

Scott nods slowly and eventually takes a sip of his coffee. "Yeah, I've been taking a few pictures here and there." He'd done some of her and Domino in the park a couple times, so she obviously knew about that. 

"Haven't done much more than what you've seen though. Guess it's a lack of inspiration... or lack of motivation to go some of the places I want to alone yet." That was true too. He just wasn't sure enough by himself yet to seek out good locations for more pictures. 

His eyes drift to the table and he shrugs. "Kinda miss it though. It's the only thing I'm halfway decent with, apart from computers, and my brain gets fried enough at work from that." 

Waiting for Destiny near the door, a new smile spreads on Chance's face as she emerges again. "I'm in the mood for..." He pauses to think, while opening the door for her. "Um..." 

Following her outside, he wanders to his SUV, motioning for Destiny to ride with him. Getting in and starting the engine before buckling up, he was still thinking. "How about..." 

Backing out of the driveway, he stops and looks at Destiny with a sheepish grin. "Yeah okay, I have no idea what I want. What sounds good to you?" 

Chad's slow, rhythmic breathing does nothing but lull Rosalyn into sleep as well. His soft heartbeat and warmth made her feel safe and relaxed - a much needed contrast to what she'd felt earlier. 

And so comfortable she was, that time slipped into the night as her head remained on Chad's chest...


"Ha, from what I have been told Dani sounds like a woman who is definitely in love. I think it's great she is taking a little extra time to pamper Dalton. We all need it once and a while."

Accepting the coffee from Scott Hope smiles before turning to his fridge and grabbing some of the milk to put into the glass. Once finished she walks over to the table and sets the cup down before sitting again. 

Letting the silence linger for a second for the first time Hope couldn't help but feel a strange tense feeling in the air. She wasn't sure what it was from or why it was there but she could feel it. Maybe it was just that moment when normally he would be kissing, or cuddling. 

   "So have you picked up your photographing again? You were always really good at that. I'd like to see some new work you have done. I think you really have an eye for that."

Giving a little chuckle Chad sinks a little farther onto the bed and wraps his arms tighter around Rosalyn. It felt nice to be holding someone, to show them comfort and get it in return. It was a nice warm feeling and Chad didn't want to pass this up for a second. 

   "Mmmm...I think...I don't know what I think. I'll just shut up now."

Closing his eyes and continuing to run his hand through Rosalyn's hair soon it slowed though and so did his breath. Rosalyn's warmth on him a nice blanket, and dreams invaded his mind. It was to comfortable here to not fall into a deep sleep.

Hearing Chance's stomach growl Destiny can't help but give a laugh.  She couldn't help but find it slightly funny. Hearing her own stomach give a little growl she can't help but laugh again and this time she moves to get off of Chance. She was slightly hungry herself. Hearing when he eat last though She can't help her surprise.

   "Well why on earth did you wait so long to say something? My goodness man, yes yes we can go somewhere and eat before you wither away."

Holding out her hand to help Chance up Destiny heads to her bedroom to change and clean up a little bit since they were going out to dinner. Coming back out freshened up and looking a little more awake Destiny smile at Chance.

   "Alright I am ready, what are you in the mood to eat?"