Steering his cart away from the mess, he reaches over and pulls Katie's cart along with him several aisles down. "Come along, dear. Let's not dawdle." 

Only when out of sight and earshot of the clerk does Hunter start laughing. Looking at Katie, he shakes his head and takes a deep breath, composing himself. "Dang you sure got some timing, woman. First time I'm drunk. Second time I'm making a mess. Maybe the third time will be the charm." He cocks his head, still grinning. "But something tells me you're not the type to go for charm. I might be too scared to try that anyway, come to think of it."


Wondering up and down the isles Katie had no idea what she was looking for. Her house was pretty much empty of food besides the stuff Ryder and Thirteen had gotten for themselves. She new if she asked they would be more than happy to share but all in all Katie didn't feel much like cooking after another late night of working and going out to eat alone seemed rather depressing.

Coming to the end of an isle Katie stops as a quite a few bags of chips fall in front of her. Just looking down at them and than up Katie gives a grown and rolls her eyes. What were the odds of meeting Hunter again, at this store, at this time, and in this area.

   "I'm starting to think trouble just follows you around or maybe it's me trouble is following."

Katie gives a smirk. Though she had just gotten out of work she was dressed differently than the other day. Her badge was absent along with her cuffs and her gun not visible. A denim jacket was her coat of choose and her hair was loose from her pony tail slightly curly at the ends.

Shaking her head she bends down to pick up a few of the bags and try to put them back on the display only to have them fall once more. At that moment a clirk walks by and stops placing his hands on his hips and looking at Hunter and Katie.

   "What on earth do you two think your doing?"

Looking up Katie's eyes go slightly wide.

   "I'm not with...it was his...I....we..making a mess?"

Katie shrugs a little before a smile cracks across her face. For a moment she almost felt like a kid again with her hand caught in the cookie jar. For some reason this whole scene seemed crazy and why she was stumbling over her words she had no idea.

 Trey's grin grows a little as she continues looking at Ariel his eyes sparkling just a little bit more than normal. He was happy she said yes and though he'd told her they could of done a double date he was kind of happy she was trieing to trust him.

   "That sounds great. I think I can handle picking out the movies and where we eat. But I wont tell you so it can be kind of like a surprise."

Seeing his slice of pizza was gone Trey goes for another peace doing the same thing with this one as the last. Pulling the pepperoni off, than the cheese and than eating the crust. It was an odd quirk but its just what he did.

   "Oh and mmm...you wont have to pick me up. I'll find a ride there so you wont have to worry about it."

Truth be told he'd already started to plan things out in his head. He's ask Pete if maybe he could use his car. Not that he thought he would say yes but if he did than he's pick Ariel up. If he said no...Trey would figure something else out.

Ryan was thankful for what Tal said but still wasn't to sure about staying with Tal and risking having him get hurt again but for now she'd let it go. Tal was in pain and she wasn't going to make him talk or argue anymore than he already had.

   "You're to good to me Tal you know that?"

Leaning down Ryan presses her lips ever so softly against Tal's just letting it linger for a moment before pulling away and smiling down at him. She new he's be conked out soon from the pain killers but she was would stay till Eli got there. Than head home, eat, shower and more than likely be back. Even if Tal was awake he had a long road in front of him, and Ryan...she didn't want him to travel it alone.


Tal sighs deeply, his thumb caressing Ryan's hand. Closing his eyes for a moment, he musters up the energy to talk some more. He was fighting the meds that were making him drowsy and he knew it. 

"Ryan..." He'd shake his head if he could. Opening his eyes again, he looks at her softly. "If anybody's to blame, it's me... for going to you in...in the first place." 

Pausing again, he breathes through a wave of pain. "You're not the cause... and you never will be." He fights to bring strength into his weak voice. "I refuse to...to let Alec win. He can hurt my body... but he can't hurt my heart... that belongs to you." 

He squeezes her hand. "Don't be scared... that just gives him control. You're too tough for that." 

He manages a wry grin. "Now come here and give me a kiss... gently."

Ariel was busy with trying not to slop sauce on the table when Trey's question brings her gaze snapping back up again. A... a date? They'd hung out a lot at parties and such, sure, but... a date date? His little backtracking about making sure she was comfortable brings a grin to her lips. She had to give him an "A" for effort. 

Taking another bite of pizza, she purposely lets the silence linger until Trey looks up again so she can see his eyes. There really was no good reason for her to say no. She still felt a bit awkward around him, but she wasn't afraid of him, and she had no boyfriend. 

"I bet we could convince Pete and his girlfriend to come along," she muses thoughtfully. 

Her eyes twinkle with humor. She didn't mean to torture him, but she couldn't help but tease just a little. Shaking her head, she wipes her mouth with a napkin. "If I insisted someone else go along, it would seem rather hypocritical after our lunch today, wouldn't it?" 

Her grin returns. "Tell you what. I'll go to a movie matinee and dinner." That way she wouldn't be out late with him. "You have to pick the movie and place to eat though."

"No, I don't mind." Jason quirks an eyebrow, wondering why Katie would think he would mind her being around. He never minded. 

Shrugging it off, he returns his concentration to finishing his food. "Okay, well, tonight I'm gonna spend some time with Mom. Then we can do the park thing tomorrow. I'll let Sandy know it'll be us and Kaylee. Maybe we'll do lunch too, depending on how Kaylee does."

As Jason's cell phone beeps again, he rolls his eyes. Looking at the message, he smirks. "And... apparently I forgot to give Reese the paperwork I was doing this morning. Fantastic." 

Grinning a little, he shakes his head. "And Rick wanted me to stay off work a while longer?" Finishing up his rice quickly, he wipes his mouth with a napkin. "Okay. Guess we better head back." 

The rest of the day kept Jason busy at work and by the time he heads home, he's exhausted. After meeting up with Cindy at the hotel for supper, when he gets home, he goes straight to bed, sending Katie a text that he'd see her tomorrow.

Hunter sighs with boredom as he leans on the shopping cart, ambling down the grocery store aisle. Pitiful. Just pitiful. On a night when everybody else had something else going on, what did he find to do? Shop. That was something really fun. He inwardly rolls his eyes at himself. At least he almost had the store to himself since it was later in the day. It was pretty quiet so at least he wasn't having to dodge kids or wait in long lines.

Ever since the night at the concert, he'd been keeping himself constantly busy. He'd only realized it today when he'd finally been forced to slow down by lack of things to do. Why he'd taken off on a binge of "fun," he wasn't sure. Maybe it was to keep his mind off Kyle. Maybe it was to keep his mind off how he'd made an idiot of himself in front of whats-her-name...Katie. She'd been rather cold. Maybe he was losing his touch. Although there towards the end, he'd thought he'd seen a little bit of warmth. Oh well. The odds weren't in his favor for getting arrested by her again.

Stopping by a large display of corn chips and salsa, Hunter quirks an eyebrow. If he had to spend an evening alone, he might as well enjoy it. Reaching out for a bag of chips, picking that particular one was his unfortunate luck. Before he could do anything about it, an avalanche of corn chip bags came tumbling down into the aisle, scattering everywhere. Staring at the floor and blinking, Hunter smirks at the mess. Yessirree, he'd lost his touch somewhere alright. Groaning, he leans down to start picking up the bags.

Double Date

Searching Jason's face Katie wondered if that was disappointment she saw in his eyes. Strange he always enjoyed having out with Wyatt and Aerith. They were two people besides Jamie and Con they spend a good deal of time with laughing and just having fun. It confused Katie that he'd be disappointed now, she just didn't understand.

   "Ok if your sure you don't mind."

Taking a sip of her water Katie gives a nod of her head. She though it might be fun to go out and do something with Jason since it had been a little bit. And the company meeting his friend might be nice too.

   "Yeah, I'd like too. As long as you don't mind that is. I'll just take Friday off instead."

Hearing Tal's words about loving her Ryan could feel a sudden warmth run through her veins. It was different than hearing it from a family member, this was Tal her boyfriend, someone who had gotten beaten up because of her and he took it, he took it for love. It was a feeling...Ryan had never felt before and for a second it was hard to process. But finally letting the smile grow a little more on her face she didn't let the silence linger to long least worry Tal.

   "I...Thank you Tal for making me feel special."

Looking down at Tal's good hand that was in her's she just study's it for a long moment. A million things going through her mind.  She loved him too and it was for that fact she didn't want him to hurt anymore.

  "Tal I...I don't wan't anything to happen to you. What if Alec comes after you again? What if...its worse yet again. I couldn't live with myself. You don't deserve this and...I don't want to be the cause of it."

Now pulling the cheese off the pizza and eating it Trey thinks about Ariel's words. She was pretty smart and had a point. Reese never said he HAD to make a solid desition or that he couldn't change his mind later.

   "Yeah, I though it was pretty nice to of Reese to offer everything he has to get me out of the dungeon. I think I'll take him up on it and just see how it goes. Worse comes to worse I don't like it and well handle that when it comes."

Looking across the table at Ariel Trey just study's her for a long moment. Cocking his head to the side he just searched her face. She was very wise, and very soft and he couldn't help but wonder where it stemmed from. Was she always like this or was it something she leaned. 

Finally looking down at his pizza again for a moment his cheeks turn slightly red. He'd never though about someone as deep as he did with Ariel. Why he wasn't sure but he wondered if it had to do with that strange feeling he had in his stomach.

   "Maybe....after I get settled would you like...to go to dinner, or a move on a date?"

Taking a bit of the now empty crust Trey thinks for a moment remembering how she had been pretty uncomfortable with him the other night and how maybe she might still be.

   "If it would make you more comfortable maybe there was a friend you know or something that would like to come with us like a double date kind of thing."

Words Spoken for the First Time

Saturday... Jason's eyes widen. "Oh crap. I forgot all about meeting Wyatt and Aerith. Shoot." 

He thinks for a moment then shakes his head. "No... no, don't change things with them." He purses his lips in thought. "I'll call Sandy and tell her I can't be there." He tries to shrug it off. Was that... disappointment he felt? Was that what that little twinge was? He wishes it were stronger so he'd know. He had to assume that's what it was though. It was better than feeling nothing, even if it didn't feel good. 

"So... tomorrow you wanna come to the park too then right?" 

Tal isn't surprised that Ryan and Eli had been with him so much and had taken care of things at his apartment. But it was still humbling, in a way, to know that he had people like them in his life who were willing to help like that. He was so appreciative, and the first thing that comes to mind is how on earth he'd ever be able to pay them back. But he knew saying that would probably bring a whack to the arm and he hurt enough already the way it was. 

"If I could get up," he muses hoarsely, "I'd give you a hug and kiss.... Thanks for doing all that." He pauses to swallow and tries to shift a little, but it seemed no matter how he moved, it hurt something or other. "You're the best." 

Still holding her hand, he tugs her a little closer, glad he had at least one working arm. He had something to say, and he wanted to make sure he said it before they went any further. 

"Nobody's asked... but... but I know you and Eli know." He struggles to get the words out, slurring slightly as his jaw resists the movement. "...about Alec... I mean.  It... It wasn't him but... somebody he... he sent." 

His grip on Ryan's hand tightens. He didn't want to upset her, and he himself didn't want to think about it, but he was going to finish, whether she liked it or not. "But I want you to know... that... that no matter what..." He coughs and winces, knowing he needed to stop for a while, but refusing. "...I'm not... not gonna give up. I...I love you, Ryan McKade... And nobody's gonna scare me away from you."

Ariel nibbles at the cheese around the pizza crust, rarely eating the crust but liking the crispy cheese that had bubbled over. Listening to Trey, she tries not to laugh. She wasn't amused by his situation or what he was going through, but she didn't think he'd said so much to her since she'd known him, let alone at one setting. It was interesting to know that his mother had come to see him, and even bring her little girl. Ariel immediately imagines a pretty gutsy woman. And apparently... it had had an affect on Trey. He seemed to be thinking about more things now - more people - not just himself. Was this a one-time emotional switch or was he slowly changing? Ariel wondered. 

His question brings out a light chuckle. "Of course it's confusing. I can understand." After taking a sip of her coke, she reaches for another slice of pizza. It was no wonder her brother had a routine of coming here - it really was the best pizza in town. At least in her opinion. 

"So... why do you have to decide now?" She chews thoughtfully while looking back at Trey. "I mean, lets say you stay for six months then choose to go home? Or four months? Or ten? Nothing is forever anyway. If you really want to stick around and get to know your family, it might be permanent but it might not, and you always have an option to go back to Mexico whenever you want."

Ariel shrugs. She didn't know if it would make as much sense to him as it did her or not. "Sounds like the Elite is being very generous. If you can't make up your mind, take them up on their offer, and six weeks down the road if you figure you really do want to go back to Mexico then you're out nothing. Or if you decide to stay then you're already on your way to getting yourself established." She grins. "Really, you're in a perfect spot. It's a win-win situation for you. And... if you opt to go back to Mexico now, who says you can't come visit? You still win."


Sitting at the table with Jason Katie gives a small smile. She'd like to go, getting to spend more time with Jason was always fun, she loved seeing Kaylee, and if she finally got to meet Sandy maybe she wouldn't feel as bad as she did. About to say something once again Katie is again cut off by someone coming over to the table. Sitting quietly Katie just waits wondering if Jason would introduce her or not.

Finally being introduced Katie does her best to give a smile. She didn't want Jason's new found friends to think she was a sourpuss after all even if she felt like it kind of.

   "Hey Rusty, its nice to meet you."

Looking back down at her food as Rusty is about to walk away Katie looks up again quickly. Pizza and bowling on Saturday...that was news to her. Last she new this Saturday was there double date with Wyatt and Aerith. 

Waiting till Rusty was gone as to not call Jason out in front of him Katie thinks for a moment before looking up at Jason again. Searching his eyes she wondered if he honestly forgot, or if the reason he hadn't told her was because he new she would be upset he was blowing them off.

   "You're going out this Saturday? Should I just tell Wyatt and Aerith things came up and we will go to dinner with them another day?"

Sitting with Tal once again after the Dr was gone and locking his fingers with her own she lays a hand on top of him and continues to smile down at him. Such re-leaf washed over her that Tal was going to be ok, though he had a long road ahead of him he was going to be ok.

Giving a chuckle as his comment Ryan's eyes sparkle. She wondered when he was going to ask that and she new when she told him he would be a little upset, but she also new he'd get over it quick.

   "Eli and I rotated between being here, working, and watching after the dogs. There was however he or I here at all times. We didn't want to give up that easily that you would pull though."

Continuing to just let her eyes search Tal's face Ryan was so happy he was going to be ok yet in the back of her mind loomed the first time had been bad, this time had been worse...would there be another if Ryan continued with Tal? She didn't want to believe there would be but she couldn't help it. Tal had been through enough and she didn't want him hurt anymore...it was a hard time to process what was right, and what wasn't but the thought was there and it haunted Ryan.

   "Speaking of my brother he should be getting out of work soon and coming here."

   "Hey, it's not a problem thanks for calling me back."

Trey was not sitting in the place he had learned to call his room paper still in hand. He'd been about to ask if Pete wanted to go to lunch when Ariel had called him back. Hearing she wanted to go though was even better. He wasn't a hundred percent sure she would want to or not.

   "Nah, lets meet at that place we had the pizza at the other night. It's close and I can walk...looks kind of nice outside today."

..."So Reese gave me the choose of staying, or going back to Mexico. I....told him I needed some time."

Trey pulls a peace of pepperoni off his pizza and pops it into his mouth just savoring the taste. It tasted so good, and so fresh here he just wished he could make the peace last longer. Looking across the table at Ariel he gives a small smile. Alright he'd given her the low down on meeting his sister and spending time with his mother and now he was just moving right into what Reese had talked to him about. He felt like a chatter box today and that was unusual for him. He wasn't sure if it was out of excrement or fear, or maybe both.

  "I feel like if I don't go home my family will be upset with me, and really they have done a lot and even if I have grown up in a bad way they have done all they could to raise me right. Yet...I have family here too that I am not to sure I want to say goodbye to yet. Not to mention a few friends too. I'm just kind of at a loss on what to do. There are so many fifty fifty chances with this one I'm not to sure what direction I am going to take. It's slightly confusing ya know?"