

Wondering up and down the isles Katie had no idea what she was looking for. Her house was pretty much empty of food besides the stuff Ryder and Thirteen had gotten for themselves. She new if she asked they would be more than happy to share but all in all Katie didn't feel much like cooking after another late night of working and going out to eat alone seemed rather depressing.

Coming to the end of an isle Katie stops as a quite a few bags of chips fall in front of her. Just looking down at them and than up Katie gives a grown and rolls her eyes. What were the odds of meeting Hunter again, at this store, at this time, and in this area.

   "I'm starting to think trouble just follows you around or maybe it's me trouble is following."

Katie gives a smirk. Though she had just gotten out of work she was dressed differently than the other day. Her badge was absent along with her cuffs and her gun not visible. A denim jacket was her coat of choose and her hair was loose from her pony tail slightly curly at the ends.

Shaking her head she bends down to pick up a few of the bags and try to put them back on the display only to have them fall once more. At that moment a clirk walks by and stops placing his hands on his hips and looking at Hunter and Katie.

   "What on earth do you two think your doing?"

Looking up Katie's eyes go slightly wide.

   "I'm not with...it was his...I....we..making a mess?"

Katie shrugs a little before a smile cracks across her face. For a moment she almost felt like a kid again with her hand caught in the cookie jar. For some reason this whole scene seemed crazy and why she was stumbling over her words she had no idea.

 Trey's grin grows a little as she continues looking at Ariel his eyes sparkling just a little bit more than normal. He was happy she said yes and though he'd told her they could of done a double date he was kind of happy she was trieing to trust him.

   "That sounds great. I think I can handle picking out the movies and where we eat. But I wont tell you so it can be kind of like a surprise."

Seeing his slice of pizza was gone Trey goes for another peace doing the same thing with this one as the last. Pulling the pepperoni off, than the cheese and than eating the crust. It was an odd quirk but its just what he did.

   "Oh and mmm...you wont have to pick me up. I'll find a ride there so you wont have to worry about it."

Truth be told he'd already started to plan things out in his head. He's ask Pete if maybe he could use his car. Not that he thought he would say yes but if he did than he's pick Ariel up. If he said no...Trey would figure something else out.

Ryan was thankful for what Tal said but still wasn't to sure about staying with Tal and risking having him get hurt again but for now she'd let it go. Tal was in pain and she wasn't going to make him talk or argue anymore than he already had.

   "You're to good to me Tal you know that?"

Leaning down Ryan presses her lips ever so softly against Tal's just letting it linger for a moment before pulling away and smiling down at him. She new he's be conked out soon from the pain killers but she was would stay till Eli got there. Than head home, eat, shower and more than likely be back. Even if Tal was awake he had a long road in front of him, and Ryan...she didn't want him to travel it alone.

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