

Misty gives a shake of her head and a laugh as Carson sends her on her way. Stopping at his comment sinks in a little bit she turns throwing him a stern look though her eyes sparkle with humor.

"So what your trying to say is I'm slow enough at shopping that I'll take forever."

Walking backwards for a few moments Misty grins before bringing her hand to her lips and blowing a kiss to Carson. Turning back around and almost running into the counter Misty laughs and gives wave as she leave the building.

She new what kind of ice cream they both liked, but maybe tonight they could try something different? Is was always a nice to change things up now and again.

Nodding and turning to head away from the group a little bit Trey catches Pete's eye. Giving a nod he heads away from the group again to pull out his phone. His first call would be to Hayden just to check on how everything was going, the next to his parents as well. While on the phone he pulls out his smokes and lights one up taking a few drags before putting it out and placing the now cold butt into his pocket.

Once done on the phone Trey doesn't go back to the group right away but stays standing alone in the shadows. It was the place he new the best, it was like home for him. Turning and looking back at the people that were around the fire, and at Ariel who was talking with a few others he wondered did he belong here? Did he belong in the light like the others?

Letting out a long sigh and sticking hands in his pockets again Trey finally makes his way back to where Ariel was. Giving a half grin he cocks his head a little bit.

"So are we on hot chocolate duty?"

Feeling the couch move a little bit Dalton's eyes flutter a little but suddenly close again and start to water a little as he gets a whack to the nose. It wasn't that hard but it was enough to let the water run a little from his eyes. Letting out a grown he brings his hand to his nose for a moment before opening his eyes and wiping the water away.

"Remind me never to make you angry so you do that one purpose."

Grinning and receiving the kiss to the nose Dalton's arms go around Dani. He wasn't upset and his small chuckle proved it. Receiving another kiss Dalton gives a little groan in his throw letting his fingers move to Dani's hair.

As she pulls away she smiles looking up at her. Right now in her natural state, with no makeup and her hair a mess she looked even more beautiful than she ever was.

"Your so pretty you know that."

Bringing a hand to the side of her face his smile widens even more. Running his thumb over her cheek Dalton leans up to kiss her lips again.

"How about we take a sick day today and going out just the two of us...just...to get away. We both could use the time off."

Walking down the sidewalk a smile seemed to be small but placed on Beth's lips. She been having a good last few days as her spirits were up. Almost like slowly a vial was being pushed away. Not completely but it was a good start.

Seeing Justin sitting on there also famous bench Beth can feel the smile grow just a little bit more. Coming clower she looks down at the noodles and raises an eyebrow for a moment.

"Do I want to know what your doing with those things today?"

So sorry

"Mmmm... cuddle time is definitely the best." Carson smiles down at Misty, his arms going around her too. He lets the subject of Australia drop for now - there really was no use in dwelling on it.

Giving Misty a tight squeeze and a last rough kiss, he turns her towards the door and gives her a light spank. "If you pick up the ice cream, by the time I finish here, we should get home about the same time."

Evenings were his favorite part of the day. Not just because work was over, but because he got to go home and be with Misty. Even when the days got to him, he could leave it all behind for a few hours and just enjoy the love of his life.

"Oh, sure." Ariel nods at Trey. "Go ahead and go make your calls. I'll check on the chocolate now." Giving him another smile, she pats his arm. "See you back here in a couple minutes."

Backing a way for a moment, she finally turns around and wanders to the food tables again, catching a couple other young women to ask them about hot chocolate.

Nearby, Pete was mingling, though his eyes found Trey and Ariel just getting back from the pier. It looked as though they were getting along well, and he smiles. Catching Trey's eye for a moment, he nods, giving him a little wave to let him know he hadn't forgotten about him. He doesn't bother going over to him though and acting like a babysitter - it looked like Trey was doing just fine on his own.

Dani murmurs softly as she feels Dalton's fingers run through her hair, and now that they were more comfortable, she snuggles into him a little more. She didn't know if he was planning on leaving in a while or not, but whatever time they had, she would take advantage of it. She felt safe with him here, and her fears seemed to be chased away, knowing that she wasn't alone.

Within minutes, her breathing slows, her body completely relaxed. The tears were dried, and sleep had found her once again...

...Dani 's eyes flutter halfway open and gradually bring the dimly lighted atmosphere into focus. It takes her brain a few moments to register the fact that the light wasn't coming from the lamp - it was coming from the window - the living room window. She must have fallen asleep on the couch last night.

Yawning and stretching, she moves her arms up and the back of her hand whacks something she'd forgotten was there - or rather someone. Her eyes go wide and she rolls over, only now realizing that she'd just rolled over on the top of Dalton... and had also smacked him in the face.

"Oh, I am so sorry." She bites her lip as a giggle escapes. What a rude awakening she'd given him. Scooting up a little ways, she rests on his chest and stretches to kiss his nose where she'd hit him. "There. I'll make it all better."

Wriggling her toes, she nudges his knee, giving him a sleepy grin. "You stayed all night..." Leaning her chin on his chest, her eyes look up at him with a brightness beneath the fog of just waking up, signaling that she'd slept well. "Thank you." She knew she must look a sight, in her old t-shirt, sweatpants and hair all askew, but for some reason, she didn't mind Dalton seeing her in the morning. With anybody else, she'd be embarrassed, but she was just too comfortable around him to mind.

Crawling up a little closer, she kisses him on the lips this time, then nuzzles her face into his warm neck and sighs deeply. She didn't want to get up, but she knew she had to, and she knew he'd have to get going too.

"Alright, you ready?"

Scott nods, not minding that Jenny had a hold of his arm. He did feel a might unsteady, but at least he got to go back to the other building and back to his own room again. "Yeah... yeah, I think so."

"Good." Jenny smiles warmly. The doctor had said that Scott was well enough to return to his room and that was reason enough to be happy for him. Maybe the nightmares were persisting, but he was trying to eat a little more, and his body was strong enough now to be on his own once more.

Walking slowly down the hall, Scott stops and turns the other way. "Can we walk outside instead?"

"Sure." Jenny nods. "The sun is nice and bright this morning."

Getting outside, it really was nice. Scott didn't move very quickly, enjoying the fresh air. Even though it was warm, he was glad for his hoodie. He seemed to have trouble getting warm lately, but the doctor said that wasn't unusual, with his weight loss and weakness. "Justin coming this morning?"

"As far as I know. He hasn't called to say otherwise. Why?"

Scott shrugs. "He'll start working with me again today like normal and... I don't know. Guess I'm kinda nervous."

"Oh, you'll be fine. You're doing so well, Scott. And when you're done, you can tell me what you want for lunch today."

"Hasn't the kitchen already decided what's on the menu?"

Jenny grins. "So? I know the cook personally, remember?"

A smile creases Scott's lips. "Thanks, Jenny. You're the best."

Justin pulls into the Brookshire parking lot and parks in his regular spot. Cutting the engine, it gives a strange little pop before shutting down and Justin quirks an eyebrow, shaking his head. Sooner or later, this thing was going to die, but he'd baby it until then.

Getting out of the pickup, he grabs his backpack along with what looked like two foam pool "noodles." Both dogs jump down after him, excited but sticking close obediently until he grabs their leashes.

Wandering up onto the sidewalk and getting to the normal bench, he checks his watch. He was a bit early. He knew Scott was being moved this morning, so he'd wait a little while longer to make sure he was settled in before going to him. He also wanted to call Reese in a bit for any updates on Hope since he hadn't heard anything lately.

Settling down on the bench, the dogs lie down and he deposits his backpacks and the noodles on the ground before glancing around to see if Beth was going to show up this morning too.