
Leaving Again...

Just feeling Gunner's around her again Bree melted. She's missed his touch and she missed the safety she always felt in his arms. For a moment she wondered if she had ever told him that before. She's definitely have to sometimes.

Hearing the Gunner wasn't kidnapped or hurt Bree let out a thankful sigh but at the same time it made her slightly more irritated. She'd never want anything bad to happen to Gunner, but if he had been than she wouldn't have a reason to be mad at him right now. It was such a mix of emotion that only a few tears came out in the place of anything else.

   "Nothing in life is easy. There is much term oil, hate, and no one is sure of anything. Every time it gets hard...will...will you run away?"

Bree looks up into Gunner's eyes. It was an honest question that she wanted to know. She couldn't handle someone always running away. When things got to hard turning there back and disappearing. She wanted what she always thought Gunner would offer her. The man that would stand with her no matter what, though the good, the hard, the doubt, and the fear. Maybe it was selfish to want that, but in her own mind, having a partnership, a life that was forever was something like this. It was a simple question, but a hard question all in the same.

Ashlee gives a small smile at Eric's comment. She always liked helping him with the stalls, and so many other things around the barn.  It could be the work she liked, the horses she likes, or just spending some quality time with Eric she liked even more.

   "I like doing that kind of stuff...but it's just not the same with out you around."

Poking at her lasagna Ashlee finally takes a bite. Thinking about Eric's question about riding tonight. She missed it, and she'd love to do it and yet there was this feeling that held her back from jumping at it.

   "I'm kind of tired tonight. It's been a long day. Maybe tomorrow or something we can...if your not leaving again."

Stacy throws her own confused look to Eric. It was strange Ashlee didn't jump at going riding. She herself wondered what was wrong, and if she should be worried.

Pulling up to the house Grace gives a small smile. It was nice to see Jared sitting outside, thought he really wasn't meant to be doing to much on his own yet, it was good to see he had the will to try. Getting out of her car and slipping the keys into her pocket Grace walks up the steps and leans against the railing on the porch.

   "So I could ask if you had help getting out here but I think I already know the answer. I do admit though it's nice to be greeted out here by you."

Moving closer Grace lifts Jared's leg gently before sitting down and than resting the leg in her lap once again. Giving him a glance, and a small smile she gives her head a little shake. She might not always understand Jared, but that was the best part of knowing him.

   "I'm wondering if we should do your exercises today or goof off since it looks like you started without me already."