
In the midst of leather

Feeling someone shaking his shoulder is finally enough to rouse Justin. Then he hears Beth's voice and he realizes that he hasn't gotten anything done at all, and he hadn't even greeted her like he should have when she'd arrived. Way to go.

Something like a groan emerges as he rolls over onto his back and looks up at Beth sleepily. "Did you say something about supper?" he mumbles. Yawning, he puts his arms up over his head for a moment to stretch from his fingertips to his toes. Then blinking, he looks a little more clearly at her.

"Hi... and sorry," he apologizes, still drowsy. "I... guess I was more tired than I thought. Then I got all these phone calls that wore me out even more and... apparently my internal alarm clock needs new batteries."

He yawns again before grinning. "My house is a mess, my girls are gonna disown me for ignoring them all day and I don't even come to the door when you arrive... I'm really on my game today, aren't I?"

Tal's knuckles rap lightly on the open hood of the broken-down car to get Ryan's attention as she worked. He peeks around the hood towards the engine and smiles. "Didn't anybody ever teach you to take a lunch break?" She'd said the night before she wanted to do lunch today, so he'd come to the auto shop as soon as he'd been able to take a break. It was a little early, but not too early to eat.

"I'm driving and buying so you get to pick where we go."

Bret nods a little absentmindedly, watching as Nicholas gripped one of his fingers in his tiny fist. Con hadn't been against the idea of Nicholas being baptized, but Bret did remember how he'd explained that baptism was something a person made a decision about... it was the sign of a commitment to God that only an individual could make for themselves. So... a baby couldn't decide something like that - Nicholas wasn't old enough to make up his own mind yet. Con had explained how while there was nothing wrong with them baptizing him, it really had no purpose as far as Nicholas' soul was concerned.

So... in Bret's mind, there really wasn't much of a point, if what Con said about personal commitment was true. Nicholas would have to decide for himself once he knew right from wrong and all that... right? But that's where Bret and Charlotte were at. It felt almost scary for some reason, like he was just beginning to see they were standing on the edge of a cliff and could either fall or gain better footing. He furrows his brow a little as his mind swam with all of this information. He wasn't used to thinking about all these kinds of things. At least he had Charlotte to think through it with him - he couldn't imagine staying sane without her anymore.

Her voice brings him back around and he shifts his head to look up at her from the floor. A smile creases his lips. He was glad to hear she'd try it with him. This was new to both of them... it made him just a little excited to think they could investigate and learn at the same time. "Of course I want to do it with you And... maybe it'll be fun. I mean, at least we'll be with Con and Jamie and they're always fun, right?"

Feeling something wet on his finger he looks back to Nicholas to find his finger being sucked on. He smirks. "Sorry, Bud. You're not gonna find anything there." He chuckles, making Nicolas bounce on his stomach, which in turn makes Nicholas giggle.

Bret finally sits up and holds Nicholas close as he gets to his feet. Cradling him in one arm, he wanders over to Charlotte to lean in and give her a kiss. "I don't ever want to be without you either. If they have coins in Heaven, I wouldn't have anybody to flip them with... and that wouldn't feel like Heaven at all."

A squeal from Nicholas breaks the moment, as does his flailing hand that whacks Bret in the face. Bret grins and rolls his eyes. "I think somebody is just as hungry as I am."

Rocky gives a little wave as Michaela leaves, still smiling as he watches the taillights disappear down the street. What a strange night. It had been good, no doubt, and he'd enjoyed it. But it really had been out of the ordinary. He didn't think he minded though. Michaela seemed genuine and either she was an expert actress, or how she presented herself online was true to her real character... which was refreshing in a way. Maybe he'd made a new friend after all.

Turning to his own car, he finally gets in to drive home. He had to pick up a few things on the way, but soon he'd be home to fall into bed. He imagined Puzzle would be glad to see him after being left alone for a very long day.

Eric leans on one of the pasture fences, just looking out at some of the horses. It had been a couple days that he'd been back now, but he was still having a hard time settling in. Everybody knew now... about what had happened with Dana. He was embarrassed at the least, and ashamed at the most. Would this feeling ever go away?

Sighing, his thumbnail picks at a splinter in the fence rail board. He'd kept pretty much to himself the last day or so... hadn't socialized much. Maybe part of it was him trying to avoid Stacy. He'd intentionally avoided her and so far had gotten away without any further conversation with her, but he still didn't know if she'd ever recognized him or not. He was sure one of these days he'd find out. It looked like she was going to be here for a good long while and he'd have to interact at some point. Interaction wasn't his strong point right now though. He just felt... alone and useless.

Figuring maybe he could find something to do in the barn, he turns in that direction and starts to slowly walk. At least his leg was feeling better after Angel's care. That was one good thing.

A few minutes later, Eric was sitting in the tack room alone, oiling one of the saddles. This room had often been a haven for many weary souls... and today it was he who found shelter here in the midst of leather.