

Exiting the store and heading to her car Misty carry's her package fishing for her keys to open the door and sticking the packages in the back. Once getting situated and into the car Misty pulls her phone from her pocket. Dialing Dani's number Misty waits for the familiar voice to answer.

"Hey Dani, its Misty. I happened t be in the area and I was wondering if many you wanted come company? I bought some ice cream and though maybe we could go to the park and enjoy the nice weather."

Misty wasn't sure if Dani would come or not but it was worth a shot not to mention being off of work, and Carson working she was kind of bored. Spending some time with Dani would be nice for herself and maybe Dani as well if she needed a friend.

Coming up the walk way Beth's step was a little lighter today. Her day seemed slightly better, as last night she had gotten more sleep than the day before. Though her eyes still held the slight tired look, it wasn't as bad only the normal.

Getting to the bench were she often seemed to find Justin Beth stops cocking her head and looks at him for a long moment.

"Every day is a new surprise with you huh? Today it looked like you were hit by a mac truck. You ok?"

Beth offers a slight smile to Justin hoping he was ok though he looked a little sore. She was worry for him anyways and the condition he was in. Even though she saw him once a day and not for very long, she considered him and aquatint and would hate to see him sitting there in to much pain.

Returning Alec's kiss Ryan moves with him and snuggled down into the couch making herself comfortable. She new she was still in her normal clothing but she didn't want to move right away again.

Draping her arm over top of Alec and resting her other under her head and on her chest she looks up at him for a moment grinning.

"You don't mind if I sleep out here with you again tonight do you? If ya do I can give ya space."

Ryan new Alec probley didn't mind but she wanted to ask anyways to make sure he new she want trying to smother him. That was the last thing she wanted to do.

No warning

Alec's lips curl up into a grin and he leans down to give Ryan a kiss on the lips. "Thank you. You're nicer than your brother is."

Eli rolls his eyes. "Well I'd hate for you to show your gratitude like that to me, rather than her." He smirks and shakes his head. "I'm going to bed. The Elite come knocking, don't wake me up."

Alec waves him off before looking back down at Ryan. "Thanks. This couch is more comfy than that cot over at TJY. Not to mention I don't have any hot bricks to keep me warm down there."

Grinning again, he kicks off his shoes and scoots down further into the couch, moving Ryan right along with him. He knew she would need to get up before getting ready for bed and she might not even curl up with him for the night at all, but for now, he'd get comfy anyway.

Scott doesn't return the hug, though he doesn't pull away. It wouldn't be hard to put an arm around his sister, but he would blame the awkward position of sitting next to her on the bench. He gives a nod at her mention of next week. "Okay..." Looking up, he watches as she leaves, feeling his own emotions churning as he sees her wipe away her tears. This was all wrong. How had they gotten to this horrid point?

Putting things away in the bag she'd brought him, he folds over the top and stands up, ready to go back to his room. He didn't feel like fooling around outside today. It had been bad enough that Justin had had the nerve to bring Sapphire here - he wasn't in the mood to put up with anything more.

Watching as Sapphire disappears from sight, Scott starts forward but is stopped by Justin's hand to his shoulder.

"Hey... stick around," Justin prompts gently. "Thought we'd work off some energy."

Without any warning, Scott spins around. Fire blazes in his eyes with an intention that had been there since he'd seen Justin had brought Sapphire. Being asked to stay was the last straw, and there was no hesitation. His fist meets Justin's mouth with enough force to send him sprawling on the ground.

Justin didn't even have time to react. One moment he was standing beside Scott, and the next, he was reeling backward, his world flipping upside down. His head bounces off the corner of the bench, adding to the pain already shooting through his mouth. Instincts cause him to shield his face and head with his arms in case the attack wasn't over. It was though.

Scott stands back, already feeling guilty, but ignoring it. "How dare you bring my sister here," he hisses. He wasn't mad at Sapphire and he wasn't mad that she'd seen him. He was mad at Justin for initiating the visit without telling him first. "You ever pull a stunt like that again, so help me, you'll pay."

Justin winces, catching his breath and cringing at his new headache. Anybody with brains would have let Scott walk away. But not Justin. Seeing Scott leave, he calls after him. "It's not my fault that all you want to do is hide from the world. Your fear of seeing your sister just proves you're scared of the truth."

Scott whirls around with a fresh glare. "I am not!"

Justin slowly picks himself up, wiping his bloody lip and steadying himself on the bench. "Then why do you keep running? You're too scared to face the shadows and you're too selfish to even let your sister in. The Agency data isn't holding you back. You are."

Gritting his teeth, Scott turns and walks away without another word. If Justin wanted to come drag him back outside, so be it. But this visit was over.

Justin scoffs and eases down on the bench, feeling dizzy. Scott had surprised him. He'd been so calm around Sapphire - apparently it truly was Justin he was mad at and not his sister, but he was also a good actor, which made Justin's job all the harder now.

Wiping his lip again, Justin grabs his backpack and stands, wincing again at the pain in his head. His walk to his pickup was slower today, his body language down and out. What was he trying to do here anyway? Any other person would write up this incident in a report and have Scott put on meds to calm him down. Was Justin just too stupid to not do the same? Maybe he'd bit off more than he could chew after all.

Realizing his lip was still bleeding, he stops and fishes in his backpack for some random napkin or tissue.

Dani curls up at the end of the couch, pulling her knees up and sniffing as more tears come. She was glad she was at Dalton's instead of her own place, but it was still quiet and lonely. Blowing her nose again, she looks to the television, but she knew she wouldn't find anything she wanted to watch.

Her mind was battling back and forth with pictures from her dreams and pictures from the new memories that had come to light. She felt miserable and... small. It was the only way she could describe it. She felt small and insignificant. Helpless to stop this barrage of emotions connected with memories no one should have. It was no wonder she had locked them away. She'd always considered herself strong and able to handle herself. But apparently there was more to her childhood than she'd ever known. Apparently she hadn't always been so strong.

Another tear rolls down her cheek and she picks up the phone, then puts it down again. No, her brother was at work. She'd talk to him tonight. She had to. She had to find out the truth.

That feeling

Feeling Justin's hand on her shoulder Sapphire didn't turn to look at him. Her eyes were still on her brother. They had started to get some where with each other she didn't want to leave now. There was so much more for her to talk about, so much more she wanted to say and just not enough time.

But bundling it all up into one lump Sapphire moves twords Scott slowly not to startle him wrapping her arms around her brother and holding him for a long moment. Even if he didn't hug her back that was ok.

"I love you Scott very much, and I'm sorry for all the things I said too. I'll be back to see my maybe one day next week. So its not bye, only see you later."

Giving a sniff Sapphire retreats for the hug and stands wiping the tears from her eyes. She missed her brother, she wanted to be friends again and she hoped this was the first step.

Motioning a half wave Sapphire turns giving a nod to Justin before heading down the sidewalk to where he car was parked. All in all it had been a good visit and she was pleased.

Watching Eli and Alec as they break into hysteria again Ryan just blinks. It was her turn to now think they were completely off there rocker. If it hadnt been for the lack of beer in the house she might had thought they were drunk,

Leaning into Alec a little Ryan gives a laugh too finally. It was late, they were all tired and silly so this was probably normal. Hearing Eli was ready to take Alec back to TJY though she lets out a sigh followed by an aw. Almost like a little kid who was told to come inside.

Hearing him ask to stay again Ryan perks up a little bit. Looking to Eli she waits for his answer before looking back to Alec and than Eli again till he says it was up to her. Grinning again and looking to Alec and giving a nod.

"You can stay the night again. I don't care if Reese and Jason come looking for you. Least your staying out of trouble for them."

Truth be told she really didn't care if Jason and Reese did come, she enjoyed Alec's company to much to care. Not to mention there was something about falling asleep in his arms that was nice. It was some of the best sleep Ryan had ever gotten. Just being close to him with nothing else involved felt nice.


"Yeah... goodnight, Ryan." Leo gets out of her car and stands back, watching her leave and the taillights disappear down the street and around the corner, a little faster than maybe should be. He grins a little and shakes his head.

Wandering to his own car, he gets in and just sits for several minutes. Bring Cassy to the shop? He probably wouldn't. It would feel too much like he was showing off a girlfriend. Maybe if the gang was getting together for something else, or happened to meet somewhere... that would be different. No, he may have started down the road to getting over Ryan tonight, but he was far from implying to anybody that Cassy was his girl. They were still very much just friends.

Perking up as Ryan comes into the apartment, both men are still a bit flushed in their faces from their silly laughing. Eli nods vigorously. "Oh, yes. Yes you did call me a genius but it never hurts to hear it again. Lay it on, sister."

Alec snickers. It was way too late and everything seemed funny. Swinging his head over to Ryan, he grins, laughter pooling in his eyes. "Glad you made it back, babe."

Sliding his arm around her, he pulls her top half down into his lap, his fingers tickling her ribs. "I didn't wanna have to come looking for you, ya know."

"He means your chocolate cake," Eli adds.

That's all it takes, and once again, both guys start laughing. Eli covers his face with his hands and tries to stop, his shoulders shaking. Finally he stands up and staggers into the kitchen, wiping his eyes as he goes and trying to compose himself. "Come on, Alec," he calls. "Kiss your woman goodnight. I gotta get you back to TJY."

"Awww." Alec's laughing and tickling both stop. "Killjoy. They won't even know I'm gone and besides, half the night is already over."

"It's only two-thirty and I am not gonna get woken up at five by Reese or Jason come pounding on the door looking for you."

Alec sighs, not even realizing his one hand is running softly through Ryan's hair. "If I promise to leave right away in the morning, can I stay?"

Eli wanders back into the living room, his hands on his hips. Looking at Alec, one would think he was some lost puppy. More than likely, this ruffian didn't even realize that his eyes were begging them to let him stay. Was it loneliness? Eli sighs. "Ask Ryan, it's her apartment."

Alec looks down at Ryan pleadingly. "Can I?" All it was was a lonely dark room awaiting him. He might never admit that he was lonely at TJY, but spending so much time with Ryan and Eli the last few days had become quite addictive. TJY held nothing anymore but work and emptiness.

Feeling Sapphire's hand, Scott looks down at it, just quietly listening to her speak. A few weeks ago, he would have turned her away, snapped at her, maybe even yelled at her. But today he was ready to hear and accept her words calmly without arguing.

Was Hope really not mad at him? He still didn't feel like seeing her yet. It was a strange combination of missing her terribly and not wanting to see her that made his insides churn. Was it just pride that was getting in the way or more? Were they really meant to be together? Or would he have to really say goodbye to another love lost?

His mind shifts with Sapphire's voice. He had been her hero? Still was? That surprised Scott a little bit. From what he remembered of school was him failing at taking down the bullies and getting beat up himself. But maybe it was just the effort she remembered. How could she still view him that way now though? He was weak... he was in a mental facility. How could anyone look up to someone like that?

Finally Scott turns to see Sapphire's face and dares to look in her eyes. Could they really get along again? Could they really work around this issue with Gage? Scott didn't know how. He loved his sister, and he was sorry for the things he'd said to her. But that didn't change the fact that she was dating someone he hated - literally.

Looking back down again, he lays his other hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry," he whispers. His voice wavers as he tries to hold back his own tears. "For... for the things I said to you. I... I just... I don't know how to... to work it out with... with everything." What he said seemed to make no sense at all and it frustrated him to not be able to put into words what he was feeling. He loved her. But he was still hurt and confused. He wanted to be around his sister again and get along with her again. But he couldn't ignore the things that angered him so.

Giving her hand a little pat, he backs off and goes for another piece of beef jerky. "Thank you for coming," he mentions softly. "I... I appreciate it."

Justin's hand comes up from behind to lay on Sapphire's shoulder. It was time for her to go.


Just wanted you to know...

Thinking about what Scott said for a moment Sapphire could hear the pain in her brother's voice with out even looking at him. There bond as strong as when they were younger but there was still a bond there, and for Sapphire it gave her hope that things could work out with them.

Reaching out slowly Sapphire puts her hand softly on top of her brothers. If nothing more to simply let him know she was there for him and she wasn't scared that he was in this place or thought any different. He was her brother, her twin, her best friend.

"It's not pointless, You got something to words twords. Getting better for Mom, Dad, Me, Hope and most of all for yourself. I can't say I know how you feel because well I don't, but I do know we are all rooting for you and love you no matter what. Even Hope, and I can garinte she is not mad at you."

Just sitting there for a long moment Sapphire draws silent just letting the quiet surround them for the longest moment. She remembered what felt like forever go her and Scott could just sitting in one spot for the longest time and not say anything at all but feel like they had the best conversation when walking away.

"Your strong Scott, you always have been no matter what, remember in school when you use to fend the bully's off for me. You were my hero, and your still my hero now. That will never change no matter how many fights we have. I just...I wanted you to know that."

Looking to Scott Sapphire smiles her eyes glisting a little as some tears wanted to come but she willed them not to. For her brothers sake she wanted not to let the tears come.

Giving a smile and noding a little hearing about Cassy Ryan was please she was nice and someone Leo once new that had reformed a friendship. Seeing him smile as he talked about her too was nice. Leo deserved to be happy thats was deffintly for sure. He was to nice of a guy not to be happy.

"Hey ya never know, if your helping her with dancing you might end up seeing her more often still. She sounds real nice and I'm happy for that."

Pulling over to the side of the road where Leo's car was Ryan puts the car into park before turning to Leo a little.

"Thanks Leo, for coming tonight it was nice to have you there and share a laugh with you.I hope we can do it again. Oh yeah bring Cassy around the shop sometime too I'd like to meet her."

Giving a smile to Leo Ryan bids him goodnight leaving there conversation for now. It defiantly had been good to talk with Leo again. Giving a wave Ryan pulls out from where she was parked taking the back roads home. Going a little faster than probably should should Ryan keeps her eye out for cops and in no time she was home.

"I'm back, I didn't run away some where...hope you guys didn't miss me to much."

Coming into the living room Ryan flops down on the couch next to Alec giving him a little elbow before she grins at him and than looks over at her brother.

"Dear Eli did I tell you, that I think your a genius?"


Scott's eyes lower to the ground as Sapphire mentions them as kids. Yeah, she'd been the picky one. Sometimes she'd sneak him the food she didn't like and he would eat it so she wouldn't get into trouble. There had been a bond there when they'd been kids. What had happened?

Scott can feel emotions rising within him and he swallows the lump in his throat. Taking another sip of pop, he listens as she mentions Hope. She was under the weather? Having trips to the infirmary? That wasn't like her. She needed to not be working at all and taking care of herself, and... His thoughts drift off. Who was he to tell her what to do now?

His shoulders slouch a little. "Yeah." His voice had grown quiet again. "She and I... I mean, I..." He shakes his head and takes another bite of jerky. "I haven't seen her in a while," he admits. "I... told her not to come... anymore."

He shrugs lamely. "I was mad at her, ya know? For bringing me here and... and I guess I got tired of her seeing me like this and... I don't know. I just... wound up telling her to stay away. I don't even know if we're even... together... anymore."

Sighing, Scott sets aside his pop and bag of goodies, his nervousness returning. "I...I don't know what to do anymore. It all feels... pointless."

Hearing an apology from Ryan too, Leo lifts an eyebrow a little bit. His wounds were still sore but... having her say she was sorry too, helped them heal just a little more.

The questions about Cassy make him grin and he shakes his head. "Yeah... yeah, she's nice. I've just been fixing up the place for her is all. We knew each other a few years back, see. But... most of the work is done so I probably won't see her as much. Though I've been helping her dance a little bit too."

Seeing that they were nearing the spot where his car is, he's glad and sad at the same time that the ride would be over soon.

"Well I'm sorry!" Alec throws up his arms as he paces the living room. "He started it."

Eli rolls his eyes and takes off his jacket and gloves. "That's what they all say. You really gotta learn to keep your mouth shut, you know that?"

"What, you think I'm happy about Leo taking off with her?"

"No one took off with anybody," Eli chides. "She gave him a ride. Settle down. You already got her so what's the problem?"

"I don't... I don't know." Alec glances out the window for the tenth time.

A grin spreads on Eli's face. "You're jealous."

"I am not."

"Are too. You're jealous and you think that Leo is suddenly going to have everything you do and Ryan will miraculously be taken by him and is gonna ride off into the sunset... er... sunrise with him and you'll never see her, or her chocolate cakes again."

Alec whirls around, a glare on his face. But as he goes for a retort, he suddenly realizes just how ridiculous it all sounded and his mouth hangs open for several moments. He really was being stupid. "Oh."

It really wasn't funny, but such a short response makes Eli laugh. In turn, Alec starts to laugh too and they both sink down in chairs in the living room, their laughter starting up all over again.

Picky one

Seeing the look in Alec's eye Ryan new he wasn't happy but there was nothing she could do to change that. Leo was her friend and he'd asked for a ride. If he was trying to be friendly than she wasn't going to turn that down. She wanted to be friends with Leo like she had long ago.

Finally finshed up and on there way Ryan drives silently for a long while. It was a nice night out and with the windows cracked open the breeze felt nice on the back roads. Hearing Leo start talking and his comment on talking to her while Alec was around Ryan gave a slightly nod of her head.

"It's ok I understand about talking to me with Alec around."

She did understand too, giving Leo credit for wanting to try and be friends with her was enough. If he didn't feel comfortable around Alec still it was completely understand able. If it were her she might be the same way.

"I'd like to become friends again and I'm ok with taking the small steps to get there. So, appoligy accepted."

Drawing silent again for a moment Ryan taps her fingers absentmindedly on the searing wheel as her own mind process a few different things. Shifting a little bit in the car seat Ryan turns down another street coming to a stop sign she glaces over at Leo again for a moment before her eyes go back on the road again too.

"I guess...I'm sorry too about how everything turned out. I could have handled things differently than I did. So if anyone is saying sorry here its me."

There was so much more Ryan wanted to say but weather it was right or wrong she didn't know so for now keeping her mouth quiet was best. Maybe some day she would tell Leo what else was on her mind but maybe when there friendship was strong again.

"So...the guys tell me in you free time you've been helping this woman...Cassy I think they said her name was. She's opening a dance studio, I thought that was pretty cool. Is she nice?"

A smile was still formed on Ryan's face to show she really was interested in this part of Leo's life as a friend. She did in fact think it was cool he had been helping her out. It defiantly seemed like someone right up Leo's ally and she was happy for him.

Taking the can of mountain dew from her brother she takes a sip before handing it back to him just letting the liquid slid down her throat till she looked at him again and gave a small grin.

"I always liked the taste of mountain dew, but never the jerky to much. Twins through and though but when it came to tasting something you always did like more than me. I drove mom crazy being the picky one."

Giving a small laugh and shaking her head Sapphire leans back on the bench some of her nerves were starting to pass. Though she was still unsure on everything she wanted to say it seemed a little easier now. Almost like Scott had accepted her being there and it was ok.

Hearing the question about Hope Sapphire had to stop and think for a moment. She normaly didnt see Hope much and she'd been pretty busy the last weeks but she'd seen even less of her at that.

"I've seen her a few times coming in and out at odd hours. It's been pretty busy at work but I asked Reese about her the one day because it seemed like I saw her less than normal. He said she'd been feeling a little under the weather so she had been doing some work from home. I catch sight of her now and than as she is heading to the infirmary."

Thinking for a moment she searches Scott's eyes. There was something in them that she could see. Had it been a while since Scott had seen her too? His eyes almost longed to be told more about this person he cared for. Sapphire only felt sad she couldn't tell him more.

"I bet she'd like to hear from you. She probably miss you a lot as well."


Scott manages something close to a laugh... almost. The corners of his mouth turn up just a little. "Yeah... I'm not quite fast enough but I can hit a target."

Justin gives an encouraging nod to Sapphire, letting her know that she was doing a good job. Backing away a few steps, he stays within earshot, but out of the line of sight to offer at least the feeling of them being alone so they could speak freely. He wanted to remain close though, not only to observe Scott, but be there if anything went wrong.

Scott chews a little more on his jerky and gives Sapphire a sidelong glance. "You don't have to finish it." He grins a little. "I just wanted to see if you'd eat it. Here." He hands her the open can of Mountain Dew. "This helps."

Withdrawing again, he keeps busy with his piece of beef jerky. "You, um... seen Hope lately?"

Alec isn't happy, but he knows he shouldn't go up against both Eli and Ryan. It didn't feel right though. He was used to being able to fight his way through and get his way. He wasn't used to giving in because he cared about who the other people were. It was a confusing sensation and one he didn't like. He'd like to take a swing at Leo's mouth, but knowing that it would upset Ryan held him at bay. It still didn't feel good though.

Backing off a step he looks to Eli, then Ryan before spinning on his heel and going back to the car to clean up.

Eli relaxes and lets out the breath he'd been holding. Turning to Leo, he gives him a warning look. "I know you mean well, but you might wanna watch your step there, bro. You know better."

"Yeah, well..." Leo bites his tongue from saying what he really wanted to. "Thanks."

"Uh-huh." Eli throws a glance in Ryan's direction before going back over closer to Alec to keep an eye on things.

Fifteen minutes later, Leo was seated beside Ryan in her car. Eli and Alec had been left to close up the garage then walk the few blocks to where Eli had his bike stashed after he'd met a friend for the replacement car. They'd done a good enough job that nobody would notice anything strange going on or be able to say they'd seen the group.

Leo picks at some dried paint on his jeans, quiet for a few minutes as they head down the quiet street. "Look, Ryan, I..." He stops and shakes his head, a little laugh coming out. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fire up Alec's temper like that. It's just... I couldn't talk to you with him around because..."

He stops again, watching the passing lights and trying to gather his thoughts. Another awkward laugh surfaces. "I knew exactly what I wanted to say and it has now completely flown out the window." He shakes his head again. "Oh well... I guess all I wanted to say anyway was that I'm gonna try from now on to be a little more, um... friendly at work and stuff. It's time I owned up to the fact that you've moved on with Alec, and... all I've been doing lately is making a complete butt of myself." He shrugs lamely. "I guess that's an apology."

Ghetto, sounds like fun

Thinking for a moment Dalton trys to play through his head all the work he had to do. His morning should be quiet but his afternoon would more likely be busy.

"Yeah I should be home for lunch if your still gonna be here, but its gonna be an early one probley at about eleven."

Giving a little squeeze to her again Dalton finally moves again knowing if he didn't start to get ready no for work than he never would.

"Well I need to shower and get dressed. Help yourself to anything in the fridge and pantry. My home is your home. Do you think you could throw some coffee on for me?"

Dalton gives Dani a smile as he stands. He kind of liked the feeling of waking up to someone. He often found his house lonely so having someone here like this was nice.

Once starting to clean up and put everything away Ryan nodded her head to herself. Tonight had gone smoothly and everyone had gotten along pretty well.

Hearing Leo's question Ryan turns around a small smile on her face. It made her feel good Leo has asked for a ride. Maybe there friendship was starting to build its way back up with little baby steps.

About to answer him Ryan stops as Alec jumps in with his own answer meant for her question. Looking at Alec and than back to Leo as they go back and forth a moment Ryan feels a ping in her head at Leo's comment of her never wanting him. She had at one point in time, but maybe for Leo it was easier to not admit it at all so she said nothing but if anyone looked they would still see the hurt in her eyes.

Once her brother steps in though Ryan straightens a little. Looking at Eli, than Leo than back to Alec Ryan lets out a sigh being caught in the middle before looking back at Alec.

"It wont take me long to bring Leo back to his car. You can ride with Eli Alec to the house and I will be back there when I'm done. I don't see any harm in taking Leo to his car. He is my friend after all."

Ryan looks back to Leo and gives a small smile before looking to Alec and giving a nod that it would be ok. Turning back to the tool box Ryan puts a few more things in it before shutting it and waits for the others to be ready to go.

Taking the offered peace of jerky Sapphire takes a bit. She never really liked jerky much but for her brother she'd eat some. Giving a smile at his offer of love Sapphire was happy. She didn't think her brother hated it but it was nice to hear it as a conformation anyways.

"Your welcome Scott."

Just letting the quiet take over for a long moment Sapphire sits with her brother. The quiet was kind of nice, not as good as talking but it was better than him sending her away too.

"You look good too Scott considering everything. It's nice to see you not giving up too. I'd be pretty sad if you did."

Continuing to talk Sapphire trys to keep the conversation up looking up at Justin for a moment maybe for conformation before looking to Scott again. Giving his leg a gentile pat.

"Justin told me you pretty good at ghetto paintball. I'd like to see that sometime, it sounds like fun."

Make up your mind

"No... I don't mind. Thank you." Dani rests her hand on Dalton's leg. "I wouldn't have known what to tell him anyway. I still don't... though I need to talk to him sometime... sometime when I have the right questions to ask."

Sighing a little, Dani nods. "Thank you, Dalton. I think I will stay here at least for a while. Will you come back for lunch?"

Eli grins and rolls up the poster again, setting it aside. He wouldn't need it until tomorrow anyway. "Okay, guys... back to work. We're burnin' moonlight, and I, for one, am planning on getting at least a few hours worth of sleep tonight."

Though they all would like to just keep hanging out and laughing, they obeyed and got back to work on sanding the car. Two hours later, enough had been done that they'd be able to come back the next day and start painting.

As they were cleaning things up and putting things to the side in case Mark needed the space, Leo wipes his hands on a rag and wanders over closer to Ryan. "Hey... give me a ride back to my car? I parked it about a block from Roth's place."

Alec is close behind and bristles. "She and I rode together. Eli can take you back."

Leo turns a little. "I... wanted to ride with Ryan."

"And I said no."

Leo sets his hands on his hips and looks Alec straight on. "Well I didn't ask you, now did I?"

Alec is already on the defense, not wanting to budge. "No, but I answered you."

"What are you afraid of, huh?" Leo laughs. "That I might lay hands on your property?" He shakes his head. "Ryan doesn't want me. She never did. So if you don't mind, butt out and let me ride back through town with my friend. Or at the very least, let her decide instead of you acting like you own the place."

Alec glares at Leo and starts for him, but Eli scoots in between them, creating a barrier. "Cut it out you two," he growls. His eyes move to Ryan. "Make up your mind, Speedy, before these two meat-hungry dogs tear themselves to shreds."

Scott's eyes stay glued to the ground, and though he couldn't see Sapphire sit to his left, he felt the bench move just a little and knew she was there. She'd missed him something awful? He still had the note she'd written, but still... maybe it was a little hard for him to believe just yet. They hadn't shared a nice word with each other since their argument over Gage. Oh, they'd seen each other at work and nodded across the room but this was the first time they'd actually sat and talked at all. How ironic.

Seeing the bag being presented to him, Scott takes it, though somewhat awkwardly. Hearing what was inside, his fingers curl around it a little, tempted to open it now but unsure if he should or not. The contents sounded good, and his mouth waters just a little.

Sapphire's next words cause his head to snap up and he finally turns to see her. His good eye roams her face, searching for the sincerity behind her words. And it was there... it was there in her voice and in her eyes. She'd said in her note she loved him, and now she was saying it to his face.

Confusion lingered in his own gaze though. He trusted his sister did love him, yet at the same time, he wondered how it could be, when she was still with someone who was a part of the place that had ultimately brought Scott here, on the verge of insanity. If she loved him, how could she take part in that form of betrayal? He'd questioned that, even after he'd received her note. He knew deep down that it was not a fair question, but he couldn't deny that it was still there in the back of his mind.

Scott was upset Sapphire was here... seeing him like this... witnessing his weakened mental and physical state. But with her gift and her words, he would not lash out at her. He couldn't. He never had wanted to hurt her in the first place, and he couldn't bring himself to do it now either.

Looking back down at he bag, his thin fingers slowly open it and he reaches inside for one of the cans of Mountain Dew. Its coolness felt good on his palm as he draws it out. Setting the bag aside, he fidgets with the can for a few moments before popping the top and hearing the familiar fizz. Sighing, he just stares at it. "I love you too," he finally responds quietly. Taking a sip of the pop, Scott enjoys the smooth burn of carbonation and the zing the sugar held.

Setting the pop can down beside him, he opens the bag again to pull out the package of jerky. Fumbling a little with the plastic, he manages to get that open too and pulls out a couple pieces. Without saying anything, he offers one to Sapphire. Taking a bite of his own, he chews it slowly, enjoying the flavor. He'd had a little bit when Susanne and Dalton had brought their basket, but he didn't get it nearly as often as he used to. It was a nice treat.

"Thank you." His words were soft, almost hard to hear. He really didn't know what to say... Things had been so severely damaged between him and Sapphire that he really didn't know if they could even carry on a normal conversation. And did he even want to?

His eyes shift back to his sister. "You look good."

Something awful

Now having everyone laughing Ryan can't stop as she still trys to control it. But finally as her sides hurt, and her throat is dry the laughing stops as she still gasps for air. Just laying on her back Ryan look up at the roof until Alec comes into view.

Taking his hand with her own Ryan stands throwing him a smile and shaking her head wiping he tears from her eyes.

"Oh man....I'm ok....I think. But nothing saying a I wont break out in hysteria when Roth sees his car. Oh Man...sorry about that we can all get back to work now I..."

Ryan chuckles a little again before shaking her head and looking at her brother.

"...I'm ok now. I think..but put the picture away before I lose it again."

Slipping his arm around Dani's shoulder Dalton lets her rest on him. He understood what she said about it just not feeling empty here. It was something different out of her norm and would help her.

"You don't need to call you brother. I...I called him last night to let him know you might not be in today. He said it was no problem."

Cocking his head a little to look Dani in the eyes Dalton smiles hopping she wouldn't be mad.

"I hope you don't mind I did that. I figured you might not get a lot of sleep and I wasn't sure when we would wake. So I though I better call him than."

Taking a deep breath at her brother short greeting Sapphire steps closer and sits down next to him.

"Good Morning Scott. I missed ya something awful so I though I might come and see you."

Fidding for a moment Sapphire wasnt sure what to say. How are you didn't seem right. How is it here well she probably already new what he would say. How was the weather she new. She just wasn't sure the words to use.

Holding the bag out to Scott Sapphire smiles. She was proud of what she had brought for her brother. She only hopped he still liked it.

"I brought you a few cans of Mountain Dew, some beef jerky, and Dalton gave me some of his classical music along with a little cd player for you."

Thinking again for a long moment if nothing else happened, if Scott wanted to talk no more there was one thing she wanted him to know. She wanted to make sure he new how much she still cared.

"I love you Scott...very much!"

Go on

Justin looks up and smiles at Sapphire, picking himself up off the ground. "Hey there, Sapphire. Good morning."

Studying her nervous eyes for a moment, he instinctively sets a hand on her shoulder for just a moment to try and get her to relax. "Come on. Scott's outside. He's had a good morning so far."

Leading the way, a prayer runs through Justin's mind as he walks. He almost always followed his instincts, as he was doing today. But when logic and instincts didn't match, it always made him question himself no matter how many times his gut proved right.

Reaching the bench on the edge of the grassy yard, Justin realized they were approaching Scott's blind side. Rather than risk startling him too badly, he speaks before they've arrived. "Hey, Scott. Jenny said you were up and at 'em. Almost didn't believe her." He sees Scott turning his head, but knows Sapphire is still just out of his line of vision. "I brought a visitor with me this morning."

Scott had just been ready to answer Justin's greeting, when the news of a visitor puts him on edge. Quickly turning his head all the way around, he sees Sapphire. And his heart almost stops.

Justin closes the distance, making sure Sapphire didn't hang behind. "Figured we could take a break from games today."

Scott swallows hard and looks up at Sapphire before dropping his gaze back to the ground. Heat crawls up his neck and into his face. Why had Justin brought her here? Had Sapphire asked to come or had Justin asked her? What was the reason? What was the motive? Scott wanted to run. He wanted to hide. But he knew that this time he couldn't. He was trapped. Eventually, he quietly greets both of them. "Hi."

Justin nods Sapphire to the space beside Scott on the bench, his eyes seeming to say, "Go on."

Having Dalton take her hand, Dani looks up at him, her eyes dark and lacking the light they usually held. She gives his hand a squeeze back though, mustering up a little smile. "I might stay here for a while," she agrees softly. "Even though I'll be alone, it doesn't feel as empty here."

She sighs deeply and leans her head over to rest on his shoulder. "I need to call Carson... I was supposed to be at work in fifteen minutes."

Alec and Leo both laugh as they see the poster Eli presents, both agreeing it was absolutely perfect. Not only were the colors feminine but the design was something a little girl would get excited over. The whole thing was one big slap to Roth's masculinity.

As Ryan bursts into laughter and falls to the ground, the other guys all exchange glances, and stare at her blankly at first. It wasn't rare to see Ryan laugh, but to have her laughing uncontrollably was something fairly new. No matter how bizarre though, the laughter is contagious. First it's Eli who starts to laugh more, just because Ryan is. Then Alec starts to snicker, followed by Leo.

Soon all of them are so shook up that no one can work and all they can do is hold their aching sides and wipe the tears from their eyes. Eventually, it's Alec that wanders over to Ryan, the humor still glistening in his eyes. Reaching a hand down, he offers to help her up. "You alright there?"


Death by Laughter

Ryan's face stayed completely straight as her eyes scanned the posted and than back to the car, going back to the posted to the car again and than back to the poster picturing it in her mind.

Finally not being able to keep it back any longer her eyes dance and her lips curl up into a large smile. A rouring laughter coming from her lips soft at first, and than more and more. Dropping the sander she was holding she falls back on her butt. Bringing her legs up to her chest and leaning her head on her knees she looks up a few times her laughter still ringing loud and clear as tears form in her eyes.

"Eli....you....oh oh oh....your a genius....Oh my..."

Ryan can't stop her laughter as it still rings out loud and strong looking Alec, than Leo, back to Eli and than the posted again making her laugh even more as she gasped for air.

Feeling the warmth that been on top of him move Dalton's eyes crack open a little getting use to the sun that streamed in the window before opening them all the way seeing Dani turn the corner and go into the bathroom. Not wanting to get up and startle her Dalton stays on the couch closing his eyes again until she comes back.

As the couch movies again and Dani sits down Dalton's eyes open again as he sits up a little giving her a smile. He new she must be tired, and he hated having to go to work today and leave her alone but he hoped she would be ok.

"Hey there lovely. I was thinking I could make some breakfast for us before I go to work."

Sitting up more Dalton reaches out and takes Dani's hand giving it a gentile squeeze.

"If you don't want to go home you can stay here while I am at work I don't mind."

Pulling into the parking lot and shutting the engine off on her car Sapphire just sits for a long moment. Her stomach was a ball of nerves, and she couldn't help but wonder if this was really a good idea. Being rejected by her brother once again would be something she couldn't bear.

Catching sight of Justin though Sapphire new he was waiting for her so she had to ad least try. Taking hold of the bad next to her that contained some Mountain Dew and Jerky . Wondering over to Justin Sapphire sticks her hands in her pockets still holding the bag. Trying her best to give a smile her new it would probably still clear she was nervous.

"Good Morning Justin!"

Hello Kitty

With the dust starting to cloud around the group, Eli passes out some protective glasses and masks, grinning at his sister's question. "You wanna know really bad, don't you?" His eyes dance along with his teasing tone, knowing that all three of the others were dying to know just what he was planning.

Interrupted for a moment, he turns and ambles back out to Ryan's car, bringing back with him a rolled up poster.

Alec tosses Ryan a rag as requested, though his eyes bounce back to Eli, curious as to what the poster was for.

Eli slips the rubber bands off and unrolls the poster to reveal the artwork of Hello Kitty. He would use the poster as his guide and paint the design freehand. It wouldn't be hard. "I'm thinking... right on the hood. With flowers down both sides." He looks up to see the others' reactions. "I got stencils for the flowers so someone can help with those. And... the base will be pink."

Dani's eyes crack open to find the living room filled with a dim glow. Morning. It was early yet, but her body was used to getting up early to go to Mom and Pop's. She wouldn't be today though. Her eyes burned and she felt as if she'd been run over by a dump truck.

The night had been long. Every time she'd finally fallen asleep, her dreams had eventually turned into nightmares that brought her a fresh supply of tears as she'd shook from fright. But every time, she had found herself still in Dalton's arms as he coaxed her through the night hours. He had never left her - still on the couch with her even now.

Swallowing, it feels like Dani had bricks in her throat. Her eyes were on fire and even the dim light made them hurt even more. Even though she was exhausted, she didn't want to sleep anymore... she wanted a break from the shadowy dreams.

Knowing that she would probably wake Dalton, but being careful anyway, Dani slides over him to get off the couch. Shuffling slowly down the hallway, she aims for the bathroom to splash some cold water on her face and rinse her mouth. She runs her wet hands through her hair a couple times too, though looking in the mirror, it was obvious that it didn't matter much what she did. She looked about as terrible as she felt with her eyes so puffy and dark.

After a few moments, she makes her way back into the living room to ease down on the end of the couch, sitting with her hands in her lap. Dalton needed to go to work. Which meant she needed to go home. She found she had no motivation though. It was amazing what one small discovery could do to her mind and soul. She was no different than she had been two days ago. But she felt different. Marred. Broken.

Bending forward, she leans on her knees and rests her face in her hands. She didn't even know how to begin the day.

"Morning, Jenny."

Jenny looks up and smiles as she sees Justin leaning on her desk. "Good morning. Here for Scott, I assume."

"Mm-hmm. Is he up today."

"He is. Took a little doing to get him out of bed, but I got a slice of toast and half a glass of orange juice in him before he went outside."

"Good. He go out to wait for me?"

"That's what I gather." Jenny gives him a little smirk. "If I were him, I'd be out there on time every day from now on just so I don't get dragged out there."

Justin's mouth curls into a grin. "Me too. Thanks." Leaving the greeting area, Justin heads out through the other door, looking off to where he and Scott usually met. Sure enough, he saw a slouched figure sitting on the bench. But Justin doesn't go to him yet. Instead, he turns and goes back to the parking lot, easing down to sit on the curb and wait for Sapphire. They would go to Scott together this morning.

Picking up a pebble to roll between his fingers, he looks up to the gathering clouds in the sky. A slight breeze blew, and the weather looked far from menacing, but perhaps some rain would come later. If only he could predict Scott like he could the weather. He really had no idea how Scott would react to seeing his sister. Justin was going out on a limb with this one, even if he portrayed confidence to Sapphire. He loved a challenge, and if Scott reacted poorly, he'd have something to work on. He just didn't want Sapphire getting caught in the crossfire. She'd been through enough and if anything happened, Justin would be to blame.


Once inside with the other Ryan follows her brothers lead and starts to sand down one side of the car. She'd never been no to make the cars look nice she only made them run. So when her brother said it didn't have to be prefect she was happy for that.

Looking up every now and than to watch the other two Ryan kept herself ready to pounce if need be. The last thing she wanted was one of them to leave a bloody mess. Seeing they were ok though Ryan throws a look at her brother and than goes back to work.

"Eli...what are you painting on this thing anyways? Keep in the dark to much and we wont know what we are helping with and it come out like a mush of stuff."

Glancing over at the pain though she had no idea what would be on the car Ryan new it had to be good with all the colors he had. She couldn't help but let her own mind run away with her at the possibilitys.

"Alec can you throw me one of those extra rags to whip this dust off."

Giving a nod into Carson's chest Misty's eyes grow tired and start to close even though the movie was still playing on. Carson was to comfortable not to fall asleep on top of him.

"Yeah I'll go see her. I've been wanting to bring some books I promised she could barrow anyways. So it will be good killing two birds with one stone."

One last squeeze to Carson as a hug and Misty's arms stay around him but go slightly limp proving the tiredness had taken over finally and she was dead to the world.

Don't even

"Hey, yeah, would you?" Carson liked the idea of Misty at least checking on Dani tomorrow since he wouldn't be able to until later. "Even if she doesn't want to go out just make sure she's okay... maybe feel her out and see what really happened. I got the idea from Dalton that things still weren't real clear."

He tightens his arm a little bit, feeling her nuzzle into him. He was glad to know that she enjoyed being with him as much as he did her. He couldn't imagine a day going by without having her with him. How he had ever taken it for granted before, he never would know.

"Yeah, okay." Alec stops from saying anymore when Ryan kisses him. A grin quirks his mouth. "Mmm... tell me that again." Receiving another kiss, he returns it, enjoying it way too much for the short amount of time they had. For when Eli and Leo drive by, it's back to work.

Heading across town, Eli chooses side streets, finally winding up on a back road that would taken them straight to Mark's big shed. It wasn't quite out in the country, but it was far enough away from busy streets that no one should suspect a thing.

Parking Ryan's car, Eli and Leo exit. Eli heads to the sliding door, but is surprised to find it locked. Turning to Leo, he throws him a look of question. "I thought Mark said it would be open."

"He did. Then he called me a couple hours ago and told me he forgot to keep it unlocked. So he gave me this." Leo holds up a key.

Eli gives a little chuckle. "So that's why you came? Because you knew we couldn't get in?"

"Nah. I knew you had Alec. If you couldn't get in, he could. Though I'd rather use a key than risk breaking Mark's lock."

"Then... why did you come?"

Leo gets the door unlocked but pauses, looking back at Eli. "Maybe I decided my pride wasn't worth it." Turning away, he slides the door open and waves to Ryan to drive Roth's car inside. Flipping on the lights, it illuminates the large metal shed, used as a garage, storage place and more. Dirt floors, metal walls and ceiling and plenty of lighting. It was perfect.

Once everybody was standing around, Eli rubs his hands together. "Okay.... we gotta sand this baby down... quick and dirty job. Nothing fancy. Just grind her enough so we can get a fresh coat of paint to stick. Tools are in Ryan's car."

As all four pitch in, they wind up back in the garage with some of the tools needed - Eli would be bringing more tomorrow. For now, they would work an hour or two then go home.

Getting everything in place, Leo and Alec wind up side by side, accidentally bumping into each other. Alec turns sharply and falls back out of habit, ready to swing first if need be. But Leo doesn't flinch. His eyes meet Alec's head-on. "Don't even try it."

Alec hadn't expected such a strong response and his surprise defuses his temper enough that he leaves it be, going around to the other side of the car. Leo uncoils an extension cord, minding his own business now to the side.

I know

Giving another nod to Leo before going around to the other side of the car and getting in with Alec Ryan buckles up. Cracking the window a little it smelled horrible on the inside, about the same as how Roth smelled if you got to close. Alcoholic and cigarettes, it made Ryan's stomach churn.

Once the car starts moving though the air flow was nice and some of the smell cleared out so when they stopped again it wasn't as bad. Turning a little in her seat to see Alec Ryan thinks for a moment on his comment about Leo. She'd known him for a long time even before they dated, Leo had been there when she started working quite a few years back so she got to know him pretty well.

"Leo might be upset with us still, and not have to many great conversations yet, but its not a snitch ether. He's got good reason to hate Roth as much as the next person. I'm pretty sure he's good on this one."

Leaning over and giving Alec a kiss she smiles a little before returning again for another kiss in the spare time they had. Catching Eli and Leo though pass in there car Ryan moves back to her seat throwing a look at Leo before watching them up ahead again.

Wrapping her arms a little tighter around Carson Misty burys her head into his chest a little more. Hearing about Dani she felt bad for her sister in law but she was happy she had someone like Dalton to take care of her when she needed it.

"Dalton's a little rough around the edges but she in good hands with Dalton. He has a real soft spot for Dani. It's nice to know she has someone like that."

Misty moves her head a little bit to look up at Carson's face giving him a soft smile. She been lucky the day she met Carson though it had been a little rough at the start she was please now how things turned out and the love shone so true in her eyes.

"If you want I had off tomorrow, I can go visit her in the afternoon. Maybe she'd like to get out for ice cream or something."

Up and up

"I don't know." Carson closes his eyes and runs a hand absentmindedly through Misty's soft hair. "That was Dalton. Dani's with him and she had some sorta meltdown. Something about remembering the past."

He pauses, not liking it that his own mind was now revisiting a past he had moved beyond and tried to forget. "There was stuff I know she didn't remember about our dad... I'm just worried that it's cropped up now for some reason. If she now remembers him slapping Mum or our sister around, it might be kinda tough. She was pretty young at the time."

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly in a sigh. "If she doesn't come to work tomorrow, I'll go see her after hours."

Looking up a little to see that Dalton had returned to the couch, his words don't register very well. Even so, it didn't matter. Pulling herself up, she crawls to his side of the couch and nuzzles into him again, letting him get comfortable too until she was back lying mostly on top of him, her head resting against his chest. It would always be the most comfortable spot to her... feeling his breath... hearing his heartbeat. There was something soothing about it and right now, that's all she wanted.

Once the blanket is over them, she lets the warm surround her as she tries to calm her still-racing heart. Though her sobs had ceased, another little tears slips out. Sleep wasn't going to come easily, but maybe if Dalton held her long enough, she'd at least feel better. She had to, right?

Alec is still holding the tarp, his eyes narrowing a little at Leo for throwing it at him. Hearing Ryan's bid for him to turn the lights off though, he gives her a little nod. "Alright..."

As the engine roars to life, Eli has the garage door open and the lights go off. Leo looks back at Ryan studying her eyes in the dim light. He doesn't smile, though he doesn't seem upset either. "Yeah well... gotta start somewhere, right?"

His response didn't seem to fit her thanks, but he knew she would understand what he meant. It had taken a lot for him to come tonight. But he was here now and willing to help for the sake of getting back at Roth for some pretty dirty stuff.

"Alec, lets go!" Eli waves him over to the car. "You and Ryan get out of here. Leo, stay here and help me cover up the replacement car."

Alec slides past Leo, throwing him a look before getting in the car. Waiting for Ryan to join him, he puts the car in gear and slowly pulls out of the garage, keeping the headlights off. Stopping to watch and make sure Eli was getting inside with the other car, he has Ryan open up the gate and it's within minutes that they're on the road and pulling off into a side alley to wait for Eli and Leo to take the lead.

Sitting and waiting, Alec finally looks over to Ryan, his eyes seeming to say he was unsure about something. "You think Leo's on the up and up? I mean... he said he wasn't gonna come, and now he just shows up out of the blue?" He didn't ask specifically, but part of him did wonder if Leo had something up his sleeve to get back at either him or Ryan.

In the meantime, Eli and Leo get the other car into the garage, covered up just as if it were Roth's, and are back out of the shop, locking it behind them. As they make their way across the lot again, Eli spots the dog that appeared to be tempted to run them off.

"Hey, puppy... not tonight." He still had a small sliver of steak left, and throws it to the dog as one last distraction. In a few days, he'd have to bring something else when they brought Roth's car back.

Out the gate, locked up and to Ryan's car, Eli and Leo get in and Eli starts the engine. Doing a u-turn in the street, he heads by the alley and flashes the lights for Alec and Ryan to follow.


Dalton gives a small laugh at the mention of Carson ripping his limbs off though it was to quiet for anyone to really hear. Giving a nod and standing Dalton felt good he had Carson's respect. It made having a relationship with Dani so much better.

Hanging up the phone Dalton takes the blankets and pillows back out into the living room. Giving a smile to Dani. Moving around a little Dalton positions himself comfortable on the couch.

"You can come snuggle with me if you like and I can throw this blanket over us, or I can come to you what ever your more comfortable with."

Dalton waits to unfold the blanket to see if Dani would come to him or he would go to her. HE just wanted to make sure she was comfortable with whatever, thats what was important to him is her being comfortable right now.

Leaning up as Carson slids under her again Misty moves her head a little to nuzzled into his chest and get comfortable one more. It didn't take long just about anyway her layed with Carson was comfortable.

"Is everything ok?"

Hearing his comment made her worry a little something was wrong. Than again it did always seem like there was something. Misty just wanted to make sure Carson was ok too.

Seeing the keys come twords her Ryan's quick reflex catch them as she glances down at the set of keys and than back up at Leo again. Confustion was laced in her eyes as to why Leo was helping them but she has no more time to ask anything else as Leo pushes by them.

Turning around and quirking an eyebrow at Alec and Eli Ryan could see they were just as confused. But Leo was here now and it seemed like he was going to help them might as well not fill the air with questions now. Still holding the key Ryan gives a nod to Alec.

"Alec can you shut off the lights before helping Eli with the door. Last thing we want is someone to see the lights on and wonder whats up. I'll get this car started."

Going over to Roth's car Ryan looks at it for a long moment before popping the hood on it. Not many races kept the engines in there cars when they weren't racing but she didn't think Roth was that smart. Looking everything over and making sure it was ok Ryan closes the hood before getting into the car and firing it up.

Getting out of the car once again Ryan new Alec would be driving and she would ride shot gun. Looking over the top of the car though to see Leo Ryan just looks at him for a long moment before finally talking to him.

"Thanks Leo..for the key. It helped out a ton."


Carson sighs and thinks for a long moment before he relents. "Okay..." He could tell that Dalton was serious... about Dani's condition and about his feelings for her. Carson had no reason not to trust him. "Alright... just... call me tomorrow, okay? I'll be at Mom and Pop's, but call me anyway. I want to know how she is."

He starts to wander back towards the living room. "And Dalton... you take good care of her, ya hear? Harm one hair and so help me, I'll tear your limbs out." He pauses, serious about his words, but knowing deep down that they weren't needed. "Thank you for letting me know about this... if she thinks I'll be upset with her not coming to work or something, tell her it's fine and I'm fine with it."

Ending the call, Carson slips his phone back into his pocket and goes back into the living room. Finding Misty stretched out over his spot, he simply pulls her up, lies down and pulls her back down on top of him, wrapping his arms around her. "Mmmm.... if it's not one thing, it's another, isn't it?"

Leo's face showed little expression as he looks around at the other three, his eyes eventually landing on Ryan as her unanswered question hangs in the air. "Figured you'd need these." He tosses a set of keys in her direction, knowing she'd catch them.

Eli's eyebrows rise even more. "Roth's keys? How did you-"

"Don't ask." Leo hooks his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans - the ones with the holes in the knees and paint splatter. His t-shirt was an older one too... it looked like he was ready to work.

Eli doesn't let the awkward silence linger for too long. "So, um... okay. Are you... sticking around?"

Moving a little closer, Leo's eyes narrow as he studies first Eli, then Alec, then Ryan. It was plain to see that he was very much in control of this situation. Had he already called the cops? Was he being tailed here? Did he have some hidden motive? His eyes pierce Ryan's with force they'd never held before... force not held back by fear or timidity.

All of a sudden though, his shoulders relax and he walks past Eli, shouldering past Ryan too. "I couldn't let you guys have all the fun, now could I?" he comments casually. Going for Roth's car, he gives the tarp a hefty yank, revealing that it was indeed the car they wanted. Rolling up the tarp, he throws it at Alec. "Here."

Eli looks to Ryan and blinks then shrugs. He was baffled, but he wouldn't turn down help. "Um... I guess you need to get that thing started. Somebody come help me with the door."


Snicking and shaking her head Ryan lets Alec get to work as she stands back keeping an eye out for anyone and for the dog. Once the lock was popped Ryan stays close and follows her brothers lead. Hearing the comment about Alec being needed Ryan whispers.

"I need you for the exalint kissing matches, but technically that means I need YOU for that."

Shaking her head again Ryan continues to follow them inside. Taking her own flash light she scans the area slowly and than the bay doors making sure there was no security system on them. Roth and his buddy's where dumb enough to put one on those but not the door itself so it was better to be safe than sorry.

Once finished checking that Ryan starts to make her way to the car at the end with the tarp on it. She new Roth's car better than anyone so it would only make sense she should check it. But as the lights turn on Ryan stops dead in her tracks her heart starting to race not sure what was going on at first.

Seeing Leo though a thousand thoughts ran through her mind. Why was he here? She new Eli had asked him to come along to start with be he had turned it down. Was he here now to get back at them for good and turn them in to the cops.

Not knowing what else to do Ryan takes a few steps twords Leo. Her hands sliding into her hoodie along with the flash light she had. She didn't want it to come out the wrong way but no matter how it said anything it would probably sound wrong. She could only hope Leo didn't take it that way.

"Leo, what...what are you doing here?"

A smile forms on Angelica's face at Reese's comment as her heart started to race a little. Not totally sure what he ment but at the same time subconsciously knowing it just made her heart race even more.


Before being able to reply at all Reese's hand slips from her as the waitress comes over. Picking up her own menu she find quickly what she would like before giving her, her order. Once left along again her eyes still sparkled as she looked to Reese again giving a soft chuckle.

"We were talking about being happy."

Hearing the worry tone in Carson's voice Dalton new he'd be worried and couldn't blame him. He more than likly be worry himself. Not to mention this way his little sister they were talking about. All Dalton could do was reassure him it was ok.

"Oh...umm...break down is the wrong word...she just cried a lot, and was shaking a little. But but...she settled down now, and she's not crying anymore. You don't need to come over, I don't think its that bad. Unless you really think you should...but...I...I'm pretty sure its not necessary."

Dalton hated his lack of finding the right words to say something. It made this whole thing and trying to explain everything to Carson just that much harder. But one thing he new for sure and it was that sentience that had no confusion laced to it and the words were strongly spoken.

"Carson...I love your sister, and I have a great deal of respect for you. If I though she wouldn't be ok, I'd be on the way to the hospital with her already. I promise you she is alright. If anything changes you will be the first one I call...ok?"

Uh oh

Angelica's response surprised Reese just a little bit. A casual answer would have suited him just fine, but just like his question had had more to it than what he'd said, so too did her response have a lot more behind it than just her words.

The color in Angelica's cheeks was mirrored in Reese's own, though he doesn't back away. He kept her hand in his, just looking into her eyes for what seemed to be much longer than a moment. "Maybe you'll get your wish," he replies softly.

"Well, what can I get you folks?"

Reese retreats as the waitress comes, ready to take their orders. His hand slips from Angelica's and he clears his throat, scanning the menu after having totally forgotten what he wanted. Finally finding it, they're able to ask for what they wanted before the waitress leaves them once more.

Reese grins and takes a sip of his water. "Now where were we?"

Dani doesn't resist being picked up and placed on the couch again. Curling up in the corner, she closes her eyes and nestles into the cushions to wait for Dalton to come back.

A few more tears escape and she sniffs, but is comforted, knowing that she won't have to be alone tonight. Even though the nightmare was from the past, knowing she was safe from harm now was important to her.

Carson had been close to dozing off at his end of the couch when his phone started buzzing in his pocket. Frowning, he wondered who on earth would be calling him now. Answering it, he puts a hand over his other ear to block out the sound of the television.

It was odd having Dalton call him and he was immediately on edge. Then hearing about Dani, a chill runs down his spine. He opens his mouth to reply, but has to wait until Dalton is through. While Carson did find it mildly humorous that Dalton would think of him coming to beat him up, he bypasses the kidding around.

"What do you mean a breakdown?" His mind races. The past? Their father? His face pales. Oh, Dani... was there more than even he knew about?

Rising, he leaves the couch to Misty and goes into the kitchen where it was quieter. "I... that's fine she's with you and I'll make do without her in the morning if she doesn't feel like coming in. But... well are you sure she's okay?"

Worry courses through him. He hadn't thought of their past together since right after finding Dani again. It had all been washed away... forgotten... ignored. He had known that Dani didn't remember anything, but he hadn't expected this. "I mean, do I need to come over? How bad is it?"

Alec's mouth is open to interrupt, when Ryan's final statement brings his thoughts to a halt. He quirks one eyebrow and cocks his head. "Miss McKade... are you bribing me?"

"Chocolate cake..." Eli mumbles to himself wondering what on earth the significance of that was. However, from the tone in his sister's voice and the look that was being passed between those two, he didn't trust it to be anything more than a blatant flirt at the least, and an invite for making out at the most. Either way, all he can do is roll his eyes. "We're running out of time, guys... either quit making eyes at each other and get over here, or go home."

"Sounds to me like going home might be more exciting," Alec quips, his eyes still on Ryan. Returning the fiery stare, he finally glances back to the dog who was still busy eating at the moment. "Alright, fine. But if I come away with another dog bite, I'll never forgive either one of you."

Approaching the gate with the lock, he keeps a sharp eye on the dog, throwing Eli only a sidelong glance. "And you don't get any cake, just for not telling me about this little watchdog."

Suddenly it clicks. Eli crosses his arms. "I didn't get any the last time either."

Alec's head snaps up and a grin spreads on his face, but he doesn't reply. Instead, he sets to work on the lock, retrieving a couple little tools from his pocket to help him along. It takes him less than a minute and the padlock has popped open. "There you go." He swings the gate open and gestures to Ryan. "After you. I wanna see if the dog is still hungry."

Thankfully, all three are able to make it in without incident from the busy dog. Eli brings the one car in too before shutting the gate in case anybody drove by. Within minutes, the three are at the door of the garage and Alec is working on that lock too. This one takes him a little longer, but soon enough, it clicks and they're in.

Eli shakes his head and grins. "I knew I picked the right person."

Alec smirks a little. "One of these days, someone will actually want me because of me and not because of what they need from me."

Eli gives him a little shove into the garage, motioning for Ryan to come inside with them. Everything was pitch black and it takes several moments for their eyes to adjust. The could just make out the shapes of several cars and tool benches. Eli pulls out a flashlight and scans the room as they make their way to the last bay where there was a car under a tarp. "That's gotta be it. Ryan, check it out and make sure, would you? I'll see if we can get this bay door open. We're gonna have to hotwire the thing as long as we get everything back where it's supposed to be when we return it."

Before anybody can go any further though, the garage is suddenly flooded with light. Spinning around, Eli and Alec freeze as a form walks between the cars coming towards them. But as the surprise newcomer reaches halfway, he stops and puts his hands on his hips.

Eli's eyes widen. Was Leo here to blow the whistle? Call the cops? Try to get them not to do this? Confront Alec? The silence was deafening.


Chocolate Cake and Whipcream

A smile still on her face Angelica looks across the table her head cocked slightly. Her eyes sparkled in the streams of light that came in through the window. Only giving it thought for a moment Angelica thought about how she felt around Reese, and how it was different then before she had met him.

Since spending more time with him and taking a little of her sister advise she smiled more, laughed, and felt more alive than she had. Though sometimes work was there topic of choose there was just something there now between them that was nice and it felt good.

"Yeah, I am happy. It's nice having someone there to lean on, and look forward to seeing. For being my first serous relationship I am happy..and hopefully my only."

Angelica's cheeks turn a slight shade of red as she can feel the heart crawling up her neck and into her cheeks.

Just continuing to hold Dani Dalton rocks a little with her in a lulling manor his head still rested on hers just letting her cry as long as she needed and not trying to stop her. His arms tightly around her being her shelter and the protection she needed.

Letting Dani nuzzle into him more Dalton's arm goes over her lap holding her ever so close to him almost hoping he could take the pain away for her even though he new he couldn't. Hearing her request Dalton doesn't even hesitate in his answer.

"You don't have to be, You can stay here, and we can cuddle on the couch."

Not knowing how much longer he sat there with Dani and held her Dalton finally shifted a little bit standing but still not letting go of Dani as he holds her cradled in his arms as he stood up. Turning to the couch he gently sets her down sitting on the edge next to her.

Reaching out and brushing some of the matted hair from her eyes Dalton gives her a soft smile his thumb running over her cheek.

"I'm going to get some pillows and a blanket. It wont take me long. I'll be back in a flash."

Standing and heading into his bedroom Dalton grabs on of the pillows from his bed and the blanket that lied at the end. Turning to go back to Dani he stops remember she had said something about work in the morning. He'd wanted to call Carson to let him know what happened with Dani anyways maybe he should mention he maybe not making it to work in the morning too.

Reaching for the phone on his nightstand Dalton dials Carson's number and waits for a long moment till he hears Carson's voice.

"Hey Carson its Dalton. I just wanted to let you know that Dani had some kind of break down of some sorts. I guess something had been bothering her all day, and than tonight she had a dream and she remembered some stuff from her past he mind had blocked out that had to do with your father. She's ok just pretty shook up and didn't want to be alone so I said I'd stay with her. I just thought I'd call you and let ya know one because your her brother and should know, two I did want you to know she had spend the night here and try to pound my face in because I'd hate to have to hurt you, and three I don't know if she will be in any shape to come into work in the morning or not."

Dalton gives a little snicker at his own humor about Carson knocking his block off, not sure if he would laugh or not but he had to try and make light of the situation some how.

Sitting in the car with Alec and receiving his kiss Ryan can't help the smirk that cross her face. The farthest she had ever gone to breaking any kind of law was her racing, but now doing this with Eli and Alec she had to admit there was something thrilling to it.

Her hand finds the back of his head as she returns the kiss not stopping till she hears her brother knock on the window. Pulling away and giving a grin Ryan winks before getting out of the car and joining her brother Alec not far behind. Scanning the area she gives a nod, everything looked good so far.

Not knowing the dog was there herself it makes Ryan jump and back up a few feet. Looking at Alec and than her brother it was clear he had let Alec out of the loop on this one too. She didn't mind dogs but she had to admit this was did look rather mean and might tear anyone's leg off.

Just listing to her brother and Alec go back and forth Ryan stands with her arms crossed finding this whole thing a little crazy and humorous in a way though she wouldn't let Alec know that. As Eli pulls out the steak though Ryan's eyes widen a little. That was one of the steaks she had just bought for a nice dinner for Alec, Eli and herself.

"HEY...I was saving that you know."

Knowing it was to late now Ryan shakes her head her hands now on her hips. Letting out a sigh she watches the dog as he mows down on the steak before looking back at Alec and cocking hear head a little.

"Come on Alec, the dog is busy eating the steak and once he is done he is probably going to be to full to want to eat anything else so you will be in the clear. Not to mention if we get through this would out getting caught there might be some chocolate cake and whip cream for you and me."

Lowering her head a little Ryan looks up at Alec her eyes roaring with a fire in them, and her grine sassier than ever.

One in the same

Reese's eyes move quickly to Angelica's as he feels her foot under the table, and a grin perks up the corner of his mouth as he moves his own foot around in response. "Yeah, well... seems like being around you and happy are one in the same anymore."

Sliding his hand across the table, he takes hers, slowly running his thumb through her palm. "How about you? Are you happy?" His eyes told that it was more than just a general question. He and Angelica went on dates frequently now, even though usually they wound up working or talking about work. But was she happy with how things were going between them?

Continuing to cry, Dani not only clings to Dalton physically, but clings to his words as well, trying with all her might to believe them and not be dragged down by the memories she was now facing. How had this happened? Why now? Why here? She knew that sometimes things like this happened... that one little thing could trigger an avalanche of memories and emotions. But not her... she'd never had this trouble before. It didn't feel good and it was confusing.

Dani didn't know how long she stayed curled on Dalton's lap or how long she wept onto his chest. But it was long enough that exhaustion was quickly taking over. The emotional strain and the effort to cry completely wore her out. Music played in the background... the movie was over... but totally forgotten.

Slowly, slowly, the tears begin to lessen. Not because the pain was any less, but because she just couldn't cry anymore. Sniffing a little, she nuzzles into the crook of Dalton's arm. Her voice was hoarse and quiet. "I... I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Oh, wait, hang on!"

Alec rolls his eyes as Eli heads back into the apartment. "Now what? We gotta get going while the gettin's good."

Eli calls from inside. "Get going then. I'm right behind you."

Alec smirks and slings his arm over Ryan's shoulders, leading the way to her car. "Some plan. We're gonna leave him behind."

"Oh, hush." Eli comes running up to them again, his jacket bulging with whatever it was he'd retrieved from inside. "Ready?"

"What did you get?"

"Just a little treat." Eli aims for a buddy's car that was in the lot. "Come on..."

"Okay... it's right around the corner." Eli's voice crackles through the walkie-talkie as he drove the car in front of Ryan and Alec, both vehicles without their lights on.

Alec fiddles with the walkie and looks out the window, keeping an eye on the surroundings as Ryan drove. "Ah... so this is where it is."

"Pull up to the curb on the opposite side of the street," Eli directs. "Fast getaway if we need it."

Once parked, Alec gives Ryan a sly look before leaning over and kissing her lips. "I'm used to the need to watch my back, and the thrill of the crime... but I must admit... having you in on it presents a whole new element... I think I like it." Returning to her lips, he ignores their surroundings for a moment or two, taking advantage of being in the car with her.

A knock on the window breaks the moment though and Eli stares in at them, hands on hips. "You coming or what?" he whispers hoarsely.

Alec grins at Ryan. "I guess we better go."

Getting out, the night air surrounds them. It was dark at this end of town with only a few street lights about a block away. Everything was quiet, except for the sounds of traffic down at a busier intersection.

The three make their way quietly up to the chain link fence that surrounded the auto garage. The place looked half like an auto shop and half like a junkyard... it seemed to fit Roth's character anyway.

Just as they got to the padlocked gate though, a dog comes out of nowhere, barking and gnashing its teeth as it jumps up against the fence, its hair standing straight up on its back. Eli doesn't move, having known good and well the mutt was there. Alec, however, had been clueless. Giving a jump, he backs up several steps closer to the street, holding his hands up. "Oh no... no, no, no."

"Come on," Eli hisses. "It's just a dog. And I got it covered." He reaches into his jacket and pulls out the steak he'd grabbed from the refrigerator before finally leaving the apartment. "Get back over here."

"No way." Alec shakes his head. "I don't care how many steaks you brought," he hisses. "I'm not going in there!"

"I need you to pick this lock, now come on! You said you'd help!"

"And you didn't say anything about a dog!" Alec's eyes narrow. "You knew he was here, didn't you? And you purposely didn't tell me."

Eli glances to Ryan, then back to Alec, finding way too much humor in this, for the situation they were in. "Aw come on." He stifles a laugh as the dog continues to bark. He had no fear of anyone coming to see what was going on - it was usual for a guard dog to bark at whatever went by, whether it was a person or just a stray cat. Roth's pet wouldn't alarm anybody. The only thing that would alarm someone would be if they had to cut wire or cut the padlock to get inside - then there would be proof of a break-in and this whole scheme would be for naught. "Come on, Alec," he requests again. "Get over here and get us in this place."

"Uh-uh." Alec continues to shake his head and takes another step backward as he stares at the dog's flashing teeth.

Eli sighs and throws the steak over the fence to distract the dog and the barking stops. He looks to Alec once more. "Better?"

"Nope." Alec stands his ground stubbornly. "I don't do dogs."

Eli sighs as the situation becomes less funny and he turns to his sister. "Would you kindly bring your chicken of a boyfriend over here? Either that or we can just call this whole thing off right now and I just wasted a perfectly good steak - which, may I remind you, is halfway gone already."