
"It looks like a rock to me," Scott states flatly. "I big... fat rock. With a little rock next to it."

A little laugh slips out, proving he was teasing, rather than seeing such dull objects. "I guess I kinda see a bunny. Except the more it changes, the more it looks like an armadillo."

Giving a sigh, Scott just watches the clouds, glad that Hope was here with him. She made him feel... whole. Even when he felt he was falling to pieces. "Thank you... Hope. I didn't mean to exclude you lately. I just wanted so badly to make it through on my own... to prove I was strong enough to do it. Things had been going so well and... I thought the nightmare was over."

He sighs again. "Reese won't be happy if I quit. But I know Dalton can handle the work alright. I don't know... what do you think I should do? One one hand, I feel like I'm running away. And on the other, I feel like I'm shedding a burden."

Eric obeys Angel, just trying to keep himself still, but it was hard. Cringing a bit, he draws in a shallow breath as he continues to shake. "I'll... I'll be okay," he mumbles. "Have to be. I'm fine. It's just..... gotta take... take its time."

Jim stands back, his arms crossed. "We don't have enough time, that's the problem," he muses, not loud enough for Eric to hear. "Angel..." His tone is serious. "I trust you - you know that. But does Eric need more than we can do for him here?"

"No." Eric states flatly. He wasn't supposed to have heard that, but he had. His jaw is clenched tightly, the bedsheets in a vice grip. "I'm s...staying here. No... no more... h...hospital."

JT smiles gently at Bree, finally seeing a spark, even if it was so very faint. "Not right away. But getting home is the first step, okay? After we're home, we need to wait until David and Angelica can work it out so we can visit Gunner. They're keeping him pretty secured right now. But we will... we'll get in, I promise, okay?"

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