

Misty gives a shake of her head and a laugh as Carson sends her on her way. Stopping at his comment sinks in a little bit she turns throwing him a stern look though her eyes sparkle with humor.

"So what your trying to say is I'm slow enough at shopping that I'll take forever."

Walking backwards for a few moments Misty grins before bringing her hand to her lips and blowing a kiss to Carson. Turning back around and almost running into the counter Misty laughs and gives wave as she leave the building.

She new what kind of ice cream they both liked, but maybe tonight they could try something different? Is was always a nice to change things up now and again.

Nodding and turning to head away from the group a little bit Trey catches Pete's eye. Giving a nod he heads away from the group again to pull out his phone. His first call would be to Hayden just to check on how everything was going, the next to his parents as well. While on the phone he pulls out his smokes and lights one up taking a few drags before putting it out and placing the now cold butt into his pocket.

Once done on the phone Trey doesn't go back to the group right away but stays standing alone in the shadows. It was the place he new the best, it was like home for him. Turning and looking back at the people that were around the fire, and at Ariel who was talking with a few others he wondered did he belong here? Did he belong in the light like the others?

Letting out a long sigh and sticking hands in his pockets again Trey finally makes his way back to where Ariel was. Giving a half grin he cocks his head a little bit.

"So are we on hot chocolate duty?"

Feeling the couch move a little bit Dalton's eyes flutter a little but suddenly close again and start to water a little as he gets a whack to the nose. It wasn't that hard but it was enough to let the water run a little from his eyes. Letting out a grown he brings his hand to his nose for a moment before opening his eyes and wiping the water away.

"Remind me never to make you angry so you do that one purpose."

Grinning and receiving the kiss to the nose Dalton's arms go around Dani. He wasn't upset and his small chuckle proved it. Receiving another kiss Dalton gives a little groan in his throw letting his fingers move to Dani's hair.

As she pulls away she smiles looking up at her. Right now in her natural state, with no makeup and her hair a mess she looked even more beautiful than she ever was.

"Your so pretty you know that."

Bringing a hand to the side of her face his smile widens even more. Running his thumb over her cheek Dalton leans up to kiss her lips again.

"How about we take a sick day today and going out just the two of us...just...to get away. We both could use the time off."

Walking down the sidewalk a smile seemed to be small but placed on Beth's lips. She been having a good last few days as her spirits were up. Almost like slowly a vial was being pushed away. Not completely but it was a good start.

Seeing Justin sitting on there also famous bench Beth can feel the smile grow just a little bit more. Coming clower she looks down at the noodles and raises an eyebrow for a moment.

"Do I want to know what your doing with those things today?"

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