
Moving Forward

At home Hope sat at her desk paper work in front of her. She was more comfortable working from home than she was in the makeshift office. Maybe she would get a office, but she new there was no room right now, so she waited and most work was done from home.

Looking over at the phone that sat on the one side of the desk Hope let out a sigh. Scott needed his space, she new this but it pained her to not hear from him in so long. Today...he was going to call today he had promised she just had to be pashent.

Trying to get back to her work Hope gives a sigh in frustration as she just cant considerate. Raching out for her phone Hope dials Scott's number and waits. Hearing his voice on the other end made her feel good. He was ok...that was good.

"Hey its just me...I know you were going to call me but I was going crazy sitting here waiting."

Hope gives a light laugh she didn't want Scott to think she was upset. She new he needed time, and she was ok with that.

"...I was wondering if you still wanted to do lunch?"

Glancing up from her car at Leo Ryan just watches him for a long moment. Over the last few days she had seem to slip into someone just not of herself anymore. Leo seemed happy, and she hadn't seen Alec in days, he was always busy, and Eli was busy with his new job. Ryan was alone...left with her feelings, left with her guilt and left with two completely different pains in her heart. She'd made her own bed and now she had to lay in it. Maybe this was what she deserved.

Turning back to the car she was working on Ryan tightens some bolts making sure they were snug. Racing was her out but even that had to end. Hearing Axel's comment Ryan lets out a long tired sigh. Looking up at her eyes looked tired, and her voice was on the dull side.

"Yeah they do, but its our own actions that make those changes."

Looking back down at her car again Ryan tinkers with a few more things to keep her mind off everything. What would she do for lunch today? See if Alec was around again? Maybe....maybe she would just skip lunch altogether and just work. Ryan felt so confused even about the little things.

Sitting at the table and her elbow and arm on the table Bree keeps her head propped up with her knuckles. Glancing at the sandwich that had been placed in front of her Bree wanted to smile at the crust that was cut off, but it just didn't want to come out.

Being back was good, being home was nice but it just wasn't the same. It felt like this life was tainted now, and Gunner not being around Bree still didn't feel safe. She hadnt returned to work yet, she just wasn't ready.

Just moving her eyes to look up at her uncle she lets out a small sigh nodding a little. Everything lacked color, and no matter how she tried to be better it just...didn't work..

"Yeah I have the gum, I've been carrying it for the last week."

Each day Bree had come to see her Uncle it was the same thing said over and over again that maybe tomorrow she could see Gunner. And each day came with out the visit and the hope that maybe tomorrow she could see him. So hope still lingered but excitement was no longer there when hearing those words. Until she was actually on her way to see him her excitement was held at bay.

"Skippy deiced to ride on Darwin's head this morning round the house. It was kind of funny actully considering he's about the same size as his head. I think they were trying to cheer me up. It made me smile a little."

Hearing Ryder behind her in the kitchen Thirteen couldn't help but roll her eyes at Aerith giving a small laugh.

"He shouldn't be wrestling crocs ether. Gives me a heart attack every time he does."

Thirteen had hated leaving Texas, she really had liked it there. Being with the animals, in the open space her father being close by. It really was nice. But not she was left with memories and pictures that would hold her over. Though the question of when next time would be lingered.

Finishing rolling her silverware Thirteen turns and heads into the kitchen sitting down at the small table at one end. Just watching Ryder for a long moment she stands again slowly making her way over to him. Stangly enough she had found a liking for cooking once she figured out what everything was.

"Can I help you cook? My shift in the dinning room is over, and I just...don't feel like going home alone."

The tiny bell on the auto shop rings as Cassy removes her sun glass. It had been a nice day out, and her knee had felt half was decent. So a longer drive than normal brought her here to where Leo worked.

Not seeing anyone at the counter Cassy tried to crain her neck to seeing to the bay area and though she herd the noise she didn't see anyone.


Cassy could only hope someone heard her. Than again she hoped Leo was working too. She had a favor to ask but realized she had no idea when he even worked and didn't.


Scott stares at the spread of photos on his coffee table, standing back and folding his arms across his chest. He'd hardly slept at all for the past ten days. After turning in his resignation to Reese, he'd been back to TJY only once to clean out some personal belongings from his office. He hadn't spoken to his sister, and only a little to Dalton. Katie was the only other one he'd said anything to, making it a quick explanation that he was leaving.

Since then, he'd taken up company with his camera, disappearing during the day, then returning at night to develop his own pictures. Some were color, some were black and white. Some were touching and emotion-filled, almost sad. Others seemed to hold bittersweet themes. Nights were spent on his computer or on the phone with little time to socialize, even with Hope.

Eating hadn't been a priority, even though Rick had read him the riot act about it. To any outsider, his only focus was his photography. His hiding place. Glancing over at his phone, he knew he was supposed to call Hope about lunch. But he just wanted to pick his top three pictures... it would only take another minute... or two.

Leo spins a rag in the air and boogies past Jed's car to the rock music that was playing on the radio. It had been a week and a half and he didn't know where the time had gone. Working around Ryan every day was still a nightmare inside, but on the outside, he was holding his own.

Most days he joked and kidded around with the other guys, maybe throwing Ryan a nod now and then, but no real conversation had happened between them.

Sashaying up to his own car, he ducks down as if he were dancing with the open door, shining the wash job as he sways to the upbeat music.

"Woo!" Miles laughs and throws up his arms. "Go Leo! Go Leo!"

Jed joins in, spinning around and using a wrench to make out part of an air guitar for the guitar solo on the radio. It would be obvious to anyone that Darell was gone for the day.

Axel grins and shake his head as he sits on top of the work bench in the corner and cleans up some of the tools. It felt good to be back on the job a few hours a week. It was all his hand could take yet, but he was able to pick up tools and even manipulate a nut and bolt if he concentrated hard enough. The healing was slow, but feeling and mobility were gradually coming back. There was still some pain, but it was worth it and he could never thank Misty enough.

His eyes glance over to Ryan as he still grins. "Thing around here never change, do they?"

"Okay, so David said maybe tomorrow we can go see Gunner." JT sets down a plate with sandwiches for himself and Bree's lunch on the kitchen table. Falling back into the daily routines at home hadn't been too hard. He was back to work and with a little prayer and a little legal magic from David and Angelica, he and Amanda were in the clear. Now the only thing remaining was getting Gunner out of jail.

JT sits down and looks across at Bree, trying to smile. It had been a long week and a half since they'd gotten back from Texas - each day filled with question as to when Gunner would be free. "You got that gum to take to him?"

Ty falls onto his bed, worn out from being at work all night. He hadn't bothered to undress and just lets his head sink into his pillow. Reese had been giving him extra hours, and while the money was nice, he was exhausted during the day. How long had it been since he'd seen Libby? Seemed like forever, but he thought it was just a few days. He'd been able to meet her once for some lunch and arcade time, then an hour or so of trying to read. She knew he was busy at work though, so for now, it was okay. But he really did want to spend more time with her. She was fun, and it was nice having a friend to hang out with. For now though.... for now.... he yawns as his eyes fall shut. Just a few hours... that's all he needed.

Alec sits on his cot, fingering the note from Ryan that had been left a few days prior. He hadn't seen her for over a week now, and he wondered if it was him or if her brother had given her too hard of a time for seeing him. Apparently she'd come a couple days ago though when Reese had had him downtown and she'd left a note. So maybe she'd just been too busy lately to stop by TJY.

Nibbling some more on his lemon, he spits out a seed, sending it shooting across the room and into the waste basket. It was getting tiring now... sharing information, negotiating for a few perks here and there... He had free lunch hours but hadn't done anything with them except wander the halls and stay out of Trooper's way. There had to be more than this... there had to be.

"What, are you kidding me?" Dani shakes her head as she heads out of the kitchen with an order. "Carson would kill you."

"For taking the shrimp off the menu?" Ryder throws up his hands. "I can't cook shrimp! Chicken, yes. Steak, yes! But those shrimp are so..." His voice trails off as Dani disappears, returning a couple minutes later.

"He'd still kill you."

"Nah. By the time he and Misty get back, he'll be so turned around he won't even notice."

Dani sets her hands on her hips, smirking at Ryder. "Honeymoons are supposed to do that, but I guarantee that he'll notice if the shrimp isn't on the menu."

"It's only a couple days!"

"I don't care! I'll cook them, for crying out loud. You're such a baby."

"Am not." Ryder wipes his hands on a towel and looks out to check on the tables and make sure Thirteen was getting along okay. It had been hard saying goodbye to Texas, but more than a week had passed and Ryder thought she was settling back into things again. At least he hoped she was. He hated seeing her sad. The smell of smoke makes him whirl around and he gives a little wail. "I wrestle crocs, not lasagna!"

Important to you

Cleaning and dressing the wound Angel lets a sigh out at Jim's comment. She was the Dr, she was meant to make people better and yet she lacked some of the resources to do that.

Giving a grim shake of her head Angel look over her shoulder at Jim. Weather Eric wanted to go or not if Angel thought it was best she would make him go. Standing she goes over close to Jim leaning into his ear so Eric couldn't hear.

"Lets see if the meds I just gave him help at all. If they don't...than I am out of options and I can't keep him here. There is only so much I can do, and I have limited resources. If we end up needing to take him else where...I am going to need your help. I don't think its going to be pretty."

Looking back over at Eric Angel's eyes fill with worry. This was her best friends brother and no matter if he hated her, never talked to her again she would do what was best. Saving his life, was so much more important and if he could see that than it was his own stubbornness that blinded him.

Letting out a long sigh Bree was tired of waiting. Getting home was great but it would just feel like she was in prison still without seeing Gunner and making sure with her own eyes he was ok.

"Ok. When do we get to leave?"

Leaning her head down back on her knees Bree goes back to looking out the window. She was happy she was going home, really...just...she missed Gunner still.

"I have to bring him a root beerfloat when I go, I promised him...that and gum."

"You are strong Scott, your ever so strong, but we can't do it on our own sometimes and that doesn't make us weak. Asking for help...makes us that much stronger."

Cuddled there with Scott though he was not great made her feel good. Knowing that her presence alone helped him made her feel like she was needed and it was a good feeling.

Hope new Scott could get over this, in his eyes she saw the will to fight. It was hiding but it was there. He only needed to believe in himself and open to those who were willing to help. Leaving TJY though it was be hard and Reese would be upset if it helped him than it was worth it.

"I think you need to do what makes you happy and helps you feel better Scott. Running away...no its not running away. Its what you think you need to do, to make you better. You should always come first to you, and worry about what people say behind."
"It looks like a rock to me," Scott states flatly. "I big... fat rock. With a little rock next to it."

A little laugh slips out, proving he was teasing, rather than seeing such dull objects. "I guess I kinda see a bunny. Except the more it changes, the more it looks like an armadillo."

Giving a sigh, Scott just watches the clouds, glad that Hope was here with him. She made him feel... whole. Even when he felt he was falling to pieces. "Thank you... Hope. I didn't mean to exclude you lately. I just wanted so badly to make it through on my own... to prove I was strong enough to do it. Things had been going so well and... I thought the nightmare was over."

He sighs again. "Reese won't be happy if I quit. But I know Dalton can handle the work alright. I don't know... what do you think I should do? One one hand, I feel like I'm running away. And on the other, I feel like I'm shedding a burden."

Eric obeys Angel, just trying to keep himself still, but it was hard. Cringing a bit, he draws in a shallow breath as he continues to shake. "I'll... I'll be okay," he mumbles. "Have to be. I'm fine. It's just..... gotta take... take its time."

Jim stands back, his arms crossed. "We don't have enough time, that's the problem," he muses, not loud enough for Eric to hear. "Angel..." His tone is serious. "I trust you - you know that. But does Eric need more than we can do for him here?"

"No." Eric states flatly. He wasn't supposed to have heard that, but he had. His jaw is clenched tightly, the bedsheets in a vice grip. "I'm s...staying here. No... no more... h...hospital."

JT smiles gently at Bree, finally seeing a spark, even if it was so very faint. "Not right away. But getting home is the first step, okay? After we're home, we need to wait until David and Angelica can work it out so we can visit Gunner. They're keeping him pretty secured right now. But we will... we'll get in, I promise, okay?"


Hope doesn't resist as Scott pulls her back onto the hood of the car. Putting her arm over Scott's stomach and leaning her head on his chest Hope looks up at the soft clouds that float by. Wrapping her grip just a little tighter in a hug Scott is quiet for a moment.

"You will be able to again Scott, its just going to take time."

Continuing to just look at the sky Hope searches the puffy clouds. She'd never tried to make pictures out of them before. She didn't even know people did that, but maybe if she tried it could help Scott. Pointing upward a smile forms on her face.

"Hey look, that one is s bunny. You can see its ears, and that cloud makes the tail."

Giving a squeeze to Sparky's hand she smiles at her brother. She new people were leery of his relationship with Faith and to a exstent she was too. She just didnt want to see her brother hurt, but right now through the worry in his eyes she could see how much he did care about this woman and who was she to say it was wrong.

"Your welcome and your not going to lose her. Before we know it this will all be over."

"Yeah I do have something stronger. I didnt want to give it to him unless I had to, but I have to now. Keep him still I'll be right over."

Hanging up the phone Angel gives an apoligetic look to Wendy and Clint. Walking past little Chase she gives him a kiss on the head.

"I'm sorry guys I have to go. Eric is sick and I need to bring him some more medicine. Maybe tonight we can have dinner just us with Luke too?"

After a few moments Angel had packed her medical bag and is to Eric's already. Coming inside and seeing Eric Angel moves fast to put the blankets back on. Opening her bag she her some more antibiotic.

"Come on Eric take this please ok?"

Holding her knees close to her Bree looks up as her Uncle enters the room. Trying to give a small smile as her sits down next to her Bree can't help but wondering if there was more bad news coming her way. Though the expression on her Uncle's face was much different.

Perking up just a little bit at the news of going home Bree looks down her her knees for a moment. It had been so long since she had slept in her bed, seen her animals and walked around her house.


Thinking again her eyes get a glimmer of hope in them as her mind goes to the one person she missed over all else.

"Does...this mean I can see Gunner too now?"