
Moving Forward

At home Hope sat at her desk paper work in front of her. She was more comfortable working from home than she was in the makeshift office. Maybe she would get a office, but she new there was no room right now, so she waited and most work was done from home.

Looking over at the phone that sat on the one side of the desk Hope let out a sigh. Scott needed his space, she new this but it pained her to not hear from him in so long. Today...he was going to call today he had promised she just had to be pashent.

Trying to get back to her work Hope gives a sigh in frustration as she just cant considerate. Raching out for her phone Hope dials Scott's number and waits. Hearing his voice on the other end made her feel good. He was ok...that was good.

"Hey its just me...I know you were going to call me but I was going crazy sitting here waiting."

Hope gives a light laugh she didn't want Scott to think she was upset. She new he needed time, and she was ok with that.

"...I was wondering if you still wanted to do lunch?"

Glancing up from her car at Leo Ryan just watches him for a long moment. Over the last few days she had seem to slip into someone just not of herself anymore. Leo seemed happy, and she hadn't seen Alec in days, he was always busy, and Eli was busy with his new job. Ryan was alone...left with her feelings, left with her guilt and left with two completely different pains in her heart. She'd made her own bed and now she had to lay in it. Maybe this was what she deserved.

Turning back to the car she was working on Ryan tightens some bolts making sure they were snug. Racing was her out but even that had to end. Hearing Axel's comment Ryan lets out a long tired sigh. Looking up at her eyes looked tired, and her voice was on the dull side.

"Yeah they do, but its our own actions that make those changes."

Looking back down at her car again Ryan tinkers with a few more things to keep her mind off everything. What would she do for lunch today? See if Alec was around again? Maybe....maybe she would just skip lunch altogether and just work. Ryan felt so confused even about the little things.

Sitting at the table and her elbow and arm on the table Bree keeps her head propped up with her knuckles. Glancing at the sandwich that had been placed in front of her Bree wanted to smile at the crust that was cut off, but it just didn't want to come out.

Being back was good, being home was nice but it just wasn't the same. It felt like this life was tainted now, and Gunner not being around Bree still didn't feel safe. She hadnt returned to work yet, she just wasn't ready.

Just moving her eyes to look up at her uncle she lets out a small sigh nodding a little. Everything lacked color, and no matter how she tried to be better it just...didn't work..

"Yeah I have the gum, I've been carrying it for the last week."

Each day Bree had come to see her Uncle it was the same thing said over and over again that maybe tomorrow she could see Gunner. And each day came with out the visit and the hope that maybe tomorrow she could see him. So hope still lingered but excitement was no longer there when hearing those words. Until she was actually on her way to see him her excitement was held at bay.

"Skippy deiced to ride on Darwin's head this morning round the house. It was kind of funny actully considering he's about the same size as his head. I think they were trying to cheer me up. It made me smile a little."

Hearing Ryder behind her in the kitchen Thirteen couldn't help but roll her eyes at Aerith giving a small laugh.

"He shouldn't be wrestling crocs ether. Gives me a heart attack every time he does."

Thirteen had hated leaving Texas, she really had liked it there. Being with the animals, in the open space her father being close by. It really was nice. But not she was left with memories and pictures that would hold her over. Though the question of when next time would be lingered.

Finishing rolling her silverware Thirteen turns and heads into the kitchen sitting down at the small table at one end. Just watching Ryder for a long moment she stands again slowly making her way over to him. Stangly enough she had found a liking for cooking once she figured out what everything was.

"Can I help you cook? My shift in the dinning room is over, and I just...don't feel like going home alone."

The tiny bell on the auto shop rings as Cassy removes her sun glass. It had been a nice day out, and her knee had felt half was decent. So a longer drive than normal brought her here to where Leo worked.

Not seeing anyone at the counter Cassy tried to crain her neck to seeing to the bay area and though she herd the noise she didn't see anyone.


Cassy could only hope someone heard her. Than again she hoped Leo was working too. She had a favor to ask but realized she had no idea when he even worked and didn't.

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